No 2 (2013)
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7-14 284
The reveiw analyzes national and foreign literature on the questions concerning embryonal morphogenesis of the structural elements of duodenum wall. It presents the views of various authors about terms of formation, embryonal composition and differentiation of relief formations of its mucosa. The results of the research reflect the role of epithelial mesenchymal interactions and mechanisms of their realization during formation of fibers, crypts, folds of duodenal mucosa. The comparison of the authors` alternative positions revealed contradictory judgments concerning the structural organization of duodenum at the stages of prenatal ontogenesis.
14-20 2145
Zinc being a microelement necessary for normal cell growth, its development and differentiation is a component of the catalytic site of more than 300 enzymes and determines the structure of transcription factors, thereby participating in the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and cell division. Liver is the main organ involved in the metabolism of zinc. The endogenous zinc deficiency develops in chronic liver diseases such as alcoholic steatohepatitis, chronic viral hepatitis B or C and, especially in liver cirrhosis. Numerous studies have shown the advisability of including zinc supplements to standard hepatitis treatment protocols. Zinc combined with pegylated interferon and prescribed to patients with chronic viral hepatitis C is more effective, than interferon by itself.
20-24 344
The authors of the article have reviewed national and foreign literature on the role of mitochondrial dysfunction of spermatozoa in the pathogenesis of male infertility and analyzed the correlation between oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in the development of various pathosperm cells.
25-29 317
The article presents the modern classification of hereditary haemolytic anemia (HHA) and reviews the present-day concepts of its diagnosis and treatment. Particular attention is paid to membranopathies (hereditary spherocytosis and elliptocytosis) being the most common inherited haemolytic anemia in Europe.
29-34 268
The features of the clinical course of mucoviscidosis were studied in adults in Belarus for the period from 2004 to 2012. The follow-up revealed an increase in the number of adult patients from 15 to 32 with an average age of 20-24. The average body mass index (12 %), respiratory function (FVC - 23 % and FEV1 - 31 %) improved in the patients in 2012 compared with those in 2004. The study detected emergence of new infectious agents according to the microbiological tests of sputum, such as Acinetobacter and Achromobacter (15 %). Hemoptysis (43 %) and polypoid sinusitis (40 %) were the most common complications of mucoviscidosis in adults, diabetes mellitus (5 %) and liver cirrhosis (13 %) were quite rare.
40-44 279
The purpose of research is to analyze the structure of AIDS-indicative diseases in HIV-positive patients in Gomel region. To determine the structure of opportunistic infections, 300 HIV-infected patients were examined in 2009-2011. The structure of death causes was analyzed in 434 patients in 2008-2010. HIV-associated tuberculosis was the prevalent disease in the structure of AIDS-indicative diseases in the period of 2009-2011 (63,5 %). It also dominated in the structure of death causes in the period of 2008-2010 (56 %).
44-51 324
To estimate the efficacy of the combination of general multicomponent anesthesiology based on propofol and fentanyl and blocade of cervical plexus in surgery of carotid arteries, prospective randomized study has been carried out. 60 operations were performed, the changes of hemodynamics, biospectral index, cortisol blood plasma, pain syndrome intensity and number of post-surgery complications were analyzed. It was determined that the proposed anesthesiology method is more effective and safe and ensures optimal pain relief in the post-operative period.
51-56 257
Objective: to develop methods to increase the efficacy of treatment for alcohol addiction based on the study of the psychological relapse-dangerous clinical situations (ROCS) during the formation of compensated remission. Materials and methods. 128 patients with alcohol addiction were examined in the formation of compensated remission (code ICD-10 F10.202). Results. The psychological RDCS in the compensated remission occur with incidence of 4-8 % (boredom, anosognosia) to 50-70 % (no pleasure, stress) and have different significance for conservation of remission. Conclusion. The major psychological factor to stabilize remission is development of socially significant needs alternative to alcohol. Noncompliance, stigmatization, discrimination contribute to failures of the patients` remission. Anosognosia, boredom and virtual interest in alcohol are activity indicators of alcohol dependence and the indication for the anti-recurrence therapy.
56-61 248
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of generic alendronate acid preparations in patients with osteoporosis according to data on densitometric research. 62 female patients aged from 50 to 79 were treated for at least 12 months. By means of roentgen densitometry it was revealed that the intake of generic alendronate acid is an effective method to increase bone mineral density (BMD) in the lumbar spine (4.53 %), proximal femur (2.83 %) and femoral neck (2.58 %). The patients` age does not have a significant effect on the rate of the BMD increase in the lumbar spine (F = 0.796; p = 0.456), but the BMD positive dynamics is estimated by the basal level of the vertebral bone mineral density (F = 7.512; p = 0.008). Before the study 32.3 % (n = 20) the patients had low-energy fractures but it did not influence the efficacy of the antiosteoporotic effect of alendronate acid preparations.
61-65 229
This article presents the results of assessment of heart rate variability in 50 patients in the preoperative period with the use of different methods of premedication. The study revealed the multidirectional nature of Diazepam included in the premedication.
65-70 232
The course of chronic HCV-infection is often associated with different psychiatric and neurological disorders different from those in other liver diseases. The article presents the results of the morphologic study of hippocampus in patients with HCV viral liver cirrhosis. It revealed the morphological changes typical for chronic inflammatory process in a number of cases with morphological signs of exacerbation, which can call forth the phyconeurological disorders in the patients.
70-75 269
The aim of research was to study vegetative regulation of heart function and to assess structural functional characteristics of heart in diffusion toxic craw at the early postoperative period associated with replaceable Levothyroxine therapy. 102 patients aged 18-55 with diffusion toxic craw were examined three months later after total thyreoidectomia. According to the initial vegetative balance, the examined were divided into 3 groups (sympathicotonia, eitonia, parasimpaticotonia). The study determined the general heart rate variability, frequency of heartbeats, first of all, at the expense of decrease in sympathetic effect on heart function in 36.3 % patients 3 months after the operation in compensation of postoperative hypothyroidism associated with replaceable Levothyroxine therapy. Neither disturbances of vegetative regulation of heart rate associated with dynamically changing thyrеoid status before and after thyreoidectomia of structurally functional changes of heart, nor arrhythmia were not revealed. The patients with vegetative balance before the operation had no disturbances of vegetative regulation of heart function after thyreoidectomia.
75-82 268
Aim of the study. To examine changes of the endocrine status, to evaluate the effectiveness of pathogenetic and etiologic treatment of patients with BCOT in combination with inflammatory processes of genitals. Materials and methods. 92 patients (group 1a) with cystic ovarian tumors aged from 18 to 44 were examined in the polyclinic of Radiation research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology. The study plan included detection of sex hormones levels on days 5-8 and 16-25 of the menstrual cycle, bacteriological inoculation from the cervical canal, PCR diagnostics of urogenital infections (Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum), pelvic ultrasound. The patients were provided with treatment, including antibacterial and antifungal medicine, hepatoprotectors, enzymotherapy and probiotics. The course of the treatment ranged from 14 to 21 days. The follow-up control was done 2 months later. Sex hormones were studied in 64 patients (group 1b) by RIA method as well as PCR diagnostics of the causative agents listed above and bacteriological inoculaton during follow-up visits. Results. The studies revealed changes in the levels of sex hormones, in particular, a decrease of testosterone level before the treatment and a significant increase after the treatment. Hormone dysfunction appears, that causes alternation of anovulatory cycles, which leads to infertility. There is reduction of FSH in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle and increase of LH before the treatment and, accordingly, changes in the ratio of LH/FSH. The increase of LH/FSH level indirectly is evident of BCOT development is related to LH/FSH ratio abnormalities, and that in patients with benign ovarian cysts reveal such tumor processes as cystic disease. The cultural diagnostics made it possible to assess the species composition and the number of typical forms of microorganisms. A total of 92 samples, of them 72 were positive in the cultural study. Conclusion. Cystic benign tumors in most cases are associated with inflammatory processes in genitals, together with genital infections and increased semination by opportunistic microflora. The increase of the LH/FSH ratio in the follicular phase and the lutein phase is evident that BCOT development is related to them and that in the ovaries with benign cystic tumor-like formations occur such tumor processes as cystic disease. The high level of the LH/FSH ratio related to the chronic inflammation leads to decreased testosterone production, which causes menstrual disorders in BCOT. Ovulatory failure takes place and as a result infertility develops. Reduced ratio of LH/FSH gonadotrophins in the follicular phase and the lutein phase after the treatment can serve as a criterion for its effectiveness. Anti-inflammatory treatment has effect in disorders of the menstrual cycle and reproductive function.
82-89 254
Rheumatic diseases are one of the causes of decreasing bone mineral density. The literature data on the bone mineral status in psoriatic arthritis and skin psoriasis are contradictory. Objective: to assess the bone mineral density and frequency rate of compression deformations of vertebrae in patients with psoriatic arthritis and skin psoriasis. Material and methods. The bone mineral density was estimated by the method of dual energy x-ray absorptiometry in 87 patients with psoriatic arthritis and skin psoriasis and 59 people of the control group matched for age, sex and body mass index. Results. The study revealed a statistically reliable decrease of the bone mineral density both in the lumbar spine and femoral neck in the men with psoriatic arthritis and skin psoriasis compared to the similar parameters in the men of the control group. The women with psoriatic arthritis observed decreased bone mineral density in the lumbar spine. The women with skin psoriasis diagnosed low bone mass only in the area of the first lumbar vertebra. 24,3 % patients with psoriatic arthritis and 36 % patients with skin psoriasis revealed vertebra deformations. Conclusion. It was revealed that skin psoriasis is a risk factor for bone mass deficiency in young men more than in women; the duration of the articular syndrome is a prognostic predictor of lower bone mineral density in patients with psoriatic arthritis.
89-92 265
The article presents the results of assessment of the structural functional properties of erythrocytes in 63 patients with recurrent infections (herpetic infection, furunculosis, infections of the upper respiratory tract) in remission of the disease. The study revealed an increase in the indicators of sorption capacity and the activity of lipid peroxidation of erythrocyte membranes, as well as the dependence of the indicators of erythrocyte sorption capacity and on their content of the final products of neutral lipid oxidation.
93-97 256
Objectives. To study in experiment the anti-and prooxidant blood properties in healthy laboratory animals and when they are in the condition of hemorrhagic shock. Materials and methods. During the experiment, the laboratory animals were divided into two groups. The first group (control) included healthy white rats. The second group (experimental) consisted of the animals modeled to be in hemorrhagic shock. The status of anti-and prooxidant blood properties as well as glucose and blood urea concentration, red blood characteristics of the animals from both the groups was determined. Morphological study of the animals from the second group was carried out. Results. In the first group, the blood of the animals had antioxidant properties. The animals in the state of hemorrhagic shock observed prooxidant activity of the blood with the development of oxidative stress. In acute massive loss of blood the cellular homeostasis became inferior with the progression of multiple organ failure and course aggravation of hemorrhagic shock. Conclusion. Acute massive loss of blood leads to hemorrhagic shock, free radical imbalance with the formation of oxidative stress. Early inclusion of antioxidant drugs in the complex therapy may improve the course of hemorrhagic shock in patients with acute severe loss of blood.
97-100 247
The authors of the article have studied the dynamics of сardiointervalographic values in female rowers a fortnight before and after training stress. The adaptation of the rowers in an active orthostatic test was achieved by a change of activity of the parasympatic section of the vegetative nervous system. The training stress was accompanied by a tendency to increase the parameter of adaptive resources.
100-105 235
Objectives: to compare the sound transmission of some middle ear implants of titanium, teflon and ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene of high density (UHMWPE). Materials and methods. The amplitude-frequency characteristics of the middle ear prostheses of titanium, teflon and UHMWPE were assessed by the experimental setup. Results. The comparison of the received data revealed no statistically significant differences. Conclusion. According to the sound transmission parameters the design of the UHMWPE middle ear implant can be offered to be used in otosurgery for ossiculoplasty.
113-118 256
The accumulation of137Cs in forest food products in Gomel region was studied. The study determined different levels of radiocaesium uptake with mushrooms and berries, depending on the type of wood, site types, traces of radioactive contamination. It was proposed to take into account the differences in accumulation of radionuclides in mushrooms and berries in different growing conditions to estimate the internal dose accumulated by population through food. The approximate annual internal doses were calculated due to the use of mushrooms by population in different forests of Gomel region.
118-124 273
Objective: evaluate the tribological properties of friction pair «modified UHMWPE-cartilage» and study the reactions of joint synovial tissue in the presence of UHMWPE with a microporous layer. Materials and methods. Tribological tests were carried out on an integrated-counting reciprocating tribometer and panel tests on the vibrotribometer of UHMWPE samples with a microporous layer and hyaline cartilage. To study the reactions of synovial tissue of the joint environ, we implanted modified UHMWPE samples into the knee joints of laboratory animals. 5, 14, 35 days after the implantation the condition of the synovial membrane and cartilage was assessed by morphometric method. Results. The smallest coefficient of friction was obtained in testing of friction pair «modified UHMWPE-cartilage» with blood serum. Adding blood serum as a lubricant in the friction pair «normal cartilage-UHMWPE» and «metal cartilage» leads to an increased friction coefficient. Based on the data of the histological examination, monitoring did not define any pathological changes in the synovial membranes and articular cartilage by day 35. Conclusion. The study showed that the friction coefficient of the pair «modified UHMWPE-cartilage» was slightly higher than that in the pair of «cartilage-cartilage» in comparable wear resistance. As a result of the implantation of the modified UHMWPE exudative-alterative reactions developed, but by the 35-th day of the monitoring no pathological changes were detected.
125-129 233
Surgical treatment of non-tumor compressive lumbar radiculopathy requires preoperative planning in order to achieve the necessary results. Modern methods of planning and course of surgery include computer modeling of the area of the surgical intervention. The 3D-modeling of the lumbar spine was performed for the virtual planning in the preoperative period.
129-134 314
Aim: to estimate efficacy of prevention of microbial biofilm formation on titanium surfaces containing antibacterial coatings with different components, and to choose the optimum method of sterilization for implants with antibacterial coating. Materials and methods. The ability to prevent the formation of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa microbial biofilms was estimated for seven types of polymeric coatings. The sterilization efficacy of the physical methods for implants with antibacterial coatings was studied. Results. The study revealed the ability of complete prevention against microbial biofilm formation by composite coatings of polyurethane-ciprofloxacin, polylactide-ciprofloxacin and polyurethane-polylactide-silver-ciprofloxacin. It was shown, that the regimens of steam and air sterilization of the implants with polymeric coatings make it possible to reach sterility. Conclusion. The study showed the increased microbiological efficacy of the antibacterial coatings. The optimal regimen of steam sterilization (127 ºС, 30 minutes) not influencing the bactericidal activity of samples was chosen.
134-138 266
Objective: to evaluate the phenotypic changes of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in their differentiation in hepatocytic direction. Materials and methods. Bone-marrow MSCs; hepatocytes isolated by enzymatic perfusion of the liver; directed hepatocytic differentiation of MSCs according to the available and adapted protocols, light microscopy, evaluation of the functional capacity of hepatocyte-like cells to synthesize and accumulate glycogen. Results. The changes observed in the phenotype during differentiation stages indicate the presence of cells differentiated in hepatocytic direction in the culture. MSCs first gained a spindle-shaped phenotype, which then changed to a polygonal membrane with numerous appendages. The clusters of hepatocyte-like cells positive for glycogen were found. The presence of growth factors, differentiation media and allocated primary hepatocytes had a «stabilizing» effect on the culture of MSCs.
139-142 255
The article shows changes in the concentrations of free amino acids and their derivatives in the striatum of rats after chronic joint and separate administration of lead acetate and dinil dosed 5 and 30 mg/kg, respectively. The intake of lead acetate in the striatum of the rats caused more significant disruption of neuroactive amino acids metabolism, than the similar introduction of dinil. More appreciable changes were observed at the co-administration of toxicants. Meanwhile, the negative affect of lead and dinil manifested by reduced levels of neuroactive amino acids and prevalence of inhibitory neurotransmitters.
142-146 264
Objective: determination of the correlative relation between the indoor volume radon activity in buildings and some factors related to radon contents in soils and geological stones. Materials and methods. The results of the indoor volume activity measurements in the rural settlements of Gomel and Mogilev regions, the dose rate power maps and the geologist rocks maps with various uranium contents are foundation for the radon risk mapping. Results and discussion. We have suggested the complex radon parameter that may be calculated as multiplication of the dose rate on the relative rock uranium content factors and on the relative rock penetration factors. The regression dependence of the radon volume activities on the complex radon factor was taken as average in Gomel and Mogilev regions and has essentially high correlation coefficient - 0.76. This degree of correlation is enough to use this complex radon factor calculated on the measured rock radon characteristics for the territories of Gomel and Mogilev regions for the radon risk mapping to define any radon danger sections. This method may be used for the radon potential mapping of the whole territory of Belarus.
146-150 352
The article provides the retrospective analysis of an autopsy case of Fahr disease. The article presents literature data and the authors’ own experience focused on macroscopic and histological lesions of brain. The difficulties of early diagnosis of this disease are stressed. The postmortem examination of the brain revealed distinct morphological criteria of Fahr disease.
ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)