No 3 (2015)
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4-8 473
Purpose: to analyze achievements and prospects of the application of stem cells in regenerative medicine. Material and methods. We performed analytical review of national and foreign literature, Internet resources in PubMed and others dealing with the apоplication of stem cells in regenerative medicine. Results. Rich experience of experimental and clinical application of stem cells in the treatment of cardiovascular, neurological, endocrine, hematological, autoimmune, traumatological, and other diseases has been gained by now. Conclusion. Notwithstanding the success and achievements in regenerative medicine during the recent years, a lot of problems and questions remain unsolved. The application of both embryonic stem cells and postnatal stem cells has its pros and cons. The exact mechanism of the effect of transplanted stem cells remains unclear. It is necessary to study long-term effects of stem cell therapy (in particular, the risk of oncogenesis).
9-16 374
The review deals with the main role of chronic endometritis in the genesis of disorders of the female reproductive function and reveals the etiologic risk factors for the development and starting mechanism of chronic inflammatory processes in the endometrium, features of the pathogenesis and clinical picture of chronic endometritis. The work shows the importance of diagnosis of chronic endometritis with immunohistochemical method, reasonability of immunohistochemical research for the assessment of receptor expression and expressiveness of local immunity in the endometrium, the necessity of detection of fertility alpha-2-microglobulin (AMGF) protein for prediction of reproductive disorders.
16-20 276
Objective: to substantiate the necessity to differentiate certain types of nasal defects with loss of the lower third nose cartilage. Material and methods. 121 patients with malignant neoplasm’s of the external nose having undergone radical surgery with single-step plastics of the lower third nose defect were included into the study. 35 of them (28.9 %) had cartilage loss. We used different reconstructive techniques to remove the skin defects, two-layer (skin + cartilage) and full-thickness defects. Results. From the technical point of view the most difficult was to remove unclosed full-thickness defects. The necessity was caused by the reconstruction of external and internal epithelial linings, missing cartilage and modeling of the nostril contour. Most of specific complications were revealed while removing the unclosed full-thickness defects. Conclusion . Full-thickness and two-layer (skin + cartilage) defects can be singled out among defects with loss of cartilage. In addition we divide full-thickness defects into defects with closed and unclosed contours. The suggested classification determines reconstructive methods and techniques and the predicted risk of complications.
20-24 290
The aim of this study was to analyze epidemiological data and neurological disorders in single-level lumbar intervertebral disc herniation without confounding factors of root compression. Material and methods. 150 patients with single-level lumbar intervertebral disc herniation operated in the Neurosurgical Department of Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital over 2011-2012 were interviewed, and their medical records and protocols of tomographic studies were studied. Conclusion. The patients with single-level lumbar intervertebral disc herniation males were mostly men (78 people - 52.0 %). 10.0 % of the patients detected motor deficits. Of them, paresis of the flexor muscles of the foot prevailed (6.0 %). Impaired function of pelvic organs was a rare neurological disorder (2.0 %).
24-28 461
The article presents the results of our own study on provision of cord blood serum with precursors and metabolites of catecholamines in term and preterm newborns, and depending on the way of delivery and the use of amniotomy. It has been shown that monitoring over the content of aromatic amino acids of phenylalanine and tyrosine, and also catecholamine metabolites in the blood serum makes it possible to predict and promptly prescribe cardiotonic therapy.
29-33 320
Objective: to assess the prospects of hydrosonography in diagnosis of various colon pathologies. Material and methods. We examined 107 patients and used the diagnostic medium based on starch and salt for the study. The results were compared with data of X-ray barium enema and fibrocolonoscopy. Results. Hydrosonography was shown to be highly informative in detection of causes of extraorganic compression, in diagnosis of mucocele of the appendix, formations larger than 1 cm in patients with colon abnormalities. The study was low-informative in diagnosis of inflammatory catarrhal illnesses and functional colon disorders in the presence of focal pathology up to 1 cm. Conclusion. Hydrosonography can not be considered as a screening method for the diagnosis of colon pathology. The decision about the necessity to conduct this study should be taken in conference with radiologists, endoscopists and sonographers.
33-37 354
Objective: to determine the prospects of ultrasound imaging in the assessment of expressiveness of dystrophic changes of the sacrotuberous ligament. Material. Sacrotuberous ligaments from 23 corpses (the age of the dead was 29-76): 13 men (the average age was 69.2 ± 5.8) and 10 women (the average age was 57.8 ± 11.9). Results. The criteria making it possible to assess mild, moderate, and expressed dystrophic changes have been picked out. Conclusion. We have drawn the conclusion that it is possible not only to detect injuries of the sacrotuberous ligament, but also to give a more detailed assessment of the expressiveness of changes revealed in ultrasound imaging.
38-41 306
Infected eczema is considered to be a widespread skin disease. Recently it has had a tendency for severe disease course, resistance to therapy and frequent relapse. This article describes clinical features of manifestations of the disease, studies microflora of patient's skin lesions, antibiotic sensitivity of these microorganisms.
41-45 297
Objective: to carry out comparative analysis of long-term compensation of carbohydrate metabolism in children with diabetes type 1 undergoing different types of insulin therapy and using different means of its introduction. Material and methods . We analyzed data of 77 medical histories of children with diabetes type 1. The patients were divided into 3 groups depending on the type of insulin and the way of its introduction. We analyzed both initial and current for the moment of the experiment parameters of glycosylated hemoglobin levels, frequency of blood glucose self-testing, presence of acute complications of diabetes mellitus. Results . The children undergoing continuous subcutaneous insulin introduction revealed significant decrease of glycosylated hemoglobin levels and absence of acute complications of diabetes. The group of children using insulin analogues for a long time had significantly lower glycemia variability and revealed no acute complications of diabetes. Conclusions . We revealed long-term compensation of carbohydrate metabolism in the children with diabetes type I who used insulin pump therapy.
46-50 291
The article presents a retrospective comparison of the clinical and morphological criteria in 60 patients with endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the uterine corpus of I-III stages with good and poor outcomes. The increase of the stage according to FIGO is an independent prognostic feature of progression. MELF- pattern may be used as a pathomorphological predictor of tumor progression. The invasion of tumor of more than 54 % of the myometrium increases risks for relapse.
50-54 318
The article presents the results of the assessment of functional features of neutrophils in 34 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The study revealed a decrease in absorbing and oxygen producing activity associated with the increased formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NET) and the dependence of parameters of NET forming activity of white blood cells on the rheumatoid factor, as well as the dependence of spontaneous oxygen producing activity on the functional class and the disease development.
54-57 246
The medical screening included 375 patients (680 eyes): Group 1 - patients with POAG with myopia; Group 2 - Patients with POAG associated with emmetropia and hyperopia; Group 3 - patients with myopia; Group 4 - patients with hyperopia. All the patients underwent laser polarimetry. The frequency and location of RNFL defects was analyzed. The patients with POAG observed RNFL defects significantly more often than patients without the disease. The patients of Group 1 had had lesions in the upper RNFL part before and to a greater extent, the patients of Group 2 - the lower part of RNFL.
57-60 319
The experiment carried out on outbred male rats has showed that one-time 3-hour immobilization stress breaks the spermatogenesis process in testicles of rats but does not change the relative number of Leydig cells. It was found out that the one-time immobilization stress leads to disorders of the main morphofunctional types of Leydig cells - the number of inactive Leydig cells increases due to the reduction of active forms of steroid-secreting cells.
61-64 276
Objective: to study the indicators of tissue respiration and oxidative phosphorylation of the rings of the mucous membrane of the duodenum intact in white rats. Material and methods. We used white male rats with body mass of 180-230 g. The parameters of tissue respiration and oxidative phosphorylation were studied by the polarographic method on the device «Record 4». Results. The work gives the characteristic of the key parametres of tissue respiration and oxidative phosphorylation of the mucous membrane of the small intestine of intact white rats. It shows high respiratory activity both on endogenous, and exogenous substrates, which is caused by the fact that the small intestine perform a great number of energy-dependent metabolic functions. Conclusion. Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids make a great contribution to the energy properties of the small intestine. The intensity of tissue respiration and oxidative phosphorylation of the mucous membrane of the small intestine is consistent with other aerobic tissues.
64-70 311
Objective: to analyze the age dynamics of parameters of energy supply and functional state in kayak and canoe rowers during training. Material and methods: We examined 32 male sportsmen who were divided into 3 age groups (13-15, 16-18 and 19-21 years old). The functional state and the basic parameters of energy supply system of muscular activity of the sportsmen were evaluated by data of the computer program complexes «Omega-C» and «D-test» before and after training. Results: The data obtained make it possible to make a supposition that the age features of the parameters of aerobic capacity are closely interconnected with the resultant effect of vegetative regulation (TP waves), parasympathetic activity (HF waves) and especially sympathetic link, which is revealed in physical exercise (VLF, LF waves). Conclusion: the study revealed the degree of interconnection of functional and energetic parameters of the computer program complex «Omega-C» with the parameters of multifactor express-diagnostics by S. A. Dushanin with the use of the computer program complex «D-test». This method makes it possible to prognose organism reactions to physical exercise.
70-74 300
The results of investigation of immunomodulatory properties of the group-specific polysaccharides A and group-specific polysaccharides B, which are the substances of drugs Fruglyumin A and Fruglyumin B, are presented. It is found that in vivo the group-specific polysaccharides provide increased immunological response of T lymphocytes to the antigen in experimental animals with normal immune status and with secondary immunodeficiency. FA and FB do not possess immunostimulating effect on B-cell immunity in experimental animals with normal immune system reactivity. In mice with secondary immunodeficiency substances of group-specific polysaccharides ensure restoration of normal value of the spleen antibody-forming cells and antierythrocyte antibody titers, indicating stimulation of antibody formation function of B-lymphocytes.
74-78 393
This article presents the data of the cross-epidemiological study of adult population of Minsk aimed at the determination of the prevalence of chronic heart failure (CHF). The prevalence of chronic heart failure in the studied population on December 1, 2012 was 13.2 %. The most important risk factors for chronic heart failure are age over 55, smoking, concomitant cardiovascular pathology in the past medical history, and the presence of cardiovascular disease in relatives. Coronary heart disease and hypertension are prevalent in the structure of CHF.
78-84 312
The subject of the study is the population affected after the Chernobyl accident (1-7 groups of primary accounting). We studied cases of malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic or related tissues, cases of thyroid cancer, cancer of the testicles, ovary, kidney, corpus uteri, prostate and bladder over 1986-2014. We calculated and analyzed the parameters of the standardized incidence ratio depending on radiation doses. Women revealed a statistically significant dependence of the incidence rates of thyroid cancer and chronic lymphocytic leukemia on radiation dose, men revealed such a dependence in cancer of the testicles.
84-88 275
The study determined the content of210Pb и210Po radionuclides in vegetables and meat products being a part of the diet of residents of Gomel region. By the received data we calculated the expected effective dose of internal irradiation for different age groups.
89-92 289
Еpidermolysis bullosa is one of the most severe hereditary dermatoses. Peculiarities and complexity of the pathology are associated not only with the physical discomfort of patients and the severity of the disease, which often causes disability, but also with the development of specific phenotypic manifestations leading to reduced quality of life and worsening of social and psychological adaptation. By now no ethiopathogenetic treatment methods to cure hereditary epidermolysis bullosa have been found. All available methods of treatment are symptomatic and are mainly aimed at patient care.
93-97 331
Non-compacted myocardium of the left ventricular refers to poorly studied diseases of the heart muscle. According to the WHO classification, it belongs to the category of unclassified cardiomyopathy. It develops in congenital heart disease, neuromuscular pathology, defects of the facial skull and has no specific clinical manifestations. The main signs are heart failure, ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias, systemic and pulmonary embolism.
97-102 282
Objective: to study the role of IL-1β (C511T), IL-2 (T330G), IL-13 (C1111T) gene polymorphism in the development of stomach diseases in Belarusian population. Material and methods. The study included 194 patients diagnosed with «chronic gastritis» and 68 patients diagnosedwith «cancer of the stomach». To determine polymorphisms of IL-2 (T330G), IL-13 (C-1111T) and IL-1β (C511T) genes, we used the method of allele-specific PCR (AS-PCR) and PCR detection of the length of restriction fragments (PCR-RFLP). Results . By the loci of IL-2 (T330G), IL-13 (C1111T), IL-1b (S511T) we revealed the correlation with oncopathology depending on the status of infection by various strains of H. pylori. Conclusion . The use of the revealed association of cytokine gene polymorphism with the development of the diseases makes it possible to select genetic components that determine the sensitivityof the population to the development of stomach diseases depending on H. pylori infection in Belarusian population.
102-107 508
Objective: to study the changes of stress hormones levels and serum lipid spectrum indicators of Wistar male rats in acute cerebral ischemia (ACI). Material and methods . The study was performed on 40 mature Wistar male rats weighing 220-300 g. ACI simulation was performed by means of 3-hour chronic occlusion of bilateral common carotid arteries (n = 23). The control group consisted of intact animals (n = 17). The levels of total cholesterol (TC, mmol/l), triglyceride (TG, mmol/l), high density lipoproteins (HDL, mmol/l), low density lipoprotein (LDL, mmol/l), lipoproteins of very low density (VLDL mmol/l), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH nmol/l), and cortisol (nmol/l) were assessed in the serum of the rats. Atherogenic index (AI) was calculated according to the formula: AI = (TC-HDL) / HDL. Results. TC concentration in the serum of the rats of the experimental group was 1.1 times as high (p = 0.03), the concentration of TG - 1.2 times as high (p = 0.012), the concentration of VLDL - 2 times as high (p = 0.01), cortisol concentration - 1.4 times as high (p = 0.02) compared with the control group. The rats of the experimental group revealed a moderate inverse correlation between the levels of cortisol and index AI (p = 0.025). The group of ACI rats observed a tendency of direct relation of ACTH with TG and LDL serum, p > 0.05. The correlation of ACTH and serum triglycerides in the rats of the control group was statistically significant (p = 0.012). Conclusion: ACI during the period «therapeutic window» in rats is accompanied by a complex set of compensatory and adaptive reactions which may be characteristic of a generalized stress response.
ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)