
Health and Ecology Issues

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No 4 (2014)
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7-13 345
The article presents generalized information about functional digestive disorders in infants. It reflects epidemiology, causes, clinical manifestations and diagnostic criteria for regurgitation, colics and functional constipation in infants. Special attention is given to medicamental and diet correction of the mentioned pathology in children during their first year of life. The practical application of the proposed recommendations for breeding of children with functional digestive disorders during their first year of life will make it possible to arrest clinical manifestations of the illness not resorting to medicamental treatment.
13-19 324
Objective: to determine the key determinants of health status of the male population. Material. Publications containing information about the key factors influencing the men’s health. Methods. Analysis, processing and classification of the data. Results and discussion. The article determines and systematizes factors that may affect the health of the male population, assesses the degree of modifiability of these factors and the possibility of further practical application of the received information. Conclusion. Most of the factors detected in the article are modifiable. Their correction with the help of training, changes in laws or other evidence-based methods can improve the health of the male population.
19-24 398
At present, dendritic cells are thought to be the main «professional» antigenpresenting cells. They play the leading role in the triggering of the adaptive immune response and its integration with inborn immunity. These properties of dendritic cells determine significant interest for their possible use as a base for making antitumoral vaccines. The results of the study testify about the amplification of the lymphocytes antitumoral activity in relation to the types of tumors against which DC-vaccination was carried out.
24-30 413
Men all over the world sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) 2-3 times more often than women. This review presents and summarizes the 14 key risk factors affecting the TBI prevalence in men. The greatest risks for TBI arise as a result of the effect of the modifiable factors.
30-34 979
The new immunosuppressive drug Leflunomide has been used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis recently. By its efficiency Leflunomide is not inferior to the long known basic drug - Methotrexate. In most cases, Leflunomide is well tolerated. However, it can cause severe side effects in some patients. The most common adverse effects of Leflunomide are gastrointestinal disorders, weight loss, hypertension, skin infections, neuro-and hematotoxicity. Long-term therapy with Leflunomide has hepatotoxic and teratogenic effects. In 2010, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended to label the drug as a «black box» in the instructions, which means that clinical studies have shown that Leflunomide has a significant risk for serious and even life-threatening side effects.
34-39 363
Cerebral vascular diseases are a most topical problem of modern neurology. The article reflects views of a practicing neurologist on the questions of pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment for vascular cognitive disorders.
39-45 323
Obesity is a chronic multifactorial heterogeneous disease characterized by excessive accumulation of body fat (in men - at least 20 % and in women - 25 % of body weight, body mass index (BMI) is more than 25-30). Obesity can also be described as a metabolic disorder in individuals with genetic predisposition leading to excessive deposition of fat in the body weight, overweight being more than 10 % compared to the physiological norm, and may be accompanied by fatty degeneration of internal organs - heart, liver, kidneys.
45-51 363
This article reflects the development of infectious endocarditis over the last 30 years. The evolution of the basic causative agents has been retraced, the diagnosis criteria of infectious endocarditis have been presented, some advice on the etiotropic antibacterial therapy and surgery has been given.


51-54 327
The frequency of the visual signs of connective tissue dysplasia (CTD) in patients with inguinal and femoral hernia has been analyzed. More than 30 % of patients with inguinal hernia have symptoms of CTD. The spine and feet are affected most often than other organs.
54-58 276
Currently, obesity has taken epidemic proportions, especially among young women. 143 pregnant women with signs of abdominal obesity have been examined in order to study the patterns and evidence levels of the metabolic syndrome components. Despite the large number of scientific studies, the problem of metabolic syndrome in pregnant women needs serious further research aimed at the early diagnosis, perinatal prevention and treatment to reduce cardiovascular risks.
58-64 294
The aim of this study was to analyze the types of multiple pathology of the lumbar spine with а multilevel herniated disc. Material and methods. We conducted a survey, analyzed medical records and CT and MRT reports of 87 patients with multiple disorders of the lumbar spine, having been operated at the Neurology ward over 2007-2013. Results. 82 (94.3 %) patients revealed multiple comorbidities of the lumbar spine. We noted the prevalence of spondylarthrosis (89.7 % vs. 72.4 % in men) and spondylolisthesis (6.9 % vs. 1.7 % in men) in the women. In the men, yellow ligament hypertrophy (29.3 % vs. 17.2 % in the women) and calcification of the longitudinal ligaments (13.8 % vs. 6.9 % in the women) were more common. Conclusion. Multiple comorbidities of the lumbar spine were detected in 94.3 % of the patients. Most often the underlying pathology was accompanied by spondylarthrosis (78.2 %), spondylosis (73.6 %) and Schmorl hernia (31 %).
65-68 281
Objective: to study the possibility for staging of endocrine ophthalmopathy by the method of computed tomography (CT) using the protocol of color mapping. Material and methods. 22 patients (44 orbits) with endocrine ophthalmopathy and 9 patients of the comparison group (18 orbits) have been examined with the help of CT. The densitometric density of retrobulbar fat and its characteristic color were evaluated by densitometry. The changes in the retrobulbar fat were assessed with the help of the scale of the color palette correspondence to the densitometric indices. Results. The method of color mapping revealed differences of fine color characteristics of the retrobulbar fat in patients at different stages of the endocrine ophthalmopathy. Fibrosis foci were found in the early stage of fibrosis without affecting the change in the quantitative indicators of the fat. Conclusion. The complementary additional application of the color mapping protocol proved to be advantageous in the staging of endocrine ophthalmopathy.
68-72 316
Objective: to evaluate the interrelations of the body mass index with data that characterize severity of dystrophic changes of long dorsal sacroiliac and iliolumbar ligaments. Subject of research. Long dorsal sacroiliac and iliolumbar ligaments from 50 corpses (aged 25 to 83): 33 males (the average age was 63 ± 9) and 17 females (the average age was 63 ± 9.8). Results. The interconnection of the parameter characterizing the evidence of the dystrophic changes of lumbar-iliac and posterior iliac ligaments long with the body mass index has been determined. Conclusion. A statistically significant (moderate and high) correlation between the body mass index and the evidence of the dystrophic changes of lumbar-iliac and rear long iliac ligaments is found only when the value of the index exceeds the level of 30.
72-75 398
Objective: to study the epidemiologic situation on opisthorchiasis in Gomel region and modern features of the course of opisthorchious invasion. Material and methods. The opisthorchiasis incidence has been analyzed on data of the official statistics of the Republic of Belarus and Gomel region. 11 medical records of hospital patients (f.003/у) over 2004-2013 having undergone treatment at Gomel Regional Infectious Hospital were analyzed. Results. The opisthorchiasis incidence in Gomel region has remained high without any declining trends since 2007 and 3.3-7.75 times exceeds the average republican incidence. Thus, 25 of 31 cases (80.6 %) in 2013 and 30 of 31 (96.8 %) cases in 2012 were recorded in Gomel region, mostly in Zhlobin and Zhlobin district. The majority of the infected patients were detected during their medical check-up for employment in catering business. Only 33 (15.3 %) people were examined by clinical indications. Among the hospitalized patients, town dwellers predominated - 81.8 %. In 81.8 % of the patients, the transmission factor was dried or salted fish. The main clinical manifestations of the disease were dyspeptic and pain syndromes (cholangiocholecistitis, hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, gastrointestinal manifestations). The diagnosis was confirmed by the detection of O. felineus eggs using coproovoscopic method in 54.5 % of the cases, serologically - in 45.5 %.
75-80 301
The review focuses on relapse and refractory forms of acute myeloid leukemia, which is a heterogeneous disease and does not have a single universal therapeutic scheme. The paper presents the characteristics of protocols with inclusion of new agents, shows the role of allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and advances in risk stratification for the treatment for acute myeloid leukemia. The prospects of the therapy personalization based on molecular tests have been determined. The application of more effective induction and post-remission protocols shows a guaranteed reduction in the relapse rate.
80-84 330
The paper presents data on the prevalence of markers of certain opportunistic infections in both HIV-positive children infected via vertical transmission and registered at the HIV/AIDS outpatient consultative ward of the Gomel Regional Infectious Clinical Hospital and in HIV-negative children. The HIV-positive children (43 %) in comparison to the HIV-negative children (26 %, p = 0.008) detected EBV DNA significantly more often. However, the group of the HIV-negative children revealed CMV Ig G more often (50 % vs. 12 % in HIV-positive, p = 0,02). HSV1/2 DNA in the study groups of the children was not detected. The children did not detect Ig M to toxoplasmosis atibodies). CMV, HSV 1/2.


84-89 340
Цель: охарактеризовать и применить в эксперименте современные методики трекинга мезенхимальных стволовых клеток в организме реципиента после трансплантации. Материалы и методы. Мезенхимальные стволовые клетки из жировой ткани (выделение, культивирование, окраска флуоресцентными красителями PKH67 и Dil); лабораторные крысы линии Вистар; экспериментальная модель CCl4-индуцированного хронического гепатита; введение меченных мезенхимальных стволовых клеток в организм лабораторных животных; флуоресцентная микроскопия криосрезов органов; ПЦР-анализ копийности гена Sry. Результаты. Апробированные методики трекинга мезенхимальных стволовых клеток показали информативность мечения клеток флуоресцентными красителями и последующего изучения миграции их в организме реципиента при анализе флуоресцентной микроскопии криосрезов органов. Были выявлены очаги яркой желто-зеленой (РКН 67) или красной (Dil) флуоресценции размером с клетку, колокализованные с клеточными ядрами. Для оценки приживления клеток в отдаленном периоде применена методика выявления гена Sry в организме реципиента женского пола после введения стволовых клеток, выделенных от мужской особи. Показано выживание мезенхимальных стволовых клеток через 45 дней после трансплантации. Заключение. Исследование трекинга трансплантированных мезенхимальных стволовых клеток в организме реципиента в ранние сроки (1-2 недели) информативно с помощью методики прижизненного мечения их липофильными флуоресцентными красителями. В отдаленный посттрансплантационный период о приживлении клеток можно судить по выявлению гена Sry при разнополой родственной трансплантации.
89-101 287
Objective: to study morphological changes in the application of various plastic materials for inclusion of the carotid basin into arterial blood flow. Material and methods. The study was performed on experimental animals. 15 mongrel dogs underwent surgery. The average weight was 23 ± 2 kg. All the animals were male. When conducting experimental studies we used different plastic materials; PTFE conduit was used as an artificial material, a great saphenous vein was used as a subcutaneous autovein, a femoral vein - as a deep autovein. The morphological parameters were assessed by light and electron microscopy. Statistical analysis of the results was performed using analytical package «Statistica» 6.0, the normality of feature distribution was assessed by the Shapiro Wilk test. The normality of qualitative feature distribution showed that the distribution of the parameters differed from the normal (p < 0,001), therefore the comparative analysis of the groups was performed using the methods of parametric statistics. For the comparative description of the features, nonparametric methods of research were used: comparison of two independent selections - Mann - Whitney U-test. In presenting of figure values the median was used (Ме), percentile 25 and 75: Ме (25 %, 75 %). The level of statistical significance was taken as р < 0.05. Results. The morphological study of plastic materials is also associated with the assessment of the function of vascular prostheses. At the same time, great importance is attached to the microvasculature of the vessel walls. Morphometric method of research plays an important role in the study of morphological and functional features of patches. The application of the femoral vein as a plastic material is of particular interest. Conclusion. 12 months after the start of the experiment the greatest wall thickness patch was identified when using the femoral vein, which reflects the optimal adaptation to the blood flow. The degree of vascularization was detected when using the femoral vein, which favorably influences the operation of this type of plastic material.
101-106 334
Nitrite and nitrate ions are major nitrogen monoxide (NO) metabolites in the organism. NO and its derivatives including peroxynitrite and nitrogen dioxide can be pro- and anticancer factors depending on their concentration. The work aimed at specifying the parameters of NO metabolite concentration distribution in blood plasma of men from Dobrush district of Gomel region depending on blood oncomarker level (prostate specific antigen (PSA), cancer antigen 19-9, сarcinoembryonic antigen and alpha-fetoprotein). It was revealed that the distribution of NO metabolite concentration could be approximated by two Gauss’ functions (R2 > 0.98). This corresponded to the presence of two groups of men with different NO production rate. For control population in which the men with low oncomarker level were included, NO metabolite concentration in 10 % of men was two-fold higher than the concentration that was characteristic of the rest 90 % of men. When the concentration of one or more oncomarkers increased the probability of transition from the state with low NO concentration to the state with high NO concentration was increased. Inverse correlation between PSA oncomarker and NO metabolite concentration in plasma was revealed. The obtained results are an evidence of a complex interlacement between the mechanisms of NO synthesis and carcinogenesis. The possible use of plasma NO metabolite level as an additional marker for the refinement of diagnosis and prognosis of carcinogenesis were discussed.
106-111 332
Objective: to analyze the effect of candesartan cilexetil and resveratrol of different dosages and combinations on the molecular and biological parameters of cell culture from bone marrow of mice and cytogenetic parameters of peripheral blood of the animals after physical activity. Material and methods. The cell culture from the bone marrow of C57Bl/6, Balb/C and ICR mice was used for the experiment. We analyzed the number of stem cells with CD117+ phenotype and the molecular and biological parameters (flow cytometry). The statistical processing of the data was performed using «Excel» and «Statistica», 6.0. Results. It was shown that the combined application of candesartan cilexetil and resveratrol increased the number of stem cells with CD117+ and had a stimulating effect on the proliferative processes in vitro and in vivo .


111-115 305
The modern image of the Armed Forces demands a change in the structure of the medical service. The staff of а medical station of a military unit must include at least four medical specialists; and the medical station must be managed by an officer of the medical service. The lack of infirmaries makes it impossible to treat for acute illnesses at the early stages and will lead to poor epidemic well-being.
116-120 356
Objective: to assess the state of health and quality of life (QOL) of elderly and old people living in Gomel region. Material and methods. Questionnaire, a survey study of the quality of life using the questionnaire «SF-36 Health Status Survey», statistical methods. Results. The QOL indices of elderly and old people are significantly reduced by all the scales of the questionnaire «SF-36» except for the scale of social functioning. The respondents with chronic diseases made up 85.6 %, of them 25.8 % had one chronic illness, in other cases - combined pathology. The individuals with chronic illnesses had lower QOL indices by two scales: general health and physical activity. A direct correlation between the age and level of sickliness (r = 0.3, p < 0.05) among elderly and old people. Conclusion. The quality of life of elderly and old people is dependent on their state of health, in the first place, the presence of chronic disease and the level of polymorbidity so in the old age adequate treatment for chronic diseases, timely prevention of exacerbations, complex rehabilitation measures aimed at prevention of disability are very important.
121-125 292
Construction of a new radiation hazardous project in the Republic of Belarus and extension of the maintenance term of existing nuclear reactors, building of storages of waste fuel beside its borders, increasing risks for terrorist threats raise the demands for readiness for radiation accidents, including organization and realization of medical and sanitary support activities for participants of accident reaction. The article summarizes practical proposals to create a crisis center for medical support of accident reaction participants in emergency situations with a radiation factor.
125-129 291
The article deals with the data on the quantitative content of toxic anions in the natural waters of reservoirs and bore holes in Gomel region. The obtained results show the satisfactory quality of the natural waters, applied for the supply of drinking water.
129-134 313
We have developed a method for assessment of the average annual effective internal irradiation doses in people living in radioactively contaminated areas of the Republic of Belarus using results of the Whole Body measurements as a basis and taking into account the effect of indirect factors. Based on the developed method, another Catalogue of Average Annual Effective Irradiation Doses of Residents of the Republic of Belarus was created.


135-139 332
А case of rare pathology - Takayasu’s disease in a middle age patient has been presented. Morphological changes in the organs and their correlation with data of clinical and instrumental methods have been described. The article shows the complexity of lifetime diagnosis verification and the difficulty of diagnosis of this disease on a concrete example.
139-143 293
Objective: to analyze clinical manifestations and data of tool and cytomorphological methods of examination in patients with atypical laryngeal tumors. Material and methods. The results of the examination of patients with rare forms of laryngeal malignant tumors were studied and then compared to the typical manifestation of squamous cell carcinoma. Results. It was found out that the clinical picture of rare laryngeal tumors, such as chondrosarcoma and neuroendocrine neoplasms, differs significantly from the clinical manifestation of squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx. Conclusion. The clinical course of atypical forms of laryngeal malignant neoplasms has a number of particular features which predetermine certain diagnostic difficulties.
143-147 313
This article considers the etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis of aspergillosis, clinical manifestations of the disease on the skin. A clinical case of aspergillosis of the skin in a 56-year woman associated with a thermal burn has been described.
148-153 392
Acute appendicitis is the most common acute surgical abdominal disease in pregnant women, and in most cases has а non-typical and complicated course. The article presents a brief literature review and describes two clinical cases of the complicated forms of acute appendicitis in the III trimester of pregnancy. In the former case, there was appendicular abscess caused by untimely diagnosis, the surgery was performed on the seventeenth day from the onset of the illness at a term of 35 weeks. In the latter case, a woman at a term of 35-36 weeks was performed appendectomy and two days after the surgery she gave birth vaginally and then on the ninth day developed adhesive intestinal obstruction. Both the women had a preterm vaginal delivery on days 2 and 9 of the postoperative period.


153-157 389
The main issues for discussion at the XV Russian Science Forum were: organization of obstetric and neonatal care, ways to reduce maternal and infant mortality, complications of pregnancy and childbirth, nursing of infants with extremely low birth weight, gynecological pathology, oncological diseases and reproduction.

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)