Материалы научно-практической конференции с международным участием
(Гомель, 20-21 мая 2010 года)
Приложение №1
к №1 (23) 2010 журнала "Проблемы здоровья и экологии"
No 1S (2010)
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12-14 251
The authors present the investigation results 49 patients with genital papillomas, leukoplakia, dysplasia and cancer of vulva and vagina. Based on the received data, one can suppose the essential role of HPV in the development of the lesions of vulva and vagina and reconsider the significance of the genotypes of high and low oncogenic risk in the development of non-malignant neoplasms, precancerous conditions and malignant growths of vulva and vagina.
14-16 250
In the article the possible ways of HPV prevalence in children in the family circle have been examined, as well as the probability of each of the possible transmission ways has been assessed for the infection manifestation in different age groups. The possibilities of preventive measures against infection of children in the present-day conditions were considered.
I. G. Vidyaeva,
L. N. Urazova,
L. F. Pisareva,
E. G. Nikitina,
G. N. Mansurova,
A. A. Shivit-Ool,
N. N. Makarova
17-19 242
A total of 419 women, citizens of Tomsk region, cities of Tyva and Saha (Yakutiya) took part in the investigation. The total number of HPV positive women in Tomsk region makes 56,6 %, in Tyva - 63,2 %, in Yakutiya region - 82,0 %. In the В the region of investigation, among HPV-positive women HPV-16 remains the most prevalent type (64,7 % - among the citizens of Tomsk region, 71,3 % - Tyva and 91,2 % - Yakutiya). During the investigation of virus load among HPV-positive women the clinically significant virus load (3-5 lg) is observed in the groups of patients with dysplasia and cervical carcinoma, whereas clinically insignificant HPV concentration (< 3 lg) predominates mainly in the groups of healthy women and women with cervical pathology. The influence of the regional peculiarities on the prevalence frequency and HPV spectrum was presented.
19-21 266
In the article a brief survey of the applied methods of laboratory diagnostics for HPV infection has been presented, possibilities of different test-systems for HPV DNA detection have been described. A brief comparative characteristics of the tests «AmplySense® high carcinogenic risk HPV Screen-Titre FL» и «AmplySense® high carcinogenic risk HPV genotype FL» (Russia) was given and the possibilities of strategies of their application for preventive measures of the development of cervical cancer were described.
22-24 221
In the article the main stages of carcinogenesis, caused by human papillomavirus, and also the basics of toxonomic classification, which is based on the phylogenetic analysis of viral DNA, are considered. The results of sequence-analysis of the L1 gene of HPV 16, detected in women living on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, have been presented.
24-27 290
In the article the contents of different oncogenous strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) have been studied: in 50 patients with non-resectable cervical carcinoma, 26 patients before chemotherapy: systematic (cisplatin and gemcitabin) and local with injection of gemcitabin into uterine arteries. It has been established, that among non-resectable cervical carcinomas HPV-16 is the most prevalent type, whereas the other types are scarcely diagnosed. The application of 2 chemotherapy courses, even if one of them is local with the injection of cytostatic into uterine arteries, does not lead to the eradication of HPV oncogenous strains in the patients with non-resectable cervical carcinoma.
27-30 235
The method of photodynamic therapy has been elaborated, studied experimentally and tested in a clinic in 112 patients with CIN II-III. The method of photodynamic therapy included two stages: administration of photosensybilizator фотосенсибилизатора and radiation treatment with a laser of long length, corresponding to the peak of the absorption of the medicine. The following theses were established: photodynamic therapy of CIN contributes to the decrease of the number of HPV-positive patients (from 81,2 to 56 %), the clinical effectiveness photodynamic therapy of CIN corresponds to 92,8 % of the completely recovered patients. Thus, the photodynamic therapy is an alternative treatment method with the preservation of the anatomic and functional integrity of the organ, which is important for women, who plan pregnancy. The results of a-5-year-monitoring of the patients with moderate and severe displasia and cancer in situ свидетельствуют о том, that the method of the photodynamic therapy, chosen regimens of the laser effect and light dose are adequate. The photodynamic therapy leads to the improvement of the prediction factors of the course of precancerous cervical diseases.
30-32 284
In the article there are investigation results of the HPV 16 Е6/Е7 oncoproteins, detected by means of colposcopy in the pathological samples of cervical epithelium, taken from 82 patients during prophylactic examinations. It has been ascertained, that of the examined women, 39,0 % are HPV positive, and 78,1 % reveal HPV in the clinically significant concentration, the HPV 16 predominates in each second. The HPV 16 Е6/Е7 oncoproteins expression was detected in 66,7 ± 12,2 % cases, which made up 12,2 % of the whole investigation group. In connection with this, the conclusions have been made, that it is reasonable to use colposcopy with the subsequent HPV investigation (HPV genotyping, evaluation of viral load level, detection of oncoproteins expression) during prophylactic examinations for diagnostics of subclinical forms of the HPV infection of the cervix. As each tenth of practically healthy women, having colposcopic features of the viral lesion of the cervical epithelium, due to the presence of the HPV 16 and synthesis of viral proteins in the cervical epithelium cells, possessing carcinogenic activity, is in the high risk group of the development of cervical cancer. Key words: prophylactic examination, HPV, Е6/Е7 oncoproteins.
32-34 227
In the article the investigation data on the possibility of anteintranatal HPV transmission from mother to new-born girl have been presented, the necessity of the working up of a screening program for the pregnant and vaccination implantation has been grounded.
34-36 261
In the article there are risk factors, course of perinatal period and adaptation conditions of new-born children born from mothers with papillomavirus. It has been established, that new-born children born from mothers with HPV infection have for certain more often a lower grade on Apgar scale by birth, as well as congenital hypotrophy. Prematurity and morphofunctional immaturity accompany the course of perinatal period of the given group of new-borns. The determination of the group of pregnant women with HPV infection to that of high risk will allow to improve perinatal indices, help decide the problem of a healthy infant`s birth.
36-39 326
In the article there are main clinical forms of warts: common, flat, plantar. Attention is paid on the features of the clinical course of warts in children. The survey of the basic methods of wart therapy has been presented, also their merits and demerits. The personal experience of the treatment for warts in children with the use of groprinosyne as antiviral and immunomodulatory medicine was given. The decrease of relapse likelihood in 2,5 times less was indicated.
39-42 214
The analysis of the correlation of proliferation factor Ki-67 expression, anaptotic inhibitor bcl-2, mutant oncoprotein p53 with the evidence of immunohistochemical reaction under herpetic lesion in women with cervical HPV has been carried out under severe cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. It was established, that an evident expression of the antigens of herpes simplex virus type 2 are accompanied by the increase of proliferative activity under CIN III of cervix, whereas under a faintly evident positive reaction with herpes simplex virus type 2 a higher level of anaptotic inhibitor expression bcl-2 is observed.
42-44 225
By the additional inclusion of fibrogastroduodenoscopy of the investigation to the algorithm of the examination of children with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis of larynx (n = 7), registered on the clinical books of the specialists in otorhinolaryngology in Minsk, 85,7 % of children (n = 6/7) revealed different variants of кислотозависимой pathology of the upper parts of gastrointestinal tract. Of the examined children, 42,9 % (n = 3/7) revealed respiratory impairment of obstructive type (latent, slight stage). 100 % of the children (n = 7/7) were diagnosed to possess disbalance of immunological activity of phagocyte section to the variable extent of evidence.
44-46 297
In the article the results of the treatment of 22 patients with anogenital warts have been presented. The treatment began with an intravenous injection of 0,004 % solution of panavir per 5 ml. (first 3 injections at the interval of 48 hours, then 2 injections at the interval of 72 hours), exterior treatment included daily 3-4 applications of panavir gel. 6 patients displayed regress of anogenital warts by the end of the first month of the screening period, the other 16 underwent the destruction of anogenital warts with solcoderm in the end of the first month of screening period. 6 months later recurrence was observed only in 1 case (4,5 %). The conclusion was made about good tolerance and high clinical effectiveness of the given treatment method.
46-48 265
The clinical effectiveness and safety of the application of medicine Solcoderm has been studied during the treatment of 108 patients with warts (65 with viral warts and 33 with plantar ones) and 63 patients with pointed genital and anogenital candylomas. Of these, 62,0 % of the patients lost warts after a single application of Solcoderm, 21,3 % - after a second application and 11,1 % - after a third one. In total, 102 of the 108 patients became convalescent, i.e. 94,4 %. All the screened patients with pointed candylomas became clinically convalescent: after a single application of Solcoderm - in 68,3 % of cases, after a second application - in 23,8 % and a third one - in 7,9 % of the patients.
48-50 257
Papillomatosis of larynx is the most prevalent non-malignant neoplasm of larynx in adults. The main treatment method of papillomatosis of larynx remains an endolaryngial surgical operation with the application of microinstruments, electric coagulation and laser photodestruction. But an isolated surgical operation does not prevent a second rise of the disease, therefore the complex treatment should include the application of anti-recurrent therapy. We have been widely using cytostatics, interferons, interferon inductors and physiotherapy treatment during the post operation period on the basis of the Republican Scientific Research Centre of Otorhinolaryngology. The carried out research revealed, that the prescribtion of conservative therapy in the post operation period allows to prolong the interrecurrent period and decrease the probability of arising growth of papillomas.
50-52 216
The questionnaire of 120 patients, aged from 19 to 72, including 39 patients from the special group for vaccination, revealed, that, of these, 7,5 % had family anamnesis, accompanied by the presence of cervical cancer, cancer of vagina and external organs; 25 % had indications in the anamnesis to transmitted clamidiosis, ureaplasmosis; 10,8 % had anogenital candylomas. The analysis of the questionnaire ascertained the level of the screening scope of cervical pathology - 38 % of the patients in all the age groups. The awareness level of the existence of the vaccine for HPV and its effectiveness to the connection of preventive measures against cancer was not sufficient and made 39 % of all the respondents, at the same time, most of the women did not attribute HPV to a health risk. After personal informing of the patients about HPV infection and risks, associated with it, 61,7 % of the patients made up their mind to be vaccinated. The immunization with vaccine Gardasil is a safe procedure and has been made to 49 patients without any complications.
R. M. Smolyakova,
O. P. Matylevich,
E. A. Gutkovskaya,
G. V. Kostevich,
N. M. Yegorova,
I. V. Stukalova
52-54 226
80 patients with cervical carcinoma and 89 patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) were examined for the presence of HPV serotypes with the assessment of the level of viral load. The method of polymerase chain reaction with hybridization-fluorescence detection in the regimen of «real time» was used. It was established, that 94,7 % of the patients with cervical carcinoma were HPV-positive, in the prevalent number of cases (48,7 %) one serotype was revealed. The patients displayed HPV infection in 80,9 % of cases with CIN II-III, in 66,7 % in the presence of two genotypes. The increased contents of human papillomavirus were diagnosed in 86,4 % of the patients with cervical carcinoma and in 70,8 % of the patients with CIN II-III. The quantity of the revealed HPV serotypes, presence of genital infections and moderate differential tumor (R = 0,706473, p < 0,005) were found interrelated, there is also a correlation between the prevalence of the tumor process and the quantity of the diagnosed HPV genotypes (R = 0,517676, p < 0,05).
57-58 317
The results of the treatment of pointed candylomas in 34 men by means of exterior applications of 33 % spirituous solution of resorcyne on the lesion focus have been presented. The suggested method of treatment was marked by high effectiveness as well as good tolerance and possibility of application by the patients themselves at home.
59-62 225
The assessment of the immune response state of mucous membrane of mouth cavity in children, suffering from papillomatosis of larynx before and after endoscopic ablation of papillomas has been carried out. The examined patients were united in two groups: the first group consisted of 10 people aged from 3 to 15 with papillomatosis of larynx, complicated with cicatrical stenosis, the second (control) group consisted of 10 people of the same age without ENT pathology. The practical significance of the acquired data is that during regeneration the state of immune system influences reparative processes, which may be used without preliminary assessment of the treatment effectiveness, substantiation of the application of medical procedures and development of individual treatment schemes during the postoperative period.
62-64 241
To determine the presence of HPV oncotropic types, 78 patients with cervical carcinoma, attending the Scientific Research Centre of Oncology, have been examined. Among the examined patients, 90% were diagnosed as positive for genital HPV infection. The study reveals, that the patients with virus-associated cervical carcinoma have more commonly early stages of the disease, in locally invasive cervical carcinoma high virus load becomes more pronounced, and a more favorable course of the disease in comparison with virus-negative cervical carcinoma takes place.
O. Y. Shilova,
L. N. Urazova,
M. R. Muhamedov,
O. V. Cheremisina,
V. I. Yevtushenko,
E. L. Choynzonov
64-66 225
The complex assessment of the contribution of the virus constituent to the general picture of the malignant conversion of head and neck regions has revealed statistic significant figures which can be commensurable with those in the high risk group of patients suffering from cancer of larynx, differences (р ≤ 0,05) in the infection rate of HPV in comparison with the given index in the control group for the groups of patients with chronic diseases of tonsils and cancer of larynx. Various HPV types infecting epithelium of larynx were correlated with the stage of the malignant process: at stage III of the development of cancer of larynx a wider range was displayed in comparison with that in the patients with the disease stage II. The analysis of general and non-recurrent survival rate in HPV-positive and HPV-negative patients displayed increase of the terms of non-recurrent survival rate in the HPV-positive patients and absence of recurrence in the patients, positive for the HPV types HPV-16, 18, 31, 33.
I. D. Shlyaga,
V. P. Sitnikov,
D. D. Redko,
G. I. Vergeychik,
E. S. Yadchenko,
O. A. Serdyukova,
N. N. Novikova
66-69 299
In the article the questions of diagnostics and treatment of patients with recurrent papillomatosis of larynx, singular papillomas and various forms of chronic hyperplastic laryngitis from the present-day view-points have been presented. The most optimal schemes of treatment for recurrent papillomatosis of larynx were suggested.
ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)