The present article reviews the world references regarding the detection of the polytrauma severity degree, the developed systems of its definition, and also the concept of surgical assistance at combined and multiple injuries. Such systematic review has been published in Russian language for the first time. The first part describes the western systems and concepts, the second one - systems and concepts developed in the USSR and Russia.
For the first time previously unknown three kinds of traumatic dislocation of shin has been described (floating knee-joint, floating hip, latent shin dislocation), and little-known four kinds of dislocation, - recurrent, habitual, angular, posttraumatic primary-chronic (previously described by the author for the first time) and rare voluntary shin dislocation which develops after traumatic. Terminology, diagnostics and outcomes are described. The general clinical material - 228 patients.
Investigation of wounds' healing using the big group of laboratory animals was carried out. Neutral anolyte solution was used as antiseptic in experimental conditions. Acceleration of processes of regeneration and wounds healing together with reduction of inflamatory reactions was revealed. Higher rates of the skin structural elements restoration have been shown.
The present paper analyses the prevalence of sinusitis complications, registration of their clinical forms. It has been detected that within the structure of complications the leading place is taken by the trigeminal neuralgia, periostitis of sinuses walls and reactive edema of the paraorbital fat and eyelid fat.
The present paper dwells upon larynx pathology and reveals the prevalence of separate nosological forms. It has been defined that chronic hyperplastic laryngitis is an obligate form of pre-cancerous diseases of the larynx and appears mainly in men aged 51-85. By our data, Gomel area of the Gomel region dominates by the number of larynx diseases cases (25%).
Cardiovascular diseases are leading in structure of mortality and morbidity in the world. Significant progress in development of cardiovascular surgery is started recently in Republic of Belarus. But success of treatment of the patients is strongly depends on in-time revealing and direction to specialized surgical center. Disease outcome mainly decided by basic knowledge of general practitioner. Existing programs in surgery do not open all basic points of cardiovascular surgery sufficiently. Defects of teaching of cardiovascular surgery in medical universities are reviewed in the article. Our experience and propositions are described.
The clinical and anatomic analysis on the data autopsy is a prominent aspect of activity of hospitals which allows to reveal the reasons of death of patients, probable defects of medical-diagnostic process and is widely used for scientific researches. In work cases of death of patients from a heavy and unguided pathology - tromboemboly lang arteries are analysed at a cancer of rectum.
In the review indications to combined operations for gastric cancer and their results are considered. Also separate kinds of combined and extended operations are considered. Necessity of standardization of technics of expanded and combined operations and indications to their performance is discussed.
The precancer and cancer uteri represent a serious problem for oncology. In the review modern representations about patogenesis, morphogenesis are submitted, to pathological anatomy, diagnostics of precancer and cancer uteri. It is underlined an insufficient level of scrutiny of the given questions that demands carrying out of the further researches.
The prospective study of the blood pressure (BP) dynamics and the degree of the regress of neurological impairments in 23 patients with acute cardioembolic ischemic stroke. Insignificant compensatory rise of systolic BP to 157,5±5,7 mm Hg , diastolic to 87,0±3,7 mm Hg, pulse BP to 70,5±2,8 mm Hg was recorded in the initial period of cardioembolic stroke. In 2 weeks decrease of systolic BP of 21,1%, diastolic of 19,3%, pulse BP of 23,5% from the initial was registered. In 47,8% of records combined antihypertensive therapy (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, diuretics, ß-blockers) was necessary to reach the target BP numbers (≤140/90 mm Hg).
Gastroduodenal ulcers is one of the most common diseases of digestive organs. The absence of stable tendency towards the lower morbidity with this pathology, frequent recurrent course, complication severity and high rate of disability of patients make researchers to clarify etiological and pathogenetic aspects of ulcer, to develop and improve the known methods of diagnostics and treatment of patients. We have investigated the efficiency of fecal calprotectin use in the screening diagnostics of gastroduodenal ulcers in 36 patients with gastroduodenal ulcers, 43 patients with gastric cancer, and 27 patients aged 17-80 with gastric dyspepsia (average age 45±6,82 years old). It was revealed that the level of fecal calprotectin is significantly higher at gastroduodenal ulcers than at gastric dyspepsia, and does not differ from the same analysis at gastric cancer. The analysis is highly specific and exceeds ESR by its sensitivity.
The titers of antibodies to conditional-pathogenic flora (Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) in 83 of patients with acute enteric infections and 201 donors were detected. High titers of antibodies to conditional-pathogenic flora in patients with enteric infections to Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa were met significantly more often than in donors. Case records of patients with high titers of antibodies to conditional-pathogenic flora were analyzed. High titers of antibodies to conditional-pathogenic flora in younger patients and women with acute enteric infections were met more often. It was shown, that in those patients with high titers of antibodies to conditional-pathogenic flora, the disease was more often in the form of gastroenterocolitis, and was accompanied with diseases of gastrointestinal tract.
The causes of pulmonary tuberculosis recurrences and efficacy of their treatment havr been analyzed for 249 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. The recurrences arise most often secondary to associated diseases, chronical alcoholism, in subjects who previously have had focal pulmonary tuberculosis. Treatment of the recurrences is longer than that of the primary foci, does not prevent residual changes, is not curative in all the cases.
The problem of atopic dermatitis in children takes on special significance in contemporary medicine. Within structure of allergic diseases in children atopic dermatitis possesses one of the leading places by its prevalence. Yet, many issues of this problem remain still unsolved. The present paper reviews references of home and foreign authors who generalize contemporary notion of the classification, approaches to treatment and prevention of atopic dermatitis.
In the article basic terms of pharmaco-economics are given; 5 main types of pharmaco-economical analysis illustrated with examples are regarded. The detailed cost-effectiveness analysis of six schemes of chronic hepatitis C antiviral therapy with the use of original data is shown.
Aim is to study effectiveness of acupuncture application combined with rehabilitation course for patients with acquired defects of mandibular bone after osteoplasty with allogenic transplant according to the indexes of blood serum and oral fluid. We examined 35 patients with acquired defects of mandibular bone (damage of bone) which underwent osteoplasty with allogenic orthotopic transplant. Patients were divided into two groups. Patients of the 1-st group (18 patients) have obtained traditional rehabilitation course. Rehabilitation course for 2-nd group (17 patients) contained acupuncture treatment. Group of control was composed of 30 healthy people. Allograft rejection was fixed for 44% of patients of the 1-st group. No rejection was found for patients of the 2-nd group. Information above confirms that rehabilitation of patients with acquired defects of mandibular bone after osteoplasty with allogenic orthotopic transplant is effective if acupuncture is applied.
In the present article there is a literature review of the publications on minor cardiae anomalies of children. The interpretation of the term is given. Here are marked the basic diagnostic criteria of the minor cardiae anomalies of children.
With the purpose of studying the cytological structure of the myocardial sphincters of caves and pulmonary veins the macro- and microscopic studies of 20 necropsy heart samples were performed.
Taurine and ethanol have the positive allosteric modulatory effects on the glycine- and GABA-receptors (chloride canals) and inhibit other ligand- and voltage-dependent cation channels. Taurine may dose-dependent the ethanol-induced changes in locomotor activity, sedation and motivation. Ethanol raise the extracellular taurine levels in various brain regions, possible because of its enhanced transfer through the blood-brain barrier. Exogenous taurine, its derivatives and analogues decrease the ethanol consumption. Thus, the system of taurine homeostasis may serve as an important modulator of ethanol-induced effects in CNS.
The inorganic phase of trabecular surface of human vertebra was investigated. The size and three-dimensional shape of native protein-free mineralites were observed with atomic force microscopy. AFM-images reveal two morphological types: mineral plates and needle-shaped crystals, associated with collagen fibrils.
Enteral administration of essential amino acid leucine (dose 100 mg/kg for five days) results into the stimulation of hepatic biosynthetic processes which correlated with a change in hepatocyte’s ultrastructure. Therefore, we think that the long-lasting leucine administration during the depripation of energetic substrates can induced negatively effects on the liver.
The changes in a shape, a structure and mechanical properties of erythrocyte membrane after the treatment of whole human blood with peroxynitrite were studied by the methods of light, electron scanning and atomic force microscopy. The primary mechanisms of the changes in erythrocyte shape (acanthocytosis and spherocytosis) at the action of reactive nitrogen species state to be lipid phase separation as a result of lipid peroxidation and spectrin aggregation.
On series of cuts of embryos and fetals of a white rat there are determined sources of development of the thymus. The basic stages histogenesis are allocated, determined morphometrical parameters thymus in various terms of embryogenesis. Dynamics of morphometrical parameters change is analyzed and the critical periods of the thymus development are determined.
The results of radionuclides contents in soil, organs and tissues of wild animals which inhabit the territory of National Park «Pripyatsky» are presented. These results are a basis for more details research of the levels of radionuclides contamination of the different components of the ecosystem of National Park for future development of tourism and economic activity.
The article is devoted to the problem of family influence on formation of individual alimentation pattern. The article analyses and generalizes the main psychological factors which determine individual alimentation patterns. It is recognized, that in the formation of alimentation pattern, family is notably significant together with other factors. This work describes the generic characteristic of psychological factors, which determine individual alimentation patterns, in conjunction with their degree of relevance.
The article analyses and generalizes the results of actual nutrition of population in the Republic of Belarus including the Gomel region. The research of nutrition peculiarities of population proposed the elaboration of healthy nutrition politic. With this purpose it the level of knowledge concerning healthy nutrition has been evaluated together with the availability of those or other foodstuffs and priority ways of getting the information about healthy nutrition, opinion about organization of public nutrition and so on.
Gastric carcinoma has been one of the most urgent problems of the contemporary medicine. Annually, about 800 thousand new cases and 628 thousand deaths from the disease are registered. The highest survival rate is registered in Japan - 53%, in other countries it does not exceed 15-20%. The success in survival improvement in Japan belongs to the mass screening of the population and adopted national cancer programs. But even in Japan screening with the help of esophagogastroduodenoscopy and x-ray of a stomach is problematic as it does not meet WHO demands. Both tests are difficult enough, invasive to a known degree and have a significant amount of false-negative results. We have examined 43 patients with gastric cancer, 36 patients with gastroduodenal ulcers and 27 patients with gastric dyspepsia aged 17-80 (average age 45±6,82 years old). The aim of the present investigation was to study the diagnostic precision of the contemporary immune-chemical fecal occult blood tests as a screening method in the diagnostics of gastric cancer. It has been defined that positive fecal occult blood tests are observed at gastric cancer than at other pathology of this organ (p<0.05). Yet, immune-chemical fecal occult blood test is less effective than hemoccult test by its operative performances of the diagnostic method which makes it inappropriate for gastric cancer diagnostics.
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)