Об авторах
А. А. ЛызиковБеларусь
М. Л. Каплан
Список литературы
1. Han K, Lee DY, Kim MD, Lee S, Won JY, Kwon JH, Choi D, Ko YG Hybrid treatment: expanding the armamentarium for infected infrarenal abdominal aortic and iliac aneurysms. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2017 Apr;28(4):564-69.
2. Chino S, Kato N, Noda Y, Oue K, Tanaka S, Hashimoto T, Higashigawa T, Miyake Y, Okabe M. Treatment of infected aneurysms of the abdominal aorta and iliac artery with endovascular aneurysm repair and percutaneous drainage. Anns Vasc Surg. 2016 Oct;36:289.e11-289.e15.
3. Chaudhry WN, Haq IU, Andleeb S, Qadri I. Characterization of a virulent bacteriophage LK1 specific for Citrobacter freundii isolated from sewage water. J Basic Microbiol. 2014 Jun;54(6):531-41.
4. Lin CH, Hsu RB. Primary infected aortic aneurysm: clinical presentation, pathogen, and outcome. Acta Cardiol Sin. 2014 Nov;30(6):514-21.
5. Nishida K, Iwasawa T, Tamura A, Alan T. Lefor. Infected abdominal aortic aneurysm with helicobacter cinaedi [Electronic resource] Case reports in surgery. 2016. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pmc/articles. - Date of access: 15.04.2018.
6. Bouzas M, Tchana-Sato V, Lavigne JP. Infected abdominal aortic aneurysm due to Escherichia coli. Acta Chir Belg. 2017 Jun;117(3): 200-202.
7. Kwon T.-W. In Situ Polytetrafluoroethylene Graft Bypass for Primary Infected Aneurysm of the Infrarenal Abdominal Aorta. World J Surg. 2010. Jul;34(7):1689-95.
Для цитирования:
Лызиков А.А., Каплан М.Л. ПЕРВИЧНО ИНФИЦИРОВАННАЯ АНЕВРИЗМА ИНФРАРЕНАЛЬНОГО ОТДЕЛА БРЮШНОЙ АОРТЫ. Проблемы здоровья и экологии. 2018;(3):66-70. https://doi.org/10.51523/2708-6011.2018-15-3-13
For citation:
Lyzikov A.A., Kaplan M.L. PRIMARILY INFECTED ANEURYSM OF THE INFRARENAL PORTION OF THE ABDOMINAL AORTA. Health and Ecology Issues. 2018;(3):66-70. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.51523/2708-6011.2018-15-3-13