A multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of a patient with congenital renal vascular pathology
The article describes a clinical case of hereditary anomaly of the renal vessels with the development of pyeloectasis. This pathology is a risk factor for the development of secondary arterial hypertension and requires both dynamic monitoring and decision-making on the choice of treatment method. Taking into account the psychosomatic background, it was decided to give this patient a course of holistic massage (a method of body-oriented therapy) in order to reduce the influence of sympathicotonia on the general condition of the patient. In terms of control – Holter ECG monitoring, assessment of function and ultrasound of the kidneys (size of the renal pelvis). Knowledge of the individual characteristics of the patient with the involvement of specialists of relevant competencies and correction of treatment taking into account the level of anxiety can affect the quality of life of the patient with concomitant pathology and the duration of the state of compensation.
About the Authors
A. N. KavalchukBelarus
Anna N. Kavalchuk, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Internal Medicine №2 with the course of Advanced Training and
E. N. Platoshkin
Eric N. Platoshkin, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine №2 with the course of Advanced Training and Retraining,
S. A. Shut
Sviatlana A. Shut, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine №2 with the
course of Advanced Training and Retraining,
N. V. Nikolaeva
Natalia V. Nikalaeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine №2 with
the course of Advanced Training and Retraining,
A. S. Kniaziuk
Andrej S. Kniaziuk, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Urology,
R. V. Slaunikau
Raman V. Slaunikau, Radiologist,
Emil Yurjevich Melnikau
Emil Yu. Melnikau, Radiologist,
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For citations:
Kavalchuk A.N., Platoshkin E.N., Shut S.A., Nikolaeva N.V., Kniaziuk A.S., Slaunikau R.V., Melnikau E.Yu. A multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of a patient with congenital renal vascular pathology. Health and Ecology Issues. 2024;21(3):99-105. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.51523/2708-6011.2024-21-3-14