No 4 (2013)
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7-11 369
There are more than 6000 rare diseases. The low prevalence can create a number of problems including difficulties in obtaining timely, accurate diagnoses; lack of experienced health care providers; useful, reliable and timely information may be hard to find; research activities are less common; development of new medicines may not be economically feasible; treatment is sometimes very expensive. The encouragement of the relevant research and development of guidelines for better prevention, diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases are needed.
12-21 316
The aim of the study is to ground the concept of evidence-based prevention in health care as a component of health care quality and health maintenance in population. Material and methods. We studied publications of experts in clinical epidemiology/evidence-based medicine, as well as in public health/social medicine and health care and Internet-resources of evidence-based medicine. The analysis and synthesis of expert assessment were carried out. Results. The article presents the historical-and-genesis aspects of evidence-based prevention in health care and systematizes its methodological grounds and special information resources. Conclusion. The evidence-based prevention is considered to be both policy and practice of integration of the best evidence available for experts in health care and associated areas, patients and society in whole; it is an important technology of health maintenance and improvement. Cochrane and Campbell`s systematic reviews and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations are a basis for information support for the evidence-based prevention.
21-26 340
The article presents general information about the rational feeding of one-year infants. It covers the advantages of natural breeding, modern approaches to the consequence and terms of prescription of additional nutrition. The practical application of the offered recommendations for nutrition of one-year infants will make it possible to improve the children`s health and decrease the incidence rate.
27-33 429
The application of statins in cardiology aimed at reduction of the risk of cardiovascular problems has noticeably increased over the last years. In this regard, it has been assumed that statins can be effective in the primary and secondary prevention of cerebral infarction and transient ischemic attack. The recent studies have provided contradictory data on the issue, which reduces the assignability of this group of drugs by neurologists. This review covers the characteristic features of statins in angioneurology.
33-40 305
Primary hyperparathyroidism is a common endocrine disorder in adults and asymptomatic hypercalcemia is its typical manifestation. Primary hyperparathyroidism is clinically symptomatic in younger patients who reveal signs of hypercalcemia, skeletal complications and/or nephrolithiasis. In most cases, primary hyperparathyroidism is caused by a solitary benign parathyroid adenoma, rarely by multiple adenomas. The involvement of all the four parathyroid glands, so-called parathyroid hyperplasia, occurs in approximately 10 % cases. Parathyroid carcinoma is exceedingly uncommon (less than 1 %). Surgery is the principal treatment method for most adult patients with primary hyperparathyroidism, apart from the cases associated with hereditary hypocalciuric hypercalcemia.
40-43 279
The review covers the modern aspects of pathogenesis of acute intestinal obstruction, the use of drugs with antioxidant and anti-hypoxic effect in the treatment for the pathology.
43-50 272
Chronic kidney disease takes one of the leading places in general morbidity and mortality rate. Currently, the deterioration in renal function is regarded as a means to accelerate the development of cardiovascular pathology. The article covers the pathogenetic relations between chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease, and their mutual influence on each other`s potentiation. It reflects the modern concept of chronic kidney disease, common risk factors for progression of cardiovascular and renal pathologies and preventive measures against them (reno-and сardioprotection).
50-53 313
The purpose of the study is to determine the main etiological factors of damage of the third branch of the trigeminal nerve and to systematize the data on the prevalence of toxic damage of the inferior alveolar nerve based on the specialized medical literature. Neurostomatological diseases are iatrogenic in 53,6 % of the studied cases. Filling material was found outside the tooth top in 13,8 % cases and considered as a complication after the endodontic treatment. It could provoke paresthesia in 35,3 % cases. The «risk group» consisted of women after endodontic treatment of molars and premolars of the lower jaw.
53-58 314
The traditional view on cardiovascular pathology being the prerogative of the male population of the planet has not justified itself. Cardiovascular diseases also are the main cause of death in the female population, but the risk factors for cardiovascular pathology in men and women essentially differ. The review covers the basic pathogenetic mechanisms of development of cardiovascular pathology, basically, ischemic disease of heart in women.
59-63 333
Endocrine ophthalmopathy (EOP) is an organo-specific autoimmune dysfunction, which can lead to severe functional and psychosocial complications. EOP is the most common and important extrathyroidal pathology in diffuse toxic goiter (DTG, Graves' disease, Basedow’s disease). However, patients can have hypo-or euthyroid state. Women are affected 2.7-5.25 times oftener than men. The average age of EOP patients ranges from 35 to 58.8, although the illness can occur at any age. Numerous synonyms of EOP reflect the diversity of its clinical implications and the lack of clarity of the pathogenesis, clinical picture and treatment approaches. This article presents modern views on the terminology, main etiopathogenetic factors and clinical forms of endocrine ophthalmopathy. Risk factors for EOP development include: severe hyperthyroidism, large size of thyroid gland (> 50 ml), anatomically narrow orbit, high titer of antibodies against the receptor of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), numerous courses of treatment with radioactive iodine. Viral or bacterial infection (retroviruses, Yersenia enterocolitica), stresses, growing chemical and radioactive environmental contamination, etc. may be starting factors in genetically predisposed individuals.
63-66 326
Chronic constipation is a very common disease. Functional constipation, as well as irritable bowel syndrome with constipation, detection of which is based on the interpretation of symptoms, is prone to cover the geterogenic cohort of patients with various etiology of these symptoms. The differential diagnosis of these two diseases is not always possible in medical practice. The specificity of diagnostic instrumental methods available in specialized centers and laboratories stays unclear. The study of the disorder in the line «cerebrum - intestines» can be very perspective in the pathogenesis of functional constipation and syndrome of irritated bowel with constipation.
67-72 364
Objective: to systematize data on anatomical and morphological characteristics of ligaments associated with the sacroiliac joint. Material of the study. Publications containing information on the anatomical and morphological characteristics of the ligaments associated with the sacroiliac joint found in the PubMed resources and the information portal eLIBRARY.RU. Results. We singled out the most important anatomical and morphological features of the ligaments associated with the sacroiliac joint that are relevant in the diagnosis of the causes of lower back pain. Conclusion. To clarify the extent of the relation of the changes occurring in the ligaments associated with the sacroiliac joint to the lower back pain it is advisable to carry on the study on their nature.
72-78 510
The presented lecture is a short chemistry course on biogenic elements studied by medical students of higher schools of Belarus. The theoretical foundations of this topic are basic concepts of biogeochemistry, the science of the relation of the living and non-living matter developed by the academician V. I. Vernadsky in the 1930-s. Special attention was given to the relation of atomic structure, chemical properties and biological functions of chemical elements playing an essential role in life of living systems.
78-83 279
Pain in lower extremities is one of the key symptoms of lumbar radiculopathy. The level of lesion and the severity of compression of the radix are determined by its nature. The severity of pain syndrome is taken into account to make a decision on performance of surgery. The severity of radix pain in radiculopathy was compared with the data of lumbar spine tomography.
83-88 274
The aim was to study cases of pathological deformation of the carotid artery (PD CA) and to determine the age and sex distribution, basic pathomorphological and clinical changes, related diseases and risk factors. Material and methods. The medical records of 175 patients having operated on PD CA were analyzed. The pathomorphological study of carotid artery biopsies received from surgery intervention was analyzed. Results. Women from 50 to 60 more often detected PD CA. Transit ischemic attacks, discirculator encephalopathy and ischemic infarctions were its clinical manifestations. Atherosclerosis, fibromuscular dysplasia and toxic influence were the major causes of PD CA. Kinking is the basic type of PD CA. The pathomorphological changes of PD CA include intimal hyperplasia, unreverse changes of elastic fibers, fibrosis and dystrophy of media’s collagen fibers, adventitial sclerosis. Conclusion. Further pathomorphological studies aimed at the definition of distinctive morphogenesis characteristic for each type of PD CA are needed for more accurate definition of its etiology and pathogenesis.
E. A. Kliuy,
S. N. Tikhon,
V. M. Dechko,
E. V. Kryzhova,
V. F. Vartanian,
K. M. Kovalevich,
Ya. O. Kuznetsov
88-91 326
Objective: to study the topography of blood flow redistribution in dysplasias of the inferior vena cava (aplasia and hypoplasia) and to determine the dependence of the collateral development stage on a level and duration of occlusion. Material and methods: 24 patients with congenital pathology of the inferior vena cava (aplasia and hypoplasia) were enrolled in the study. The contrast enhanced computer tomography was analyzed in dysplasias of the inferior vena cava and the dependence of the collateral development on the level and duration of occlusion was studied. Conclusion. Two variants of the main collateral pathways of the retroperitoneum were singled out: the former with prior role of the ascending lumbar veins in patients with occlusion of the suprarenal section, total and subtotal aplasia of the postcava, the latter in the occlusion of the infrarenal section of the postcava, when the main ways of collateral outflow are left gonand-renal venous system with ascending lumbar veins.
91-95 295
The aim of the study was to determine the condition of the blood oxygen-transport function in patients with arterial hypertension combined with bronchial asthma. 91 patients and 30 healthy individuals were examined. The blood oxygen-transport function was determined on the microaerotonometer «Syntesis-15» (Laboratory USA). The patients with arterial hypertension combined with asthma revealed an increase in oxygen affinity to hemoglobin, oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve shift to the left, an increasing degree of oxygenation of hemoglobin and the oxygen content in the venous blood. We identified the correlations between the parameters of the day monitoring of ambulatory blood pressure and blood oxygen.
95-99 327
We have studied the efficacy of the application of interval normobaric hypoxitherapy in patients with certain chronic diseases. We examined 143 patients in a health home who had underwent the courses of normobaric hypoxitherapy using the device «Hypoxicator MM» produced by Kosmos, Moscow. The results of the study are indicative of high clinical effectiveness of the applied hypoxitherapy due to activation of sanogenesis mechanisms. The present method broadens the treatment means for patients suffering from different chronic diseases with compensation symptom.
A. V. Beliayeva,
I. S. Dorofeyenko,
M. V. Anisovich,
A. K. Vlasenko,
V. B. Sazanov,
V. Yu. Afonin,
V. V. Shilov
99-104 301
Objectives: to analyze the cytogenetic parameters in vivo and in vitro in the administration of Resveratrol and Candesartan Cilexetil in different dosages and combinations. Material and methods. Male C57Bl/6 mice were used for the research. We investigated the molecular-biological parameters in vivo and in vitro and also the number of stem cells with CD117 phenotype (flow cytometry). The statistical analysis of the data was performed using Excel and Statistica. Results. Candesartan and Resveratrol in different dosages and combinations influence the molecular-biological parameters in vivo and in vitro . Candesartan at a dose of 3 mg/kg and its complex application with Resveratrol stimulate the formation of CD117 cells.
104-108 289
Objective: to correct the levels of biogenic amines in the brain of rats having received lead acetate and dinil by Tauzinc. Material and methods. The content of biogenic amines in the brain of rats having received dinil (5 mg/kg) and lead acetate (30 mg/kg) separately and together with Tauzinc was studied by HPLC. Results. Chronic administration of lead and dinil leads to changes in the concentrations of biogenic amines in the midbrain and hypothalamus. The application of Tauzinc led to normalization of the serotonin concentration in the midbrain, as well as the turnover of serotonin in midbrain and the hypothalamus.
A. E. Silin,
V. N. Martinkov,
D. K. Novik,
Zh. M. Kozich,
I. B. Tropashko,
V. K. Shpudeyko,
A. A. Silina,
A. V. Voropayeva,
S. M. Martynenko
108-114 316
The article presents the molecular genetic analysis of the prevalence of somatic mutations in FLT3, NPM1, CEBPA, and p53 genes in a group consisting of 23 patients with myelodysplastic syndrome MDS (option - refractory anemia with excess blasts, RAEB) and 97 patients with acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia (ANLL). It was ascertained that FLT3-ITD mutations in the group of patients with MDS RAEB occur with the prevalence of 8,7 ± 5,9 %, while in the group with ANLL they are observed in 22,7 ± 4,3 % cases. FLT3 D835 mutations were detected only in the ANLL group with the prevalence of 7.2±2.6 %. NPM1 gene mutations were detected in 8,7 ± 5,9 % of MDS RAEB cases and in 21,6 ± 4,2 % of ANLL cases. CEBPA somatic mutations were found in 11,3 ± 3,2 % of ANLL cases, while the group of MDS RAEB was free of them. Mutations in the p53 gene were detected in 17,4 ± 7,9 % of MDS RAEB cases and in 10,3 ± 0,3 % of ANLL cases. All the detected CEBPA and p53 gene mutations were described by means of direct sequencing. The analysis results show that the use of molecular genetic markers in combination with cytogenetic ones makes it possible to expand the group with prognostic markers by 41,3 % in comparison with the use of only cytogenetic data.
114-118 298
Objective: to study the theoretical basis and give the experimental validation of the efficiency of hepatocyte isolation by the method of enzymatic perfusion of the liver. Material and methods. Wistar rats at a mass of 200 g, isolation of hepatocytes by enzymatic perfusion of the liver, light microscopy, assessment of functional cell capacity to synthesize and accumulate glycogen. Results. The article shows the high efficiency of the method of the 2-step adapted enzymatic perfusion of the liver to isolate hepatocytes. The culture of viable hepatocytes with preserved morphological and functional properties was obtained.
118-123 334
Objective: to give an expert assessment of the medical observation of able-bodied patients with arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease in one district covered by therapeutic care. Material and methods. The medical observation of the patients with arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease was assessed by a card-scheme developed by authors in accordance with Instruction on the organization of medical observation of adult population of the Republic of Belarus approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus of 12.10.2007 No. 92 (version of 01.06.2011 No.51). The necessary data were copied from Form N 025/у-07 «Medical card of an out-patient» into the expert card-scheme and transcribed into the electronic data base. A total of 300 medical records of patients with arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease having undergone the out-patient observation at one of the branches of the Gomel Central Municipal Polyclinic (200 patients) and at the polyclinic ward of Petrikov Central District Hospital (100 patients). The statistical interpretation of the study was carried out on a personal computer using «Microsoft Excel», 2011. Results. In the present system of primary medical care, the able-bodied out-patients with blood circulation diseases are paid special attention. Out-patient clinic specialists diagnose the blood circulation diseases, detect the risk factors, conduct regular medical observation and rehabilitation of the patients. The article presents the results of the expert assessment of the observation of the able-bodied patients suffering from arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease in the district covered by therapeutic care. Conclusion. The results of the expert assessment of the patients with blood circulation diseases are indicative of insufficient work with this group of the patients.
123-128 566
Objective: to study the level of anxiety in schoolchildren in the city of Gomel. Material and methods. To study the level and nature of anxiety in schoolchildren, we used the anxiety test of R. Tammpl, M. Dorky, B. Aman, Prichogan`s scale of personal anxiety, Phillips` method. To measure the subjective unpleasantness of various cases, we used the scale of personal anxiety by A. M. Prichogan. Totally 549 schoolchildren participated. Results. According to the received data, high anxiety level is typical for 18,75 % junior schoolchildren, the percentage of senior schoolchildren with high anxiety level makes up more than 30 % (which is determined by a general increase of the school anxiety level), 40 % schoolchildren in their fifth form have school-related fears and problems. Of them, 34 % have difficulties with teachers. Conclusion. The results of our research confirm the fact that the problem of the schoolchildren’s elevated anxiety level is still actual. The causes of this negative emotional state can be not only personal - individual features (gender, age, peculiarities of character and etc), but also peculiarities of background, close environment of the schoolchildren. In this connection the activity of experts when working with schoolchildren with high anxiety level must be differentiated and combined at the same time. The differentiated approach provides effectiveness of psycho-remedial work (considering age, causes and contents of anxiety), and the combined approach shows the necessity of mutual efforts of adults, who are connected to the child (parents, teachers, psychologists, school management etc.) on creating conditions, in favour of the schoolchildren’s emotional development and maintaining their somatic and psychological health.
128-133 263
Aim: to study the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients suffering from mental disorders and being under medical supervision at the Dispensary Ward of the Gomel Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital. Material and methods . The main clinical and epidemiological data of the patients under medical supervision at the Dispensary Ward of the Gomel Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital were studied using the continuous method. Results. About half of the patients under the psychiatric supervision suffered from schizophrenia. Of them, 58 % patients were first registered at the able-bodied age, men under 30 and women over 30 had a higher risk of being put on the record. The part of the patients (10,45 %) were uneducated, more than 85 % patients were unemployed. Almost half (42,6 %) of the patients with permanent disability suffered from schizophrenia.
133-136 291
Objective: to study the tendency of the incidence of blood circulation diseases in the able-bodied population of Gomel over 2001-2011. Material and methods. We used the information materials of the Gomel Regional Department of National Statistics, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. The statistical analysis of the study results was carried out with the use of «Microsoft Excel», 2011. Results. We studied the features of deviations in the levels and structure of the incidence of blood circulation diseases, recorded in medical and preventive institutions. It was established that over the past decade there has been an increase in the sickness rate of blood circulation diseases in the able-bodied population of Gomel. The increase in the number of the patients suffering from blood circulation diseases in Gomel over 2004-2011 was caused by the decrease of the able-bodied population and increase of the number of people older the able-bodied age limit. Conclusion. The increased prevalence of blood circulation diseases calls forth the necessity to develop new organizational approaches to its prophylaxis.
136-140 320
Objective: to analyze the integrated assessment of schoolchildren’s health from definite age groups (6-10, 11-14, 15-18). Material and methods. 952 schoolchildren from schools No. 32, No. 46 took part in the research (500 boys and 452 girls, of them, 364 aged 6-10, 385 aged 11-14, 203 schoolchildren aged 15-18). The primary medical records were analyzed (the history of child development - form #112/у, medical record of a schoolchild - form #026/у, with the account of the planned and additional medical examinations). The statistical data processing was performed with the programs SPSS-13, SPSS-16 using the comparative assessment of criteria distribution. Results. On the assumption of the performed assessment of the schoolchildren’s health we can conclude that 72 % schoolchildren had mid-harmonic physical development, 20.6 % schoolchildren observed disharmonic physical development and 2.4 % revealed high harmonious physical development. Over 2006-2010, the incidence rate of urogenital diseases 1.5 times increased. The incidence rate of musculoskeletal diseases, eye, endocrine, alimentary diseases, blood circulation and blood diseases 2 times increased. The percentage of the schoolchildren being in the first health group 2 times decreased, meanwhile, the percentage of children being in the second and third health groups 1.2 increased. 65.3 % schoolchildren were in the main health group in physical training. 24.9 % schoolchildren were in the preparatory group. The special medical group included 6.8 % schoolchildren. 2 % schoolchildren attended therapeutic physical training group. 1 % schoolchildren were released from physical training classes. Conclusion. The health of schoolchildren in modern conditions is characterized by the increased rate of urogenital, musculoskeletal diseases, eye diseases, blood circulation and blood diseases, endocrine and metabolic, alimentary diseases, also by reduction in the percentage of children being in the first health group.
140-143 288
The article presents the structural and incidental analysis of acute poisonings in in-patients of the toxicological ward during the long period of time
143-147 638
Celiac disease takes an important place among the diseases with impaired intestinal absorption. The variety in the variants of the clinical course of celiac disease in children and adolescents poses significant challenges for its early diagnosis. The untimely prescription for adequate etiotropic treatment worsens the prognosis of the illness, and increases the incidence rate of infertility, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases and cancer.
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