
Проблемы здоровья и экологии

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Методологические проблемы изучения наномеханических свойств живых клеток


Представлен проблемный обзор исследований механический свойств клеточных поверхностей методами атомно-силовой микроскопии.

Об авторах

Т. Г. Кузнецова
Гомельский государственный медицинский университет

М. Н. Стародубцева
Гомельский государственный медицинский университет

Н. И. Егоренков
Гомельский государственный технический университет им. П. О. Сухого

Список литературы

1. Morris, V. J. Atomic Force Microscopy for Biologists / V. J. Morris, A. R. Kirby, A. P. Gunning. - Imperial College Press, 1999. - 332 p.

2. Magonov, S. N. Phase imaging a stiffness in tapping mode atomic force microscopy / S. N. Magonov, V. Elings, M. H. Whangbo // Surf. Sci. Lett. - 1997. - Vol. 375. - P. 385-391.

3. Gradient of Rigidity in the Lamellipodia of Migrating Cells Revealed by Atomic Force Microscopy / V. M. Laurent [et al.] // Biophysical Journal. - 2005. - Vol. 89. - P. 667-675.

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6. Quantitative analysis of the viscoelastic properties of thin regions of fibroblasts using atomic force microscopy / R. E. Mahaffy [et al] // Biophysical Journal. - 2004. - Vol. 86. - P. 1777-1793.

7. Timoshenko, S. P. Theory of Plates and Shells / S. P. Timoshenko, S. Woinowsky-Krieger. - New-York: McGraw-Hill, 1970. - 113 p.

8. Atomic force pulling: probing the local elasticity of the cell membrane / L. Scheffer [et al.] // European Biophysics Journal. - 2001. - Vol. 30. - P. 83-90.

9. Gibbons, M. M. Nonlinear finite element analysis of nanoindentation of viral capsids / M. M. Gibbons, W. S. Klug // Biophysical Journal. - 2006. - Vol. 90. - P. 1817-1828.

10. Relative microelastic mapping of living cells by atomic force microscopy / E. A-Hassan [et al.] // Biophysical Journal. - 1998. - Vol. 74. - P. 1564-1578.

11. Experimental and numerical analyses of local mechanical properties measured by atomic force microscopy for sheared endothelial cells / T. Ohashi [et al.] // Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering. - 2002. - Vol. 12. - P. 319-327.

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13. Nowakowki, R. Imaging erythrocytes under physiological conditions by atomic force microscopy / R. Nowakowki, P. Luckham, P. Winlove // Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. - 2001. - Vol. 1514. - P. 170-176.

14. From atoms to integrated circuit chips, blood cells, and bacteria with the atomic force microscope / S.A.C. Gould [et al.] // The Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. - 1990. - Vol. 8. - P. 369-373.

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16. Mozhanova, A. A. Local elastic properties of biological materials studied by SFM / A. A. Mozhanova, N. I. Nurgazizov, A. A. Bukharaev // SPM-2003: Proceedings., Nizhni Novgorod, March 2-5, 2003 / NNU. - Nizhni Novgorod, 2003. - P. 266-267.

17. Shroff, S. G. Dynamic micromechanical properties of cultured rat atrial myocytes measured by atomic force microscopy / S. G. Shroff, D. R. Saner, R. Lal // American Journal of Physiology. - 1995. - Vol. 269. - P. 286-292.

18. Structure of the erythrocyte membrane skeleton as observed by atomic force microscopy / M. Takeuchi [et al.] // Biophysical Journal. - 1998. - Vol. 74. - P. 2171-2183.

19. Investigating the cytoskeleton of chicken cardiocytes with the atomic force microscope / U.G. Hoffmann [et al.] // Journal of Structural Biology. - 1997. - Vol. 119. - P. 84-91.

20. Stiffness of normal and pathological erythrocytes studied by means of atomic force microscopy / I. Dulinska [et al.] // Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods. - 2006. - Vol. 66. - P. 1-11.

21. Adhesively-tensed cell membranes: lysis kinetics and atomic force microscopy probing / A. Hategan [et al.] // Biophysical Journal. - 2003. - Vol. 85, № 4. - P. 2746-2759.

22. Rosenbluth, M. J. Force Microscopy of Nonadherent Cells: A Comparison of Leukemia Cell Deformability / M. J. Rosenbluth, W. A. Lam, D. A. Fletcher // Biophysical Journal. - 2006. - Vol. 90. - P. 2994-3003.

23. Mathur, A. B. Atomic force and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy for the study of force transmission in endothelial cells / A. B. Mathur, G. A. Truskey, W. M. Reichert // Biophysical Journal. - 2000. - Vol. 78. - P. 1725-1735.

24. Costa, K. D. Analysis of indentation: implications for measuring mechanical properties with atomic force microscopy / K. D. Costa, F.C.P. Yin // Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. - 1999. - Vol. 121. - P. 462-471.

25. Quantitative analyses of topography and elasticity of living and fixed astrocytes / Y. Yamane [et al.] // Journal of Electron Microscopy (Tokyo). - 2000. - Vol. 49, № 3. - P. 463-471.

26. Endothelial, cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle exhibit different viscous and elastic properties as determined by atomic force microscopy / A. B. Mathur [et al.] // Journal of Biomechanics. - 2001. - Vol. 34. - P. 1545-1553.

27. You, H. X. Atomic force microscopy imaging of living cells: progress, problems and prospects / H. X. You, L. Yu // Methods Cell Sci. - 1999. - Vol. 21, № 1. - P. 1-17.


Для цитирования:

Кузнецова Т.Г., Стародубцева М.Н., Егоренков Н.И. Методологические проблемы изучения наномеханических свойств живых клеток. Проблемы здоровья и экологии. 2007;(3):103-111.

For citation:

Kuznetsova T.G., Starodubtseva M.N., Yegorenkov N.I. Methodological problems of the study of the living cell’S nanomechanical properties. Health and Ecology Issues. 2007;(3):103-111. (In Russ.)

Просмотров: 285

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