
Health and Ecology Issues

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No 3 (2012)
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7-11 292
The literature review covers the questions of epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment of chronic heart deficiency with preserved left ventricle ejection fraction.
11-14 303
Ultrasonic examination is an important diagnostic tool. At present, there are significant reserves of sonography enhancement in medical institutions of any level, which provides the application of the quality assurance system. The use of the methods of quality assurance in a varying degree makes it possible to improve diagnosis and to enlarge the possibilities of echography. The problems of quality assurance are becoming more and more topical in the service of radiation diagnostics of the Republic of Belarus. The application of the monitoring quality system of the ultrasonic equipment and work stages will guarantee diagnostic research of high quality, and also the maximum safety of the personnel and patients. The aim of the publication is to attract attention to the necessity of sonographic examination enhancement, acquaintance with the system of echography quality assurance according to the international standards.
14-18 286
The aim of research: to assess the possibility of histological diagnosis of bone marrow sample in myelodysplastic syndrome. Materials: analytical review of publications. Results: the possibilities of the method application were determined. Conclusion. Morphological changes in bone marrow in myelodysplastic syndromes are not strictly specific and should be evaluated taking into consideration other clinical and laboratory methods.
18-22 288
The review covers basic indicators which determine a successful performance in rowing competitions. Among them, the most important are the indicators of constitution which are taken into account during the sports selection at different levels of long-term preparation, choosing the distance, forming teams, adjusting of a rower’s seat.
22-28 443
Cardiomyopathy is a chronic and progressive disease of the heart muscle (myocardium). These diseases have a variety of causes, symptoms, and manifestations. According to the World Health Organization, there are four main types of nonischemic cardiomyopathy: dilated (DCM), hypertrophic (HCM), restrictive (RCM) and arrhythmogenic right ventricular (ARVC). Each form is determined by the nature of muscle damage. According to the current literature, the prognosis on pediatric cardiomyopathy remains unfavourable with very high mortality rates. Although, at present, there is no cure for cardiomyopathy, some symptoms and complications can be managed and controlled with medication and implantable devices.
28-35 308
Ascites is a common complication of liver cirrhosis associated with a poor prognosis. The treatment of ascites requires dietary sodium restriction and the judicious use of diuretics. Management of refractory ascites in cirrhosis requires treatments of repeat largevolumeparacentesis (LVP) or the insertion of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS), and assessment for liver transplantation. Potential new treatment options for ascites include the use of various vasoconstrictors, vasopressin V2 receptor antagonists, or the insertion of a peritoneo-vesical shunt.
35-39 343
Aim of research: the aim of this research was to overview clinical guidelines and evidence regarding perioperative management of patients with diabetes mellitus. Materials and methods: the clinical guidelines and evidence regarding perioperative management of patients with diabetes mellitus were studied. The approaches to preoperative management and perioperative insulin therapy in this category of patients were described and analyzed. The role of oral hypoglycemic drugs in perioperative period was discussed. Conclusion. The optimal perioperative management of patients with diabetes mellitus is a difficult task. The up-to-date evidence does not cover all the problems arising during the management of this category of patients. The need in further research and compilation of clinical guidelines is obvious.
39-44 317
On the average, 10 % of the planet`s inhabitants have gallstone disease. Today, the prevalence of this pathology is the second after that of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Cholecystectomy became one of the most common operations in abdominal surgery.
44-49 424
Aim. To study the prevalence of genital HPV infection in HIV-positive women and their mutual influence, their manifestations and outcomes in co-infected HPV- and HIV-positive patients, including the period during their pregnancy and after the childbirth according to scientific publications. Material and methods. Present-day national and international research works on female HPV and HIV co-infection were reviewed. Results. The article presents the data on genital HPV-infection prevalence and characterization of HPV types in HIV-positive patients, the relation of HPV-infection with immune disorders, the effect of antiretroviral therapy on HPV persistence in genital tracts. The problems of HPV infection in HIV-infected pregnant women and HPV perinatal transmission were also considered in the work. Conclusion. HIV-positive women form a high-risk group for HPV infection. The development and implementation of algorithms for dynamic gynecological supervision in HIV and HPV co-infected patients will help to reveal and prevent cervical cancer prevalence and reduce its mortality. The examination of HPV and HIV co-infected pregnant and parturient patients will make it possible to prevent vertical transmission; determine the immediate and long-term outcomes for mothers and children, the prognosis of HPV- and HIV-associated diseases.
50-55 264
This article covers the study of the phenomenon of «Self-conception» in the viewpoint of addictive personal behavior. The article presents the results of theoretical analysis of the problem of addictive behavior and self-conception of personality in national and foreign psychology. The study suggests a theoretical model of structural organization of personal self-conception.
55-59 312
The molecular basis of hereditary pathology is now the most studied problem of medical and molecular genetics. The recent research shows that not only genetic factors may determine the development of pathological process, but also the so-called epigenetic factors including genetic and nongenetic changes in the expression of specific genes without corresponding structural changes in its nucleotide sequence. The role of the epigenetic regulation of gene activity based on abnormal methylation is assigned as one of the genetic causes of many cancers. Methylation is one of DNA modifications leading to a change in its structural and functional status, which variety of biological processes makes it subject of great interest for the study of the influence of the genome methylation on the fundamental processes in living cells.
59-63 278
The variability of heart rhythm makes it possible to define the state of homeostasis according to the degree of activity of vegetative nervous system divisions and to define the tension of regulating systems according to the activity of subcortical nervous centres, which allows to predict the degree of physical exercise in sports, to detect the conditions of рhysical weariness, to supervise the process of physical training aimed at its optimisation.
63-69 281
The present-day diagnosis and treatment for the diseases of pancreatic gland in children is one of the most complex problems of clinical gastroenterology. There is a tendency of the increased prevalence of these diseases and at the same time their diagnosis presents significant difficulties and is often accompanied by diagnostic errors. Thereby, the timely diagnosis of the diseases of pancreatic gland and their adequate treatment will make it possible to improve the disease prognosis and decrease the complications rate.


69-75 300
The research work deals with the problems of diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune ophthalmopathy associated with thyroid gland pathology. The article presents a detailed list of examinations in this pathology with the evaluation of the process activity according to the scale of clinical activity, and assessment of the severity of ophthalmopathy by a number of parameters. The major elements of treatment, including general recommendations, symptomatic and pathogenetic treatment and the basic aspects of surgical treatment were considered.
76-82 256
The results of the surgical treatment of 184 patients with primary carcinoma of the lower lip were analyzed. The rate of postoperative complications and tumor recurrence depending on the operative technique and anesthesia was studied. Our study showed the tumor recurrence rate was not significantly different in the patients operated with local and total anesthesia. The tumor recurrence rate did not significantly differ depending on the shape of radical resection of the lip. The postoperative complications rate was lower after reconstruction of the defects with myocutaneous flaps than by Blokhin method or after reconstruction of lateral defects by step-formed flaps than by Bruns method.
82-88 537
The production of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) is the one of the most widespread and clinically significant mechanism of resistance to modern β-lactams in the members of Enterobacteriaceae family. The aim of this review is to describe the ESBL of various groups (ТЕМ, SHV, OXA, CTX-M). The article gives the consideration of the data on spreading the ESBL in the etiologic agents of urinary tract infections and methods of their detection.
88-95 301
The article presents information on the features of pharmacokinetics of medications in pregnant women, risk categories of drugs in pregnancy, causes of inefficiency of antibacterial therapy.
95-101 293
The changes in the parameters of hemodynamic, electroencephalographic entropy, levels of glucose, lactate and cortisol were studied in 85 patients, operated on organs of abdominal cavity in the conditions of effective anesthesiological protection on the basis of multicomponent endotracheal anesthesia with application of inhalation anesthetics and total intravenous anesthesia. It was determined that the control level of glucose, cortisol and lactate in blood serum was an informative biochemical indicator of anesthesia adequacy during abdominal operations and can be successfully employed as a corresponding part of the intraoperational monitoring.
102-107 273
Objective : to estimate the resistance prevalence of P. aeruginosa to antipseudomonal antibiotics and reveal metallo-beta-lactamases producers among carbapenem resistant clinical isolates. Materials and methods. The subject of the study is clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa resistant to antibacterial drugs. The resistance of P. aeruginosa clinical isolates to antipseudomonal antibiotics was estimated, antimicrobial resistance phenotypes and associated resistance variants were analyzed, and production of metallo-beta-lactamases was detected using phenotypical screening method. Results. High levels of P. aeruginosa resistance to the most of antibacterial drugs, except carbapenems, were revealed. The local features of antimicrobial resistance in different hospitals were established. A total of 19 metallo-beta-lactamase producers were isolated in 6 hospitals of three republican regions. All metallo-beta-lactamase producers have the same phenotype, indicating of clonal prevalence. No carbapenem resistant isolates was resistant to colistin. Conclusion. It is necessary to carry out multi-facet research aimed at the detection of carbapenem resistance mechanisms and epidemiological marking of resistant isolates in order to reveal epidemically significant P.aeruginosa metallo-beta-lactamase producing clones in time and to develop the infection control measures to restrain its circulation.
107-112 275
Objective. To develop a new way to enhance single-layer colonic anastomosis with oksitselanim tissue and to assess its effectiveness in comparison with anastomosis, reinforced by latex tissue adhesive (LTA). Material and methods. The study was performed on 48 white mongrel male rats. Both the groups underwent intersection of the colon with subsequent formation of anastomosis in an «end-to-end» single-row Pirogov-Mateshuk suture that in the control group was strengthened by latex tissue adhesive, and in the experimental group by oksitselanim tissue. The derivation of the experiment was carried out on 3, 7, 14, 30 days. Such parameters of blood as wbc, phagocytic index, phagocytic number, the level of circulating immune complexes, the activity of complement were studied. The swab was taken from the anastomosis zone for bacteriological examination. The presence of effusion, adhesions, abscess, anastomotic narrowing, expansion of the leading department were macroscopically evaluated. The mechanical strength of the anastomosis was determined by pneumohydropression method. The area of tanastomosis was taken for histological examination. Results. The comparison of the morphological patterns of the abdominal cavity, the results of microscopic and bacteriological study suggests a lower expression of local inflammatory changes and bacterial permeability of colonic anastomoses reinforced with «oksitselanim» tissue. The mechanical strength of anastomoses in the experimental group exceeds those in the control group. The comparative analysis of leukocyte counts, phagocytosis, levels of circulating immune complexes and complement activity suggests a more rapid and less intense non-specific inflammatory response in the experimental group. Conclusion. The «oksitselanim» preparation makes it possible to prevent quickly the development of infectious complications with minimal response of the body and provide better conditions for the tissue regeneration after the formation of intestinal anastomosis.
112-116 266
The article presents the results of treatment for dislipidemia in patients with metabolic syndrom. Hypolipidemic efficiency and safety of medostatin application were demonstrated in the given group of patients.
116-120 256
The paper presents data on the family of clinical situations in patients with alcohol dependence, the first six months of the formation of remission (F10.200). The ratio of persons with alcohol dependence during abstinence from alcohol to close people is a reflection of their personal nature and characterizes the quality of remission. The recommendations are formulated on early diagnostics and therapy of the patients with alcoholic dependence during treatment and rehabilitation.
121-126 265
Objective: clinical and morphological evaluation of neoadjuvant polychemotherapy (NPС) and intravenous laser irradiation of blood (ILIB) in the treatment of locally advanced breast cancer (LABC). Material and methods: NPC was carried out only in the comparison group (52), NC and ILIB only in the study group (53). Results: 55,8 % and 75,5 % patients revealed objective response to NPC and NPC with ILIB correspondingly. In the study group posttherapeutic index III-IV was 65,3 %, comparison - 39,1 %. В основной группе посттерапевтичексий индекс III-IV в 65,3 % случаев, сравнения - 39,1 %. In the study group there was marked lymphoid infiltration and degenerative changes in the nuclei of tumor cells in the comparison group edema of the stroma of the tumor. Conclusion: The method is effective for the treatment of LABC.


126-133 268
The effect of ultrasound on hemoglobin (Hb) leads to the formation of metHb that within the further exposure comes to globin and bilirubin. The transformation of ferriprotoporfirin IX with α-methene gap of relation and the subsequent formation of CO and hydrated electron points to the posiibility of bilirubin formation. Carboxyhemoglobin together with CO forms hemoglobin. At the same timeб alcohols in the ultrasonic field contribute to the formation of carboxyhemoglobin and restoration of metHb to dezoksiHb, as well as the hydrated electron increases the concentration of superoxide, which leads to an increase in oxygen radicals and further conversion of hemoglobin.
133-137 257
Objective. To estimate the influence of oxytocin on the reorganization of the connective tissue of the pancreatic pseudocyst wall after its emptying by punctural aspiration. Materials and methods. The experimental research was performed on 62 white rats. The pseudocyst of the pancreas was modeled with help of cryosurgical complex KCH 3A/B. The punctural aspiration of the contents of the pseudocyst was carried out on the fourteenth day after the cryoexposure with introduction 1 I.U. of oxytocin in its cavity. Histological research was performed with use of morphometry. The changes in the morphometric parameters of the pancreatic pseudocyst and quantitative contents of neutrophils, lymphocytes, macrophages and fibroblasts were estimated. Results. The application of oxytocin led to increased numbers of macrophages and fibroblasts and reduction of neutrophiled leucocytes starting from the third day and lymphocytes from the seventh day of the experiment. The study revealed the progressive reduction the sizes of the pseudocyst which ended in its involution. Conclusion. The local use of oxytocin in the punctural aspiration of the pseudocyst contents significantly stimulates proliferation of fibroblasts and macrophages and causes complete involution of the pseudocyst of the pancreas.
137-142 307
A unique feature of medicinal plants is that they contain a wide range of biologically active substances, including those having antioxidant activity. In addition, they contain micro elements that play an essential role in living systems. The content of ascorbic acid in the wet mass and leaves of herbaceous medicinal plants, as well as content of micro elements iron and copper were studied. The species of cranberries, lingo berries, plantain, strawberry timber, St. John’s wort and cinquefoil erect revealed the highest content of ascorbic acid. The content of these components causes the exceptional diversity of the impact and effectiveness of various medicinal plants and their extracts on human body.


142-146 405
The article presents results of the carried out anthropometric study of basic anthropometric indices in children and adolescents aged from 7 to 17 of the city of Gomel. The percentile tables of assessment of physical development harmonicity of Gomel schoolchildren were drawn up on the basis of the received data. The algorithm of assessment of physical development harmonicity of the children and adolescents was described.


146-151 302
The article deals with a rare combination of the changes of spinal column (vertebral hyperostosis, hyperostosis with medulloblastoma, kidney anomalies e.g. horseshoe kidney) with an accessory lobe of liver which is unusual for a 25-year-old patient. The study presents а brief review of the literature containing the data on prevalence, etiology and the basic diagnostic criteria of the mentioned pathology.
151-155 331
In article the case of hereditary hemochromatosis, revealed at elderly patient at outcome stage to liver cirrhosis is presented. Clinical, laboratory and morphological signs of disease are described. Insignificant expressiveness of clinical and laboratory displays and late diagnostics of the given condition is noted.

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)