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Objective: to determine the clinical value of the change of nitrite/nitrate ions (NOx) concentration in the blood serum on the first or second day in patients with passing infringements of brain blood circulation (PIBBC) and the probability of recurrent stroke during the year after PIBBC according to the NOx measurement. Methods. We examined 58 patients with a transient ischemic attack, 35 patients with cerebral hypertonic crisis and 16 volunteers. We compared the NOx level in the blood serum, the activity of superoxidedismutase (SOD) and performed phenotyping of the peripheral blood leukocytes in the patients on day 1 or 2 and day 10 or 12 after PIBBC and once in the volunteer group. The occurrence of recurrent ischemic events was identified by means of a telephone interview for a period of 3 months and 1 year. Results. According to the NOx concentration in the blood serum on first or second day, all the patients with PIBBC were divided into two groups: the first one with the NOx subthreshold level (<33 Mkm) being stable after the course of basic therapy; the second one - with the NOx above-threshold concentration (> 33 Mkm) decreasing during the treatment. The activity of SOD in both the groups was twice as little as that in the control group (p<0.001) and was not corrected in the first decade. Immunophenotyping of the peripheral blood leukocytes revealed signs of an evident inflammatory response with a decrease in naive fractions in both the groups and a greater degree of acute inflammation in the second group. There was no connection between the NOx concentration on the first or second day from the onset and the prognosis of repeated ischemic events in the patients with PIBBC. Conclusion. The distribution of the PIBBC groups according to the NOx concentration determined immediately after the onset of transient cerebral ischemia made it possible to reveal the heterogeneity of the studied cohort by the nature of the inflammatory changes which do not influence the prognosis of repeated ischemia.

About the Authors

N. V. Galinovskaya
Gomel State Medical University

M. N. Starodubtseva
Gomel State Medical University

M. G. Shitikova
Republic Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology

O. A. Ivantsov
GomelRegionalClinicalHospital for Disabled Great Patriotic WarVeterans

V. V. Osipkina
Gomel State Medical University

A. N. Tsukanov
Republic Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology

D. R. Petreniov
Gomel State Medical University

E. A. Lipskaya
Gomel State Medical University

N. M. Golubykh
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Galinovskaya N.V., Starodubtseva M.N., Shitikova M.G., Ivantsov O.A., Osipkina V.V., Tsukanov A.N., Petreniov D.R., Lipskaya E.A., Golubykh N.M. THE STATE OF THE PARAMETERS OF NITRITE/NITRATE ION SYNTHESIS IN PATIENTS WITH PASSING INFRINGEMENTS OF BRAIN BLOOD CIRCULATION. Health and Ecology Issues. 2017;(4):92-99. (In Russ.)

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