The medical cooperative projects from Nagasaki to the former USSR have been performed in mainly two regions: Chernobyl and Semipalatinsk since 1990 and 1995, respectively. What we should do here in Nagasaki and also from Nagasaki will be discussed at the standpoint of humanitarian medical aid and scientific research collaboration usinsgt different channels of governmental and non-governmental cooperative linkages. The 21st Center of Excellence (COE) program of «International Consortium for Medical Care of Hibakusha and Radiation Life Science» established in Nagasaki University can serve our knowledge and experience much more directly in relation to the radiocontaminated areas in the world, and indeed contribute to the lessons learned from Chernobyl and also to the newly establishme of Network of Excellence (NOE) for Radiation Emergency Medicine under the auspices of the WHO-REMPAN. Within the frame of the International Consortium of Radiation Research, a molecular epidemiology of thyroid diseases has now been conducted in our departments. The clue of radiation-associated thyroid carcinogenesis may give us a new concept on experimental and epidemiological approaches to low dose radiation effects on human health, including internal radiation exposure.
If was shown that mtDNA «common deletion» can be used as a marker of irradiation for biological dosimetry.
Additional doses of radiation for patients suffered from the Chernobyl accident had been reconstructed by physical and biological methods. If was shown that biological doses are rather higher that physical ones, especially in low dose diapason. It is possibly to wait good agreement for biological and physical doses after the threshold in 100 mZv.
The WBC-measurements on ingestion dose for the period of 1992-1996, and questionnaires data in 4 settlements have been used. The multifactor statistical family analysis of dose forming was applied. The most significant social-demographic features of a family influencing dose forming, were detected. The knowledge of social structure of families will allow to predict the ingestion dose distribution in rural settlement. It is very important for differentiated planning of countermeasures in case of radiation accident. The family analysis, along with the individual one, will be the reliable base for recognition of the most exposed, so called «critical» groups among rural population.
The results of the investigations of the vegetative tonus and reactivity of the Gomel area rural children in post-Chemobyl period are presented in this article. At was shown that great part of this group has the tension of the compensatory mechanisms, high level of the sympathetic chain activity and central contour of the hear the rhythm.
Peroxynitrite (ONOO" and HOONO) is an important intermediate in processes with simultaneous generation O2- and NO. Peroxynitrite ability to efficiently modify molecule structure is due to free radical formation (OH, CO3-, NO2) in its reactions. In an organism the peroxynitrite plays a dual role: positive (the participation in cellular immunity processes, and in the regulation of the activity of cell signal transduction enzymes) and negative (the participation in the development of cell and tissue oxidative stress). Cytotoxic and cytoprotective effects of peroxynitrite are considered on the models of myocardial ischaemia" reperfusion.
Department of Public Health, Department of Pediatrics, Department of Molecular Epidemiology, Biostatistics Section and Department of Molecular Medicine,Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki, Japan Background: Japan has been considered as «a folate sufficient area», since traditional Japanese food contains an adequate amount of folic acid. However, the recent westernized food style of young Japanese mothers may affect the intake of folic acid among them. This food style may contribute to the occurrence of Down syndrome, which has proved to be linked to abnormal folate and homocysteine metabolisms. Aim of the study: To preliminary evaluate the levels of folic acid, homocysteine and other relevant factors which are associated with folate metabolism, among Japanese women who had pregnancies affected by Down syndrome. Methods: Blood samples from 31 women who had pregnancies affected by Down syndrome (DS) were obtained. 60 age-matched control blood samples were also obtained from mothers who had not experienced miscarriages or abnormal pregnancies
Обобщен опыт выполнения симультанных операций во время лапароскопической холецистэктомии у больных острым холециститом в Гомельской городской клинической больнице скорой медицинской помощи за период с 1995 по 2003 год. На основании анализа результатов 145 сочетанных вмешательств, изучения изменений индекса APACHE II в группах симультанных операций и лапароскопических холецистэктомий, а также предшествующих исследований по микробиологическим аспектам острого холецистита представлено обоснование возможности выполнения симультанных операций у больных острым холециститом.
Short-term results of 116 combined operations and 85 not combined gastrectomies, performed at the gastric cancer are investigated. Frequency of complications was 29,3% and 18,8%, a lethality authentically did not differ - 4,3% and 3,5%, accordingly. After the combined operations there were pancreatonecroses more often, intra abdominal abscesses and a peritonitis, the risk of complications was reduced at application of somatostatine analogues. The most often reason of a lethal outcome in both groups was an leakage of esophago-intestinal anastomosis. If proximal third of a stomach was involved by tumor, the risk of this complication sharply raises.
The remote results of 110 combined operations with distal or proximal pancreatectomy for locally advanced gastric cancer (GC) are investigated. The observable five years' survival rate of all patients was 30,1%, a median of survival rate - 28,6 months. 16,4% of patients had residual tumour, its presence was the major factor of the prognosis, the median of survival rate was 4,0 months in the this group. At diffuse GC five years' survival rate of patients were lower, than at intestinal - 16,3% vs. 36,6% (p<0,05). Expansion lymph node dissection was accompanied by increase of survival rate of patients. Adjuvant chemotherapy sharply raised life expectancy of those patients who have transferred palliative resections.
The analytical review of references on the effectiveness of antihypoxants intake at treatment of surgical patients has been made. The possibility of the given class of drugs in treatment of the patients in mountains was detected.
По данным литературных источников изучались вопросы этиологии и патогенеза трубного бесплодия. В настоящее время хламидийная инфекция рассматривается как наиболее значимая причина бесплодия. Клинические проявления хламидийной инфекции зависят от реакции иммунной системы организма на структурный белок клеточной стенки хламидий HSP. Диагностика данной инфекции возможна путем выявления антихламидийных антител, величина титра антител также отражает степень поражения маточных труб.
365 pregnant women who had been followed-up in the out-patient department by the developed algorithm with ultrasound screening, were examined. Somatic and obstetrical-gynecological anamnesis, the outcome of the pregnancy and labour, early neonatal period were studied. The screening terms for ultrasound examination, using cardiotocography and dopplerometry for menace fetus diagnostics, different types of treatment chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia were grounded. It was revealed that new method for pregnant women follow-up in the antenatal clinic provide better perinatal outcomes.
Parameters of adaptable opportunities at 110 pregnant with easy forms of gestosis are investigated depending on duration of its current. The comparative analysis of traditional therapy of gestosis and treatments with application of music is carried out. The increased level of reactive uneasiness and increase in cortisol maintenance in blood that testifies to a heaviness of adaptable mechanisms at duration of gestosis till 3 weeks is revealed. At long current of disease occurs prognostic adverse increase of levels of reactive and personal uneasiness, decrease of cortisol maintenance, that testifies to development desadaptation. Resonance music therapy raises efficiency of complex treatment of gestosis.
Combined hestosis is one of most severe complications of pregnancy, delivery and period after delivery. Analysis of unsuccessful results of late hestosis demonstrated possibility to avoid severe complications in many cases. Adapted variant of forecasting system of health condition severity assessment of patients with combined hestosis is presented in the report. Appliance of the assessment system assists to in-time diagnostics of disturbances and correct choice of postoperative period management.
Meniere's disease is related to heavy proximal states which lead to significant inability to work, loss of a profession and quality of life. It has been defined that prompt diagnostics of the disease, complex conservative and operative treatment with early integration of medical rehabilitation into Мeniere's disease therapy promote reduction of inability to work, rapid relief of symptoms, social adaptation of patients in families and society, and improvement of quality of life.
The purpose of investigation was to estimate the influence of the effectiveness of thrombolitic therapy on the course of postinfarction remodelling and development of dyastolic dysfunction and heart failure. In 97 patients with q-wave myocardial infarction serial precardial mapping, echo- and doppler-echocardiography were performed.in patients with ineffective thrombolitic therapy postinfarction remodelling was accompanied with pronounced dilation of left ventricle, deterioration of local contractility and and dyastolic function and leads to development of heart failure of higher functional class.
In patients with chronical viral hepatitis the earlier signs of myocardiodystrophy are nonspecific changes in ECG of the finite part of ventricular complex and I-type diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle by Appleton. It has been detected that the decrease of Na+/T+-АТPase activity of erythrocytes along with the decrease of succinate dehydrogenase activity in peripheral blood lymphocytes is to be considered as an earlier pre-clinic sign of intracellular energy metabolism disturbance at dystrophic affection of myocardium.
At ultrasonic examination of 866 patients the most frequent appearance of various forms of chronical hepatitis in them has been revealed. The second place took diffuse changes of the liver which could not be referred to the chronical hepatitis or to hepatocirrhosis. At sonographic examination, signs of the chronical hepatitis were most frequently defined in men, and diffuse changes of liver parenchyma were defined in women. According sonographic data, changes in structure of liver were most frequently met at chronical viral hepatitis-C and chronical hepatitis of non-viral etiology; changes in structure of spleen - at chronical viral hepatitis-B.
The ultrasonic scanning of the stomach and initial parts of the duodenum at 38 patients with ulceral pyloroduodenal stenosis is made. The criterion of differential diagnostics of the various forms of the stenosis is revealed.
he data of the echocardiographycal examination of 22 patients (from 7 to 14 years old) with dysplasia of the spine are analised. High frequency of minor cardiae anomalies among the patients of this group is noted (95,5%). Diagonal trabeculae are the most frequent among minor cardiac anomalies (68%), moreover in 1/3 of the cases multiple diagonal trabeculae are noted. Mitral valve prolaps is diagnosed in 40,9% of cases, as a rule with abnormal chordae fixation. The connection between some dysplasia of the spine and some minor cardiac anomalies development are revealled. Hitg incidence of minor cardiac anomalies in children with displasia of the spine may prove the role of connective tissue dysplasia in genesis of this state and suppose common mechanisms of these states development.
The epidemiological analysis of urgent and planned operations at peptic ulcer in Gomel region for the period of 1980-2002 has been conducted. The gradual increase of the number of operations in three times at ulcer bleeding was marked. Doubling of the number of perforated ulcers occurred in late 90s and coincided with the collapse of the USSR. The Chernobyl accident did not influenced the number of urgent operations but was followed with 5-years peak of planned operations. The analyzed period is characterized with sharp growth of complicated forms of peptic ulcer and the increase of the proportion of urgent operations. Apart from the improvement of the efficiency of the conservative therapy, the widespread implementation of preventive planned surgery is necessary.
The conducted sociological investigation has shown that almost half of the students and pupils under the investigation consider that their health changed for the worse during the last five years. Thus almost each second has a chronic disease, the most widespread ones are gastritis, bronchitis and tonsillitis. However at the same time considerable part of students and pupils do not adhere to healthy mode of life, have harmful habits and often use methods of selftreatment while getting ill.
With the method of post interrogation, carries out study of quality of life of the patients who have had the lumbar discectomy. For an estimation of quality of life was used questionnaire with the help of the modified questionnaire NAIF. The answers 348 patients, which was undergoing surgery in time from 1 till 10 years are investigated. The data on change of components of quality of life in the given group of the patients are received.
The analysis of results of medical examinations of I-year students of Gomel State Medical University (1380 people) for the period 1998-2002 has been made. It was defined that number of people with chronical pathology who enter into the University has increased for the last five years more than in 20%. The increase of chronical diseases is especially significant in girls (62% for 5 years).
An automatic system of processing and calculation of mitotic cells activity was made in Gomel state medical university. The data for investigation can be taken on cistological and pathohistological examinations of biopsies and tissue smears. The use of this system in the work of clinical pathologist and students’ education is described.
The article represents the results of qualitative determination of antibodies to neurospecific protein NSP-S100B-20,l in the blood serum of patients suffering from schizophrenia and toxic affections of CNS depending upon the duration of disease, and its clinico-diagnostics importance. It has been established that detection of NSP-S100B-20,l antibodies at toxic affections of CNS depends on the duration of intake of alcohol and drugs, apart from absence of such dependence at schizophrenia.
The article analyses implementation of free and accessible medical assistance principle in Belarussian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1921-1941.
Stuff policy of the BSSR authority in the sphere of medicine in Western Belarus from September 1939 to June 1941 is investigated in the article.
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)