No 2 (2011)
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7-12 316
The disease of gastroesophageal reflux in children stays to be one of the actual topics not only for clinicians but also for researchers. The high prevalence and frequent relapses of the given pathology makes for the topicality of the problem. In view of that, the present-day diagnostics for gastroesophageal reflux and adequate treatment make it possible to improve the prognosis for the disease and to decrease the process chronization rate.
13-19 352
Bacterial infections are a common liver cirrhosis complication especially in hospitalized patients. It has been established, that spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and other bacterial infections in the patients with liver cirrhosis lead to the development of syndrome of systemic inflammatory response, sepsis and multiple organ failure. In the article the pathogenesis and treatment for these complications, role of suprarenal insufficiency and value of prognostic models of intensive therapy are considered.
19-24 387
Due to the absence of necessary knowledge about anatomic morphological features of ligaments jointing the posterior elements, it is often difficult to interpret the results of radiological studies of these structures. Taking into consideration the shortage of this information and its importance for diagnostic purposes, the analysis of the publications dedicated to clinical anatomy of ligaments that joint the posterior elements has been carried out.
24-28 266
The review presents the data on the modern diagnosis for oligosymptomatic diffuse diseases of liver.
28-32 315
The modern point of view about antimicrobial spectrum, mechanism of effect and practical application of nitrofurans in the treatment for urinary tract infections are described in this review.
32-38 326
The article presents the modern literature data on the problem of surgical treatment of patients with chronic suppurative otitis media, and possible ways to enhance its efficacy.
39-44 363
The modern conception of hereditary spherocytosis has been considered in the article. Hereditary spherocytosis is a common inherited disease declaring itself in haemolytic anaemia, jaundice and splenomegaly. The contemporary classification, approaches to the diagnosis and treatment depending on severity of the disease course and presence of the most frequent complications have been given.
44-47 310
This article presents the data on the prevalence, clinical and roentgenological features of the course and etiological factors of segmentary pneumonia development in children of different age.
55-60 327
The edge vessel along the left flank of the colon has been examined on fifty preparations of the left half of colon and rectum by means of barium suspension pouring, X-Ray examinations and anatomical preparations. It has been revealed that Reolan’s arc was contracted up to 1-1,3 mm in 22 % cases, anastomose between the left colon and first sigmoid flexure was contracted up to 0,5 mm in 2 % cases, anastomose between sigmoid vessels was absent in 4 % cases it was contracted up to 0,3 mm in 2 % cases, the anastomose between first-second sigmoid vessels was absent in 4% and was contracted up to 0,3 mm in 2 % of cases. The edge vessels between second-third sigmoid vessels were absent in 16 %, between sigmoid arteries 3-4 were absent in 32 %, between sigmoid vessels 4-5 were absent in 6 cases out 7. Due to the absence of the anastomose rohile necrosis may occur in descending sigmoid intestine lower the place where the rohere anastomose was absent. In such cases it is necessary to perform the revascularization of the sigmoid flexure.
60-64 289
The content of circulating endothelial cells in the blood, taken from the ulnar vein in 127 patients suffering from chronic varicosity of lower limbs, referring to different classes of chronic venous insufficiency, has been studied. To evaluate the state of deep veins, the patients underwent an instrumental examination. As a result of the performed investigation it has been established that the patients with varicosity of lower limbs have an increased level of the circulating endothelial cells level in the blood. Their content increases in chronic venous insufficiency progression, which may testify to a more marked lesion of the endothelial layer of the venous wall. The content of the circulating endothelial cells in the blood also depends on the type of hemodynamic disturbances developing in the lower limbs veins. It has been found out that the determination of the CEC level can be an additional diagnostic criterion for the severity of chronic venous insufficiency and it can be used to predict the nature of the disease course.
65-69 272
The research is dedicated to the comparative analysis of blood test spectrum in 212 examined persons aged from 35 to 74 with ischemic brain abnormalities. As a result, the change of blood leukogram, refelecting the inflammatory response in the patients with brain infarction, transient ischemic attack and cerebral hypotensive crisis and transient global amnesia crisis has been shown.
69-73 280
Rectal cancer is one of the topical problems of modern oncology. The analysis of the differences in clinical, morphological and histochemical indicators in the groups of patients from Gomel region, which underwent different types of treatment for cancer of the rectum I-III stages has been carried out. A number of indicators revealed statistically significant differences. The survival analysis in the investigated groups was performed.
74-78 275
The structural analysis of acute drug poisonings in patients during their stay at hospital within the period of ten years has been presented in its dynamics.
79-82 307
Due to a high rate of irritable bowel syndrome incidence in Gomel region in comparison with the other regions of the Republic of Belarus, 140 therapists in outpatient clinics were questioned. The results revealed a low awareness of the primary care physicians of the city of Gomel and Gomel region in the problem of functional pathology of gastrointestinal tract and as a consequence - aberration of statistical indices with a tendency to overdiagnosis due to the absence of unified approaches in the management of functional gastrointestinal pathology.
82-86 248
It has been established that blood lipoproteins of patients with ischemic heart disease transport cortisol and triiodothyronine but do not transport tetraiodothyronine. Atorvastatin does not influence the hormone content and their distribution in lipoproteins, but brings authentic differences in the formation of triiodothyronine transfer hormone-positive groups in 24 and 60 hours after its single application in men and women.
86-90 306
The mechanisms of psychological defense have been studied in individuals with alcohol dependence by the method «Life style index» (R. Plutchik, H. Kellerman, Wasserman`s adaptation). It has been established that during the formation of the compensated remission there is an increase in productive use of psychological defense mechanisms (p < 0,05). But when the relapse-dangerous clinical conditions of the remission period appear, there is a return to the use of ontogenetically older defense mechanisms. The established regularities can be used in psychotherapy and rehabilitation of persons with alcohol dependence.
90-94 247
This article presents the results of clinical and immunological survey of 41 children with allergic bronchial asthma (BA) before and after the treatment, including autoserum therapy. The concentrations of IgA, IgM, IgG, IgE as well as of IL-4, IL-6 and TNF-α in serum of the given patients were detected using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The correlative relations among the immunoglobulins and cytokines have also been established. It has been determined that IgA, IgM, IgG, IgE and IL-4 correlate within their group before and after the treatment, including autoserum therapy. The groups of IgE (n = 30; r = 0,8430; p < 0,001), IL-4 (n = 41; r = 0,7626; p < 0,001) and IgM ( n = 40; r = 0,7366; p < 0,001) revealed the high degree of correlation before and after the treatment. The majority of correlation interactions were observed in IgA group. The IL-6 and TNF-α groups revealed a certain correlative relation before and after the treatment, including autoserum therapy. However, before and after the treatment in the range of their group there was an unreliable correlation (p > 0,05), which could have been caused by concomitant pathology, accompanied by the activation of inflammation in a number of the patients with bronchial asthma.
94-97 280
Bacterial infections are a common and severe liver cirrhosis complication. The bacterial infections in this disease besides general effects cause also specific ones: they intensify portal hepatic encephalopathy, hemodynamic disorders, including portal hypertension, liver dysfunction, increase the risk of hepatorenal syndrome and varicose bleedings. Meanwhile, the infections may not have clear clinical signs and as a consequence may be untimely diagnosed.
97-101 270
The laboratory diagnosis for hypercorticism syndrome helps verify the disease and differentiate between primary and central hypercorticism. The cortisol indices have high diagnostic information value for hypercorticism diagnosis. The ACTH levels and big dexamethasone test results are effective for differential hypercorticism syndrome diagnosis.
101-104 262
The echocardiographic indices and electrocardiographic changes of lipid blood spectrum in patients with tyroidcardiomyopathias have been analyzed. Cardiomyopathia in hypothyrosis is characterized by hypertrophy of left ventricle with diastolic dysfunction and hydropericardium. Tyrotoxiccardiomyopathia is characterized by dilatation of left atrium, hypertrophy of left ventricle, dilatation of right ventricle, lung hypertension. The systolic pressure in lung artery in the patients with hypothyrosis is reliably higher and right ventricle is reliably larger. The patients with hypothyrosis revealed a reliable increase of cholesterol at the expense of low-dense lipoproteids. The content of triglycerides and high-dense lipoproteids did not differ.
105-108 287
Total of 222 women with normal menstrual cycle have been examined. The clinical-laboratory assessment of thyroid status and reproduce system state has been performed. The received results indicate that the presence of thyroid pathology can be considered as one of the factors for the dyshormonal process development in mammary gland tissues.
108-113 273
The shoulder joint injuries their complications are prevalent trauma pathology, as it is observed in one fifth of the population. The traditional treatment methods include a fixed term of rigid immobilization and subsequent long-term rehabilitation. The article proposes the use of a dynamic splint for shoulder joint as a means of fixing the upper extremity. The work is aimed at studying the results of the treatment of patients with different shoulder joint injuries in the application of the proposed product. The dynamic splint for shoulder joint makes the shoulder joint move already in the period of immobilization, which considerably speeds up the restoration process in the upper extremity function. The using of the splint was proposed as an innovative method for the rehabilitation of the patients with shoulder joint injuries.
113-116 286
The activities of the in-patient department of the diagnostic ophthalmological unit in Gomel Regional Specialized Clinical Hospital have been analyzed. It has been found out, that the implementation of the treatment of the patients in the in-patient department makes it possible to increase economic efficacy at the expense of the decrease of the payment for a bed-day; to improve the quality of medical assistance; to decrease the necessary number of repeated hospitalizations; to extend the possibility of active health improvement and treatment optimization for dispensary patient groups. It also enables to improve the continuity of the treatment among different medical and prophylactic institutions, to exclude the stress factor of the stay in hospital; to except the contact with infections inside the hospital.
116-119 273
The depression frequency among patients with pancreatic diabetes made up 33 %. The level of homocystein in patients with pancreatic diabetes tended to increase among the patients with depression. There are direct significant correlations with the diabetes experience, blood creatinine and daily proteinuria.
120-123 294
The affection of microcirculatory bed causing a disturbance of the tissue trophism is the most important aspect of pancreatic diabetes pathogenesis. The application of different ozonotherapy techniques depending on the severity of the complications is a very perspective trend in the treatment for this disease. The research results allow of making a conclusion about the necessity of the course treatment using an ozone-oxygenous mixture twice or three times a year, which prevents from the progression of vascular aftereffects after this disease.
124-129 276
The effect of peroxynitrite on bovine serum albumin (BSA) calls forth the processes that lead to the destruction of its native structure. The degree of the destruction depends on the nature of the reactions occurring under the influence of peroxynitrite: if the substrate is passive in chemical terms, the effect of peroxynitrite is mediated through hydroxyl radicals. If the substrate is active, then taking into account the short lifetime of peroxynitrite, the latter is directly involved in the reaction with the substrate. Considering the varying amount of protein globule as depending on pH, its heterogeneous structure, one can assume the simultaneous contribution of the two mechanisms of peroxynitrite effect: both radical and ion. However, taking into account the reactivity of amino acids, one can surmise about the dominance of the peroxynitrite radical effect on the protein globule. Thus, peroxynitrite effects bovine serum albumin in a partially destructive way, which does not lead to its total denaturation.
129-132 279
The article presents the results of the investigation of the microbial community in the largest water supply source in Eastern Siberia - the river of Angara. It has been established that grampositive and gramnegative microorganisms constitute the river`s microbiocenosis. The bacteria of the families Enterobacteriaceae , Pseudomonadaceae , Moraxellacceae and Alcaligenacea have been detected among the gramnegative conditional-pathogenic microorganisms. The bacteria of Enterobacteriaceae family are the most prevalent (88,7 %) and have the widest spectrum (17 species). The remarkable transformations of the microorganism communities (the increase of gramnegative bacteria share, change of their specific variety) were observed in the areas of the cities of Irkutsk and Angarsk, where the Angara was characterized by the considerable anthropogenous pressure. This fact testifies to the infringement of a normal ecological state of the water body on the given area. The microbial community of the river`s head is characterized by the prevalence of grampositive autochthonous microflora and narrow spectrum of conditional-pathogenic gramnegative bacteria.
132-139 349
The ageing of the population is a prevailing demographic problem. The share of the elderly people in Gomel region exceeds 22 per cent. The numerous social cohort of the elderly people having difficult social and medical problems demands granting the qualitative medical social assistance. On the basis of the carried out sociological investigation with the use of questioning, the basic medical and social problems of the elderly people residing in the city of Gomel and Gomel region, their functionalities and needs for the medical social assistance have been studied.
139-144 273
The cadets` diet is characterized by the abuse of energy content at the cost of excess fats and carbohydrates consumption with insufficient amount of proteins, plant lipids, pectins, calcium, vitamins A and B2, which may be eliminated by the decreasing consumption of cereal products and potatoes, increasing the amount of dairy products, fish and juices, including multivitamins.
144-147 277
According to experts` opinion, infectious pathology, especially that caused by a virus, may be the first to respond to the warming effect predicting more favorable conditions for the realization of transmission mechanisms in natural environment. In this regard, in the Republic of Belarus a possible activation of acute intestinal infections, hepatitis A, dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, Lyme borreliosis, leptospirosis, malaria, tularemia, anthrax, and also the pathologies caused by arboviruses, and helminthiasis can be observed. There appear sufficient reasons for the introduction of eco-epidemiological categorizing of the territory and the establishment of new schemes of the infection surveillance.
V. V. Bereschenko,
A. N. Lyzikov,
A. N. Kondrachuk,
M. N. Danchenko,
D. R. Petrenev,
E. V. Voropayev
148-152 302
The article describes the advantages, technology of selection of mesenchymal stem cells, their cultivation on polypropylene mesh prosthesis. The problem of an ability to fix the derived stem cells to polypropylene materials is specified.
ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)