
Health and Ecology Issues

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No 4 (2010)
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7-14 209
Conducting radiation-epidemiological cohort study showed that children and adolescents exposed to iodine radionuclides, there was increase autoimmune thyroiditis incidence. The average increase in the incidence was 1.6 cases per 1000 person-Gy or 8,2 % per unit increase in dose (1,0 Gy). However, only in boys aged 0-3 years were obtained statistically significant estimates of radiation risk: the excess relative risk (ERR) - 0,73 to 1,0 Gy (CI = 0,017 ÷ 1,44), excess absolute risk (EAR) - 3,1 per 104 person-year Gy (CI = 0,25 ÷ 5,87) and the attributive risk - 42,2 %.
14-18 267
The analysis of life quality of 74 patients suffering from chronic obliterating diseases of lower extremity arteries has been carried out. Of them, 40 patients underwent conservative treatment and 34 - indirect revascularization. The analysis was carried out by way of mail questioning. The questionnaire, adapted by V. V. Savin for the patients suffering from chronic obliterating diseases of lower extremity arteries, was used as the inquiry form. The data obtained were analyzed by means of the life quality score in accordance with the scale of the questionnaire developer, using the methods of obtaining integral life quality characteristics, and analysis of certain questionnaire scales. None of the 40 patients, undergoing conservative treatment, revealed good life quality, 11 patients (27,5 %) revealed satisfactory life quality and 29 patients (72,5 %) - unsatisfactory. The study of the similar indices in the patients who had undergone the operations of indirect revascularization identified good life quality in 1 case (2,94 %), satisfactory in 14 patients (41,18 %) and unsatisfactory in 19 patients (55,88 %).
19-25 255
The information about the modern medical treatment of the acute coronary syndrome was presented in the this review.
25-29 255
The comparative study of the ossiculoplasty effectiveness in 320 patients suffering from conductive or mixed hearing loss in different clinical forms of chronic suppurative otitis media has been carried out. During this study different forms and types of grafts and implants have been used: prosthesis made from remains of auditory ossicles, cortical layer of temporal bone; patient`s nail; autogenously cartilage of the auricle. Both the morphological and functional effectiveness of all the types of prostheses have been comparatively assessed. The satisfactory result was achieved in 92, 5 % patients.
30-33 248
In the article there are data about the course of posttraumatic sinusitis, as well as some peculiar features of the diagnostics and therapy of this pathology.
33-39 267
In the article there are results of the observation and therapy of the injured with severe multitrauma who underwent treatment in the Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital of Emergency Care. The efficiency of the application of antioxidant «Mexidolum» and high-energy preparation «Phosphocreatine» in the complex intensive therapy of traumatic shock of different severity has been proved.
39-43 222
The virologic response was evaluated in patients suffering from chronic hepatitis C with various hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes depending on detection frequency of antibodies to HCV NS5 protein and antibodies to HCV of IgM class, cytokines IFN-γ IL-2, IL-4, IL-1α, TNF-α serum levels in various terms of interferon therapy. The prognostic value of anti-NS5 negative test and anti-HCV IgM positive test, high levels of proinflammatory cytokine IL-1α and IL-4 for the assessment of the interferon therapy efficiency was shown.
43-48 246
Cytogenetic changes in cages of peripheral blood at 62 patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) against standard treatment by sulfasalazine with use of a method of light microscopy are studied. It is established, that sulfasalazine in standard doses at patients with UC with fast type acetylation promoted accumulation neutrophils with presence of high level of segmentation, neutrophils in final phases of development and did not interrupt progressing of the basic pathogenetic link of this disease - аpoptosis. At slow acetylator with UC standard doses of sulfasalazine allowed to reduce formation neutrophils with presence of low level of segmentation, neutrophils on initial phases of development and promoted interruption pathological аpoptosis, disease causing development, i. e. UC.
48-53 237
Research objective: to investigate polymorphism of gene NАТ2 at healthy volunteers and patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), to compare conformity between pheno- and genotype and to study association presence between a acetylator genotype and predisposition to development the UC. Materials and research methods: at 30 healthy volunteers of the Gomel region and 46 patients with the UC by means of method PCR-RFLP definition of genotype NAT2 on 5 mononucleotide changes (T341C, G590A, G857A, C282T, C481T) is made. Results of research: comparison acetylator pheno- and genotype in group of healthy volunteers has shown, that mutant alleles took place at any activity N-acetyltransferase (р = 0,08), however presence 4 mononucleotide changes met at a slow acetylator phenotype is more often (р = 0,0007). Comparison of genotypes of healthy volunteers and patients with the UC has shown absence of association of polymorphism of gene NAT2 with predisposition to development of this disease (p > 0,05). Conclusion: polymorphism of gene NAT2 on 5 studied mononucleotide changes is not a marker the UC, but can be used for studying of interrelation with other diseases.
53-57 293
The information about value of mutations in gene of hemochromatosis at patient with chronic diffuse liver diseases is presented in review. Heterozygous mutations C282Y and H63D are risk factors of development of iron overload syndrome at patients with the liver pathology. Virus hepatitis C, alcohol, obesity, steatohepatitis, male, iron drugs taking promote clinical manifestation of hemochromatosis.
58-61 219
In this article there is the estimation of prevalence of the decreased sensitivity of tissues to insulin and associated with it disorders of lipidic metabolism in women in menopause with newly detected hyperglycemia. As a result of the performed research it was determined that for early diagnostics of carbohydrate metabolism disorder in patients in menopause with abdominal obesity it is rationally the determination of insulin level that will allow to perform preventive measures at the early stage of disease and to decrease risk of complication development.
65-70 306
The aim of the work was to study in experiment the effectiveness of antioxidant «Mexibel» for treatment for pyoinflammatory processes of maxillofacial area. 26 rabbits of Chinchilla breed were examined. The experiment consisted of three series: series of healthy animals (n = 10), control series (n = 8) - animals with submaxillary abscess, experimental series of rabbits treated with «Mexibel», dosage 9 mg/kg twice a day (n = 8). Lipid peroxidation, antioxidant activity, contents of dental conjugates were detected and examined in the blood serum. The findings allowed to make a conclusion about the effectiveness of the antioxidant «Mexibel» for the experimental animals with the model of a pyoinflammatory process in maxillofacial area and advisability to study its effects in the complex treatment for the maxillofacial area pyoinflammatory diseases of odontogenic etiology in clinical conditions.
70-75 276
The article presents the results of the retrospective study of 178 alcohol-related fatal disease cases based on the clinical records (2009) submitted by the Municipal Clinical Pathologic Bureau (Minsk). All the fatal outcomes have been studied in terms of the patients’ age, gender and nosological forms. Both the clinical and pathological diagnoses have been analyzed. The main difficulties of the morphological diagnostics and medical statistics of alcohol-related pathology have been ascertained and possible ways to bridge them over have been suggested.
75-81 262
With use of a method flowing cytometry at 50 patients with ulcerative colitis influence of sulfasalazine on a homeostasis of system of blood depending on activity of N-atsetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) is studied. It is established, that in system of peripheral blood at patients with ulcerative colitis with rapid acetylator phenotype standard doses of sulfasalazine did not influence level pathological apoptosis. Thus apoptosis it was accompanied by modulation of inhibition influences of sulfasalazine on cellular proliferation by means of braking of a G1-phase of a cellular cycle. At slow acetylator phenotype standard doses of sulfasalazine initiated the tendency to interruption of pathological apoptosis. However decrease in survival rate of cells of peripheral blood owing to reception sulfasalazine at low activity of NAT2 at patients with ulcerative colitis occurred at the expense of blocking a S-phase of a cellular cycle and increase in formation of cells with micronuclei.
81-84 281
This article speaks about the urgency of the research into the problem of alcohol abuse within the framework of the biopsychological approach and the question of negative after-effects on the growing-up of youth in an alcoholic family, expressed in the formation of adult children of alcoholics syndrome (ACOAS). The authors share the information about the international exchange of experience in the field of psychological assistance to this group of young people.
84-89 396
It is often difficult to interpret results of radiodiagnostics studies of iliolumbar ligament due to the variability of its anatomic structure. Taking into consideration the deficiency of this information and its importance for diagnostic purposes, in this article the analysis of the publications dedicated to clinical and radiation anatomy of iliolumbar ligament has been carried out.
89-95 288
The article describes the characteristics of primary immunodeficiency clinical manifestations in adults and modern approaches for their detection and identification. Screening tests and tests for detailed examination depending on the supposed defect in the immune system are discussed.
96-101 237
In the review there is some historical information about the development of leukosology. The epidemiology, etiopathogenesis and the main clinical manifestations of acute leukemia diagnostics have been also given. The diagnostic criteria of diagnosis verification of acute leukemia and its variants based on the data of morphologic, cytochemical, immunological and cytogenetic methods of investigation have been expounded. The present-day ways to classify acute leukemias subject to molecular biological analysis have been given. The molecular genetic predictors in lymphoblastic and non-lymphoblastic variants of acute leukemia have been presented.
101-106 326
The fundamental modern directions of development and application of heart rate variability in elite sport have been shown. The results of the researches carried out in the Republican Centre of Sport Medicine have been presented. The necessity for the standardization of the examination procedure has been underlined.
106-109 326
Studied the transient state of the neonatal period in preterm infants. Shown that the boundary states and their transition into the pathological processes depend on the minimal damage to the central nervous system in preterm infants. Start intensive care largely determines the outcome of transient states in preterm infants.
109-114 230
The analysis of literature of domestic and foreign authors reflecting pathogenesis mechanism of lipoid metabolism imbalance is submitted for consideration in the article. The topicality of research defective lipoid metabolism is connected with the fact that information about the level and type of lipids with obesity is hit learnt enough and it caused a number of questions that should be defined precisely from the point of vien of modern biochemical researches.
114-118 209
The research aimed at the calculation method verification of the evaluation of average internal dose based on the data of HRC-measurements has been carried out. It has been ascertained, that the calculation method satisfactorily forecasts the dose only for 6 of 10 centers of population (CP). To increase the adequacy of the calculation model, the continuation of the research is needed.


118-123 224
The rise of glucose concentration in protein solutions gives a decrease in intensity indices of probe fluorescention. This change of probe fluorescention is most probably caused by the decreased quantity of ANS binded with the protein. Thus, one can suppose that the rise of glucose concentration in blood initiates the decrease in albumin binding capacity towards other ligands. The rise of glucose concentration makes the intensity indices of protein fluorescention decrease. The ability of glucose to bind with protein initiates the rearrangement in globule electron density, which promotes intramolecular conformational changes in protein and the decrease of the intensity indices of tryptophan fluorescention to testify that.


123-128 218
The article contains the main information about the history of foundation, organization of work, training of specialists, perspectives of the development of the Faculty of Medical Diagnostics in the Gomel State Medical University.
128-133 242
Taking into account the regional specific features and tendencies the authors have studied in detail the regional peculiarities of death causes and have suggested the organizational approaches to decrease the mortality rate of able-bodied population from the diseases of blood circulation system.
134-137 309
This paper is dedicated to the study of prenosological status of students under influence of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation. The hygienic description of main external and internal sources of low-frequency electromagnetic fields has been given; subjective reaction of organism to low-frequency electromagnetic fields in real living conditions with the use of physiological and hygienic research methods has been studied.
137-141 225
In the article the assessment of the effectiveness of the use of domestic iodine salt as a prophylactic means against the development of iodine deficiency pathology among the population of Gomel has been given. The reliable data about the absence of correlative connection between the endemic goiter morbidity and the use of iodine salt have been obtained, which allows to make up a conclusion that the development of iodine deficiency pathology among the population in the present-day ecological regional conditions depends on many factors.


141-144 223
The indices of the students` functional state according to the data of complex «Omega-M» have been studied. It has been ascertained, that the students` general functional state corresponds to mark «good». However, by the end of the class the indices of the physical and psychoemotional state decrease to the level «satisfactory».
144-151 254
The aim of the study was to assess the possibility of diagnosing ulcerative colitis on the basis of complex comparative analysis of diagnostic significance of clinical signs of the disease which are symptoms of anxiety, C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, immunochemical hemoccult test and fecal lactoferrin. 52 patients with ulcerative colitis, 46 patients with irritable bowel syndrome and 25 healthy volunteers were examined. The level of lactoferrin was detected in samples of feces taken from one defecation act by immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using kits ELISA TEST KIT Hycult Biotechnology (Netherlands). The concentration of the marker at the level of 15,25 mg / g was defined as a separation point. The presence of hemoglobin in feces was detected using immunochemical hemoccult test with sets of the firm «Biotech Atlantic, Inc.» (U.S.). The erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein were determined by means of conventional methods. The fecal lactoferrin (0,895 ± 0,0315) and immunochemical hemoccult test (0,825 ± 0,0397) showed the highest diagnostic significance in the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis. They are ahead of traditional laboratory markers: ESR (p < 0,0001) and p = 0,0075, respectively) and CRP ((p = 0,0004 and p = 0,0083, respectively). The sensitivity of fecal lactoferrin made up 80,77 % (95 % CI: 67,50-90,40), specificity - 90,14 % (95 % CI: 80,70-95,90), immunochemical hemoccult test - 69,23 % (95 % CI: 54,90-81,30) and 95,77 % (95 % CI: 88,10-99,10), respectively. Consequently, the fecal lactoferrin and immunochemical hemoccult test were sensitive and specific markers in the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis.
151-154 267
The method and positive experience of biomechanical stimulation using developed vibrotrainer «Stimul», expressed as reliable improvement of cognitive characteristics, have been described.

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)