
Health and Ecology Issues

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No 3 (2009)
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7-11 360
A survey is presented of the angiotensin II receptor antagonists (AT1 blockers, sartans) and their general properties and similarities. Accordingly, their receptor profile, pharmacokinetic and therapeutic applications are discussed. In addition, attention is paid to the individual characteristics of the AT1 blockers now available.
11-14 206
Arterial hypertension (AH) has been obtained the most significant curable cerebrovascular disease risk factor. AH has led to the functional and structural changing progress in the vessels that has caused vessel wall remodeling and endothelial dysfunction development. Renin-angiotensun system disturbances has resulted in the analogical vessel changing in spite of the obvious AH persistence. Antihypertensive remedies has influenced over different points of the renin-angiotensun system, that has been sure the most perspective agents for the patients with vascular risk factors.
15-20 249
The known hormonal-metabolic changes lead to developing first of all senior cardiopathy and encephalopathy in the elderly. Encephalopathy doesn’t equal to senior dementia. Thyroid pathology with manifest or subclinical hyperthyroidism exceeds the heart and brains dystrophy complicated arrhythmias and early developed chronicle cardiac failure. It requires the ability to diagnose hyperthyroidism in elderly to treat it correct and early.
20-26 247
The Aim of this analysis is Evaluation of effectiveness of coronary artery stenting in patients with unstable angina and diabetes mellitus with use of drug-eluting stent and bare metal stent.
26-29 216
We studied the major clinical-diagnostic indicators with different clinical outcomes of breast cancer. We show that early disease progression (up to 3 years) is defined by tumor size, lymph nodes metastases, high histological degree of malignancy, age at the moment of disease, as well as the combination of sex hormone receptors.
30-35 242
The dynamics (before and after treatment) of proinflammatory cytokines (interleukin-8 (IL-8) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)) levels in serum and in bronchoalveolar fluid (BALF), of indices of BALF cytograms, of indices of respiratory function (RF), of bronchoscopic data in different variants of antinflammatory therapy of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations (COPD) was studied in 60 patients. Statistically significant decline in percentages of neutrophils and in IL-8 and TNF-α - levels in serum and in BALF was revealed. It was considered, that the Indices of BALF cytograms and cytokine levels in BALF can be used in treatment efficacy monitoring. Clarithromycin is more effective in the reduction of activity of inflammatory process in COPD exacerbations.
35-41 239
The topical question of present-day gastroenterology is the search for simple and noninvasive methods, which could disclose organic bowels pathology and determine the indications for the subsequent deep examination of patients. The research aim was to study diagnostic possibilities of faecal stoolprotectine and immunochemical test, including their combined application in differential diagnostics of clinically important organic and functional bowels pathology. 165 patients with clinically important organic bowels pathology and 93 patients with irritable bowel syndrome have been examined. It has been proved, that considering the diagnostic importance in revealing clinically important organic bowels pathology, the faecal stoolprotectine exceeds: the immunochemical test (0,87; CO: 0,02), anxiety syndrome (0,78; CO: 0,03, p < 0,01) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (0,74; CO: 0,03, Z = 5,75, p < 0,01). The combined application of the faecal stoolprotectine and immunochemical test allows to raise the test sensitivity up to 96,1 % (95 % 91,8/98,6).
41-44 241
The cytogramms of 57 patients with local wounds were investigated It is shown that cytological composition of wound bioptate is different in dependence on duration of its existence and corresponds to reparative process phases. In the patients with complication postoperative period of autodermoplastic, unlike the patients with total vitality of dermal shred, the initial condition of the cytogramm is characterized by absence of eosinophils and higher contents of degenerative forms of neirtophils.
44-48 200
Have studied current of pregnancy and labor, a condition of newborns at 18 parturients with premature labor in 24-36 weeks of pregnancy with histologic chorioamnionitis. We performed bacteriological diagnostics of the conditional - pathogenic microorganisms which are found in a vagina, N.gonorrhoeae, U. urealyticum and M. hominis at the first day of the puerperial period to all patients. We also defined train - diagnostics of a level of procalcitonin in blood. We have established, that the level of the procalcitonin in blood of all women is less than 0,5 ng/ml.
48-52 203
The correlation between electro-physical properties of bio-preparations (blood plasma, urine, pancreatic juice, secretion from belly cavity), that changed at acute destruction pancreatitis, and degree of this process pathogenesis have been researched. 31 patients has been examined with the help of few-invasion surgery methods. Bio-preparations samples has been studied by thermoactivation current spectroscopy and isothermal depolarization methods. The diagnostic value of this methods was established from the point of view of disease beginning and stage of pancreatitis determination, process heaviness and complications prognosis.
52-56 238
The analysis of the data received by comparison of materials histologic and Ultrasaund Imaging of researches quadriceps tendinopathy and patellar tendinopathy is presented. The possibilities of Ultrasaund Imaging at an estimation of expressiveness of quadriceps tendinopathy and patellar tendinopathy are defined. The criteria allowing to estimate the insignificant, moderate and expressed dystrophic changes are allocated. The conclusion on possibility not only ascertaining of the fact of damage quadriceps tendinosis and patellar tendinosis, but also more detailed estimation of expressiveness revealed at Ultrasaund Imaging changes is drawn.
57-61 240
Cyclins are a family of regulatory proteins that play a key role in controlling the cell cycle. Abnormalities of cell cycle regulators, including cyclins and cyclin dependent kinases, have been reported in various malignant tumors. Expression of cyclin B1, D1 was investigated with immunohistochemical method in 69 cases of primary ovarian carcinoma. Five-year survival and degree of differentiation have been found to depend on сyclins D1, В1.
61-64 219
We studied 174 operated patients with thyroid pathology. We show that the most frequent reason of diffuse toxic goiter relapse is inadequate extent of surgical intervention. We defined the period of treatment duration by preparations suppressing the function of thyroid gland at diffuse toxic goiter.
64-67 273
We performed a comparative analysis of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels for the patients with different degrees of decompensation of thyroid function. It is established, that deviations of value of TSH levels, gained on analyzer «AxSYM» (Abbott Diagnostic Division, USA) for the patients with a primary clinical hypothyroidism and a primary clinical hyperthyroidism are the minimum in a stage of subcompensation in comparing with a stage of a decompensation. It was pointed that a degree of decompensation of thyroid function can be evaluated at the first stage of diagnostic searching (the test of the first level - TSH). We worked out the ranges of value of TSH level for analyzer «AxSYM» (Abbott Diagnostic Division, USA) which have given the possibility to advance statistically valid a degree of decompensation without using the test of the second level - thyroxin free concentration.
68-71 220
Ischemia is most frequent cause of stroke. Atherosclerosis of aorta and carotids is factor of rise of development of ischemic stroke.This time it is shown that intensive hypolipidemic therapy is important part of treatment both primary and repeated stroke.Hypolipidemic activity,safety and tolerance of medostatin in patients with ischemic stroke are investigated.
71-76 213
In the article the method of studying the amplitude of the movement of a cervical department of the backbone in relation to the vertical axis at the inclinations of the head forward and back on the digital device with the software «Uniscan» is offered. The method permits to study the functional condition of a cervical department of the backbone as a whole and the amplitude of movement of every single unit of the backbone.
76-80 217
The results of examination, treatment and case monitoring of 19 patients, taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, consulted at the preventive gastroenterological center of the «Republican Research and Practical Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology» because of metaplasia, dysplasia and hyperplasia on morphological research of biopsy material are presented. Сlinical and morphological manifestation of gastropathy, inducted by taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are analyzed.
80-83 239
The method of anaesthetiziological aids has been offered in case of surgical treatment of 170 children aged from 1 till 10 for exudative otitis media (EOM). 120 patients had exudative otitis media (EOM) together with adenoids and chronic tonsillitis. Depending on the scope of a surgical operation, 2 types of anaesthetiziological aids have been used - mask narcosis and intubation narcosis. The conducting of appropriate anaesthetiziological aids and a special fixation holder - a holder for retractor noticeably decreases the possibility of a child`s psychological trauma, reduces operation duration and prevents complications during and shortly after an operation.
83-89 235
Research aim: to study the diagnostic amount of faecal stoolproctine in revealing Crohn`s disease. During the research have been examined 14 patients, suffering from Crohn`s disease and 137 patients without any inflammatory or oncologic bowels pathology. It has been ascertained, that the faecal stoolproctine exceeds the immunochemical test, which revels latent blood in stool, also S-reactive albumen and erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the diagnostic amount (ППК: 0,94, СО: 0,05; ППК: 0,73, СО: 0,08; ППК: 0,71, СО: 0,09; ППК: 0,72, СО: 0,08 accordingly, р < 0,05). The marker sensitivity in revealing Crohn`s disease at the cutting off point of 75,18 mkg/g was 92,31 % (95 % ДИ: 63,90-98,70) and specifity - 95,49 % (95% ДИ: 90,40-98,30).
89-94 621
Learning the process of changes in skin that occurs during plastic surgery is of great importance for the effective planning of plastic operations. According to biomechanics the human skin is a composite material with heterogeneous nonlinear anisotropic viscoelastic characteristics. This is associated with difficulties in building an effective model of soft tissues and skin. Most investigators consider dermis to be the determinative of mechanical properties of the full-thickness skin. And architectonics is the main reason of differences in mechanical behaviour of the skin. One of the methods of studying the skin properties is mechanical test, which is considered as functional biopsy, as its behavior is defined by its microstructural composition and organization. The aim of this study was to determine such features as contractility and tensile strength, their histological foundation and an opportunity to predict them. As we`ve found the features of interest in spite of being determined by the same microanatomical structures have a complicated nonlinear correlation and depend on different characteristics of connective tissue fibers.
94-99 251
The article consists of the literary review, which summarized current data about mechanisms of apoptosis, in consequence of the developing cerebral ischemia.
99-106 260
HBO is pathophysiology based method in the medical treatment of the ischemical cardiovascular diseases. The application of the HBO in the «little» regimes in the ischemical disease of the card has important advantage in comparison with «high» regimes hyperoxii.
106-111 198
Functional condition bone fabrics is studied structured at the orthodontic treatment patient with periodontitis in combination with malocclusions. It is installed expressed medical-preventive action orthodontic action, but particularly with the use save ligation system (Damon System), which was reflected in stabilizations of the pathological process in the periodontal tissues of beside 70 ± 8,37 % patient, in reliable increase level heights of the alveolar bone in 2,24 times (P < 0,05), in improvement of the processes to remodeling bones, as well as aesthetic factors teeth-jaws systems.


112-116 262
The hydrated electron that is the most powerful reducing agent and the most simple nucleophilic reagent, was generated experimentally in a two phase system composed of benzene or xylitol (one phase) and aqueous potassium iodide solution (another phase), when exposed to ultra violet or ultra sonic under permanent stirring and shaking of the mixture. Molecular iodine was prepared at the result of KI reaction with oxygen radicals and hydrogen peroxide that were generated when hydrated electrons were treated by atmospheric oxygen. Using tryptophan as a substrate we proved that indole ring undergoes bond cleavage when exposed to UV or US, and this process resulted in production of the hydrated electrons. The role of hydrated electrons in molecular iodine elimination was developed with the help of different ligands, alcohols, NaNO2 and dithionate. The scheme of molecular iodine preparing is represented.
116-120 230
On 155 pregnancy rats with intramuscular introduction of E. сoli lipopolysaccharides, «Sigma» during pregnancy determinence distutbances reproduction function, dependent from dose of lipopolysaccharides and the period pregnancy.
121-125 231
The aim of the study: to study the influence of various ultrasound parameters on a damage rate of an arterial side depending on a head of a wave guide structure in vivo. It is shown, that the damage rate of a vascular side increases with the growth of intensity of ultrasonic influence and depends on a head of a wave guide structure. Porosity in a range from 15 to 45 % does not influence on a damage rate of a vascular side.
125-127 236
New surgical instruments, created by the authors, for realization of operative operations on laboratory animals (rats) are introduced. The parameters of working parts of the instruments: wound dilator, cryosurgical tip, needle holder and pincers allow to optimize realization of experimental researches. The offered instruments are easily reproduced, that give an opportunity of their broad usage in experimental surgery.


128-132 236
Medical ecology is a sphere of scientific and practical activity of a doctor of any description. It is necessary to carry out preventive measures of ecologically depending and conventional diseases. Legislative documents on preservation of biosphere and health of population have been worked out at the state level.
132-135 222
Androgen deficiency in the aging male has become a topic of increasing interest and debate throughout the world. The prevalence of androgen deficiency in the aging male population is difficult to estimate due to the heterogeneity of the studied populations, the differing methods of estimating testosterone levels (total, free estimates) and the lack of consistency of nominal values for defining biochemical hypoandrogenism. The problem of androgen deficiency in men with diabetes type 2 is very actually now. Investigation and treatment androgen deficiency allow not only prevent diabetes type 2, but also have a good control of diabetes. This condition of problem leads to organization of andrology services, including questions of early diagnostics of sexual dysfunction in men with androgen deficiency.
135-139 229
There are the hormonal and metabolic disorders during the elderly of organism. The most important of them are the thyroid dysfunctions. Hypothyroidism is difficult to diagnose in old age, because it has many clinical «masks». But undiagnosed hypothyroidism leads to degenerative changes in cardiovascular system and central neural system, exceeding early elderly and human social disadaptation. That’s why preliminary diagnostic and adequate correction of hypothyroidism can prolong active life in elderly.
140-144 212
The comparative analysis of indicators of first aid service of Gomel - as primary level of rendering medical aid for 7 years of its functioning is presented in this article. The factors affecting its efficiency are analyzed.
144-150 225
An analysis of the death-rate was performed in 2003-2007 for the purpose of revealing the consistent patterns in the dynamics of the reasons of mortality from diseases of the circulatory system among the population of Gomel Region. For the last 5 years the greatest rate of mortality among the population of Gomel Region was registered in the year 2005 - 55,7 %, in 2007 this rate was the lowest.


151-155 285
The article is devoted to hypoglycemia caused organic hyperinsulinism one of the rarest and severe form is nesidioblastosis. The authors have written modern methods of diagnostic and treatment of hyperinsulinism. There is very interesting case of clinical observation of hyperinsulinism caused nesidioblastosis at the child from Gomel in the article. That child became diabetic five years later after the operation of subtotal resection of pancreas.

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)