No 1 (2016)
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4-7 374
The article presents the most prospective biomarkers of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) of the blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and describes their potential role in the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of non-traumatic ICH.
7-13 332
The work offers two variants of explanation and understanding of atrioventricular conduction while teaching students how to interpret electrocardiography and considers the electrocardiographic reflection of the transmission of the excitation impulse throughout the cardiac conduction system and the myocardium.
13-17 500
The liver experiences various changes with aging that could affect clinical characteristics and outcomes in patients with liver diseases. Both liver volume and blood flow decrease significantly with age. These changes and decreased cytochrome P450 activity can affect drug metabolism, increasing susceptibility to drug-induced liver injury. Immune responses against pathogens or neoplastic cells are lower in the elderly, although these individuals may be predisposed to autoimmunity through impairment of dendritic cell maturation and reduction of regulatory T cells. These changes in immune functions could alter the pathogenesis of viral hepatitis and autoimmune liver diseases, as well as the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. Collectively, aged patients show various changes of the liver and other organs that could affect the clinical characteristics and management of liver diseases in these patients.
17-22 298
Objective: to develop approaches for predicting the efficacy of glucoseminylmuramildipeptidum treatment in patients with severe recurrent herpes infection (RHI). Materials and methods. The clinical and immunological examination of 79 patients with frequently recurrent herpes infection was done. The patients underwent the immune correction with glucoseminylmuramildipeptidum (GMDP) during the remission period and after 12 months the clinical effect of immunization was evaluated. Results. The comparative analysis of the clinical and immunological parameters in the patients with RHI revealed differences of initial clinical and laboratory parameters in the patients with effective and ineffective immunoprophylaxis with glucoseminylmuramildipeptidum treatment. Predictors have been selected and the scale of significance identified parameters for prognosis of efficacy of immune correction with GMDP has been developed. Conclusion. The scale predicting the efficacy of immunization during the GMDP interrecurrent period in patients with RHI has been developed. The analysis of the severity of the aggravation and the relative number of СD3+СD4+-, СD19+- and СD3+4+25+-lymphocytes in an individual patient with RHI according to the developed scale makes it possible to predict the presence or absence of a positive effect of immune correction with 79.9 % probability.
22-27 357
Disorders of the central nervous system observed in patients with chronic HCV infection seem to be associated with excitotoxic lesion of neurons caused by infected microglial cells. Despite the high interest in this problem, the morphological changes of infected microglia remain uninvestigated. The paper presents the results of the morphologic study of microglial reactions in white matter of the brain in 40 patients who died of chronic HCV-infection. The study found the structural and quantitative changes of infected microglia in different parts of the brain, which is caused by the activation of these cells by HCV.
27-31 322
Objective: to study changes of the incidence structure in patients with chronic viral forms of hepatitis B being under observation in infectious diseases rooms of out-patient clinics of Gomel in 2015 and to compare them to those in 2002, to assess the efficacy of different schemes of treatment for chronic viral hepatitis B, to choose the preferable therapeutic strategy in the treatment for HBV-infection. Material and methods. There were 115 HBsAg carriers and 121 patients with chronic viral hepatitis being under observation in 3 out-patient clinics in 2015. In 2002 there were 554 HBsAg carriers and 350 patients with chronic viral hepatitis in 6 out-patient clinics. We have analyzed the efficacy of the treatment for chronic forms of НВV-infection with PEGylated interferon drugs, nucleoside analogues in 32 patients. For comparison methods of non-parametric statistics were used (table 2×2, criterion χ2). Results . In the year of 2015 there were fewer HBsAg carriers (17.9 %, in 2002 - 28.8%, р < 0.01) patients with chronic viral hepatitis (11.9 %, в 2002 - 16.4 %, р < 0.01). The higher ratio of HBsAg carriers revealed among donors - from 30.9 % in 2002 up to 42.6 % in 2015 and lower ration of medical workers among patients with chronic viral hepatitis - from 5.7 % in 2002 till 1.3 % in 2015. Only 1 patient out of 4 recorded the full response after the PEGylated interferon treatment. 10 patients out of 18 taking Lamivudine detected development of resistance at these or those terms. All the patients having taken Tenofovir achieved the full virological response. Conclusion. Among patients with chronic viral lesions of the liver and detected markers of parenteral viral hepatitis being under observation in infectious diseases rooms in out-patient clinics of Gomel there were fewer HBsAg carriers and patients with chronic viral hepatitis in 2015 if compared to those in 2002. The efficacy of Lamivudine as an antiviral drug for HBV-infection has been assessed as low. The best results of the treatment were achieved in the Tenofovir therapy.
31-35 348
The article presents the data of 22 patients with adenolymphoma of the salivary glands having undergone treatment in the Maxillo-Facial Surgery Ward No.1 at the age 36-72. In the preoperative period, all the patients were performed ultrasound, X-ray computer and / or magnetic resonance imaging of the salivary glands. We singled out groups of patients depending on the types of the macroscopic structure of the tumor and described basic and advanced features of ultrasound diagnosis of each variant of adenolymphomas. The received results will make it possible to predict the development of adenolymphoma of salivary glands during the preoperative period.
35-40 306
Objective: to study the ability of imidazo [1,2-a]azepinium derivatives for myocardium preconditioning. Material and methods. 9 imidazo [1,2-a]azepinium derivatives, purebred laboratory rats, perfusion technique of the isolated rat heart in constant pressure, measuring of the contractile activity of the heart using a latex cylinder introduced into the left ventricle. Results. The derivatives IFT_000280 and IFT_000281 raised the left ventricular pressure by 20-80 % depending on the dose. These derivatives showed considerable coronarodilatative activity that exceeded that for phlocaline (reference compound, ATP-dependent potassium channels activator). Used at the concentrations of 1×10-5 mole/l, they considerably (twice/thrice as much) increased the duration of contraction of isolated hearts in total ischemia in comparison with other studied compounds by 32-38 % compared to the control group. Conclusion. Taking into account our results, we decided to choose the compounds IFT_000280 and IFT_000281 as the most promising for the myocardium preconditioning and to carry out further investigation.
41-46 513
The aim of research: comparative study of adsorption capacity and selectivity of enterosorbents of different generations. Material and methods. The subject of the study is enterosorbents widely applied in clinical practice. They belong to different generations and exhibit different adsorption capacities and different doses of daily application. Results. It was found out that enterosorbents differed from one another and the latest generation had more perfect and diverse adsorption properties. The experimental data confirmed that enterosorbents of the fourth generation, in particular white carbon, whose main component is silicon dioxide exhibited a highly developed active surface and high adsorption capacity relative to highly toxic heavy metals, while its ability to bind and remove useful components (biometals and vitamin C) in organism was negligibly low. Conclusions. The enterosorbent of the fourth generation «White coal» possess high adsorption capacity toward heavy metals and simultaneously are characterized by negligibly low capacity to bind and remove bioactive compounds such as biometals and vitamin C.
46-50 393
Objective: to test the method of molecular and genetic diagnosis of cellular senescence based on quantitative analysis of nuclear genes (nDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Material and methods. The sample of patients was 81, the material for the study - whole blood. The quantitative analysis of mtDNA was carried out using the method of polymerase chain reaction in real time (RT-PCR) protocol TaqMan. The differences of average values of the relation of mtDNA/nDNA age groups were assessed by one-way ANOVA. Results. The difference between the average value of the ratio of mtDNA / nDNA age groups is statistically significant at p < 0.05, the strength of the influence of the age factor is 46 %. Conclusion. The proven method based on the calculation of the ratio of mtDNA copy number loci (mtND1) to nuclear DNA (RPPH1) with the application of the standards can be used for the quantitative analysis of mtDNA as a genetic marker of age-related changes.
50-55 472
Objection: to study the role of uric acid in the antioxidant defense system of the organism in experiment. Material and techniques. The acute hypoxia was simulated by means of withdrawal of 60-65 % blood circulation volume. The haematological indicators and the blood plasma antioxidant activity were estimated. Results. The control group of the animals revealed growth of the levels of uric acid and lactate, pH depression, blood bicarbonate depression and growth of alkalipenia. The blood plasma of these animals possessed pronounced prooxidant activity, which is indicative of the acceleration of free-radical processes. The control group of the animals detected a strong negative correlation between the uric acid concentration and POA of blood plasma: rs = -0.89 (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Acute hypoxia emaciates the antioxidant defense system of the organism and develops the oxidative stress. The obtained data indicate that uric acid takes part in the antioxidant defense system of the organism.
55-59 368
The article presents the results of the longitudinal study of anthropometric parameters and body types of the same schoolchildren at puberty over 2010-2014 (boys aged 13-17 and girls - 10-14). It has been ascertained that boys during the second year of puberty (at the age 13-14) have the maximum increase of anthropometric parameters, and girls - during their third and fourth years (at the age 12-14). The schoolchildren of the two gender groups during puberty detect more considerable increase of the ratio of hypersomic body types and decrease in the ratio of leptosomic types. Transfers from one body type to other during the same year of puberty more often happened within the related somatotypes. When schoolchildren reached puberty, they returned to the initial somatotype which was characteristic for the pre-puberty period of ontogenesis.
60-66 346
Using an atomic force microscopy we studied the physical and mechanical parameters of cell surface layer patches (the parameters of local sliding friction force between atomic force microscope tip and cell surface and the fractal dimension of lateral force maps) and geometrical parameters of whole cells (cell contour, topography, diameter, height and others) for treated with glutaraldehyde (0,5 %) human fibroblasts and cancer epithelial cells lines A549 (lung carcinoma) and HEp-2c (larynx carcinoma). The revealed differences in the studied parameters are indicative of the difference in the cortical cytoskeleton state of the cells.
66-72 450
Objective: to study the regenerative processes of the liver affected by retrorsin after its resection and to assess the reparative role of mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in experiment. Material and methods. Wistar laboratory rats; mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue (isolation, cultivation); experimental model of retrorsin-induced hepatitis; liver resection; intraportal introduction of mesenchymal stem cells; light microscopy, morphometry. Results. Using the models of hepatic insufficiency (liver resection, chronic hepatitis) we showed the liver regeneration, whose mechanism involved proliferation of mature hepatocytes (increased mitotic activity, increased cell nuclear device) and biliary ductal epithelial cells. Conclusion. Intraportal administration of autologous MSCs into animals with retrorsin-induced hepatitis contributed to the enhancement of regenerative processes in the liver after its resection in comparison with the control data.
72-75 415
Research objective: to characterize the formation of the ambulance service in Gomel region during the first post-war years. The sources for the study were materials on the history of medicine (reports, orders, and reports of the Regional Public Health Department of Gomel region, the Ambulance station of the city of Gomel, the City Council of the People's Deputies and Party Bodies) from the State Archives of Gomel region and the State Archive of Public Associations of Gomel region.
75-78 324
Objective: to assess the expected radiation doses and radiation risk of the population of Gomel region in case of fires and inhalation of238,239,240Рu,241Am,90Sr,137Cs, as well as to substantiate, if necessary, special protective measures and application of individual means for respiratory organs protection. Material and methods. Conservative assessments of expected radiation doses are based on the maximum levels of radioactive contamination in Belarus, and Ukrainian experimental data on the increased levels of radionuclides in fires around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Zone of Alienation. Results. The expected dose of radiation of the population of Gomel region as a result of inhalation of radionuclides during the week of fires in the 30-km Chernobyl exclusion zone will not exceed 10 μSv (1 % of the annual limit established by the law). Transuranium elements, which are present at the 30-km Chernobyl exclusion zone, make the main part of the inhalation dose. The results may have a slight indeterminacy as the dosimetric parameters significantly depend on soil and climatic and landscape features of the area of fires. To give the exact assessment it is necessary to collect samples of aerosols in the respiratory organs of the critical groups of the population at the different distance from the edge of the fire. Conclusion. The expected doses of radiation of the population of Gomel region as a result of inhalation of radionuclides during the week of fires in the 30-km Chernobyl exclusion zone did not exceed 1 % of the annual limit established by the law (1 μSv). It is not necessary to use special protection measures and individual means for respiratory organs protection.
78-81 313
The work presents a clinical case of the combination of severe heart rhythm disorders in a patient with numerous comorbidities. The particular example illustrates the difficulty of choosing a rational disease management in the terms of medicinal therapy prescription.
81-84 315
A patient with full-term pregnancy complaining of dyspnoea was brought to the maternity ward. She had been not diagnosed with pulmonary thromboembolism during the in-patient observation. The conducted examinations made it possible to confirm the diagnosis, to choose therapeutic measures, as well as to hold delivery in the patient with pulmonary thromboembolism.
84-86 339
The work describes a clinical case of performing palliative mastectomy for the medical purpose in a patient (ASA class III) using paravertebral blockade with intravenous sedation as anesthetic management. The application of paravertebral blockade helped to ensure safe anesthetic management for palliative mastectomy of the breast. The hemodynamic stability due to the blockade and the lack of any necessity for additional administration of any analgesics during surgery should also be noted.
87-90 413
The article analyzes a case of central pontine myelinolysis in a young woman with acute pancreatitis and describes the principal causes, clinical features, diagnostic procedures, treatment, and the disease outcome.
I. F. Shalyga,
A. V. Mishin,
T. V. Kozlovskaya,
L. A. Martemyanova,
S. Y. Turchenko,
N. N. Shibayeva
90-94 705
The work presents a case of rare pathology - idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis - in an old female patient. It describes the morphological changes in the organs and their correlation with the data of clinical and laboratory and tool methods of examination and shows the difficulties in the lifetime verification of the diagnosis and the diagnosis of this disease
95-99 345
Objective: the article describes the experience of the application of antigestagens for the preparation for delivery. Material and methods. The work presents the results of the application of antigestagens to prepare 4 patients for delivery, describes the structural changes in the cervix, the course of the delivery and the postpartum period. Results. 2 (50.0±28.8 %) patients developed regular labor and had natural delivery. 2 (50.0 ±28.8 %) women were performed amniotomy for labor induction a day after the adequate effect of the preparation had been achieved, in all the other cases cesarean section was made due to the weakness of labor. Conclusion. Thus, the work shows the efficiency of antigestagens for the preparation for delivery, but notes that an integrated approach is needed for the further management of the programmed delivery.
99-103 323
The article presents the method of computer animation visualisation of the structure of the duodenal walls in histological study, and describes instructions for its application in details. The advantages of the developed method as compared to the existing trivial histologic technique have been noted. The article gives the results of the application of the given method during the study of the features of the histological structure of the duodenal wall in newborns.
ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)