
Health and Ecology Issues

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No 3 (2010)
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7-12 269
The paper is dedicated to a vital topic of emergency surgery, diagnosis of infected pancreatic necrosis. The authors have developed and have analysed clinical efficiency of the new method of differential diagnosis of sterile and infected pancreatic necrosis using CT image data. The method is based on the quantitative estimation of the anisotropy features of pancreas texture. The developed method of CT-data analysis has praved to be sufficiently precise for the diagnosis of pancreatic infection.
12-16 218
The report is dedicated to the study of acute venous thrombosis. The aim of the research was to reveal the disease outcomes depending on the localization and length of occlusion of various segments of deep veins in lower extremities for determination of possibility of surgical harvesting of the veins. 91 patients treated at Gomel vascular surgery department from 2004 to 2005 were examined. There were 54 man and 37 woman aged from 17 to 88 years. The acute venous thrombosis has been diagnosed basing on clinical manifestations and essential ultrasonic control. The research is mixed in its character: patients selection was performed on retrospective basis and further observations were prospective. The clinical pattern of the disease was studied depending on occlusion level. Demographic characteristics were analyzed. In the article thtre is a description of the outcomes of acute occlusions after a half of year. Results of standard treatment are revealed.
16-20 250
The significance of immunogram indices for prediction of immunomodulating therapy effectiveness in patients with chronic recurrent furunculosis has been evaluated. It has been ascertained that the predictors of favorable prognosis are a decrease of stimulated NO production levels at normal levels of basal NBT-test and unchanged concentration of CD3+16/56+-cells. The predictors of unfavorable prognosis of effectiveness are an increase of basal NBT-test levels, decrease of CD3+16/56+-lymphocytes concentration and of neutrophils ability for stimulated NO production.
21-25 276
The aim of the study was to assess the possibility of differential diagnosis of organic and functional bowels pathology in the comprehensive comparative analysis of the diagnostic value of clinical signs before the symptoms of anxiety, ESR, and immunochemical tests for fecal occult blood and fecal lactoferrin. 90 patients with organic pathology of intestines (42 patients with active ulcerative colitis and 48 patients with colorectal cancer) and 46 patients with irritable bowel syndrome have been examined. Lactoferrin was detected in stool samples taken from one defecation act, enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) using kits ELISA TEST KIT Hycult Biotechnology (Netherlands). The concentration of the marker at the level of 15,25 mg/g was defined with point of separation. The presence of hemoglobin in the feces was determined using immunochemical test for occult blood in the stool sets firm «Biotech Atlantic, Inc.» (U.S.). Fecal lactoferrin (0,931 ± 0,021) and immunochemical tests for fecal occult blood (0,922 ± 0,0224) showed the highest diagnostic utility in the differential diagnosis of organic and functional pathology of the intestines. They are ahead of the symptoms of anxiety (p = 0,002 and p = 0,005 respectively) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (p < 0,001 and p = 0,001 respectively). The sensitivity of fecal lactoferrin was 85.56 % (95 % CI: 70,80-87,30), specificity - 84,78 % (95 % CI: 71,10-93,60), immunochemical test for occult blood in feces - 84,44 % (95 % CI: 75,30-91,20) and 100,00 % (95 % CI: 92,20-100,00), respectively. Consequently, fecal lactoferrin and immunochemical hemoccult test were sensitive and specific markers in the differential diagnosis of organic and functional pathology of the intestines.
25-30 216
The indicators of life quality of 223 patients with chronic HCV-infection using SF-36 questionnaire were studied. The indicators of life quality were assessed depending on the disease stage (chronic hepatitis or liver cirrhosis), sex, terms of the infection, ALT levels, alcohol abuse, and in dynamics of interferon therapy.
30-36 243
Micro-organism Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a frequent causal organism of hospital infections, first of all, surgical departments, resuscitation and intensive and care units. The problem of treatment of this infection consists in extreme defence of mechanism of micro-organism against antimicrobials. In an introduced review article both problems of epidemiology of blue pus infection and issues of the inerease of the therapy effectiveness, first of au, nosocomial pneumonias caused by blue pus bacillus, are considered.
36-41 230
25 occasionally and 44 frequently sicu children aged from 3 to7 were examined in the period of the absence of clinical signs for acute respiratory infection. Higher content of cortisol, LDL cholesterol and lower maintenance of HDL cholesterol in group of the frequently sick ill children has been revealed. On the basis of the mathematical analysis clinical and laboratory criteria for labellino of children to the supervision group of the frequently suffering with respiratory infections have been suggested. The use of the suggested criteria will give a chance of the early prophylaxis of acute respiratory infections in children of 3-7.
41-50 259
In article there are data about history, spread, clinics, diagnostics and treatment of various types of pituitary adenomas. Modern classifications of pituitary adenomas, МРI semiotics of adenomas and complications (pituitary apoplexy) have been given
50-55 696
39 patients with open-angle glaucoma of I-III stages were recruited into the research aimed at the definition of neuroprotective effect of Cortecsin and Retinalamin preparations. The period the consisted of parabulbar injections of Retinalamin and intramuscular injections of Cortecsin. The time of observation was 6 months. The morphometric and electrophysiological methods have confirmed that the thickness of nerve fibers layer of retina, the area of neuroretinal zonule, the amplituden and latency of a- and b-waves of electroretinogram increase and the diameter of excavation decreases. The profile of effectiveness, safety and tolerance for the preparations allows assuming that they are right as means of the first row for various therapeutic modalities in patients with glaucoma.
55-58 238
In the article there are results of veloer geometry of 125 patients with myocardial infarction, 73,6 % of which revealed complications. It has been proved that the most widespread unfavorable reaction to load is ischemia. The statistically significant, dependence of the occurrence of the induced ischemia signs on the lood and on the extent of the decrease of pumping ability of left ventricle has been determined.
58-64 216
He application of the HBO in the acute period of myocardial infarction and unstable angina allowed to decrease in-patients mortality and decrease mortality from 9,6 % (90 patients) in reference group to 2,9 % (8 patients), in test group (р = 0,001), but there are not result in stable angina patients in the 2-year random research, р > 0,05.
64-67 204
Laboratory signs of iron overload syndrome in patients with chronic diffuse liver diseases have been studied. It has been revealed, that patients with this syndrome have higher levels of hepatic enzymes activity reflecting the presence of the syndrome of cholestasis. A frequent (50 %) sign of iron overload syndrome is low content of haemoglobin in eritrosites with the combination of a normal level of blood haemoglobin.
68-71 220
The epidemiological analysis of diseases of thyroid gland, depending on the magnitude of the absorbed dose of131I in children of Gomel region has been carried aut. Children in different age periods of life, and also with different nosological forms of thyroid pathology are characterized by the varying absorbed dose of131I to the thyroid gland.
71-75 221
In the article there is a review of the publications dedicated to the prevalence of in depression states diabetes mellitus and to the methods of their assessment. It has shown that the prevalence of depression states in diabetes mellitus exceeds population indices and makes up in general 26,3 %.
75-80 261
This article is the references review of modern representations about problems of etiologic, pathogenesis, clinical displays and treatment of multiple sclerosis.
81-84 209
In the article there are the results of studying of life quality as well as the levels of anxiety and depression in patients with psychosomatic disorders (arterial hypertension and disorders connected with stress) who were affected as a result of the Chernobyl accident. It was shown that their level of functioning is less than that of the control group. The suggestions on the improvement of quality of the medical aid for these people were developed.
84-89 238
The structure study of initially-plural malignant neoplasm incidence was performed, one of which was the stomach cancer. The performed study has shown that incidence structure of initially-plural malignant neoplasms in Gomel and Vitebsk regions on the whole was approximately the same. Most often the stomach cancer was combined with malignant neoplasms of skin, colon, lungs, mammary gland. Differences in combinations of malignant neoplasms of separate localizations most possibly reflect age-gender peculiarities in the studied regions.
89-94 220
Here we present the reconstruction results of the cumulative doses of the population of reference settlements of Gomel region situated in the Chernobyl radionuclide contaminated territories for the period of 1986-2008 using the official technique accepted in the Republic of Belarus compared to the results of calculations had been conducted using the modification of the technique based on the instrumental data of WBC-measurements and thermo luminescent measurements. Both was compared as well as to the estimations obtained directly by the data of WBC-measurements in these settlements.
94-98 217
In this article the problem of microelements level in human organism before and after long bones injuries is shown. In examples on analize of disease historyes authors is shown concrete meaning of K and Ca level in patients of moun.
99-103 199
The aim of examination was to find out the particularities of the clinical and etiological indices for patients with odontogenic phlegmons of one, two and more cellular space. We examined 64 patients with acute odontogenic osteomielitis of the lower jaw complicated with phlegmon of one cellular space (34 patients) and phlegmon of two and more cellular space (27 patients) which were used for determination of terms of hospitalization in days, quantity of days before hospitalization, duration of hyperthermia, maximum temperature of the body, duration od the complex antiphlogistic therapy, deviation of blood characteristics. Mentioned indices describe without bias the clinical situation and etiology of disease for patients with odontogenic phlegmons of one cellular space and could be used for evaluation of different treatment and rehabilitation procedures effectiveness for patients of this type.
103-111 300
The purpose of this work was to study physical-chemical, antimicrobial and toxicological -hygienic properties of the developed antiseptic for external application «Vitasept-SKZ». It has been established that developed spirit solution «Vitasept-SKZ» for external application possesses physical and chemical properties satisfactory to sanitary regulations for antiseptics. In working concentration the drug action results in absence of growth of all museum test cultures of microorganisms within 1 and 2 minutes. In the quantitative suspension test the reduction factor of all test cultures of microorganisms within 1 minutes «Vitasept-SKZ» exceeded 6 lg. For hygienic hand antiseptics the given handwash causes the reduction factor of E.coli test-culture more than 4 lg. In test of microbiological cleanliness microorganisms Enterobacteriaceae bacteria, Р aeruginosa and S. аureus were determined. The developed antiseptic solution pertains to practically nontoxical and low-dangerous substances with low irritant, cumulative properties, does not demonstrate irritating and sensitizing action, being hygienic safe. Stability tests revealed no considerable changes in appearance and physical and chemical properties of the drug. Developed spirit solution «Vitasept-SKZ» for external application can be recommended for use in public medical health care units.
111-119 184
The article concerns the problems that arise from body contouring surgery: the right choice of surgical technique in the abdominal region, the choice of volume and borders for surgical correction of fat deposits deforming outer contour of the body (waist, lower lateral parts of the back, supragluteal area, upper part of the outer thigh). The method of objective individual planning of operations by means of computer modeling has been proposed. As it appears from comparison of the results of surgical correction after traditional planning «by sight» with the results of body contouring using designed method of computer modeling, the latter has proved its clinical effectiveness and may be recommended for practical use in aesthetic plastic surgery.
119-123 187
In the article are being discussed the factors, influencing to the variables of the heart rate variability records. The knowledge of them allows to prevent mistakes of the heart rate variability analysis. The results of own study and literature data are given.
124-128 212
The concentration of ceruloplasmin in plasma was studied in 57 patients with severe form herpes infection. Augmentations of ceruloplasmin were observed in the periods of remission and exacerbation of the disease, but not exit out of referents significance. At the passage herpes infection of exacerbation in the remission of the disease concentration of ceruloplasmin was observed. In patients in the periods of remission with herpes infection correlations between the ceruloplasmin concentration and lipid peroxidation as well as superoxiddismutasa levels were observed, which were absent in control group.


128-133 191
Studying principles of the number of social factors connected with the development of the destructive processes of the teeth crown hard tissues are viewed in the main part of the performed investigation. The definition of the notion of caries with slight correction is generalized. Some aspects of the age periods classification of man’s development are represented; classification compact formulation is given on the basis of the astronomic criteria. The results of the public opinion investigation concerning a negative impact of social factors in the process of teeth crowns destruction are analyzed which parameters are reflected in the corresponding diagrams. At the same time the comparative correlation of the obtained numeric values of the questionnaire taking into consideration age and gender criteria is carried out in which some peculiarities of prevalence of the studied social factors are identified and argumentative conclusions on them are given. Studied problems are actual ones in the sphere of practical dentistry and can be useful for the specialists of the given field.
133-137 197
The influence of mexidol, biofen on the indicators of acid-base state of the laboratory animals` blood exposed to polytraumatic effect has been reflected. The introduction of the above mentioned medicines allows to avoid severe metabolic disorders in experimental animals and leads to normal homeostasis.


137-143 224
Social and epidemiological correlates of parasuicide in Gomel region were investigated. Males and females age 18-29 belong to the risk group of parasuicide. Domestic conflict is the main trigger of parasuicide for males and females. Acute and chronic alcohol intoxication is a proximal risk factor for male parasuicide. These data can be useful for national strategy prevention of suicidal behavior.
143-148 208
Medico prophylactic Institutions often spend cash resources ineffectively. It requires a new way for the expense of financial resources. The research at the Central Regional Hospital of s. Zavyalovo of the Altai Region showed that introduction of legal medicament list system will allow to save money at the expense of the purchase limitation of medicaments with insufficient therapeutic effectiveness. It will also allow to reduce the number of medicaments that by-turn will limit the expenses connected with their storing and transportation. It raises not only the economic effectiveness of the Medico prophylactic Institution itself but the state in whole.


148-155 221
The facilities of primary diagnostics of heart and vascular system based on hydrodynamic model of blood flow and realized in software BIODIS V2.2 have been demonstrated

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)