
Health and Ecology Issues

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No 1 (2013)
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7-11 344
This literature review presents the latest data on the biological features of endothelial stem cells, their role in reparative processes in atherosclerosis, as well as prospects for therapeutic angiogenesis.
11-16 394
The pathology of extracranial arteries plays a significant part in the structure of diseases causing cerebrovascular insufficiency. The article deals with the historical aspects of the treatment and study of carotid artery tortuosity. It describes the questions of etiology and assesses the role of different factors in development of the artery tortuosity. The problems of the study of the carotid artery tortuosity prevalence in population and symptomatic patients, terminology and classification aspects are also covered in this review.
16-22 279
The article covers the present-day views about the etiology and pathogenesis of pelvic organ prolapse, classification of risk factors and clinical manifestations of pelvic organ prolapse in women and operative corrective technique for this pathology.
22-29 308
The article considers adequate antithrombotic therapy in acute coronary syndromes, which on the basis of evidence-based medicine makes it possible to significantly reduce mortality in patients. At the present stage, the application of clopidogrel requires its earliest prescription to the patients during their first visit to the doctor with the account of forthcoming percutaneous coronary surgery.
29-35 309
The data of WHO indicate that liver diseases of different etiology are one of the 10 most frequent death causes in the world. Liver transplantation and use of its bioengineered analogs are limited by their high cost and adverse effects of the treatment, as well as by limited availability of donor organs and functional cellular elements. The application of innovative approaches of directed differentiation of mesenchyme stem cells can help overcome the shortcomings of current treatment methods. The present literature review covers the main sources, particularities of differentiation and safety aspects of the application of mesenchymal stem cell in the treatment of hepatic failure.
35-39 305
The authors are presenting the lecture on the topic «Histophysiology of the urinary system organs» in English. The lecture was composed on the basis of foreign textbooks published in English for students of medical colleges and universities.
39-45 389
The problem of studying apoptosis and its relations with various diseases is relevant in both biology and medicine. Apoptosis is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, which arose in the course of evolution since the emergence of multicellular organisms and serves to regulate the natural balance between the birth and death of cells being a necessary condition for the maintenance of homeostasis, and in this way establishes certain relations between individual cells in the whole organism. Due to these relations cells enter different stages of the life cycle: division, growth, development, differentiation, aging and death. Apoptosis is a common general biological mechanism responsible not only for maintaining constant number of cells, forming, culling of defective cells, but also for the development of various pathological conditions of individual cells, systems, and body as a whole.
45-51 341
Every year there are nearly nine million new cases of tuberculosis and about two million people die of the disease. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis and it is transmitted from one person to another aerogenically. The disease can be cured: the minimal treatment course lasts for 6 months. Chemotherapy consists of a combination of several anti-tuberculosis drugs. However, a lot of patients are not able to finish their therapy by different reasons. In this review, we analyzed the main groups of factors that influence insusceptibility to chemotherapy. We selected the most important and successful ways to eliminate them.
51-57 287
The article covers the questions of etiology and pathogenesis of climacteric syndrome.


58-63 339
The search of risk predictors for cardiac mortality is one of the most actual problems in modern research medicine. The application of heart rate turbulence (HRT) is currently one of the methods of sudden cardiac death prognosis. The HRT method is based on assessment of the ability of rhythm independent regulation systems (first of all, baroreflex system) for fast compensation of the intracardiac haemodynamic changes caused by ventricular violations of heart rhythm. The concept of the HRT method was first introduced to the medical community by George Schmidt and his colleagues from the Munich University of Technology in 1999. George Schmidt’s research team suggested two HRT characteristics: turbulence onset (TO) and turbulence slope (TS). TO is a rate of sinus rhythm acceleration following VE, and TS is an intensity of sinus rhythm deceleration. The values TO < 0 % and TS > 2.5 mc/RR are generally considered as normal, therefore TO > 0 % and TS < 2.5 mc/RR are abnormal. The sinus rhythm acceleration following a short-term heart rate decrease is considered as a physiological response to VE. The article presents the analysis of the turbulence parameters in patients with arterial hypertension and the study of the possible changes of TO and TS associated with severe arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction, and also present stable stenocardia of tension. The interrelation of heart rate turbulence with other known risk factors of sudden death (heart rate variability, circadian profile of a heart rhythm, quantity ventricular extrasystole) is described.
63-70 380
Ascariasis is one of the most common and severe parasitic infections and now as many as a quarter of the world's population are infected. According to the data of World Health Organization (WHO) up to 90 % of the world population have been reported to be infected with parasitic diseases irrespective of their life quality level. Ascariasis is most prevalent in the Middle East countries, India, Africa, North America, New Zealand, Australia, Turkey, Northern Europe. We have analyzed the treatment of the ascariasis surgical complications of the abdominal cavity in 71 patients having been operated from 2002 to 2005 in the Surgery Department of Al-Nasr Hospital, the town of Ibb, Yemen. In all the cases the surgery was supplemented with antiparasitic Albendazole chemotherapy. The dynamics of the process was controlled by analyzing the morphological data.
70-74 338
The present work analyzes the records of perinatal and infant autopsies of 25 children under 1 who died in the period from September 1998 to January 2010 and whose mothers were HIV-positive. According to the study, various viral infections are the most common causes of death among HIV-exposed children (36 %). Two HIV-exposed children were diagnosed as HIV-positive (they revealed RNA HIV). The cause of death of both the children was a generalized viral infection of unspecified etiology. One of the two children observed concomitant disease - Kaposi's sarcoma. The structure of the mortality rate in the HIV-exposed children did not differ from that in children born by HIV-negative mothers.
74-78 320
Objectives: to analyze the number of stem cells in bone marrow and peripheral blood of mice, locomotor activity and heart weight of the animals in administration of resveratrol and candesartan cilexetil in different dosages and combinations. Materials and methods. Male C57Bl/6 mice and male Balb/C mice were used. Locomotor activity was studied using the «Opto-Varimex» measurements. We investigated the number of stem cells with CD117 phenotype (flow cytometry). Statistical analysis of the data was performed using Excel. Results. Candesartan reduces the locomotor activity of mice. The estimated parameters of motor activity corresponded to those of the control group in the combined introduction of sartan and resveratrol. Candesartan at a dose of 3 mg/kg and its complex with resveratrol at 10 mg/kg dose and at 50 mg/kg dose stimulate the formation of cells with CD117. Conclusion. The combination of the studied drugs is safe and effective in relation to the stimulation of stem cells formation in comparison with the monopreparation candesartan cilexetil.
78-82 333
80 per cent children with pyelonephritis (n = 80) revealed the endothelium dysfunction accompanied by a decrease of the endothelium-dependent vasodilation, associated with an increase in the homocysteine level and oxidative stress.
82-87 288
Objective: to assess the immune status of children who frequently and continuously suffer from recurrent respiratory tract infections with diverse clinical manifestations in dynamics in the course of immune rehabilitation. Materials and methods. Neutrophil and lymphocyte subpopulations of peripheral blood were studied by flow cytometry method based on monoclonal antibodies (CD3, CD8, CD11a, CD18, CD19, CD28, CD154, LPS) as well as G, M, A, E immunoglobulins of peripheral blood were studied by turbodymetric method in 78 children aged 2-6. The group of the children included those who frequently and chronically suffered from respiratory infections. They were distributed into 3 groups according to the clinical variants of acute respiratory infections. All the studies were performed three times: before the immune rehabilitation, 10 days later and 2 months later after the course of the immune rehabilitation. Results. The study detected an increase in the relative number of neutrophils expressing CD18+ receptor in all the clinical subgroups and CD11a+ receptor in the subgroups with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections without complications and with ENT complications. The groups with ENT (LPS+CD19+) and bronchopulmonary complications (LPS+CD19+, LPS+CD3+) observed reduction of the lipopolysaccharide-binding activity of lymphocytes. The group with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections without complications observed reduction of CD154+-subpopulation of lymphocytes. The immune rehabilitation performed in remission brought positive effect on the immunological characteristics of the patients from the group of frequently and chronically infected: increased LPS+ and CD154+ lymphocyte level and decreased excessive activation of the immune system in the form of lower overexpression of adhesion CD11a+ and CD18+ receptors on neutrophils. Conclusion. The detected changes can serve as a criterion of forming risk groups of relapse cases of acute upper respiratory tract infections with ENT and bronchopulmonary complications as well as justify the need for further immune rehabilitation and laboratory monitoring in this group of the patients.
88-92 294
To analyze the clinical features, morphological changes and diagnostic methods of Helicobacter pylori infection in upper digestive tract segments, 121 children aged from 7 to 16 have been examined. It was determined that these diseases were more common for children over 10 and there was a tendency for their increase in girls aged 14-16 in comparison with boys. In clinical practice, there were more cases of children who had abdominal pains of unknown origin unrelated to meals. During the clinical examination 80 per cent of the patients revealed dyspeptic phenomena. The prevalence of combined pathology of digestive organs is very high: 93,4 % children revealed functional diseases of biliary tract in the form of dyskinesia. It is advisable to use the combination of serological and morphological diagnostic methods to diagnose Helicobacter pylori in connection of their partial correspondence.
92-95 387
Objective: The comparative study of gastrointestinal stromal tumors in Gomel and Vitebsk regions and pharmacoeconomic analysis of the effectiveness of immunohistochemical reagents used for detection of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (CD-117) and the targeted medication Imatinib (Glivec) for treatment of inoperable forms of these tumors. Materials and Methods. We used archival material for the period 2010-2011. The clinical and morphological analysis of CD 117 expression was conducted in human mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. The rationality of the use of reagents for diagnosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumors and drugs for targeted therapy was evaluated on the invoices for the purchase of the reagents and the drug Imatinib (Glivec). The morphological parameters were assessed by the light optical microscope «CarlZeiss» Axioscop 40 with an increase of 100, 200 and 400. The results of the study were statistically analyzed using the analytical package «Statistica» 6.0. Results. The incidence of gastrointestinal stromal tumors and the patient age correspond to the published data for other countries with their more frequent diagnosis in Gomel region. In addition, the excess procurement of antibodies to CD-117 is observed in the studied regions.
95-99 293
The aim of research: to determine the role of systemic fungal infections in the morphogenesis of hemoblastosis and prognosis for patients with oncohematological pathology. Materials. Clinical and morphological analysis of medical histories, autopsy protocols of 32 patients with oncohematological pathology. Results. The patients with oncohematological pathology reveal in invasive mycosis: agranulocytosis, prolonged fever, lobar pneumonia, fungal colonization from the other loci, focal induration with diffuse necrosis of lung tissue, the presence of fungi in the nidus, thickening of the alveoli walls due to swelling of the alveolar epithelium. Conclusion. The most common etiologic agent of fungal pneumonia in the patients with oncohematological pathology is Candida albicans , bacterial agent - Enterococcus faecalis , the high level of Acinetobacter can be indicative of a new threat for patients with defective immunity.
99-104 300
Objective: to evaluate the possible risk factors of development of depression in insulin-dependent diabetes and to develop a screening algorithm for this depression. Material and methods. The study involved 163 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (DM), of them, 93 men and 70 women aged 18-65. The average age of the patients was 41,15 [34,65; 46,66], the experience of diabetes was 11.18 [4,28; 22,33] years. To identify the common risk factors of depression development, we conducted a survey according to a specially designed questionnare. For verification of depression, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used. Depression was diagnosed at 8-21 points according to the HADS. To diagnose hidden hypoglycaemia states, twenty-four-hour glycemia dynamics was studied within 72 hours with the help of diurnal glucose monitoring of intercellular fluid (CGMS) by «Medtronik MINIMED» (USA). The detection of homocysteine (HC) content in the blood serum was performed using sets of ARCHITECT Homocysteine Reagent Kit (1L71) on the biochemical analyzer «Architect c8000» («AVVOTT», USA). The data were statistically processed using «Statistica», 6.0 for Windows and SPSS «Statistics», 17.0. Results . The results of the survey using the HADS showed symptoms of depression in 28.2 % of the patients in the study group. Depression was detected in 30 women, or 18.4 %, and 16 men (9,8 %). The study revealed a statistically significant direct correlation between the HADS depression level and age (r = 0,17; r < 0,05), and it also found that the risk of depression in insulin-dependent diabetes is associated with age over 40 (OR = 1,06; p < 0,05; 95 % CI 0,99-1,13). It was ascertained that disability is a risk factor for depression (OR = 2,41; p = 0,01; 95 % CI 1,16-4,19). The assessment of the risk of depression development according to HbA1C level showed that the possible risk of depression is associated with the HbA1C level of 7,5 % or more (OR = 0,89; p = 0,03; 95 % CI 0,30-0,48). The risk of depression is also associated with DR (OR = 10,72; p < 0,001; 95 % CI 3,14-36,55) and with the presence of DN (OR = 3,79; p < 0,001; 95 % CI 1,84-7,82). The study found the dependence of the prevalence of hidden hypoglycemic reactions and the level of depression according to the scale of HADS (OR = 1,12; p = 0,0024; 95 % CI 1,02-1,24). It was also ascertained that the risk of depression in the patients with type I diabetes is associated with the level of more than 15.39 HС mmol/L (OR = 6,82; p = 0,001; 95 % CI 2,19-21,20). Conclusion . The risk for the development of depression in I type diabetes is associated with the female sex, age over 40, presence of disability, DR and/or НС serum level more than 15,39 mmol/L, and the HbA level of ≥ 7,5 %. In addition, the risk for the development of depression is associated with hidden hypoglycemic episodes. The developed algorithm for screening of depressive states in insulin-dependent DM can be used to diagnose depression as on both out-patient and in-patient phase of treatment of the patients with I type diabetes.
104-108 341
This article presents the data of the manifestations, diagnosis and possible etiologic factors of laryngopharyngeal reflux in patients with unilateral laryngeal paresis after surgery on the thyroid gland.


109-113 283
Objectives : to develop and substantiate a new original method of modeling hemorrhagic shock in small laboratory animals. Materials and methods. Hemorrhagic shock was simulated on 32 nubilous outbred male albino rats (experimental group). The control group contained 30 healthy animals. Persistent hypotension was caused by 35-40 % intracardiac intake of circulating blood volume, which is about 5 ml of blood. The blood was taken by 2 ml/100 g per minute. The clinical and laboratory parameters of the animals were determined 24 and 48 hours later, then morphological studies were conducted, as well as the results obtained were compared with the control group. Results. All the laboratory animals of the experimental group observed tachypnea and tachycardia. The indices of red blood test in the experimental group reflected severity of blood loss by a statistically significant decrease of red blood cells and hemoglobin concentration during 48 hours compared to those in the control group. Thus, we obtained complex morphological confirmation of developed hemorrhagic shock. Conclusion. The presented model of hemorrhagic shock is maximum similar to natural processes which appear under normal conditions. With the help of the original model we can study pathogenetic mechanisms of hemorrhagic shock development, as well as to investigate the effect of various drugs and methods of treatment on the pathogenesis of shock. The proposed experimental model is simple in the technique of its performance and does not require expensive material and technical basis and is economically advantageous.
113-116 266
The work deals with the systemic analysis of endocrinocytes and other components of jejunum in white rats affected by incorporated radionuclides. It also reveals the dynamics of the organ correlative structure which lies in the changing number, strength and direction of the intercorrelations between the signs in the biosystem. The stressive condition of the organ is characterized by functional disorganization of the system intercorrelations in the initial period. The development of the compensatory mechanism is associated with the increase in the number of relations and re-establishment of the integration index.
116-121 258
The article deals with substantiation and development of the differentiated approach to the training process of high skilled rowers on the basis of biochemical blood indicators (determination of lactate levels and areas of energy supply) and of the functional possibilities of the sportsmen according to the PAC «Оmega».


122-125 278
Modern local military conflicts are characterized by a probability of simultaneous occurrence of extreme situations on potentially-dangerous objects and battle losses among militarized formations as a result of active armed resistance. It compels bodies and institutions of the Ministry of Health to render medical aid in mass arrival of victims to medical prophylactic institutions. Several categories of victims among the peace population, search-and-rescue services and military men are formed. The system of training of physicians, paramedical personnel and population as a whole needs perfection in the matters concerning rendering assistance according to the victims` demands.
125-131 247
The purpose of the present work is quantitative estimation of the averted collective dose formed in the public sector of agricultural production and subsequent export to other regions.
131-135 276
The indicators of functional reserves of students` organism according to the complex «Omega-M» have been studied. It has been established, that the functional reserves of the students` organism are evaluated «good» at the beginning of academic year. However, at the end of an academic year the indicators of physiological and psycho-emotional reserves decrease to «satisfactory» level.
135-139 287
The article presents the results of the comparative analysis of basic anthropometric parameters in schoolchildren aged 7-14 in the city of Gomel, examined from 1978 to 2011. It was determined that nowadays boys and girls of the studied age period observe acceleration in body mass, length and chest parameters in the pubescence if to compare with their peers 30 years ago. The periods of the maximum average annual increases of the basic anthropometric parameters in the boys examined in 1978 and 2011 were determined later than in the peer girls.
139-144 279
The article covers the question of professionalization in chemical education of medical students.
144-148 285
Kirovograd region is the biggest uranium mining center of Ukraine. The article presents the results of the questionnaire survey carried out in 2012 among Kirovograd population aimed to define the citizens’ radiation awareness about nuclear energy issues and attitude to radiation risks and harmful habits. General tendencies of formation of the radiation anxiety level were determined among the population of the uranium mining region.


148-151 317
Colo-duodenal fistula is a rare complication of malignant bowel disease. The article presents a brief review of the literature and a case report of radical surgery of the cancer of the hepatic flexure of the colon, complicated by colo-duodenal fistula, chronic intestinal obstruction, duodenal stenosis, severe anemia, malnutrition and gross weight loss with a positive immediate result. At the first stage of the surgery, bypassed loops were applied to restore the passage of the intestinal content and to reduce infection of the small intestine. A month later a curative operation was performed and included right-side hemicolectomy, gastropancreaticoduodenectomy, resection of paranephrium and the right kidney capsule, marginal excision of the IV liver segment and cholecystectomy with lymph node dissection along the hepatic artery and superior mesenteric, portal and inferior cava veins. The postoperative period was difficult with symptoms of severe hypoproteinemia. On the sixth day after surgery due to the outflow of bile from the liver defect, relaparotomy and drainage of the subhepatic cavity were performed. The patient was discharged 25 days after surgery resulted in convalescence.

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)