No 2 (2010)
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7-11 264
The article gives a brief overview of recent literature on the epidemiology, etiologic and pathogenetic factors of ulcerative colitis. Great attention is paid to economic aspects of this disease. Indicated the current trends in the development problems of ulcerative colitis, outlining issues that require immediate solutions. Proposed results of own research.
S. A. Hoduleva,
I. P. Romashevskaya,
A. N. Demodenko,
D. K. Novik,
G. Yu. Borodina,
T. I. Kireeva,
O. V. Zhuk
11-16 298
There was performed the incidence analysis of purpura rheumatica among children aged 3-16 for the period of January, 2005 - January, 2009. For the analyzed period there were diagnosed 42 cases. Children aged 6-13 are mostly the purpura rheumatica disease inclined (65 %), the girls and boys become ill with identical frequency. The acute course was registered in 66,7 % of cases. More often the isolated skin form is developed (38 %), light and average disease severity (88,5 %). The secondary hemostasis condition in children with purpura rheumatica is charachterized by mixed changes: hypocoagulation by activated partial thromboplastin time, by thrombin time and prothrombin index; hypercoagulation by fibrinogen level and INR. Changes in coagulogram and degree of their expressiveness depend on the clinical form of disease, severity level and variant of course.
16-19 220
Supplementary irradiation at a total target dose (TTD) of 20-30 Gy was delivered to 41 epidermoid lung cancer patients who had failed to achieve complete tumour response, 1,5 month after the basic radiotherapy course at a TTD of 64-66 Gy. The increase in the total radiotherapy dose up to 80-86 Gy made it possible to attain complete response in 51,2 % of the patients (95 % CI 35,1-67,1) and to improve 1-year survival from 44,3 ± 3,0 % to 63,4 ± 7,5 %, 3-year - from 6,5 ± 1,6 % to 13,1 ± 5,4 %, 5-year - from 2,8 ± 1,2 % to 10,5 ± 4,9 % (plog-rank < 0,001).
19-23 238
Androgen deficiency in the aging male has become a topic of increasing interest both healthy men and with various endocrinology diseases, including type 2 diabetes mellitus. The low level of testosterone in obese men is reason of insulin resistance which leads to the type 2 diabetes mellitus. Many reports have shown that testosterone replacement therapy leads to improvement of parameters of a metabolic syndrome. Investigation and treatment androgen deficiency allow not only prevent diabetes type 2, but also have a good control of diabetes. In our work we have shown that testosterone gel is an effective preparation for androgen replacement therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, allowing not only to restore normal level of testosterone but also to control of weight, lipids, insulin resistance and bone mineral density.
23-28 217
Present-day data of possible correlations between functional status of thyroid gland and dyshormonal hyperplasia of mammary gland are presented in this article.
29-33 233
Helicobacter pylori detection after its eradication by polymerase chain reaction, immunohistochemical, morphological methods have been studied, the sensitivity and specificity of the methods have been determined. Treatment effectiveness should be monitored by PCR, which has high sensitivity (84 %) and specificity (100 %), simplicity and low cost compared with other methods described in this article.
33-37 220
In the article there is a physiological substantiation of the application of ozonotherapy in the rehabilitation of the patients with ischaemic heart disease based on the data of foreign researches and those from our country. The mentioned health promotion technology is an effective perspective and economically efficient method.
37-41 215
Development of tools and methods of treatment of hearing loss is one of the urgent problems of modern otorhinolaryngology. The prevalence of hearing loss was 92.9 cases per thousand population (D. I. Tarasov, А. Morozov, 1991). In the conductive and mixed forms of hearing loss caused by middle ear disease, accounting for more than 30 cases per 1000 population, and sensorineural hearing loss - about 60 cases (N. V. Mishenkin, 1999; S. Moriniere et al., 2002). Diseases of middle ear, in particular chronic purulent otitis media, are one of the main problems of otorhinolaryngology. It is connected with the fact that this pathology leads to the loss of hearing and in a number of cases results in severe intracranial complications which threaten the patient`s life (A. D. Gusakov, 1995, A. P. Walby, 1988).
41-47 229
Administration of hyperbaric oxygenation in the treatment of cardiovascular disease ischemical genesis indicate high efficacy and statistical reliable improvement integral score of physical component of health (47,7 ± 1,2 in test group, 41,1 ± 0,5 points in control group) and mental component of health (51,6 ± 1,1 in test group, 45,2 ± 0,2 in control group) in the patients in the 2-years observation (p < 0,01), it high correlate do decrease survive patients in the test group.
47-53 229
Among123 patients with asthma: 59 (47,9 %) had increase sympathetic activity, they complained of cough with dry sputum (the first group); 44 (35,8 %) had increase parasympathetic activity and prolonged cough with large amount of sputum (the second group); 20 (16,3 %) had no increase in parasympathetic either sympathetic activity (the third group). The first group showed anxiety, the second group had depression. According to obtained data the bronchial asthma treatment should be with different approach as for the first group medication should include anxiolytics and decreased doses of beta-2-agonists, the patients of second group should receive antidepressant, anticholinergic and mycolytic drugs. The differentiated approach to bronchial asthma treatment allows to obtain reduction of the disease in shorter terms and helps to reduce side action of beta-2-agonists (arterial pressure increase, tachycardia, anxiety etc.).
53-57 231
The present article presents literature data on the treatment of acute destructive pancreatitis and its complications in different terms of the disease development.
58-62 288
The article includes the analysis of native and foreign researchers and this analysis reflects physiological and pathological mechanisms of influence of reflexology on human organism. Much attention is paid to employing of a given method in case of dyslipidemia. The materials mentioned above prove that there is a necessity for further research of using of reflexology in medical rehabilitation.
63-66 207
During the year of 2008, a total of 212 patients with BPH underwent treatment in the Mogilev Regional Hospital. Of these, 65 % underwent operative treatment, 44 % were made TUR BPH. In 48 % of cases for the operation a bipolar resectoscope and generator Autocon 400 by the firm Karl Storz were used. The age of the patients fluctuated from 48 to 82. Intraoperatively, there were no revealed complications. In the nearest postoperative period four episodes of macrohematuria took place, one of which required second electrocoagulation of the bleeding vessels. It has been established that major factors of the system of hemostasis under bipolar TUR do not exceed the bounds of the admissible, and their dynamics does not depend on the extent of the resected tissues, hemostasis in the postoperative period with the use of bipolar TUR can be more easily controlled and is more predicted in respect of postoperative bleedings and thromboembolisms.
66-71 204
Studying of the clinical importance of parameters of variability of a rhythm of the heart, received at daily allowances monitoring of an electrocardiogram, at patients, with for the first time verified diagnosis multiple myeloma and patients with multiple myeloma, receiving various schemes of treatment. It is shown that at patients multiple myeloma during carrying out daily allowances of monitoring of an electrocardiogram at the time and frequency analysis attributes of increase in activity of a sympathetic component of vegetative nervous system come to light.
71-77 298
In the article the basic concepts of sports medicine and the features of the electrocardiogram occurring the athletic training are determined. The basic differential concepts of «athletic heart» and principles of inspections of potential sportsmen are presented. The development of the athlete's heart is a fascinating phenomenon produced by physiologic adaptations to the increased demands of exercise. Athletic training can cause morphological cardiac changes as part of physiological adaptation. The problem of «athletic heart» at children who are actively going in for sports and the complexity in the definition of physiological parameters at young athletes and necessity of perfection of the medical control over young sportsmen.
77-82 200
The results of experimental and clinical investigations are evidence of the positive influence of magnetic-laser therapy on the restorative treatment of patients with ischaemic heart disease. The combination of the impact of laser therapy and magnetic field affords a possibility to increase the treatment effect. The effectiveness of medical rehabilitation of postinfarctic patients in early restorative period by the supravenous magnetic-laser illumination of blood has been shown. It has been ascertained, that the method of magnetic-laser therapy is economically profitable and perspective, conducive to the decline of atherosclerosis progression and decrease of the dosage of antianginal preparations.
82-85 235
In the article the simple economical method for monitoring the dynamics of development of thyroid cancer in children of school age, which lies in the fact that for every child of school age are calculated size of the thyroid gland according to the formulas defined for different regions (provinces) of Belarus and the comparison with the corresponding nomograms for assessment of the thyroid gland.
A. V. Marochkov,
A. V. Bruhnov,
V. A. Gomolko,
N. V. Kuleshov,
S. A. Tochilo,
N. V. Akulich,
V. A. Dudko
85-91 235
Use of techniques the electroencephalographic control depth of a narcotic dream is the integral component during carrying out of the general anaesthesia. Authors make a comparative estimation of clinical features of application bispectral index and electroencephalographic entropy at carrying out multicomponent endotracheal anesthesia at patients in abdominal surgery. Besides, influence of such factors as a sex, age, weight of a body of the patient, quantity entered into operation time analgetic is investigated. Application experience electroencephalographic control for an estimation depth of a narcotic dream has shown its high efficiency and safety.
92-94 222
The papir results of research of biochemical parameters in whey of blood of albino rats in conditions of influence of an external irradiation in a doze 0,5 and 1 Gy are submitted. The analysis of dependence of various biochemical parameters from a doze and time of an external irradiation is lead.
94-98 224
The purpose of the research is to learn the cellular populations of neutrophiled leucocytes, macrophages, fibroblasts and lymphocytes in the system of copulative tissue of the side of the pancreas after the punctural aspiration with the usage of quantitative methods. Local cold influence of the pancreas of white rat with the help of cryosurgical complex KCH 3A/B was used for the modeling of the pseudocyst. The puncture of the pseudocyst was made on the 14th day of the experiment. The punctural aspiration of the contents of the pseudocyst is accompanied by macrophagal reaction. The increase of the quantity of fibroblasts and lymphocytes is watched. The general decrease of the contents of cells in the side of the pseudocyst mainly at the expense of reduction number neutrophiled leucocytes is watched.
Y. D. Kovalenko,
R. P. Litvinovskaya,
N. N. Veyalkina,
A. V. Adamovich,
T. M. Yuraga,
O. M. Solovey,
N. V. Lamovskaya,
E. V. Ryzhova
98-102 283
The results of investigation of 24-epibrasinolide toxicological properties within acute experiment with white mice of both sexes are presented. 24-Еpibrasinolide is а steroid plant hormone. It was noted that mean lethal dose of 24-epibrasinolide added to the diet was above 5 000 mg/kg. The effect of high dose of 24-epibrasinolide on lipidic and protein metabolism in white mice was found.
103-106 216
It has been ascertained, that the stress influence on the contents of specific receptors for estradiol in rats` myocardium becomes evident to its maximum extent on the third day, reliably decreasing this index. The external γ-irradiation statistically increases the number of receptors for estradiol in the myocardium on the tenth day. The complex effect of the immobilizing stress and ionising radiation reliably decline cytoplasmic fraction of myocardial receptors for estradiol to 75 % on the 30th day. The application of bimithyl allows compensation of the effects, induced by the acute immobilizing stress and ionizing radiation.
V. N. Beliakouski,
A. M. Volchenko,
E. V. Voropaev,
T. I. Prigojaya,
S. V. Stasenkova,
B. I. Grebenyak,
E. E. Surmenkova,
A. A. Tereshina,
N. V. Hilkevich
106-112 242
The type is specifity features of papillomavirus infection are studied in 600 healthy women. The most common types in the group of healthy women were HPV 16 (20,3 ± 2,9 %) (р < 0,05), 56 (15,7 ± 2,6 %), it more often, than 18 type (χ², p = 0,02) and more, than 35, 39, 58 and 59 types (χ² = 3,7 , 4,5, 7,3 and 3,7, p = 0,05, 0,03, 0,01 и 0,05 accordingly). It Is Installed that HPV broadly wide-spread amongst fertile women’s in Gomel region. The Study has shown the radio frequency HPV with «high-risk» beside women’s at age 20-24 years (61,5 ± 5,0 %).
112-117 294
Description of epidemic situation on incidence of tuberculosis in Gomel Region in 1997-2009 is given in the paper. Longstanding tendency of epidemic process development both among all the groups of population, and among children in particular is determined. On the evidence of official registration of morbidity and results of medical documentation analysis is given an estimate of distribution of morbidity according to the social and age groups of population, clinical forms of diseases; also risk factors are marked.
118-120 225
The aims of the present study were: to estimate the effect of per capita alcohol consumption on all-cause mortality in Belarus and to compare the alcohol effect for Belarus with that found for other countries. Annual data on male all-cause mortality and alcohol sale per capita for the period 1970-2005 were analysed using the Box-Jenkins technique. Female mortality was included as a control variable and regarded as a proxy for other causal factors. The outcomes suggest that a 1-litre increase in consumption was associated with an increase in male all-cause mortality of about 2,3 %. The present study strengthens the notion of alcohol consumption as an important determinant of population health , and thus the notion that alcohol control must be a key priority for Belorussian public health policy.
121-124 207
The author provides economical aspects of premature mortality in Gomel region developed a procedure for estimating economical loss in the conditions of premature mortality, postulated the procedure for estimating those.
124-131 235
Assessment of changes of life quality of men, connected with age-related factors is becoming more and more topical in the XXI century. High importance of diseases, characteristic for elderly people, calls forth the necessity of studying age changes in men`s reproductive system. At present, there is a burning need to create special programs, intended for the improvement of population health and especially its male part, main aim of which is not only to prolong but also to improve life quality of men with age androgenic deficiency.
132-139 241
Review of literature sources about autologous vein as vascular graft is presented in the article. Changes in autologous veins are described on different morphologic levels. Acute biological reactions of autologous veins while their extracting and preparation for subsequent grafting are reviewed in details. Chronic changes in autologous veins are analyzed on different terms upon implantation. Complications of use autologous veins as vascular prosthesis are described in detail. Causes of autogenous conduits failure are analyzed. Criteria of harvesting and graft preparation are determined, potential problems and complications are indicated.
139-143 230
The article represents the analysis of the data about 239 patients suffering from the pancreas pathologies. All the patients were examined and underwent minimally invasive ultrasound-guided interventions in the Gomel Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary from 1997 to 2008. An algorithm of carrying out diagnostic punctures has been proposed according to the results of the analysis.
143-148 225
Possibilities of revealing of malignant tumours of a colon had been studied at 48 patients with colorectal cancer, 47 with irritable bowel syndrome and 25 healthy volunteers by the complex comparative analysis. It is established, that fecal lactoferrin had the highest diagnostic importance. (AUC: 0,95; 95 % CI: 0,89-0,98). The marker possessed sensitivity - 79,17 % (95 % CI: 65,00-89,50), specificity - 90,14 % (95 % CI: 80,70-95,90).
148-151 271
In the help to practical doctors materials of own supervision Adult Onser Stiii΄s Disease, started in old age
151-155 304
In this article described one case of observathion for women 52 years old having damage of nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and orbit by localised form of Wegener’s granulomatosis.
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ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)