
Health and Ecology Issues

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No 1 (2008)


7-11 236
In work the importance of forest, as one of the key factors determining a doze of internal irradiation is proved. The group of rural settlements where the given parameter, alongside with density plays a determining role in formation of the doze of internal irradiation was alloted. It is shown, that for an estimation of a doze loadings level there is a necessity of using the elements of settlements classification, and choose the classes similar to formation of the internal irradiation dose conditions.


11-16 233
The present review represents modern achievements in study of pathogenetic mechanisms of chronic cerebral ischemia. The role of hemodynamic, atherosclerotic, autoimmune, mnestic factors in the development of the disease has been defined.
16-20 232
The modern possibilities of an estimation of teenagers quality life with a type 1 diabetes mellitus as a complex indicator of physical, psychological and social health are reviewed. The results of researches on studying influence of psychological and social factors on current illness of adolescence and appropriateness of complications development are presented.
20-26 229
The literature review is devoted a vital topic of emergency surgery. It is diagnostics of infected pancreatic necrosis. Infectious complications of an acute pancreatitis are a principal cause of lethal outcomes. Timely diagnostics of the infected pancreatic necrosis allows changing medical tactics. Authors have carried out the analysis of modern methods of diagnostics of a pancreatic infection. Now the most informative methods are laboratory monitoring, procalcitonin test, fine-needle aspiration biopsy, CT-scan, etc.
26-30 248
The literature review is devoted a vital topic of emergency surgery and intensive therapy - early pharmacotherapy of an acute pancreatitis. Authors have analyzed literary data about efficiency of early medicinal prophylactic of pancreatic necrosis. Now efficiency of use Н2-blockers, aprotinin, somatostatin (oktreotid) at an acute pancreatitis is not confirmed by data according to evidence-based medicine. The review of the literature has not revealed a uniform position concerning early medicinal treatment of an acute pancreatitis.
30-34 217
As the object of an investigation were the patients of Gomel`s Regional Clinical Hospital. There were 137 patients with various forms of acute cholecystitis (AC) who had a course of treatment in Gomel`s Regional Clinical Hospital for the period from 2006 up to 2007. There were 21 (15,3%) men, 115 (83,9%) women. An average age of patients was 51,5 ± 4,5 years old. All receipted patients in various terms were given cholecystitis of various types after standard set of diagnostic procedures. The patients were divided into three groups. In the first group there were sick patients diseased acute cholecystitis and some were operated urgently (n = 72), in the second group there were the patients receipted for systematic operative treatment of chronic cholecystitis and some were revealed various forms of acute cholecystitis (n = 35) on the base of the intraoperational data and pathology-histological conclusion, in the third group (a control group) there were the patients with chronic calculated cholecystitis. The statistic worked up figures were made by the methods of not parametric statistic with using a data statistic analysis burst «STATISTICA 6,0».
34-38 269
The complaints analysis of sick by cirrhosis with portal hypertensive gastropathy was made. All the sick with portal hypertensive gastropathy made the complaints of dyspepsia character. The sick with portal hypertensive gastropathy more often made the complaints about early satiation and feeling repletion nearer a middle line in upper part of stomach but the complaints of total character were weakness, body high temperature, inversion of sleep, edema evidence that could be explained for more serious development of cirrhosis of sick with portal hypertensive gastropathy.
38-44 231
The immediately and long-term results of treatment and structure of relapse are studied at 149 patients with gastric cancer (GC) of the IV stage (T4N1-3M0-1), being on treatment in the Gomel regional clinical oncologic centre in a period from 1996 to 2005. A basic group (I) 64 patients which after operation was conduct the postoperative course of radial therapy (RT) in a total dose 50-60 Gr and 4-6 courses of postoperative polichemiotherapy. A control group (II) patients which only surgical treatment was conducted to. All patient is execute the combined operations with lymphadenoectomy in a volume no less D2.The analysis of immediately results of treatment of patients of I group showed, the use of postoperative chemioradiation therapy does not lead to development of heavy complications and provides the satisfactory long-term results of treatment of patients of GC IV stage: five-year survivability in a I group 20,7+5,7% comparing to II group - 9,5+3,4%. Specific gravity of patients with a local relapse, 3,0% in a basic group, and in a control group 29,0%. Cases of appearance the isolated local relapses at the patients of the I group were not observed, while the patients of the II group were exposed in 22,3% cases, that testifies to the high degree of local control of tumour process at patients, gettings postoperative chemioradiation therapy.
44-49 245
In any time a lot of hypothesis were suggested for the explanation of nature nutritive obesity. Some of them don’t lose their urgency, the discussions of others can be of interest just in historical aspect. In this work there were represented only modern judgements at etiopathogenesis of mutritive obesity connected with it metabolic syndrome.
49-53 209

Results of examination of 121 women are submitted. To find out of Chlamydia infection were applied next approaches: immunofluorescence reaction, immune enzime analysis, polymerase chain reaction. Laboratory parameters of chronic Chlamydia infection were revealed in various combinations at 56 infertile women. Chlamydia infection was determined for 38 infertile women by definition of antibodies IgG to CHSP60.

53-58 214
Receptor and functional features of peripheral blood leukocytes in recurrent purulent inflammatory patients depending on etiology and clinical factors and influence in vitro of soluble Staphylococcus aureus products on leukocytes function were examined. A dependence of cellular immunity indexes on etiology of process was determined. It was showed that staphylococcal culture cell-free supernates stimulate in vitro phagocytosis and oxidative burst activity of leukocytes in patients who has disorders caused by Staphylococcus aureus.
59-64 302
The aim of the investigation is to study determination of diagnostic possibilities of faecal faeces-protecting and various methods for revelation of hidden blood in faeces in an uninvasive diagnostic of stomach organic pathology. The material and methods of the investigation: we have examined 43 patients diseased with a stomach cancer (an average age of patients was 66,0 ± 9,9 years old), 36 patients diseased with the gastro duodenal ulcers (an average age of patients was 39,1 ± 14,9 years old) and 27 patients diseased with a stomach dyspepsia (an average age of patients was 28,9 ± 52,2 years old). The stomach cancer diagnostic was made with a help of fibrogastroscopy by taking biopsy. As a result of the investigation it was determined that the faecal faeces-protecting as an uninvasive marker of the stomach organic pathology possessed of big specificity which was 89,5% but by a sensitiveness exceeded both the hemoccult-test and immune chemical test for hidden blood in faeces though statistically significant these distinctions reach only in respect of an immune chemical test (p < 0,05). The immune chemical test for hidden blood in faeces is not aptitude for the diagnostic pathology of gastro duodenal zone because its low sensitiveness. A joint determination of the faecal faeces-protecting and hidden blood in faeces raises the sensitiveness but reduces the specificity test in revelation of stomach organic pathology in comparison with the faecal faeces-protecting though this tendency is not reaching the statistically significant (p < 0,05). The sensitiveness of the joint determination of two markers in revelation of stomach cancer exceeds the test sensitiveness in revelation of the gastro duodenal ulcers (p < 0,05) and mounts to 88,5%.
64-67 195
Using of low-flow methods of substitute therapy in patients with polyorgan insufficiency syndrome allows to mix not only phenomenons of kidney insufficiency but and appearance of inflammatory response system.
67-71 226
The quantitative analysis results of connective fibrous tissue of 10 patients died due to acute myocardial infarction are represented.
71-75 228
Disturbances of lipid metabolism take place both in CHD and in rheumatoid arthritis. The main aim of given study was investigation of hypolipidemic activity, safety of medostatin in dose of 20 mg/day. It was noted that 3 months therapy with medostatin in patients with CHD combined with rheumatoid artritis exerted positive effect on blood lipid spectrum in given groupe of patients.
75-78 211
A traumatic shock accompanies a serious combined trauma in 90-95% cases, being a reason of frequent lethal outcome. Indisputable there is a social meaning of this problem as a death-rate because of traumas which takes the first place among able to work age. High lethal (20-30%) under the traumatic shock dictates necessity to carry out further investigations and search new principles to treat this pathology. The clinical-laboratory testimonials of the patients suffered with serious combined trauma and the results of the traumatic shock therapy on the intense treatment stages are considered in the article.
79-82 215
The paper presents the results of brain intraoperative ultrasound examination.Revealed ultrasound characteristics of intracerebral haematomas at acute, subacute and chronic stages contention with the data of cerebrum computer tomography. There was shown the diagnostic value of intraoperative ultrasound diagnostics at patients with intracerebral bleedings.
82-88 245
Percularity of atherosclerotic affection of vessels in connection with antihypertensive therapy was studied in 185 patients with arterial hypertension (AH). Frequency of atherosclerosis was 100%. The prevailing localization of atherosclerosis are the central, cerebral and peripheral vascular areas. The results of investigation indicate to the protective effect of regular therapy on atherosclerosis in peripheral and central vessels, taking inhibitors APF - on the peripheral, central and cerebral areas, BKK - on cerebral and peripheral areas. Using beta-adrenoblocators produces proatherogenic effect on peripheral vessels, diuretic drugs - on the abdominal aorta and peripheral vessels.
88-94 229
The literary review is devoted to the problems of speleotherapy occupying one of leading places in the concept of the modern not medicamental methods of different diseases’ correction in therapeutic and pediatric practice. Domestic and international experience of eay-out and functioning speleotherapeutic cabinets is analysed, contraindications as well as indications in usage of the yielded procedure are given, effectiveness of speleotherapy using according to domestic authors and their foreign colleagues is illuminated.
94-97 228
A row of synovial fluid substitutes on a base of blood serum was tested by lubricating ability criterion with a help of a friction gage of pendulum type. Detected that a coefficient of pair friction, modeling a metal-polymeric implant joint, was changing during lubrication under the influence of magnetic field. The regularities of such changes depend on the correlation and characters of autoserum modifiers action. It was marked a practical meaning of the tribological analysis compositions of artificial synovial fluid for local joint therapy
98-102 244
A group of patients, who were urgently diagnosed as having colon cancer, was studied. Patients were characterized according sex, age, stage and location of tumor. Types and quantity of operations were investigated. Our study shows, that male patients quantity is 1.7 times more, than female ones. Near 45% of patients had stage of disease II or I. Both colon cancer and its complications had the same rate in old patients. Sigmoid colon cancer is most frequently spread (44% of studied patients), the second and the third places are taken by ascending colon (14%) and caecum (13%). Urgent operative treatment had place by 50.7% of investigated patients. The indications to emergent surgery were found among patients of all the 4 stages.
102-108 225
Dynamic of oxidative stress components (superoxid dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and malon dialdehyde (MD)) as a markers of general stress reactivity due to eating disorders have been assessed during hyperbaric oxygenation therapy. Adaptive changes in the SOD and CAT activity revealed only in low-pressure regimen (0,03 MPа) by comparing with high-pressure (0,1 MPа) one. Low-pressure regimen provide spare influence on the antioxidant defense processes by protection from the SOD and CAT activity decline during hyperbaric oxygenation therapy.


108-112 198
The aim of the work was is to study the influence of NO-synthase inhibitor, introduced in the neonatal period, on the oxygen consumption as an indirect measure of the heat exchange. In the course of conducted experiments, it was found out that in the neonatal period NO takes part in the development of organisms responsible for the formation of stable body temperature and its changes during the day and intensity of the heat output.
112-117 205
The aim of the work was to study changes which occur with morphology structures of a dog’s duodenum’s big papilla (DBP) after introduction in its region medication which contains botulism (disport) toxin.


121-125 213
The comparative analysis of tendencies of environmental condition change in European Union countries and Belarus is submitted. Connection between levels of atmospheric air pollution and children’s morbidity is shown. The established laws and tendencies demand development and special actions aimed at negative influence reduction of harmful ecological factors on health.
125-129 210
For an establishment of variability character diring of the somatic status of teenagers of the Belarus central region the analysis of anthropometrical parameters dynamics for 20 years was made. As materials data of cross-section anthropological were inspection of 817 schoolboys (only 406 boys and 411 girls) of 12-15 years old, lead in 2004-2005. For comparison were used data of researches of schoolboys of 1981-1986 (Salivon, Polina, Marfina, 1989). The program of research included the weight of a body, longitudinal sizes of a body, diameters of a chest, shoulders and basin, girths of the case and finite nesses, skinfolds, etc. Change of proportions of a body and componental structure of a body were investigated.
129-134 222
The ecological and hygienic characteristic of water quality of superficial water resources of the Gomel area is submitted in the work. The basic parameters of water quality which did not meet to hygienic specifications were established. The condition of the superficial water resources used in the recreational purposes has the important value for preservation and strengthening the population of health. In this connection precise criteria and parameters of hygienic safety of water quality of such water resources are necessary.
134-139 275
A nidus of fluorosis was revealed in Mogilev region, the reason is high content of fluoride in local water ([F] = 5,5mg/l). The source of water lies 169m deep, the water supplies the system that has been serving one of the village streets for the last 29 years. All of the 12 teenagers living in the street since early childhood have teeth impacted with fluorosis, from mild (45,5%) to moderate (36,4%) to greater forms (18,2%). The prevalence of dental caries among the teenagers is significantly lower than among those living in fluoride deficit areas. Their day urine contains a very high level of F ([F] = 4,3mg/l), which should be interpreted as a marker of a high actual F intake. Changing the water source was suggested, as well as special activities to rehabilitate inhabitants’ health condition, and temporal limitation in use of F-containing caries prevention applications.
139-143 208
The article deals with methods of making up adequate test assigns by using the main principles as follows: principles of antinomy, antithesis, homogeneity, cumulation, combination, calibration, double set-off, facet, implication, formulating of assigns with answers correct in various extent, and principles combination. Characteristic mistakes in test assigns were analyzed. Rating system of assessment wos discussed.


143-149 190
The paper reviews recent atomic force microscopy findings in the area of cell nanomechanics and determines the perspectives of elastography as a new bio-medical technology.


150-152 244
The clinical occurence of integrated surgical treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy is presented.

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)