Об авторе
О. Ю. СамоховецБеларусь
Список литературы
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2. Антоньев, А. А. Об общих ошибках в диагностике и лечении артропатического псориаза / А. А. Антоньев, К. Н. Суворова, Т. М. Башлыкова // Сов. медицина. - 1997. - № 4. - С. 105-109.
3. Рахматов, А. Б. Взаимоотношение между обычной и артропатической формами псориаза / А. Б. Рахманов, Ш. И. Ибрагимов // Новости дерматологии и венерологии. - 1998. - № 2. - С. 11-14.
4. Mease, P. J. Psoriatic arthritis therapy advances / P. J. Mease // Curr. Opin. Rheumatol. - 2005. - Vol. 17. - P. 426-432.
5. Gladman, D. D. Psoriatic arthritis / D. D. Gladman // Rheum Dis Clin North Am. - 1998. - Vol. 24. - P. 829-844.
6. Bone loss in unclassified polyarthritis and early rheumatoid arthritis is better detected by digital x ray radiogrammetry than dual x ray absorptiometry: relationship with disease activity and radiographic outcome / T. Jensen [et al.] // Ann Rheum Dis. - 2004. - Vol. 63. - P. 15-22.
7. Effect of osteoporosis treatments on risk of non-vertebral fractures: review and meta-analysis of intention to treat studies / S. Boonen [et al.] // Osteoporosis Int. - 2005. - Vol. 16. - P. 1291-1299.
8. Incidence of clinically diagnosed vertebral fractures: a population-based study in Rochester, Minnesota, 1985-1989 / C. Cooper [et al.] // J. Bone Miner. Res. - 1992. - № 7. - P. 221-227.
9. Underdiagnosis of vertebral fractures is a worldwide problem: the IMPACT study / P. D. Delmas [et al.] // J Bone Miner Res. - 2005. - Vol. 20, № 4. - P. 557-563.
10. Enhanced prediction of fracture risk combining vertebral fracture status and BMD / E. S. Siris [et al.] // Osteoporos Int. - 2007. - Vol. 18. - P. 761-770.
11. Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) with a densitometer predicts future fractures in elderly women unselected for osteoporosis / E. V. McCloskey [et al.] // J. Bone. Miner. Res. - 2008. - Vol. 23. - P. 1561-1568.
12. Lymphocytes and synovial fluid fibroblasts support osteoclastogenesis through RANKL, TNF-alfa, and IL-7 in an in vitro model derived from human psoriatic arthritis / S. Colucci [et al.] // J. Pathol. - 2007. - Vol. 212. - P. 47-55.
13. Tumor necrosis factor - related apoptosis - inducing ligand and osteoprotegerin serum levels in psoriatic arthritis / L. C. Hofbauer [et al.] // Rheumatology. - 2006. - Vol. 45. - P. 1218-1222.
14. Bonnick, S. L. Bone densitometry for technologists / S. L. Bonnick // Humana press, Totowa, New Jerse. - 2006. - P. 437.
15. Vertebral fracture assessment using a semiquantitative technique / H. K. Genant [et al.] // J Bone Miner Res. - 1993. - Vol. 8. - P. 1137-1148.
Для цитирования:
Самоховец О.Ю. ВЛИЯНИЕ ПСОРИАЗА НА МИНЕРАЛЬНУЮ ПЛОТНОСТЬ КОСТИ У ЛИЦ МОЛОДОГО И СРЕДНЕГО ВОЗРАСТА. Проблемы здоровья и экологии. 2013;(2):82-89. https://doi.org/10.51523/2708-6011.2013-10-2-15
For citation:
Samokhovets O.Yu. INFLUENCE OF PSORIASIS ON BONE MINERAL DENSITY IN YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED PEOPLE. Health and Ecology Issues. 2013;(2):82-89. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.51523/2708-6011.2013-10-2-15