
Health and Ecology Issues

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No 1 (2007)
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7-13 257

The present article represents deep analysis of various parameters of quality of life in earlier (half a year, one year), and later (2 and 3 years) recuperative period after cerebral infarction. It was identified that parameters reflecting locomotor, cognitive function, self-service, emotional status, social state and working ability, had not been normalized within all observation periods. It is therefore appropriate to perform treatment and medical rehabilitation at out-patient and domestic stages.

13-19 300

The cytogenetic markers in breast cancer tissues grade 2 and 3 are investigated. Correlations between separate cytogenetic indexes, which defined biological response of the tumor, are revealed. The patients with and without menses have the different character of correlations in principle. The obtained results can be used in the cytology analysis of the breast paracentetic biopsy to clarify the breast cancer grade.

19-24 282
Influence of the clinicopathologic indexes has been investigated and assessment of the correlations has been made. The difference between the types of correlations in the patient’s groups with and without progress has been determined.
24-29 285

The immediately and long-term results of complex treatment 24 patients with locally-advanced (T4N2-3M0) cancer of the stomach, carried out in the Gomel regional clinical oncological dispensary during the period with 1996 on 2002 are investigated. All patient were treated using the combined operations with lymph node dissection not less D2, the postoperative radiation therapy in a total dose 40-60 Gy and 4-6 courses adjuvant chemotherapy 5-FU is carried out. The analysis of the long results of treatment has shown, that use postoperative chemioradiation therapy does not lead to the development of seriously complications and provides satisfactory of therapy patients with gastric cancer IV stage: the five years' survival rate in all group has made 16,7±7,6%.

29-33 280

The comparative quantitative analysis of several light-optical and ultra structural characteristics of different histological forms of the stomach cancer and various degree of stomach mucous membrane dysplasia was carried out in this work. The special attention was given to a modal (prevailing) class of cells in each investigated population. It was shown that, between traditional light-optical parameters and quantity indicators of the ultra structural organization of cells, there were direct correlations carrying a stable statistical property at the studied processes. Thus the modal (prevailing) class of cells reflected objectively the degree of tumor differentiation or dysplasia severity.

33-37 257

The article, based on the material of 111 patients, are investigates the influence of some stromal factors on the clinical prognosis and metastatic potential of prostate cancer.

37-41 263
Frequency of a craniocereberal trauma varies from 1,8 up to 5,4 cases on 1000 population, growing on the average on 2% one year. Average frequency trauma in Russia makes 4 cases on 1000 population (about 600000 cases in one year). Thus among the reasons invalidization, come owing to traumas, on share trauma 25-30% are necessary. The contingent of patients with transferred cerebral trauma in hospitals is one of prevailing, therefore questions of studying, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with craniocereberal trauma as early as many years will be actual from the theoretical, practical and economic points of view.
41-46 276

We investigated 84 placentas at 50 women with chronic inflammatory urogenital diseases and 34 from healthy women. Morphological investigation of placentas and the analysis of clinical current of placentary insufficiency was lead. The received data testify to high frequency infections at placenta (92,0 ± 3,8%) in patients with chronic inflammatory urogenital diseases. In given article primary ways of infection were characterized, localization, prevalence of inflammatory process, was carried out the analysis of a infectious way at various clinical variants of placentary insufficiency.

47-52 287

Materials of research of the general proteolytic activity (GPA), activity of α1-antipoteinases inhibitor (API), α2-macroglobulin (MG), cystein proteinases inhibitor (ICP) in serum of blood in 32 patients with an endometriosis on a background of treatment zoladex are presented. 43 healthy women are included in control group. Absence of dynamics of studied parameters within 20 weeks of treatment a-GnRH (on a background of a minimum level estrogen and gestagen) testifies that proteolytic system are not regulated by sexual hormones.

52-56 280

It is investigated antioxidative activity of bile at various categories of patients with acute cholangiogenic an infection. The used technique for the first time is offered for research of bile. It is revealed, that in norm bile possesses antioxidative activity. At obstruc bilious channels and development of their inflammation there is an exhaustion antioxidative properties of bile and substantial growth in it of quantity of the substances possessing prooxidative activity. Originally, the increase prooxidative activity of bile is caused by a bilious hypertensia and a mechanical jaundice. In process of progressing destructive processes in bilious ways prooxidative activity of bile accrues and is accompanied by the expressed insufficiency antioxidative protection. Dynamics peroxidative the processes registered in bile, reflects not only presence of pathological process, but also weight, and depth of defeat.

57-60 276

Features of a morphological structure of a wall ileum at the patients died of complications sharp destructive pancreatitis are investigated. Are revealed alterative and vesels changes in a wall of ileum which are a morphological substratum intestine insufficiency at pancreonekrosis.

61-66 351

We investigated somatic, obstetrical and gynecological anamnesis, current of pregnancy and labour, morphological features of a placenta at 50 women with hypoplasia of a placenta. It is established that women with hypoplasia of placenta were ill with chronic inflammatory diseases of a urogenital system (chronic pielonephritis, adneksitis) more often, pregnancy proceeds with the miscarriage and chronic insufficiency of a placenta. Morphological changes characterize infringements of development of a placenta, features of insufficiency of a placenta.

66-73 311

The growing interest of risk adjusted analysis of outcome in cardiac surgery has led to the development of variety of risk prediction models. EuroSCORE, a risk scoring system developed in 9 countries in Europe, has gained popularity during recent years. However, any scoring system can’t be used reliably when its validity has been tested in the local patient population. The aim of this study was to assess the performance of EuroSCORE model on the patients operated in our institution. All consecutive coronary artery bypass grafting patients operated on between 2000 and 2002 in Vilnius university hospital Santariškių Clinics were subjected to the investigation. The standard EuroSCORE model was used to predict in-hospital mortality, morbidity and prolonged intensive care unit length of stay. Model discrimination was tested by determining the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.

73-78 289

In the literary review cites the data of foreign and domestic scientists testifying about role of low-frequency ultrasound high of intensity in treatment of atherosclerotic carotid artery stenosis.

78-82 272

The diabetic retinopathy takes a special place among diabetes complications as it essentially effects on life quality of patients and is one of the principal causes of blindness and reduced vision among persons of able-bodied age. At present there was formed a tendency leading to informative increase and maximal objectivizing of early diagnostics methods. Electroretinography is a very sensitive method of estimation of a retina functional condition, allowing defining the most insignificant biochemical disorders which can precede initial clinical displays. Rod electroretinogram on white stimulus reflects electric activity of retina scotopic system function and allows revealing disorders of a functional condition of retina elements even at absence of ophthalmoscopic displays of diabetic retinopathy.

82-87 276

506 patients were admitted in GRRH and suffered from different diseases were examined for estimation of frequency and structure of thyroid pathology in Gomel region as an area of slight iodine deficiency and radioactive contamination in dosage 1 Cu/sk. Age patients varied from 18 till 80 , average age is 48. The examination included: anamnesis, exam of a thyroid gland, ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland by Alloko-3500 with linear sensor 7.5 MHZ. It has been recognized 395 pathological events of the thyroid gland among all examined patients. The most frequent pathology was diffuse changes and node formation.

87-93 289

To estimate the peculiarities of ghrelin basal secretion there were examined patients aged 35-55 with metabolic syndrome manifestations (n = 96) and practically healthy (n = 26). There was established that ghrelin levels in the main group were authentically lower than in the control one and were reducing as there was the increase of manifestation degree of carbohydrate metabolism disorder. At correlation analysis with the main MS components there was revealed the negative connection with anthropometric parameters - Body Weight Index , Waist Circumference, Waist Circumference / Hips Circumference, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure and indexes IR - HOMA-IR and positive with Reciprocal of НОМА-R.

93-98 303

In the acute experiment carried out on white not purebred male rats it was revealed that lethal toxically dose of ethylene glycole is 0,5 ml on 100 g of body weight . In all internal organs dystrophic changes on the background of microcirculation disorders were registered.

98-103 314

The urgency of ulcerative colitis is caused not only by high and increasing morbidity level which affects able-bodied citizens and brings huge material damage to society, but also unpredicted progressing course, complicated diagnostic and choice of treatment. Earlier detection of organic pathology of the intestine reduces expenses for treatment, decreases the number of complicated and neglected cases, improves life span and quality of life of patients. Yet, majority of the available methods of ulcerative colitis detection have certain disadvantages, the main of which are absence of simple, effective and economically beneficial methods allowing to define this pathology at earlier stage of its development and therefore improving efficiency of therapy, reducing the number of complications and increasing life span of patients. Investigation of clinical application of fecal calprotectin as of a non-invasive marker of ulcerative colitis has identified that marker possesses high sensitivity and relatively low specificity, and is more precise indicator of an inflammatory process than ESR ad S-reactive protein. The level of fecal calprotectin correlates with the activity of the ulcerative colitis and is the reliable indicator of the inflammatory process stage.

103-109 308

The analysis of the structure of nonspecific inflammatory diseases of middle ear is represented in the present article. The prevalence of separate nozological forms at the group of patients of the otorhinolaryngological unit of the Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital for the period from January 1st until December, 2005 is revealed. Possible complications of acute and chronic middle otitises are considered, most often complications are revealed. Methods of diagnostics and the treatments now used in the otorhinolaryngological unit of the Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital are analyzed.

110-114 267

The problem of impact of depression and other characteristics of the psychological status of patients with neurological manifestations of the lumbar degenerative disk disease on the treatment results is discussed. The results of the proper study are presented.

114-120 308

There were examined 97 schoolchildren middle age 14,5±0,35 years, during inpatient treatment with a diagnosis somatophorm vegetative dysfunction, neuroculatory dystonic on cardial type. The examination program for schoolchildren consisted of apparatus examination comprised. At urban schoolchildren aged 12-14 with neuroculatory dystonic on cardial type there was revealed authentically more often sinus tachycardia, burden attributes on heart left ventricle in comparison with rural schoolchildren of the similar age , while at urban schoolchildren aged 15-17 authentically more often there was diagnosed sinus nodule dysfunction. At urban schoolchildren aged 12-14, in comparison with rural pupils, time parameter SDANN is authentically reduced, sympathico - parasympathico tone is authentically higher than norm; at senior age group the similar parameter at urban schoolchildren was authentically lower than norm.

120-126 300

Over the last recent years portal hypertensive gastropathy among the patients with liver cirrhosis has been a subject to scrutinize by doctors and investigators of many fields. The diagnostic markers of portal hypertensive gastropathy are poorly defined. In total 115 patients with liver cirrhosis of different aethiology and 30 patients with a chronic gastral ulcer were examined. Portal hypertensive gastropathy was observed in 52,75% cases. The relationships between portal hypertensive gastropathy and clinical, laboratoral, instrumental, morphological, morphometrical findings were founded.

127-132 340

Interconnection of serological reaction to CagA antigen of Helicobacter pylori in patients with duodenal ulcer and antigen of HLA-system has been examined. It was established that high antibodies titer to CagA antigen of Helicobacter pylori (IgG, IgA, IgM cumulative antibodies titer in blood serum of 1:80 and more) in patients with duodenal ulcer is associated with HLA-В7 antigen, HLA-А2,28 and В7,12 phenotypes and HLA-А1В15, А23В12 and А28В12 haplotypes.

138-141 268

On the basis of biomechanical analysis of body muscles actions, pelvis and inferior limb there was proposed the positioning of a patient for passive relief of spine lumbar department resulting in lordosis straightening, dilatation of posterior intervertebral areas and fibrous ring posterior departments providing condition for hernia self-invagination or disc protrusion. The patient should lay freely on his back using a usual non- sagging mattress with hips flexion by 120-90°, external rotation by 10-15° and shins horizontal position. Wadded mattresses and pillows are added under extremities. Positioning high efficiency has been checked up for many patients.

141-149 261

The review discusses up-to-date methods for identification and classification of Lactobacilli and prospects of their using for the development of probiotics and functional food products for prevention and treatment of different diseases.


149-153 292
There were studied the results of surgical treatment of patients with incapacitating ecosystem pathology, operated earlier by traditional methods. There was provided the ophthalmologic examination of the given group of children, including: electroretinogram, corneotopography, ultrasound and cytogenetic examination. There was set up the database of the performed function studies. Compensations of intraocular tension at traditional surgery happened during first months after the performed operation. In 3-6 months after providing of traditional surgery at children there was marked again the increase of intraocular pressure up to 35 ± 0,01 mm of mercury (Р <0,05). At study of electroretinography data there was revealed extinction electroretinogram (58, 3%), that testifies to progressive extinction of retina functions and an optic nerve. Absence of intraocular pressure compensations , progressive extinction of retina functions and optic nerve formed the basis for prescription of antihypertensive drugs and an impulse for development of a new surgery technique on secondary postuveal glaucoma on eyes with buphthalmus .


153-158 324

The analysis of percutaneous abdominal fine-needle biopsy solid formations of a pancreas among 73 patients was made. Efficiency of application of sandostatin at 32 patients of the given group is shown. The basic indications for application of sandostatin before a percutaneous abdominal fine-needle biopsy are determined, they are: presence of a previous background of a pancreatitis; necessity of demarcation of prospective tumoral weight from a hypostasis proximal parts of a pancreas at expansion pancreatic duct, even when there are no criteria of presence of a pancreatitis; an arrangement of tumoral weight in thickness of tissue of a pancreas, if necessary putting biopsy needles through unchanged pancreas.

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)