В современных условиях важнейшими
задачами высших учебных заведений в науч-
ной, научно-технической и инновационной
сферах являются проведение научных иссле-
дований, направленных на получение и при-
менение новых знаний; создание и коммер-
циализация конкурентоспособных научно-
технических разработок и наукоемких техно-
логий; формирование полных инновацион-
ных цепочек от идеи до реализации продук-
ции и привлечение на этой основе дополни-
тельных финансовых средств в систему обра-
The paper analyses the experience and methodical peculiarities of teaching medical students under speciality of «Medical Diagnostics» performed in the Medical-Diagnostic Faculty of the Gomel State Medical University.
The purpose of the present study is to determine chromosome aberration frequency and morbidity level for the personnel of the Polesye State Radioecological Reserve (PSRR). The classical cytogenetic analysis, standard methods of clinical examination of the PSRR staff and statistical data processing were applied in the study. In the result, the reliable increase of chromosome aberration frequency, formation of polymorbidity syndrome, and the age dependence of the morbidity level were fixed for the PSRR personnel.
The study of Cs 137 accumulation in the autopsy material by the gamma-spectrometric was performed in Vitebsk and Gomel regions. The accumulation of Cs 137 in autopsy material was more severe in Vitebsk region. Stomach carcinoma and polyps, diagnosed by the fibrogastroscopia in Vitebsk and Gomel regional clinical hospitals, were investigated. There were no age and sex differences in the structure of morbidity, and correlation of histological forms of stomach carcinoma and polyps in this hospitals.
The references review highlights the data of research made by foreign and native scientists testifying of the increase of liver diseases among persons exposed of ionizing irradiation effects.
It was investigated rat blood leucocytes system cells status and lymphocytes metabolic activity at diabetes induced by alloxane (80 mg/kg) in condition of irradiation at dose 1,0 Gy and selexene application. In initial period after irradiation and alloxane administration it was marked decreasing of leucocytes amount induced by death lymphocytes in rat blood. More changes of studied parameters it was remarked it irradiation on both non-diabetic and diabetic animals. Activities of blood lymphocytes dehydrogenases (LDH, SDH) was increased first of all in the first place at the combined action of alloxane and irradiation. Selexene aid positive effect on сells leucocyte system of diabetic rats at 3 and 10 day after irradiation.
This article describe review from the problem of suture material
The article represents the analysis of domestic and foreign references dedicated to treatment of cognitive violations in patients with cerebral infarction which will allow to identify treatment and medical rehabilitation techniques to prevent transition of cognitive violations into dementia.
There was performed the analysis of chlamydial and mycoplasmic infections on atherosclerosis development. Vessels samples of 89 corpses (35,2±9,8 years old) and blood serum of 98 donors (35,1±7,9 years old) were included into the investigation. As the result of PCR analysis of atherosclerotically changed vessels samples C.pneumoniae genom was revealed in 45,2%, M.pneumoniae - 67,9% of cases. Revelation indices of DNA C.pneumoniae and M.pneumoniae for died of atherosclerosis manifestations (n = 25) and from accidental causes (n = 64) were approximately at the same level (P › 005). Antigen material of the studied pathogens was reliably more often revealed in the endothelium of people died of atherosclerosis (P < 0,05). As the result of every month monitoring of the specific immune response there were determined high indices (4 and more times a year) of chlamydial and mycoplasmic infections activation in donors - 55,1% and 79,6%, respectively. The received data correspond with infectious inflammatory conception of atherosclerosis.
Last years lung cancer is on the first place among the reasons of oncological disease and death-rate of the population of a planet. Thus the majority of cases of lung cancer and its progressing, one-year lethality and mortality takes a marked place in a male population. The purpose of research: study of morphometric characteristics of nonsmall cell carcinoma including various histological types among male population.
Immunohistochemical research of various types of carcinoma is widely spread together with routine study of their common morphological parameters, such as the size, histological type, a degree of a differentiation, a metastatic routes and others. Both of these methods are of great importance in clinical oncology for specification of the forecast, and a choice of the most adequate circuit of treatment.
Over the last recent years the lung cancer has been a subject to scrutinize by doctors and investigators of many fields. At present, lung cancer rates the first both within the general structure of oncological diseases and reasons of mortality of the world’s population, especially in males.
The benign prostatic hypertrophy is one of the most frequent urological diseases commonly met in elderly men. Many issues of this problems are not yet solved and remain disputable. The present article reviews domestic and overseas references which generalize contemporary approaches to the conservative, operative treatment and prevention of the disease.
Review of the literature is presented in article on autoimmune manifestations in chronic viral hepatitis C - a frequency of finding, clinical particularities of the disease and principles of the treatment.
The article analyses risk factors of the development of the duodenal ulcer and their role in predisposition to this illness. It has been defined that the highest risk of the duodenal ulcer development is represented in people with chronic antral gastritis and atrophy phenomenon, most frequently in men and smokers. The Helicobacter pylori directly is not the risk factor for the duodenal ulcer development. Its influence is manifested through the progressing of atrophic processes in the antral region of the stomach.
In work direct results of surgical treatment (direct operations on a pancreas) at 115 patients with a chronic pancreatitis are analyzed. Our experience testifies that in overwhelming majority of cases cysts a pancreas are postnecrotic. It is possible to count optimum terms of performance of these interventions 4-5 months after the transferred sharp attack. Efficiency cystgastro-, cystojejuno- and cystoduodenostomy is approximately identical. External drainage is the compelled intervention. The main thing lack of him is an opportunity of formation is long existing external pancreatic and purulent fistulas.
Cardiotocography is one of the basic methods of diagnostics of a fetus’ threatening conditions during pregnancy and in delivery. Supervision with the cardiomonitor allows to reveal in due time infringements of a fetus’ heart rhythm, to choose optimal obstetrician tactics , to decrease rate of perinatal disease and death. At research of a fetus’ heart rhythm on ball system estimate basal rhythm of heart beating frequency, its variability, character of slow acceleration (accelerations) and deceleration (decelerations) an heartbeat which compare with contractive activity of a uterus or motion activity of a fetus. Application of scales for a mark estimation of cardiotocogram promotes objective diagnostics of a pathological condition of a fetus.
The appearance of the diagnostic triad symptom complex in patients with severe pelvic injury complicated by the disruption of its great vessels is a signal of rapid death after hospitalization. The patient is likely to die unless an emergent vessels revision in retroperitoneal cavity is performed, bleeding is stopped and blood loss is compensated. The diagnostic triad symptom complex allows life-time pre-operative diagnosis of the affection of great vessels in retroperitoneal cavity an indicates to the emergent life-saving operation.
It has established that the number of the tendinous chordas varies in the cardiac ventricles of the human and the dogs. At the human the number of chordas varies from 1 to 11, the dogs have from 2 to 7. Supplementary chordas meets in the cardiac ventricles of the human and the dogs,mostly in the left one,and it is the cause of the heart noise.
The I class HLA-system antigen distribution at the patients with periodontium diseases and Helicobacter pylori in the oral cavity has been analyzed in the present paper. We examined 78 patients with periodontium diseases. HLA phenotype was determined by a standard microlymphocytotoxie test considering the I class antigens of A and B locuses. The type of Hp currying was determined considering the number of positive results of urease test with the contents of dentogingival pockets of an oral cavity once a week for 5 weeks at a time. It was defined that patients with periodontium diseases having I class B7 antigen of HLA system had also susceptibility to Helicobacter pylori persistence in the oral cavity.
The study results of vegetative status of 93 patients with neurotic disorders and analysis of their reaction to hypoxia in process of treatment with the method intermittent normobaric hypoxia were shown in this work. There was found out that patients with anxiety disorders and desadaptive types of vegetative tonus and reactivity (sympathic and hypersympathic) subjectively reacted more serious on hypoxia and estimated the results of treatment as more significant than the patients with somatoform disorders and normal or vagotonic types of tonus and reactivity.
Obesity was found out in more then 60% under examination of Gomel people and abdominal type of obesity was dominated among males and females. Using questionaries authors showed less informated level of the people independed from professional education about complications of obesity and its prevention.
In article the review of modern methods of the statistical analysis in medical and biologic researches is submitted. The basic definitions and the statistical procedures usually used at planning and the analysis of the medical and biologic data with the help of program STATISTICA are resulted. Opportunities and restrictions of statistical analysis methods, the basic mistakes arising on their incorrect application are shown. As an illustration original examples of the statistical analysis from practice of authors serve.
In economically developed countries peptic ulcer treatment strategy is based on conservative tactic. Surgery is used in urgent indication firstly. The same approach is applied in our country. It is connected with the low level of performing effective medical treatment and higher (in 4-6 times) frequency of urgent operations and so greatly increased lethality in peptic ulcer. The author presents and analyses factors that must be taken in to consideration while choosing the optimal treatment strategy in peptic ulcer. It is marked that in our country preventive definite surgery in peptic ulcer patients is steal actual.
Results of epidemiological marking of multiresistant S.Typhimurium strains are submitted. The clonal parentage of cefotaxime-resistant strains is marked.
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)