No 4 (2008)
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7-12 252
In article is discussed safety of β-blockers use in arterial hypertension during the pregnancy. There is a consider possibility of use different β-blockers in pregnant as efficacy antihypertensive medications and safety drugs for fetus and newborn. Author is demonstrated increase rate of gestational and perinatal complication in pregnant with chronic arterial hypertension of 1-st and 2-nd degree’s during to take the atenolol, especially in daily dose more then 50 mg.
12-19 210
A prominent aspect of evidence based medicine is completeness and accuracy of data presentation. Article purpose is the short review of principles of evidence based medicine in the researches devoted to accuracy of diagnostic tests. Diagnostic tests are used in medicine to screen for diagnose, grade, and monitor the progression of disease. Diagnostic information is obtained from a multitude of sources, including sings, symptoms and special investigations. This article concentrates on the dimensions of study quality and the advantages of different summary statistics with logistic regression and ROC-analysis.
19-23 244
Objective: to determine factors, associated with increased risk for development of strokes, myocardial infarctions, lethal outcomes in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) II degree. Methods: 220 patients with AH II degree (mean age 57 ± 8,4 years), complicated by hypertensive crisis, and 30 persons without AH (mean age 53,7 ± 9 years) were followed-up for 3,3±1 years. Results: elevation of number of circulating endothelial cells (CEC), aggregation of platelets and leukocytes, adhesion of leukocytes in hypertensive patients were associated with increased risk for development of strokes, myocardial infarctions, lethal outcomes. Conclusion: it’s possible to use such findings as number of circulating endothelial cells, aggregation of platelets and leukocytes, adhesion of leukocytes for determination of high risk group of hypertensive patients and creation of prognostic models.
23-28 239
The purpose of research - development of a method of an estimation of a pain set of symptoms in the field of heart with use Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in view of singularities of the clinical data for a solution of a problem of differential diagnostics cardialgia syndrome a vertebral and coronary genesis. The developed system of differentiation of cardialgia syndrome with help ANN has shown appreciable diagnostic possibilities with high indexes of sensitivity (97,7 %) and specificity (91,1 %).
28-34 219
Administration of hypobaric oxygenation in subacute period of myocardial infarction before the aortocoronary bypass (one session, duration 60 min, working pressure 0,03 MPa) and after discharge from emergency department (5 sessions) allows to improve significantly integral score of physical component of health (SF-36) in main group (from 23,0 ± 1,6 to 53,6 ± 3,6; level of this score in control group shifted from 16,0 ± 1,2 to 40,6 ± 1,9; p = 0,028); integral score of mental component of health (from 31,0 ± 1,7 to 54,2 ± 2,9 in main group; from 24,3 ± 1,2 to 39,6 ± 2,1 in control; p = 0,017).
34-39 219
The purpose of the study is a comparative assessment of the immediate and long-term results using Sirolimus - Eluting Stents (SES) and Bare-Metal Stent (BMS) in patients with unstable angina and diabetes mellitus type 2.
40-42 195
The factors influencing on the stability of a brest in post operative period are analyzed in this article, questions of improvement of its stabilization are considered.
43-46 623
In work a findings of investigation of 56 children of the cardiological department examined in connection with raised arterial pressure are submitted. The patients were carried out of orthostatic test and daily monitoring of arterial pressure and psychologic testing for an estimation of a level of uneasiness. It is revealed, that the majority of children with an arterial hypertension does not have downstroke of arterial pressure at night, at this group of patients pathological variants of vegetative maintenance are registered. Spilberg test has revealed moderate and high uneasiness at examined children.
47-51 231
The metabolic syndrome last years draws steadfast attention endocrinologists, cardiologists, general practicioners. 78 patients of a male with a diabetes 2 types in the age of 45-60 years (mean age 53,69 ± 4,88) are surveyed. The mean duration of diabetes was 8,34 ± 6,26 years (1 month - 20 years). The control group consisted of 25 men without the specified diseases and were of similar age group. Data obtained by us confirm essential interrelation between androgen deficiency and insulin resistance, that low testosterone levels are an independent risk factor for the subsequent development of metabolic syndrome and diabetes type 2, independent of obesity. Low circulating testosterone levels positively correlate with several well-known cardiovascular risk factors.
A. M. Reshetskaya,
E. O. Moiseenko,
M. E. Neshitaya,
T. L. Gorokhova,
N. S. Lapushkin,
A. V. Zvenigorodskaya,
O. S. Shashkova,
N. N. Siyanko
51-56 411
Were observed 50 patients with arterial hypertension (AH). Clinical sings of left ventricular hypertrophy were revealed in 40 (80%) patients. The most advanced sings of left ventricular hypertrophy were increase of transversal of relative dullness of card (16 (32%)), abatement of tone of card (17 (34%)), abatement of 1-st tone of card (14 (28%)). Left ventricular hypertrophy on ECG were in 30 (60%) patients.
56-59 232
The analysis of 196 cases of breast cancer with different clinical course has been performed. The parameters of unfavorable prognosis for breast cancer have been defined (recurrence of the disease during the first three years after the operation). The factors reliably impairing the prognosis of clinical course and testifying to the potential possibility of disease progression are regional metastases, the size and grade of tumor malignancy.
59-65 243
Conformities to the law of development relapses and metastases are analysed at 110 patients by the locally widespread gastric cancer (LWGC) after surgical and complex treatment. The basic display of generalization the tumour was peritoneal dissemination. Lymhatic metastasis was observed also often enough, in most cases combining with peritoneal dissemination. Loca-gional a relapse often comes to light at patients with LWGC IV stage (T4N1-3M0), he arose up for 42 % patients. Local relapse at patients with LWGC stage IV more frequent than all develops the stage (T4N1-3M0) in area of esophago-enterostomy in 67 % (8/12) patients after implementation of gastrectomy. Conducting adjuvant chemio-radiotherapy (ACRT) at that patients provides the high degree of local control the tumour process, appearance of local relapse for these patients was not observed, then, as in the comparison groups it was exposed at 12 % (5/41) and 21 % (7/33) patients accordingly from the studied localization of relapse.
65-69 265
The clinico-immunological survey of 109 children at the age of from 2 months to 15 years suffered from idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) has been conducted. In the course of verification of the diagnosis, in order to evaluate trombocytopoiesis, the method of flow cytometry was used to detect the level of young forms of platelets marked with thiazole-orange. The misbalance of immune status at child ITP was detected which is characterized by T-cell link suppression (CD3+) due to T-helpers (CD4+) and T-active lymphocytes (CD3+HLA-DR+) and excessive activation of B-cell link (CD19+). Acute ITP presented in 65 % of cases, chronical one - in 35 %.Possible prognostic clinico-immunological criteria of ITP variant have been detected.
69-74 201
Prognosis of good skin contraction is important in choice of surgical procedure for body contouring. The skin covering human body has a provable tension degree hence one has an ability of contraction. The aim of our work was to determine some qualitative and quantitative measures of anticipation the skin contraction rate in human abdomen. We investigated corpses` skin within 24 hours after death. We kept measurements of skin mobility, possible extention, thickness of skin-fat fold, evaluation of skin elasticity by various methods and then analyzed correlation of received data with skin contraction rate. The skin from epigastrium and hypogastrium has been compared. Due to result of our research we`ve found out that skin contraction rate had no linear dependence of any definite measure, but correlated with some principles which should be considered in complex. Among them are pinch-test, skin-fat fold sickness, body region, sex, age.
74-78 231
With a help of objective method that is tympanometry in the treatment process, the inspection results of 180 children suffering from exudative middle otitis (EMO) are presented in the work. Presented the various variants of B type tympanometry curves, analysed mutual relations a tympanogram with the indices of conventional audiometry and a level of exudation in barrel.
78-82 221
The analysis of clinic-laboratory parameters of 73 patients with chronic purulent inflammatory diseases of the skin during the remission of the basic disease was carried out. At 31,5 % of patients in the samples from the pharynx S.aureus was revealed in diagnostically significant amount. Also in such patients accompanying chronic infections significantly more often were marked (р = 0,022), relative amount of B-lymphocytes and concentration of IgA in blood were decreased. Changes in the immunorgamme had a versatile character and concerned mainly humoral immunity.
82-86 242
The purpose of study is to evaluate the diagnostic ability of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness parameters from Stratus optical coherence tomography (OCT) to discriminate between healthy eyes, the eyes with glaucoma and also between different stages of glaucoma. OCT measurements of RNFL thickness may provide clinically important information in staging the glaucomatous damage. OCT contributes to the identification of local defects in the RNFL of patients. The clock hour location of localized RNFL defects around optic disc did not affect significantly the sensitivity of Stratus OCT for superotemporal RNFL defects may be due to their smaller angular width compared with that of inferotemporal RNFL defects. The direct correlation was found between OCT measurements of retinal nerve fiber layer and the stage of glaucoma. These measurements will provide clinically relevant information in monitoring glaucomatous changes during follow-up.
86-91 214
The pattern of polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) was used for the detection of resistance to clarithromycin H. pylori. During the examination of 125 patients with proved H. Pylori contamination the restriction analysis of 23S rRNA gene fragment of H. Pylori did not detect T2717C point mutation connected with the phenotype of low level of resistance to clarithromycin. The phenotype of high level of resistance to clarithromycin was detected only in 5,5 % of patients. Taking into account low indicators of phenotypic resistance, the conclusion that clarithromycin can be successfully used as a preparation of the first line of eradication therapy of H. Pylori in the Republic of Belarus has been made.
91-94 247
The medical and social status, clinical structure are analyzed and the most significant risk factors of mortality among 83 patients who died from HIV-associated tuberculosis are determined. It is found that they are men 30-40 with sharp generalized forms of tuberculosis, resulting in death in the first two years. The most important predictors of mortality of patients stage of HIV-infection, HIV-associated cachexia, a form of pulmonary tuberculosis, the count of leukocytes and CD4 + T-lymphocytes are were.
95-99 208
Up to 20 percent of patients with anginal chest pain, the coronary angiogram, usually obtained because of «positive» findings on one or more noninvasive tests, does not show clinically significant narrowing of the vessel lumen. The most common causes of these conditions such as variant angina, X-syndrome, gastrointestinal disorders and others are systematizing in this article. The practical algorithm for management of patients with symptoms and nonobstructive coronary artery disease is presented.
99-103 241
The literary review of the data confirming that for forecasting of various diseases at man, the complex estimation of its anthopometrical parameters is necessary, as one of the most valid methods of mass prescreening is presented in the article.
103-107 193
Statistical evaluation of dose is the determination of an average value and its error. If an average value of a total dose in general can be determined by simple summarizing of the averages of its external and internal components, the evaluation of an error can be received only from its distribution. Herewith, considering that both components of the dose are interdependent to summarize their distributions, as a last ones of a random independent variables, is incorrect. It follows that an evaluation of the parameters of the total dose distribution cannot be received empirically. As an exception we may have a situation, which can be rarely met in practice, however, when both WBC- and TLD-measurements were taken simultaneously from the same persons. Standard geometric deviation of the total dose distribution and of the external dose distribution coincide, i.e. variance of the total dose is completely defined by such one of the external dose. This is a consequence of a dominant contribution of the external dose (65-85 %) in the total one. An error of the total dose is also defined by the error of the external dose. It is within 50 % for these conditions.
107-112 228
Psychological and psychometric particularities of teenagers from region damaged after Chernobyl accident with syndrome of vegetative dysfunction (SVD), chronic rinitis and tonsillitis and their combinations have been studied. It was found that SVD with cardiac manifestations and chronic rinitis potentiate one another in their influence on psychological status of teenagers.
112-116 202
The developed model for estimation of the internal dose is based on the classification of settlements on the regional soil peculiarities, which caused137Cs-intake of the local produced foods. The model is also based on regression dependence of the internal dose on137Cs-soil contamination density for each region. The influence of indirect signs has been taken into consideration in dose estimation. The influence of indirect signs was expressed in term of correction factors. The model can be used for zoning contaminated territories.
117-119 188
Investigated influence of acute irradiation on the morphofunctional state of reproductive system sexually mature male rats. The disbalance in distribution of spermatogenic cells, decrease (90 days) and recovery (180, 360 days) in sperm cells production was ascertained (after radiating exposure in a dose 1,0 G). The level of abnormal sperm cells was increased.
119-126 381
Spottu thistle (Silybum marianum-L) is widerspread? Popular herb in folk and official medicine. Silybin, silydianin, silyckistin (the sum of them is named silymarin) are the dominating components among biological active substances allocated from fruits of thistle. They are used as hepatoprotectors.
126-132 207
This article represents the history of Gomel Regional Clinical Cardial Dispensary formation and development. It describes the way in which the optimal organizational and functional structure of the dispensary is built. This structure enables efficient diagnostics, curative and preventive treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases, as well as proper level of aftercare and clinical examination. The material and technical basis of the dispensary is actively enhanced, new modern equipment is obtained and special attention is paid to the professinal skills and experience of the medical stuff.
132-138 203
In this study trends in age-adjasted, sex-specific mortality due to ischaemic heat disease and suicide rates (as a proxy for psychosocial distress) from 1981 to 2004 in Belarus were analyzed in order to asses bivariate relationship between the two time series. The results of the time series analysis indicates the presence of a statistically significant association between the two time series for the all male age groups (aside the group 75+) and for the female age groups 30-44 and 45-59 years. The results of present study provided support for the hypothesis that psychosocial distress was the main determinant in the ischaemic heat disease mortality crisis in Belarus in the yearly 1990s.
138-142 255
Today is actual the problem of development of the unified system of an estimation of natural-recreational potential of the water objects on the basis of quantitative and qualitative standard of potential opportunities of superficial reservoirs and a hygienic substantiation of perspective methods of disinfecting of the sewage alternative to chlorination. The instruction called «Criteria of safety of the water objects of the Republic of Belarus used in the recreational purposes for the health of population» is developed. The catalogue of modern methods of disinfecting of sewage is being given prove.
142-146 215
High level of morbidity rate and mortality rate due to neoplasm is an important problem of public health in the Republic of Belarus. Accepting life style and environment as factors determining health status in the population, morbidity rate and mortality rate due to neoplasm in the East and South pre-frontier regions have been studied in dynamics for the first time with regard to some geographical peculiarities. The obtained results suggested the significant differentiation of neoplasm morbidity rate and mortality rate depending on the territory aspects. This requires purposeful approach for developing organizational measures to optimize the present situation.
A. S. Kniaziuk,
B. O. Kabeshev,
M. L. Kaplan,
E. S. Leschenko,
D. N. Bontsevich,
V. V. Anichkin,
N. P. Glasyrin,
P. N. Grakovich
146-151 229
There were explored physical characteristic six polyester surgical threads. Surgical ligature of the metric size 3 (number 2/0) were used. Sutures tested included Ethibond (Ethicon, Great Britain), PremiCron (B.Braun, Germany), Cardioerg (Ergon sutramed, Italy), Ti-Cron (Tyco, USA), Polyester (Volot, Russia), Polyester which poly-p-xylylene (PPX) coating. The results are indicative of significant qualitative superiority of the polyester threads with covering. PPX covering allows qualitative and inexpensively to improve polyester suture material.
151-154 388
The literary survey is devoted problems of food allergy, one of the actual problems of allergology and nutriciology. Domestic and international experience of the European specialists is parsed, and modern methods of clinic, diagnostic and therapy of this pathology are given, the role of food intolerance in the pathogenesis of different somatic diseases is illuminated.
ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)