
Health and Ecology Issues

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No 1 (2012)
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7-12 261
Purpose: assessment of the possibilities of sonography in the pathology ofthe parathyroid glands in patients with hyperparathyroidism. Materials and methods: publications containing information about anatomo-topographical and sonographical features of parathyroid glands. Results: the possibility of using ultrasonography among patients with hyperparathyroidism with typical and atypical location of the parathyroid glands is defined. Conclusion: the conclusion is drawn on necessity of the further working out sonographically criteria, suitable for an indirect estimation of parathyroid hormone level at patients with hyperparathyroidism.
12-17 238
The variety of existing methods of body contouring methods issues a surgeon the challenge of correct choice of surgical intervention. The purpose of the research was to find out the causes of negative postoperative results and to find the possibilities to decrease the frequency rate of reoperations. Materials and methods: the analysis of world literature on the topic of the research was carried out. Results and conclusions: higher accuracy of preoperative planning is the way to improve the results of body contouring procedure. The key lies in the objective choice of methods, boundaries and volume of surgical correction.
17-23 546
The set of works is devoted studying of heart rate variability (HRV). Article represents the literature review on the given theme. In it modern representations about heart rate variability as a method estimating a condition of mechanisms of regulation of physiological functions of a human body are stated, classical methods of the analysis and possibility of clinical application are considered. The heart rhythm is the indicator of the deviations arising in vegetative nervous system, and change of a heart rhythm - the earliest prognostic sign of many diseases. In clinical practice analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) finds more and more wide application at selection of optimum doses of preparations taking into account a vegetative tone of an organism and for control of spent therapy.
23-27 340
The review of the literary data on a problem of the stroke at persons of young age is made. The stroke of this patients has the etyology polymorphism, has features of flow and prognosis. Pathogenetic characteristics of stroke in young age demand the further specification.
27-36 259
The application of HBO in patients with acute (infarction of myocardium, instable angina) and chronic forms of ischemic heart disease proved itself to be a safe and effective treatment method, which made it possible to increase survival rate from 90,4 % in the control group up to 97,1 % in the main group by the results of the five-year retrospective study, р = 0,001. The maximum efficacy of HBO in «small» doses of hyperoxia was observed in patients with acute and chronic forms of CHD when coronary revascularization was impossible, which revealed an increase in the survival rate from 88,7 % in the control group to 96.3% in the main group, p = 0,004.
37-44 299
The given survey of national and foreign literature makes it possible to examine the historical aspects of the development of the study about the inward picture of a disease (IPD), factors influencing its formation, classification of the disease reaction types, typology of attitudes to diseases. The work shows the influence of IPD and premorbid personal features on the clinical course of the disease, importance of IPD for compliance. The main stages of the development of the studies about IPD have been outlined.
44-48 255
Aim of research: To define the most effective methods of ultrasound investigation of the iliolumbar ligament. Materials and methods: the possibility of the application of different anatomical structures as topographical landmarks for the visualization of iliolumbar ligament has been evaluated. Results. The usage of the proposed anatomic landmarks made it possible to visualize the iliolumbar ligament in all the cases. Conclusion. The sonography method is a sure method of the detection of the iliolumbar ligament.


49-53 223
Objective: to develop a method of objective planning for body contour surgery by means of computer modelling. Materials and methods: 108 patients who have undergone 116 operations, of them, 60 using computer modelling, 56 - formed the control group. Results and conclusions: the planning of body contouring procedures using computer modelling makes it possible to improve the postoperative results and lower the frequency rate of reoperations. Conclusion: the developed method can be recommended for wide practical application.
53-56 278
Patients with liver cirrhosis are predisposed to develop infections due to the decrease of immune response combined with bacterial translocation. 40 % patients with liver cirrhosis diagnose a high level of bacterial content in urine with uroisolators being dominant causative agents of urine system infections, which makes it possible to assume the presence of pathologic bacteriuria in them. The peculiar feature of urine infection in the patients with liver cirrhosis is an oligosymptomatic clinical picture, which needs an object-oriented search of the infection and timely prescription of treatment. The program of the treatment for urine infections in the patients with liver cirrhosis should include measures to restore the microbiota of bowels.
56-61 523
The results of the data on 308 cirrhotic patients, deceased in hospital have been analyzed. This research was aimed at the determination of incidence rate and some clinical and epidemiological features of pneumonia in this category of patients. Pneumonia was established to cause complications after cirrhosis in 97 (31,49 % 95 % CI 26,32-36,66) patients deceased in hospital and was the most prevalent infectious concomitant complication in these patients. At the same time, the patients with pneumonia detected sepsis and other infections oftener that the patients without pneumonia. Fatal outcomes occurred in the cirrhotic patients with pneumonia in a shorter period after hospitalization than in the patients without pneumonia. Twenty-four patients were not diagnosed with pneumonia during their lifetime at all. They observed nosocomial forms of the disease. The causative agents of pneumonia in the deceased with liver cirrhosis were microorganisms, which caused illnesses in the hospitalized and immunodeficient patients.
61-67 241
Objective: to determine the prognostic significance of morphological changes of liver to assess the effectiveness of interferon therapy in HCV patients with different viral genotypes. Subjects and methods. We compared the effectiveness of interferon therapy (IFN) (using different regimens - both monotherapy in different modes, and combined with ribavirin, due to a variety of treatment schemesб the evaluation of its effectiveness for patients with various histological changes was not carried out) in 88 patients with HCV who had underwent liver biopsy, followed by morphological examination of biopsy specimens. The evaluation of the biopsy results was performed in accordance with V. Serov and L. Severgin`s methods, with the detection of the degree of histological activity index (HAI) and histological stage of chronicity index (GSCI). The diagnosis of all the patients was verified by the detection of HCV RNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results and Discussion. Of the HCV patients with moderate histological activity, 68,8 % detected primary biochemical response, which was observed statistically significantly oftener than in the patients with low activity (37,5 %, χ2 = 4,49, p = 0,034). Of the patients with 1b genotype HCV and moderate histological activity, 71,4 % detected the primary biochemical response, which was observed statistically significantly oftener than in the patients with low activity (27,8 %, χ2 = 4,00, р = 0,046). No statistically significant differences in the effectiveness of interferon therapy in HCV patients with other HCV genotypes with different histological activity in different periods of treatment were revealed. The early biochemical response in the patients with severe fibrosis or cirrhosis was recorded in 25 %, which was statistically significantly less frequent than in the patients with moderate fibrosis (p = 0,037, 73,3 %). The primary biochemical response was observed in 12,5 % of the patients with severe fibrosis or cirrhosis, which was statistically significantly less frequent than in the patients with mild fibrosis (p = 0,024, 60%). None of the patients with severe fibrosis or cirrhosis detected a stable or long-term virological response, which was statistically significant less frequent than that of the patients without fibrosis (р = 0,024, 50 %) and moderate fibrosis (p = 0,02, 55,5 %). Conclusion. The presence of moderate histological activity in the patients with HCV with HCV genotype 1b is a significant prognostic factor to assess the primary viral response to antiviral therapy. None of the patients with severe fibrosis or cirrhosis revealed a stable or long-term viral response.
68-71 248
The article gives an assessment of the frequency rate of hypoglycemic states in patients with depression. The patients with depressive states revealed a significantly higher level of anxiety on the HADS scale, a higher HbA1C level, a lower level of minimum glycemia and a longer duration of hypoglycemia. Moreover, the patients with depression observed hypoglycemic states and latent hypoglycemia cases significantly oftener than those without depression.
71-76 303
Objective: to detect functional reserves of cardiovascular system (CVS) and determine dysadaptation criteria to physical activity in children-sportsmen. Material and methods: young sportsmen`s life anamneses were studied and studies of cardiovascular system were performed with the use of such functional diagnostic methods as EKG, Holter monitoring, daily monitoring of blood pressure, echocardiography, cardiointervalography, active cliniortostatic sample and tilt-test. Results. By the results of claster and discriminant analyses, the dysadaptation criteria to physical activities in the young sportsmen were determined, and the risk groups for syncopes among children were established. Conclusion. Children with sympaticotonia and asympatic reactivity make a risk group for development of syncopes during physical activities. According to the data of active cliniortostatic sample, the most adverse pathologic types of vegetative maintenance were asympatic and dysadaptive.
76-80 233
The article presents the data on the incidence of psychological relapse-dangerous clinical conditions in alcohol depended patients within the first 6 months of the therapeutic remission period (F10.200-202). The recommendations have been formulated on early diagnosis and therapy of the patients with alcoholic dependence during their treatment and rehabilitation.
80-85 242
With high HPV-infection prevalence among reproductive women there is an increased HPV incidence rate in pregnant women. Cases of papillomatosis of larynx, trachea, bronchi in children, born from infected mothers, testify to the possibility of not only intranatal, transplacental ways, but also of contact transmission of the infection from mother to child. Therefore, at present the definition of frequency and risk factors for HPV persistence in the upper respiratory tracts of the children born from women with both clinical and subclinical evidence of the infection is quite topical.
85-92 298
The article presents the basic issues of diagnosis, treatment and medical rehabilitation of patients with neurological manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis. The risk factors, pathogenesis of neurological syndromes, clinical and instrumental diagnosis methods of arising disturbances have been singled out. The approaches to the treatment have been given at different stages of the illness. The methods of medical rehabilitation of this cohort of the patients have been stated in detail. A particular attention is paid to physical methods of rehabilitation, being fundamental in the restoration of neurological deficiency.
92-97 212
To analyse vegetative status in cerebral ischemic lesions, 439 patients aged from 48 to 74 have been examined. As a result it has been shown that vagotonia with normal reactivity is prevalent in persons with brain infarction irrespective of severity of neurological deficiency, and sympathicotomy, being the most evident in case there are no focal symptoms of cerebral tissue lesions, is characteristic for the passing forms.
97-100 289
Objective. To discuss the clinical study of the development of cordarone-associated thyrotoxicosis. Results and discussion. The female patient D., born in 1956, had been under observation since 2007 on ciliary arythmia and artery hypertension. Sinus rhythm (SR) was restored and maintained by the application of cordarone. In March 2010 due to recrudescence the patient was hospitalized into the Department of Immunopathology and Allergology, Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology. After the clinical examination she was diagnosed with «cordarone-induced» thyrotoxicosis, probably, of type 2. It was recommended to stop using cordarone. Thyrotoxicosis was managed with methylprednisolone, and antiarythmic therapy was conducted with sotalex, propranolol, propafenone, strofantine (with no effect), also electropulse therapy was provided (rhythm was restored). To administer supporting antiarythmic therapy, it was recommended to take alapenin and bisoprolol. In the sequel, the patient revealed euthyroidism, the level of thyroidal hormones was at a norm. However, later there were frequent paroxysms of atrium fibrillation, short-term paroxysm of ventricular tachycardia. The patient was sent to have a consultation at the Laboratory for Heart Rhythm Disturbances of the Republican Research Center «Cardiology». Conclusion. Thus, the above-mentioned clinical observation makes it possible to draw a conclusion that long-term intake of cordarone can change metabolism of thyroidal hormones and, possibly, the electrophysiological properties of heart.
100-104 250
Premature birth is one of the main problems of present-day obstetrics. Genital and intrauterine infections play the main role in the development of premature birth. The present study made it possible to ascertain the anamnesis features in women, course of their pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and early neonatal period. Moreover, all the women were screened for the presence of perinatal infectious pathogens in urogenital tract and placenta. The course of pregnancy in the women with preterm childbirth was complicated by inflammatory diseases of reproductive system, development of chorioamnionitis. Premature babies were more likely to develop infectious complications. The study revealed a high rate of perinatal infections in the women with preterm delivery.
105-108 224
The aim of the research was the comparative analysis of various biochemical blood values in young and elderly patients, suffering from chronic hepatitis. The biochemical blood values characterizing the functions of liver, lipid, carbohydrate, proteins metabolisms as well as iron metabolism were studied in 24 young and 22 elderly patients with chronic hepatitis. The elderly patients revealed more expressed features of cholestatic syndrome, hyperlipidemia as a sign of lipid metabolism impairments (high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides). Also the patients of the elderly group revealed authentically higher levels of serum iron and ferritin, reflecting the presence of iron overload syndrome. The received results make it possible to assume an essential role of metabolic impairments in progressing chronic liver diseases in the elderly age.
108-111 407
The interest in studying synthesis, metabolism and effect of vitamin D has increased recently due to the world tendency to decrease its intake and due to new knowledge about the mechanisms of its active metabolite effects in human organism. According to certain research, deficiency of vitamin D is associated with the increased risk for the development of infectious diseases. As a result of the given study it has been established that patients with liver cirrhosis and with vitamin D deficiency often diagnose bacterial infections, which needs to determine the status of vitamin D and if necessary to correct its content in the patients with liver cirrhosis.
112-116 225
The comparative analysis of systolic dysfunction of left ventricle and chronic heart deficiency with preserved and reduced fraction of left ventricle ejection has been conducted. In total, 62 patients with heart failure FC III-IV of NYHA were examined. The group of patients with chronic heart deficiency with preserved fraction of ejection (40% patients) was dominated by elderly women, who had a significantly higher body mass index, as well as diabetes mellitus, anemia. These patients revealed significantly higher creatinine and cholesterol levels and a lower hemoglobin level than in the patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction.
116-120 1044
Objective. To determine clinical efficacy of the preparation «Aсtovegin», included in the complex therapy of patients with CHD. Material and methods. The research included patients aged from 30 to 60 with ischemic heart disease, i.e. stable stenocardia of I-III functional classes (chronic heart insufficiency of I-III functional classes according to NYHA classification and/or portinfarction cardiosclerosis). The average age at the moment of the examination was 55,03 ± 0,53. A total of 243 patients were examined, and of them, 216 patients were treated with aсtovegin. The statistic data were processed with the use of the standard set of statistic programs «Statistica», 6,0 (StatSoft, USA). Results. An earlier stabilization of stenocardia and relatively greater level of readaptation to physical activities as well as decrease of ejection fraction (EF) were observed in the patients treated with actovegin. The analysis of the biochemical blood values revealed that the treatment with this preparation led to a significant decrease in cholesterol, low- and very low-density lipoproteids. Conclusion. Actovegin in the complex therapy of patients with CHD stimulates contractile ability of cardiac muscle, has a positive effect on cardiac pumping function. Possessing an antihypoxic, insulin-like, cytoprotective and reperative effects, it corrects tissue metabolism, at the same time improving the biochemical blood values in the patients with CHD.


120-125 248
At present the study of cause-and-effect relations between the development of pathobiochemical shifts in organism and environment is one of the most topical problems of biology and medicine. Lead is one of the most common heavy metals in environment. The immune system is one of the main targets for the toxic effects of lead. Its cations modulate the functional activity of immune competent cells. Depending on the concentration and biological availability of lead, as well as on its co-factors immunostimulating or immunosupressive effects can appear. The experimental studies that have been conducted up to now make it possible to single out the impact of lead on the morphofunctional components of the immune system as one of the mechanisms of its negative effects.
125-130 216
The fecundity and state of male rats` posterity has been studied after 1,5 month internal irradiation in conditions of Chernobyl zone of alienation with absorbed doses of 94, 9 and 3 mGy. It was shown that due to deterioration of sexual activity and poor quality of spermatozoa the integral index of male fecundity (Fi) made up 5.5, 10,1 and 64,1 % compared to the control group (100 %). The increase of malformation frequency in the progeny of the irradiated males was not revealed, which may be a consequence of the elimination of gametes and zygotes at the pre-implantation stage.
130-135 363
The changes in the levels of neuroactive amino acids in hypothalamus of rats after lead acetate introduction has been shown and the efficacy of taurine- and zinc-based drug compositions to correct the changes has been analyzed. The mixture consisting of taurine and zinc sulfate in a ratio of 4:1 showed the best results.


135-142 227
We have conducted an anonymous questionnaire of 275 girls-students of the classic university, who reached the age of 20. Main group included 107 smokers, 168 girls of the same age have never smoked tobacco (group of comparison). There is a comparative analysis of sexual behavior before marriage and contraception choice of the girls in both groups. Risky sexual behavior and lower level of contraception culture is typical for smokers: early sexual debut, large number of sexual partners, frequent sexual contacts, irregular using of contraception or giving it up, using of low-effective methods of contraception. Smokers use emergency hormonal contraception 2 times more often. Every 5th girl indicates the presence of sexually transmitted infections in her anamnesis. There is a psychological readiness to induced abortion in smokers.
142-146 211
Joint application complex «Omega-S» and complex «Octopus» give the chance a quantitative estimation of efficiency of physiotherapeutic therapy at different stages of preparation. Application МЛТ at training use at level not restoration serves as stimulus for the further increase of activity of an organism and its working capacity by improvement of blood circulation and strengthening of trophic functions of nervous system, creation of a sufficient stock of energy.


146-150 261
The clinical efficacy of rehabilitation treatment under the impact of ozone therapy has been studied in patients with ischemic heart disease. 155 patients with exertional angina of I and II functional classes were examined in a health resort. Of them, 105 patients underwent ozone therapy on the ozonator made by firm «Medozone» (Moscow) with ozone concentration 2,5-3 mg/l. The results of the research testify to the high clinical efficacy of the method at the expense of the activation of oxygen supply mechanism and rising of the functional reserves of cardiovascular system. The method of parenteral introduction of ozone oxygen mixture extends opportunities of the management of stenocardia patients with high risk for complication development and availability of concomitant diseases.


150-154 320
Presented a case of rare pathology Goodpasture's syndrome in a younger patient with a clinical diagnosis polysegmentary bronchopneumonia, chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic sepsis, after clinical and morphological analysis of the case exposed the diagnosis of hemorrhagic pneumo-renal syndrome. Discussed the morphological changes in organs and their relationship to clinical and laboratory and instrumental methods. Show in a concrete example low verification of lifetime diagnostic of this disease.

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