МЕДИЦИНСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ЧЕРНОБЫЛЬСКОЙ КАТАСТРОФЫ
There is a recent upsurge of interest in the phenomenon known as radiation-induced bystander effect.
This interest is due to controversies in this phenomenon, and first of all because it is unexplainable
by the main laws of radiobiology. The mechanism of RIBE is not known yet. The study of it will help
to understand mechanisms of radiation influence on human organism, evaluation of risks and radiation
protection and to approach us to understanding interreaction «radiation — cell».
The aim of the present study — to evaluate the state and features of digestive apparatus function depending on irradiation dose in PSRER personnel.
The object of investigation — 338 workers of PSRER. The method of interviewing was applied for the evaluation of factors influencing morbidity. The methods of standard clinical and laboratory-instrumental examinations, the method of detection of urease activity of biopsy material from gingival pocket were applied. The data of the WBC (Whole Body Counter)-measurements by internal dose, and individual dosimetric control of external dose data for 2002 were used. The methods of applied statistics were used.
The link between irradiation dose of PSRER personnel and gastro-intestinal tract was not detected.
The new data of digestive apparatus state in PSRER personnel have been obtained; one case of gastric primary carcinoma was detected; a group of patients with digestive apparatus pathology was detected, individual optimal treatment was indicated and performed in each separate case; re-examination conducted in 6 months revealed positive results of the treatment; the risk group was defined. The introduction of the results of investigation will make social-economic benefit through decrease of morbidity, disability and mortality, safe state of health and working capacity in PSRER personnel.
The monitoring of the clean-up workers genome can give us an opportunity to estimate the genetic risk for the most affected by Chernobyl accident group. In this work we fulfilled the comparative analyzes of the cytogenetic status of clean-up workers and control group. During the dynamic investigations it was shown that the frequency of the unspecific chromosomal aberrations had trend to increase with the time. This fact could have a special role in the prognosis of delayed effects of radiation.
The influence of melanin pigment on micronuclei frequency and «genetic» apoptosis induction in human peripheral blood lymphocytes after low dose radiation exposure has been studied. Melanin is known to be natural substance with shown radioprotective activity. Results of the investigation revealed that melanin has no cytotoxic effect and its addition to the cell medium one hour before irradiation was accompanied by decrease of micronuclei frequency and apoptosis level in irradiatd lymphocytes, thus showing radioprotective effect.
The aim of the study is to evaluate the degree of iodine provision of personnel of Polesye State Radiation Ecological Reserve constantly living and working on the radionuclides-contaminated territories of Bragin and Hoiniki districts of Gomel region. Statistic analysis of experimental data of the amount of iodine in the urine sampling of the PSRER staff has shown the lognormally distributed character of the iodine. Average amount of iodine in the urine of PSRER staff is 204,1mcg/l with errors 5% below and 11% above which by ICCIDD norms is not considered as iodine insufficiency and does not suggest any preventive measures.
The average level of systolic and diastolic arterial pressure in rural children and teenagers of the Gomel area is a little bit lower than those which were measured in children of the Byelorussian Polesye in pre-Chernobyl accident period and also average values of these parameters in rural schoolchildren living in relatively favorable ecological environment after the accident.
CLINICAL MEDICINE
There is a review of investigations in the area of bioclimatology. It is described basic pathophysiological and clinical results, concerning of the weather's influence to the bronchial asthma. Our data prove that the high atmospheric pressure, high humidity and temperature gradient are reason of asthma attack. This results can be use for determination of optimal «asthma behaviour».
In the present article the literature review of the publications on dysplasia of the spinal column of children. The interpretation of the term is given. Here are marked the basic diagnostic criteria of the most widespread variants of dysplasia of the spinal column taking into account the peculiarities of normal X-ray-anatomical scene of the spinal column of children in different periods of its forming.
Purpose of the objective is to study the influence of the Herpes Virus Infection on the course and the outcome of the pregnancy, pathology of the fetus and newborn. Methods: immunoassay (ELISA), immunofluorescence (MIF), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), statistical. All together 322 pregnant women from the perinatal risk group, whose pregnancy favorable resulted examined. The received results: The Chronically latent Herpes Virus Infection of the mother complicates the pregnancy, conduces to CNS affection in the form of the ischemic-hypoxic encephalopathy of the fetus and newborn. 61% pregnant women with the chronical latent HSV-2 and CMV-infection have fetoplacental disfunction, chronical hypoxya of the fetus. The Chronically HSV-2 infection with the pregnant women conduces to the small body weigh of the newborn, asphyxia of the fetus and newborn, hypoxic affection of CNS.
Results of the application of treatment and diagnostics low-invasive manipulation of 184 patients with a number of acute surgical diseases of abdominal cavity are analyzed. 11 diagnostic and 179 treatment punctions under the ultrasonic control are executed. The development and application of low-invasive manipulation methods allows to improve the results of treatment of patients with the different forms of acute surgical pathology.
During the prenatal morphogenesis of the man, morphological and channel data of the lateral ventricles of head brain are exposed to consecutive and natural transformations caused by structural and functional changes of the telencephalon. The received data can be used as a normative base of morphological and channel parameters for revealing deviations of intrauterine development and structure of the lateral ventricles of head brain of the man.
The trophological status of 28 patients aged 18 to 67 has been examined. The most apparent changes of functional indicators were detected in patients operated for supporative complications of the acute destructive pancreatitis.
The character and appearance rate of cardiovascular and pulmonary complications at 924 laparoscopic cholecystectomies have been studied. The duration of surgical interference, gas-flow speed and the value of intraabdominal pressure are the main risk factors in the development of these complications.
The 122 patients with liver cirrhosis (LC) were examined. The markers of HBV, HDV and HCV have been revealed in 82% patients with LC. The first place in LC etiological structure takes chronic liver diseases with HCV markers. More severe clinical course of LC with HBV/HCV, HBV/HDV/HCV markers combinations, LC with active replication of HBV and LC D have been observed. More favorable clinical course of LC with HCV markers and HBV seroconversion markers have been observed.
Three times during the standard treatment (omeprazolum, amoxicillinum and methronida-zolum) the group of 29 patients with a peptic ulcer of the stomach was examined by endoscope with biopsy and urease-test for Helicobacter pylori identification. It was established, that the treatment reduces the activity of the periulcerous inflammation the more expressed, the longer the course of treatment is.
29 больным с пептическими язвами желудка с помощью рН-метрии определялся исходный уровень кислотопродукции желудка; далее на фоне стандартной схемы противоязвенной терапии (омепразол, амоксициллин, трихопол) пациенты трижды исследовались эндоскопически со взятием биопсии, а также постановкой уреазного теста на присутствие Нр. Установлено, что уровень исходной кислотопродукции желудка не влияет на результаты противоязвенного лечения, однако статистически достоверно определяет эффективность антигеликобактерной терапии.
Описан клинический случай больного с малигнизированной язвой желудка, которая зарубцевалась на фоне противоязвенной терапии; однако диагноз все-таки удалось поставить с помощью повторно взятой уже из сформировавшегося рубца биопсии; в желудочном соке пациента выявлен одинаково высокий уровень двух опухолевых маркеров: раково-эмбрионального антигена и ферритина.
In this article are discussed questions of quality of postoperative conducting patients, concerning thyroid carcinoma. Questions of a ТБН medicaments suppression in various years after operative treatment, and also a Phosphorus and Calcium condition and degree of it correction was discussed.
The reasons of occurrence and efficiency of treatment 1115 patients with relapses of a tuberculosis of bodies of breath are investigated clinicoroentgenologic the characteristic. At the majority of the patients the widespread forms of a tuberculosis, frequently with destruction and bacterium allocation were observed. The most often reasons relapses of specific process were chronic alcoholism, the residual changes in easy, accompanying diseases, the efficiency of treatment of relapses of a tuberculosis of bodies of breath is much lower than efficiency for the first time of revealed patients.
ПРОБЛЕМЫ ОБЩЕСТВЕННОГО ЗДОРОВЬЯ И ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЯ
The article represents literature data of the influence of physical, biological and social factors on medical staff health.
Tuberculosis prevalence in various countries of the wold is reviewed. Special attention is paid to primary infection of children, the epidemiological index «infection risk» based on change of tuberculin tests results discussed, and statistical data on primary infection of children in various countries presented. Infection parameters are an important criterion of tuberculosis epidemiology. The morbidity index is analyzed. The author attracts attention to deterioration of the general epidemiological situation concerning tuberculosis in the Russia and Republic of Belarus.
The article dwells upon the influence of ionizing and non-ionizing irradiation on medical personnel at work with medical equipment.
The paper represents assessment results of adaptive and pre-nosol ogical states in 134 students by means of qualitative-quantitative links in the system of functionally coincided physiological factors. At assessment of functional state of the organism in representative group of the examined students physiological norm was registered in 26%, desadaptation - in 31% prepathologies - in 23% of the students. The assessment technique of pre-nosological state by the strain degree of protective-adaptive possibilities of an organism expands facilities of differential diagnostics of functional states at the norm-pathology boundary, forms new approaches to prognosis, allows to use quantitative resistance criteria in integral assessment of the human health.
В пределах крупного региона эпидемический процесс ОРЗ и гриппа развивается под влиянием преимущественно постоянно действующих факторов, определяющих уровни заболеваемости, непрерывность, повсеместное распространение и однонаправленное изменение эпидемической тенденции. Разработаны эпидемиологические картограммы, позволившие в различные периоды развития эпидемического процесса дифференцировать территории на основе пространственного представления об интенсивности, динамике и территориального распределения заболеваемости. ОРЗ и грипп характеризуются наиболее высокими уровнями заболеваемости, наибольшей долей в заболеваемости с временной утратой трудоспособности (28,2%) и общей заболеваемости детей (62,20—70,95%). В 10,2—53,6% случаев они дают осложнения, формируют средний показатель смертности(от ОРЗ— 1,53, от гриппа— 0,22 на 100000 населения), в медицинских учреждениях создают неравномерность нагрузки на специалистов. ОРЗ болели 93,9±1,3% респондентов-женщин и 81,9±2,3% респондентов-мужчин. У женщин заболевания продолжаются более длительно, чем у мужчин, чаще развиваются осложнения. Среди респондентов ни разу не болели ОРЗ в течение года 11,1%.
In the article the character and features of effect of occupations of physical exercises on the experimental physical-improving program on morphofunctional parameters of the students of the first rate of Gomel state medical university during the first semester is analyzed.
NEW TECHNOLOGIES
The valve functions of heart (in norm and pathological state) and hemodynamic characteristics of mechanical prosthetic cardiac valves influencing hemolysis and blood coagulation have been investigated. The computer and physical models of the disc cardiac valve implant have been constructed. The analysis of blood velocity and pressure at direct and inverse blood flows has shown better characteristics of butterfly valves. An advantage of this approach is in thorough description of blood flow assisting in determination of turbulence and depression zones for different size, curvature and ultimate opening angle of the leaves. This minimises hydraulic resistance, thrombus formation and hemolysis thus preserving high reliability of valve closing. A design of the valve prosthesis aimed at improving valve functions by swirling the blood flow is discussed.
The paper offers coating of traditional suture material (silk, kapron, lavsan) with bioinert polymer material improving physico-technical, manipulation and biological features of surgical suture.
The quality problem of surgical threads is discussed with account of their handling properties. With this aim, the mechanical characteristics of surgical threads based on natural (silk) and synthetic (polyamide, polyethylene terephthalate) fibres have been studied prior and after modification by inert in biological respect polymer coatings. The practical recommendations to estimation and controlling of handling properties of surgical threads have been proposed. The generalized deformational criteria have been proposed concerning bending stiffness, the force needed to form a node and relaxation rate of the deformed thread after unloading. These characteristics are the functions of elasticity modulus, viscosity, plasticity, hardness and friction coefficient of thread’s material, which may be measured by the standard mechanical tests. It’s shown that along with improved compatibility with biotissues soft coatings made of bioinert low-modular polymers are also capable of optimising handling parameters of threads.
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)