
Health and Ecology Issues

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No 2 (2015)
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4-7 351
National and foreign literature on the problem of anophthalmic syndrome and social adaptation of people with this pathology has been surveyed. The article describes bases of formation of a qualitative support-motor eyeball stump with the following achievement of cosmetic effect by means of eye prosthetics.
7-11 393
This review of literature describes different methods of wound defect healing and analyzes modern literature data on repairs of primary aseptic wounds on the face and neck without tension.
11-16 358
Improvement of conservative and operative methods of treatment for congenital clubfoot is inseparably linked with creation of constructions, orthopedic splints and devices. The article covers the history of creation and design features of braces - devices for fixing and dynamic correction of children`s feet. Modern designs of braces are successfully used worldwide after conservative or operative treatment for clubfoot to prevent its relapses. The features and advantages of braces produced in Belarus are stated: their universality, functionality, hygienicity, affordability.
16-23 404
The aim of the research is to study modern data on results of medical application of diamond-like coatings. Material and methods. We have reviewed scientific English and Russian-language articles available in the Medline database and on the Internet meeting enquiries «diamond-like coating», «application of diamond-like coatings», «biocompatibility of diamond-like coatings». In the course of the search we looked through about 800 sources of patent and scientific medical information and selected 17 units of patent information and 44 units of scientific medical information for further study. Results. We systematized modern data on the results of the experimental and clinical application of diamond-like coatings, their unique properties. Together with description of failed cases of the application of implants with diamond-like coatings, there are a large number of experiments and cases with positive results in clinical practice. Conclusion. A large number of both preclinical and clinical studies on the application of diamond-like coated implants are needed.


23-32 287
Objective: to study the intraocular pressure (IOP) in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma during the treatment with hypotensive drugs depending on age, medical history, stage of disease and the central thickness of the cornea. Material and methods. 812 right eyes of 812 patients were examined, 637 of 812 were glaucoma patients and 175 healthy people of the control group. Results. The level of the intraocular pressure was significantly higher in patients with severe glaucoma than in patients with moderate glaucoma or healthy people. There was no significant difference in the central corneal thickness between glaucoma patients and healthy people (both male and female). The IOP level was higher in the group of patients treated with non-fixed combination of beta-blockers and prostaglandins regardless of the disease stage. The IOP compensation was found in 69.9 % of patients with moderate glaucoma and 14.4 % of patients with severe glaucoma. Conclusion. The results of the study can be used as clinical guidelines for determination of the optimal IOP range while choosing the optimal IOP-lowering medications at the start of therapy and during the follow-up of patients with moderate and severe glaucoma.
32-37 390
The efficiency of using Clarithromycin , Linex and Essentiale forte in the standard therapy of streptococcus-associated psoriasis vulgaris has been evaluated. The majority of patients revealed normal levels of anti-streptococcus antibodies and marked regression of psoriatic skin areas. 35.3 % of patients have increased streptodernaze B levels with normal antistreptolysin O titers, which is a direct indication for prescription of a repeated course of the treatment or tonsillectomy. The majority of patients have been found to have normal levels of streptococcus antibodies in the blood and expressed regression of psoriatic skin components.
37-41 304

The article presents the results of the experimental study of the influence of low-intensive magnetic therapy on the parameters of pro/antioxidant status in patients with complicated diabetes mellitus. The magnetic exposure has a positive effect on the pro/antioxidant balance of blood plasma and therefore aimed at pathogenetic processes of angiopathy. The application of the combined physiotherapy method (hydromagnetotherapy and pneumatic compression therapy) in the treatment of patients with complicated diabetes mellitus has a stronger effect on the pro/antioxidant balance in comparison with local magnetotherapy.

41-45 345
The article presents the results of the experimental study of the influence of low-intensive magnetic therapy on the parameters of pro/antioxidant status in patients with complicated diabetes mellitus. The magnetic exposure has a positive effect on the pro/antioxidant balance of blood plasma and therefore aimed at pathogenetic processes of angiopathy. The application of the combined physiotherapy method (hydromagnetotherapy and pneumatic compression therapy) in the treatment of patients with complicated diabetes mellitus has a stronger effect on the pro/antioxidant balance in comparison with local magnetotherapy.


45-50 408
Objective: experimental modeling of toxic liver injury in rabbits. Material and methods. White Californian rabbits (5 females and 5 males, weight - 1.5 kg, age - 4 months) were used as objects for modeling of toxic liver injury. Acute and chronic liver injuries were modeled with intraperitoneal injection of 50 % solution of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) at doses of 1ml/kg in olive oil twice a week. Results. During the experiment, the rabbits developed toxic liver injury. Acute toxic hepatitis developed on the fifth day, fibrotic changes started on the thirthieth day and ended with liver cirrhosis on the sixtieth day. Liver cirrhosis was postnerotic and mainly multilobular. Conclusion. Intraperitoneal injection of carbon tetrachloride leads to toxic liver injury and development of cirrhosis with compensatory regeneration of the liver in rabbits, which has been proved by morphometric and laboratory methods.
50-55 323
Objective: morphological and functional analysis of the myocardium of male rats exposed to incorporated radionuclides of137Сs. Material and methods: The hearts of outbred albino rats were studied using histological, electron microscopic and dosimetric analysis methods. Results. The study revealed significant structural and functional changes in the rat myocardium at tissue, cellular and subcellular levels. Conclusion. Short-term incorporated exposures to low doses of137Сs call forth significant structural and functional changes in the myocardium of rats at tissue, cellular and subcellular levels. In non-changing heart weight, there is a decrease of the total number of heart muscle cells. The compensatory response to the cell loss causes hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes (CM) and their nuclei, the density of CM nuclei reduces and the volume of myofibrils increases. Simultaneously with the reactions of plastic synthesis, CM accumulates significant destructive changes. The observed processes of neoplasms have a distorted nature. The energy unit reorganizes. The number of mitochondria and the area occupied by them also decrease. The energy security rate reduces as well. The gradual reduction of the functional capacity of cardiomyocytes may be a prerequisite for development of heart disease.
55-59 363
Objective: to investigate the changes in behavioral response of female rats in the «open field» test in the conditions of radiation with electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies and ionizing radiation at doses of 0.5 and 1.0 Gy. Material and methods. The experiment was conducted on 60 female laboratory rats (6 months) exposed to separate and combined effects of external ionizing radiation (0.5 and 1.0 Gy) and electromagnetic radiation for 15 days. Emotional reactivity, locomotor and exploratory activity of animals were studied with the «open-field» test. Results. The effect of electromagnetic radiation of the range of cellular telecommunication modified the responses of the irradiated (0.5 and 1.0 Gy) female rats which were assessed according to their behavioral patterns in the «open field» test. Thus, the rats exposed to the combined effect of the factors revealed the highest integral level of anxiety.
59-64 322
Objective: to examine the orienting and exploratory behavior of male outbred rats with different lifespan after acute disorders of cerebral circulation (ADCC). Material and methods. The orienting and exploratory behavior of male outbred rats (n = 38) was evaluated with the «open field» test. Incomplete forebrain ischemia was modeled in the animals by means of Bilateral Common Carotid Artery Occlusion (BCCAO). Results. The rats having lived less than 24 hours after BCCAO observed significantly more large groomings as compared to the rats having lived 24 or more hours after the surgery (p = 0.016). The rats having lived for at least 3 hours detected 1.6 times as many holes as the animals having lived from 3 to 24 hours after BCCAO (p = 0.042). Conclusion. The BCCAO modeling of acute disorders of cerebral circulation revealed that the male outbred white rats having lived less than a day after the operation showed higher initial vertical motor activity if compared to the rats having lived 24 or more hours after the surgery. The experimental animals having lived less than 3 hours had higher initial research activity in comparison with those having lived from 3 to 24 hours after BCCAO.
64-68 327
Objective: to reveal genetic markers acting as predictors of various age-associated changes for their early diagnosis. Material and methods. The study included 35 patients diagnosed with chronic gastritis and examined in the Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology (Gomel). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and electrophoretic DNA fragment analysis were done. Results. We formed a set of primers for the fragment analysis by 2 loci which made it possible to assess the content of mitochondrial DNA in cells as a marker for senescence. Conclusion. We revealed the dependence of the content of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) on the calendar age: the increase of the chronological age leads to the decrease of the mtDNA content.


68-72 304
The epidemiological features of a cohort of patients with acute disorders of cerebral circulation living in Gomel and Gomel region have been analyzed. The absolute prevalence of patients with ischemic stroke has been shown. It has been revealed that men significantly prevailed in nosological subgroups of stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage. The age features of peaks of incidence rate and gender distinctions of patients with stroke have been ascertained.
73-78 305
This article presents the results of the study of the structure of HIV-associated temporary disability (TD) in the infectious diseases in-patient hospital and out-patient clinics of the city of Gomel. The study revealed that that HIV features were the young age of the patients and its latent character in the majority of the patients with this pathology undergoing in-patient treatment and in all the HIV positive patients under regular medical supervision in out-patient clinics. The patients were not given sick leaves. The criteria and optimal minimum terms of TD in this pathology have been proposed.
78-81 307
The subject of study was the population affected by the Chernobyl accident, (1-4 groups of primary registration). We studied cases of hematologic malignancies (ICD-10: C90-96) for the period 1986-2012. The standardized ratios of their incidence were calculated and analyzed. The analysis of the indices of the incidence ratios revealed a significantly higher risk of development of multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms, lymphoid leukemia and myeloid leukemia (in men) in the group of the liquidators. The fourth group of primary registration had a significantly higher risk for development of lymphocytic leukemia and myeloid leukemia (in men).
81-86 300
We have estimated the efficiency of agricultural measures by the criterion of the individual total effective accumulated dose per average resident of the polluted areas of Belarus during the Post-Chernobyl period. We have calculated the share contribution of each of the three factors (physical half-life decay period, biogeochemical processes, counter-measures) in decreased radioactivity of milk being the main dose-forming factor. The annual effective doses of internal, external and total irradiation and their dynamics over 1987-2012 for mineral and peaty soils have been estimated.
86-90 301
Objective: to determine correlative relations between the indoor volume activity of radon and the parameter defining the content and nature of radon in rocks. Material and methods. The results of indoor volume activity in rural settlements of Gomel and Mogilev regions measured by specialists of Scientific and Research Institute of Industrial and Marine Medicine (Saint Petersburg) in 1992, the exposure doze power maps before the Chernobyl Disaster made by specialists of the Republican Unitary Enterprise «Belgeology» over 1969-1985, and the geologist rocks maps with various uranium content were used as the basis for radon risk mapping. Results and conclusion. We have proposed the complex radon factor that may be calculated as the relative content of uranium in rocks multiplied by the relative value of rock penetration. The regression dependence of volume activity on the complex radon value taken on average in Gomel and Mogilev regions has essentially high correlative coefficient - 0.76. Such correlation is enough to use this parameter based on the measurements of rock radon characteristics in Gomel and Mogilev regions for radon risk mapping.


90-94 398
Objective: to analyze our own experience of intensive care in a patient in the state of cardiogenic shock under the control of invasive hemodynamic monitoring. Material and methods. The article presents a clinical case of treatment of a 57-year old patient with acute myocardial infarction of the left ventricular posterior wall complicated by ventricular fibrillation, cardiogenic shock, and respiratory distress syndrome. During the monitor control of the patient`s state, invasive hemodynamic monitoring according to PiCCO technology was additionally used. The complex treatment of the patient involved the application of inotropic and vasopressor drugs, maintaining of fluid balance, artificial lung ventilation. Results. Daily repeated control over central hemodynamics parameters for five days made it possible to apply inotropic and vasopressor drugs differentially, which led to the stabilization of hemodynamics. When the patient was disconnected from the artificial lung ventilation, his venous and arterial blood were tested. To be completely disconnected the patient had to undergo respirator tracheostomy. The patient was discharged in a satisfactory condition on the thirty-second day. Two months later, the patient`s quality of life was assessed by the questionnaire EQ-5D as good. Conclusion. The application of invasive hemodynamic monitoring in myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock favors the choice of the optimal treatment tactics. Repeated control over central hemodynamic parameters makes it possible to predict the course of the illness.
94-99 376
The paper presents a review of publications on etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of Sweet, s syndrome. It describes a clinical case with typical clinical manifestations of Sweet,s syndrome. The diagnosis was verified by clinical findings and pathohistological examination of the affected skin.


99-104 326
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) makes it possible to create not only the geometrical image of the surface of an object but also its physical and mechanical image composed from a number of AFM parameters. Changes of the physical and mechanical AFM image of the erythrocyte surface in patients with infectious respiratory diseases and hepatocirrhosis as well as in the process of erythrocyte ageing have been studied in vitro . The AFM images are based on data obtained during its scanning in the contact mode and include fractal dimension and statistical parameters for the cell surface distribution of lateral forces along the cell surface (sliding friction forces between the point of the AFM probe and the cell surface). The obtained data have shown the effectiveness of the application of the physical and mechanical image of erythrocyte surface in the early detection of their function changes and prognosis of possible circulatory disturbances.

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)