No 1 (2011)
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7-14 335
The article describes the properties of actoprotectors, mechanisms of their effect and pharmacological activity. The efficacy of the actoprotectors application in many fields of clinical medicine testifies to their availability for disaster medicine, military medical practice and in the elimination of radiation exposure aftermath.
15-19 264
Due to the absence of necessary knowledge about anatomic morphological features of ligamentous apparatus of the lumbar spine, it is often difficult to interpret the results of radiological studies of these structures. Taking into consideration the shortage of this information and its importance for diagnostic purposes, the analysis of the publications dedicated to clinical anatomy of intertransverse and transforaminal ligaments has been carried out.
20-26 248
The information about the modern medical treatment of the acute coronary syndrome was presented in the this review.
26-29 305
This is a review of the publications devoted to the techniques of brachial plexus nerve block anesthesia conducted under ultrasound control. There is a certain gap in the knowledge about the usage of ultrasound control for this kind of block anesthesia and this often leads to complications invoked after the mentioned manipulation.
29-34 227
The article gives a brief overview of current trends in the treatment for acute myeloid leukemia. The particular consideration is given to the definition of risk factors in the onset of the disease and of risk-adapted therapy of leukemia.
34-41 255
Article is devoted myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). It is group malignant diseases of a bone marrow in which basis the pathology hаemopoetic stem cells, leading to infringement proliferations and differentiations of hаemopoetic cells - predecessors with their change morphological and functional properties. Development of ordering MDS by variants, in particular, new classification the WHO (2008) is described. The estimation prognostic parametrs and systems is spent. Modern sights at treatment MDS with the account are presented an individualization of therapy on the basis of prognostic factors. The characteristic of new medical products and the analysis of results of application of standard therapeutic schemes in various modes and combinations is given.
41-48 238
The most important problem the educational institutions of Belarus Republic ought to solve is the problem of improving the training of students in medical universities. Therefore, all the medical schools of the republic do their best to reform their work and to create the optimal educational and professional environment for the successful establishment of personal and professional values of the students. But in addition to objective factors affecting the training of high level medical doctors, we must consider both internal subjective factors. Among these factors most essential one is the initial level of knowledge of applicants that become the first-year students of medical university.
48-53 236
Mortality in patients with severe acute pancreatitis remains high. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of comprehensive prevention of infectious complications in patients with severe acute pancreatitis. We studied the results of treatment of 224 patients with pancreatic necrosis. Comprehensive prevention of infectious complications of severe acute pancreatitis is a necessary component of the pathogenesis treatment of pancreatic necrosis may be recommended for use in clinical practice and can improve the treatment results.
53-58 303
In the article there are results of the complex research of basic anthropometric indices and somatotypes of children and adolescents aged from 7 to 17 residing in Gomel. The periods of the acceleration and deceleration of the increase rates of the basic anthropometric indices have been revealed. The determination of the somatotypes of the children and adolescents according to Shtefko-Ostrovsky scheme showed that in the group of schoolchildren the children with muscular somatotype predominated. Meanwhile as the children mature the tendency to decrease the number of the schoolchildren with thoracal and to increase the ones with muscular somatotype is revealed.
58-61 230
The results of 126 bacteriological investigations performed at the Department of vascular surgery, Gomel Regional Cardiologic Dispensary in the period from 2006 to 2007 have been analysed. In all the groups of the examined patients Staphylococcus aureus was the most widespread (33,3-66,7 %) infectious agent. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was most common for the patients suffering from PAD and postphlebitic syndrome (15,4 and 19,3 %, correspondingly) and significantly less prevalent in the group with trophic lesions in varix dilatation (4,8 %). Streptococcus epidermidis was most often revealed in the patients with PAD and varix dilatation (7,7 and 10,5 % correspondingly), аnd Staphylococcus saprophyticus - in the patients with PAD (11,5 %). The carried out analysis provides the ground to consider the application of ciprofloxacin and gentamicin in the initial treatment for all the above listed diseases as the most reasonable.
61-65 247
The analysis of lipid peroxidation (LPO) contents in plasma, erythrocytes and saliva of 23 patients with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections has been carried out. The contents of the final products of neutral lipids oxidation, end and secondary products of phospholipid peroxidation was found to increase as well as the relatively healthy patients revealed the decrease of the secondary products of lipid peroxidation. The differences in the degree of change in LPO activity in the blood and saliva of the patients were demonstrated. The maximum increase of the lipid peroxidation products was detected in isopropanol extracts of red blood cells. The differences in the nature and number of relations between the LPO parameters in different biological material in healthy persons and patients.
66-69 215
The article presents the results of the retrospective analysis of 80 medical delivery histories: 40 patients with a pre-natal infection in newborns and 40 conditionally healthy women with normal pregnancy who have given birth to healthy children. The data on laboratory diagnostic methods, biochemical analysis of blood (S-jet protein), morphological research of placenta, ultrasonic research were studied by the medical documentation.
70-76 228
The functional activity of neutrophils and lipid peroxidation was studied in 73 patients with severe form of herpes infection. The augmentation of first, second (trienic conjugates) and last (Schiff bases) products of lipid peroxydation in plasma and in erythrocytes was increased in the periods of remission and exacerbation of the disease. The increasing degree of Schiff bases was higher in the remission periods than in the exacerbation periods of the disease. The oxygen production of neutrophils was increased in the periods of remission and exacerbation of the disease.
76-80 283
The analysis of the late publications is evidence of the tendency to the rising rectal cancer incidence in the whole world. According to the data of World Health Organization every year more than 500 thousand cases of this disease are registered in the world. In the structure of oncologic incidence rate rectal cancer takes the second-third place in both men and women and goes second among the oncopathology death reasons in the majority of economically developed countries. The adenomatous polypi are known to develop the majority of rectal neoplasms. The chain «adenoma - cancer» has been proved by numerous researches and though not every adenoma tranforms into cancer, this is possible in a considerable number of the present neoplasms. In connection with this, the endoscopic diagnosis and ablation of adenomatous polypi of rectum and large intestine are effective methods of rectal cancer prophylaxis.
80-86 353
To define adaptation potential of cardiovascular system to physical activity and analyze physical fitness of a sportsman`s organism, Harward step-test was applied in 80 young sportsmen going for both static and dynamic kinds of sports. The results of this application are reflected in this article. The high diagnostic significance of this loading test carried out under the EKG control to reveal the initial signs of the developing pathological athlete’s heart in young sportsmen was established. The given method allows to optimize the medical and pedagogical supervision over children playing in different sports groups.
86-89 215
The article presents the assessment of liver fibrosis evidence in patients with chronic hepatitis with high level of ferritin by noninvasive methods. It has been revealed that chronic hepatitis accompanied with hyperferritinemia is characterized by higher expressivenesses of liver fibrosis, and also by higher indicators of cytolysis and cholestasia syndromes.
90-95 214
Comparison of different schemes of interferon therapy efficiency is studied in patients with chronic hepatitis C with various viral genotypes. On treatment of chronic hepatitis C it is necessary to be guided not only on clinical, but also pharmaco-economic efficiency of therapy. By means of «cost-effectiveness» analysis it is established that the best price/quality ratio has the scheme with use of interferon monotherapy with high-doses beginning.
95-102 269
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common causes of the increased contents of serum enzymes in chronic liver diseases. Its incidence rate is associated with the ongoing epidemics of obesity and diabetes of type 2. This multifaceted metabolic disorder is commonly encountered in clinical practice of various health care professionals ranging from primary care providers and gastroenterologists to cardiologists, radiologists and gynecologists. NAFLD comprises a spectrum of liver diseases from simple steatosis to full blown steatohepatitis that is characterized by steatosis, lobular inflammation, ballooning and fibrosis. Over the last several years, much progress has been made in terms of our understanding of its risk factors, pathogenesis, natural history, non-invasive markers and treatment. This review is tailored to clinicians caring for patients with NAFLD and it covers practical issues related to the certain aspects of its evaluation and management.
102-106 251
The article presents the description of mitochondrial oxidation in thymus tissues of white rats exposed to ionizing radiation. It has been established that the level of respiration on endogen substrates decreases sharply in short-term period after the exposure and the adaptive potential of electron-transport chain almost disappears. In long-term period the level of respiration and the state of electron-transport chain restores in an undulatory way, control animals have higher indices of mitochondrial respiration system on the 90th day.
106-110 239
Urea is a chemical effect on the conformation of bovine serum albumin, causing a partial unfolding of the protein globule its exit to the surface of hydrophobic amino acids. Changing the pH of the solution in which the protein also affects the state of the protein, so there are multiple conformational states in which urea as a chemical effect on the conformation of bovine serum albumin, causing a partial unfolding of the protein globule of its exit to the surface of hydrophobic amino acids. Changing the pH of the solution in which the protein also affects the state of the protein, so there are multiple conformational states into which the serum albumin. The objective of our research was to study the effect of different protein concentrations and pH on the conformation of serum albumin. Very sensitive method for studying protein conformation are their own methods and probe fluorescence. The dependence of the effect of various factors on the fluorescence can be with a certain degree of probability suggest conformational transitions in proteins.
110-116 235
Prepared and approbated method of H. pylori genotype and allelic variant testing by means of PCR (polymerase chain reaction). PCR determines the genetic structure of H. pylori circulating strains and their role in the occurrence of GIT (gastrointestinal tract) diseases. There are no significant differences between the groups of patients with GIT diseases and gastritis (p > 0,05). It testifies about the similar gene structure of H. pylori in the patients with GIT diseases. Cag-A genotype is significantly more often observed in making a comparison of control group and duodenal ulcer patients (p = 0,007). It reveals the significance of this gene in the occurrence of duodenal ulcers.
116-120 251
Structural and electronic properties of melatonin, tryptophan, and oxidative products of these molecules were determined theoretically by performing semi-empirical and ab initio calculations. The radical scavenging effects of melatonin and tryptophan were studied using the alkoxyl and peroxyl radical- generating systems. We have shown that melatonin, rather than tryptophan, is a potent lipid antioxidant and an effective scavenger of alkoxyl- and peroxyl radicals.
120-124 490
The comparative analysis of incidence of initially multiple malignant neoplasms in 749 patients with stomach cancer form Vitebsk region and 712 patients from Gomel region of the Republic of Belarus detected within 1991-2007 was performed. It was found out that the dynamics of incidence of initially multiple malignant neoplasms in patients with stomach cancer residing in regions with different ecological situation in the whole was approximately the same and was characterized by monotonous growth. At the same time, the observed in the separate years differences in the incidence indicators most probably reflected age-gender peculiarities of population in the studied regions.
124-128 237
The data on the manifestation of social relapse-dangerous clinical situations in patients with alcohol addiction in the period of the first 6 months of therapeutic remission have been presented (code ICD-10 F10.200). Based on these data, the recommendations aimed at early diagnosis and targeted preventive therapy of patients with alcohol addiction in the treatment and rehabilitation have been formulated.
128-130 285
Bees are an excellent animate indicator to detect pesticides, heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and radionuclide on the given territory. In Italy, in the period after the Chernobyl catastrophe the investigations were carried out to prove that honey was a sure indicator for radioactive contamination. The analysis based on the technique of gamma spectrophotometry using Multichannel Germanium crystal is particularly suitable for the detection and dosimetry of Cesium (137Cs +134Cs), Mercury isotope 197 and Lead isotopes-210, -212, -214. Bees together with their products were included in the Enumeration «Rassegna di Bioindicatori per la radioattività ambientale» (Review of Bioindicators to monitor environmental radioactivity) - AGF-T-RAP-99-13 of 31.12.2009 prepared by ANPA (National Center of Physical Agents) as bioindicators of environmental radioactivity.
130-136 226
The aim of the research was to study antineoplastic and cosmetic efficacy of various radiotherapy methods to treat for primary non-metastatic cancer of lip. The results of the radiotherapy of 355 patients with T1-4N0M0 cancer of lower lip were analyzed. The methods of close-focus X-ray therapy and contact radiotherapy were used. The rate of the tumor progression and evidence of radiolesions were compared. The received data testify to the fact that there is no any difference in the tumor progression rate after using different methods of radiotherapy. The radiolesions were less marked after the contact radiotherapy.
136-141 256
The study was a comparative evaluation of the identification of inflammatory bowel disease and tumor on the basis of fecal lactoferrin and fecal calprotectin. 40 patients with colorectal cancer, 52 patients with ulcerative colitis, 45 patients with irritable bowel syndrome and 19 healthy volunteers are included in study group. Diagnoses were exposed on the basis of clinical, laboratory, endoscopic and morphological data. Healthy volunteers had no symptoms of bowel disease and were not subjected to abdominal surgical interventions. Active ulcerative colitis was assessed by an index Schroeder (Mayo Clinic UC DAI). Lactoferrin was determined in stool samples taken from a stool, enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) using kits ELISA TEST KIT Hycult Biotechnology (Netherlands). Calprotectin were determined in stool samples of patients taken from a stool, immunnofermentnym analysis using a standard set of firm «Nova Tec Immundiagnostica GmbH», Germany. Established that the diagnostic value of faecal calprotectin in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer (AUC: 0,945 ± 0,0262) and ulcerative colitis (AUC: 0,893 ± 0,032) did not differ from lactoferrin (p = 0,9547 and p = 0,9645 respectively). In the differential diagnosis of organic and functional bowel disease markers also had no reliable statistical differences on this parameter (AUC: 0,938 ± 0,0207; p = 0,8124).
142-146 230
The aim of the research was to study the possibility to detect organic disease of large intestine using a combination of fecal lactoferrin and immunochemical hemoccult test. 48 patients with colorectal cancer, 52 patients with ulcerative colitis, 46 patients with irritable bowel syndrome and 25 healthy volunteers were examined. Lactoferrin was detected in feces samples taken from one defecation act by means of immune-enzyme analysis (ELISA) using ELISA TEST KIT Hycult Biotechnology (Netherlands). The marker concentration at the level of 15,25 ug/g was defined as the separation point. Hemoglobin in the feces was detected by the immunochemical hemoccult test with sets of the firm «Biotech Atlantic, Inc.» (U.S.). It was found that the sensitivity of the combined testing of fecal lactoferrin and immunochemical hemoccult test in the detection of colorectal cancer and ulcerative colitis was 100 % (95 % CI: 92,5-100) and 84,62 % (95 % CI:71,9-93,1), respectively. The specificity of the sample was at 85,92 % (95 % CI: 75,6-93). Consequently, the combined sample was a sensitive and specific marker to identify the organic pathology of large intestine.
146-150 234
At present there is no single opinion about the advantages of this or that sanitizing operation on ear and indications for its performance. It is necessary to take into consideration anatomical topographic and functional features choosing the variant of a sanitizing operation. The authors proposed an original method of the surgical treatment for chronic suppurative otitis media.
150-152 215
Tissues and organs of the oral cavity have a permanent thermal influence. Dimensions of the orthopedic constructions are changed synchronously with them, thus depends on the used materials, they are changing in a different ways. Accordingly, stretching or constringent exertions appear at the places of contact which could provoke prosthesis breakage as well as complications development. Aim of work was to analyze thermal teeth microdeformations restored with complete ceramic crowns made by method of computer milling. Reaction of materials on the heat influence was similar to the intact tooth reaction.
ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)