
Health and Ecology Issues

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No 2 (2009)
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7-12 235
We carried out a comparative analysis of the dynamics of primary and general thyroid pathology incidence in population of Gomel region and the Republic of Belarus for the period of 1992-2008. A higher level of incidence registered in Gomel region in 1992 was practically comparable with the average level for the whole Republic in 2008.
12-17 287
The values of some anthopometrical indicators in sick of the diabetes of the first type are presented in article. The somatotypes and weight body index of the patients are defined on basis of it. The analysis of data shows the mentioned above indicators essentially differ from each other in different age groups.
17-20 249
We study the relationship between major clinical-diagnostic indicators with breast cancer. We show the progression of the disease is characterized by a significant decrease in the number of correlations between the clinical diagnostic and immunogistochemical characteristics of tumor tissue.
21-26 236
The sickness rate - 59 cases of morbidity for the second tumors (1989-2007) among the sick taking a course of treatment for a malignant neoplasm in childhood period is presented, also structure of preceding pathology, latency time and cumulative risk of developing of the second tumors taking into consideration modern literary data is discussed.
26-30 215
The purpose of our study was to ascertain the possible relationships between number of interstitial myofibroblasts, TGF-b and interstitial deposition of matrix proteins in the renal tissue of patients with primary glomerulopathies with the use of immunostaining. There was a significant correlation between level of proteinuria and interstitial a-SMA expression, and tubular expression of TGF-b. Interstitial a-SMA expression was significantly higher in patients with nephrotic proteinuria level compared with patients with urinary protein excretion less then 1 g/1. A highly significant correlation was also evident between the number of interstitial myofibroblasts and interstitial deposition of collagen types IV and fibronectin (p < 0,05). We found that tubulointerstitial changes in the renal tissue of patients with proteinuric glomerulopathies were accompanied by increases number of interstitial myofibroflasts and expression of collagen type IV and fibronectin.
30-34 270
Negotiation of chemoresistance by means of molecular target biomarkers for the use of more effective drugs is a relevant problem of modern oncogynaecology. The aim of study is to research the level of p53 expression advanced ovarian cancer. The study group consisted of 80 advanced ovarian cancer patients which underwent medical treatment in National Cancer Center of N.N. Alexandrov of Belarus from 1999 to 2002 year. Identification of p53 expression was carried out with immunohistochemistry. P53 expression was revealed in 61,3 % of cases, meanwhile 67,3 % of chemoresistant cases and in 38,8 % chemosensitive cases. In two studies groups differences in density of staining, quantity p53 staining cells in point system, amount of points (Score) and also ultimate number of staining cells (p < 0,05, Mann-Whitney test) are statistically significant. The level of p53 expression is high in serous, endometrial and undifferent forms of chemoresistant group ovarian cancer.
34-38 260
The results of unipolar hip arthroplasty by Mure and his modifications in view of medial femoral neck fractures among 61 patients operated in traumatologic department of the Gomel municipal clinical hospital of Emergency care in the period from 2005 to 2008 have been studied. The analysis of results of the operation was conducted with resort to d’Abignier-Postele scale as well as rentgenologically. The received data indicate at the fact of development of acetabulum hondrolysis in postoperative period among the most of patients, at that using of unipolar endoprothesis with non-cement fixation increases and intensifies the development of acetabulum hondrolysis. All aforesaid indicates at the necessity of working up and putting into practice of endoprothesis with a head made of the material similar to natural cartilage by its characteristics.
38-42 250
One of predisposition factors for patients with a metabolic syndrome to development of cardiovascular accidents is activation of sympathoadrenal system. Alarm and depression act as an independent factor causing the vegetative disbalance. Displays of regulatory activity of all links of the nervous system are reflected in indicators of variability of the heart rhythm. If patients with a metabolic syndrome, and also hypersympathicotonia according to variability of a heart rhythm have alarm and depression, this is considered to be additional therapeutic targets for treatment being conducted.
42-48 280
Molecular genetics researches have great value for understanding of an origin of illnesses and their mechanisms. Modern genetic technologies have given a new impulse in the decision of problems of treatment of hereditary illnesses and diseases of the multifactorial nature. One of actual problems of modern medicine is finding-out of molecular genetics bases of hereditary predisposition to cardiovascular diseases. The review is devoted to questions of the importance of carrying out molecular biology researches for studying a cardiovascular pathology.
48-51 232
Work of heart depends on climatic-weather conditions. The initial vegetative tone and vegetative reactance at many children.
51-55 226
The processes of rudiments, differentiation, morphogenesis, functional activity in adrenal glands and the small intestine have been retraced during the research work. The correlation between information indicators of the components of the adrenal glands and the endocrine apparatus of the small intestine has been analyzed. The dynamics of the correlative structure of the mentioned organs involving the change of value, strength and direction amend the factors in the biosystem has been revealed. The cause-relation has been introduced between endocrine apparatus of diffuse and integrated endocrine systems
55-60 447
At present it is established that not only increase of left ventricular mass, but also the type of its geometric changes determines the death risk of cardio-vascular complications. Remodeling of the left ventricle in arterial hypertension developing as a response to progressive increase of myocardial mass, dilation of the chamber and also change in it's geometric characteristics. Study of these processes and pathogenetic mechanisms initiated by them is of significance not only for further progress in cardiology but for the development of modern knowledge on nature and mechanisms of cardio-vascular diseases.
60-66 448
Microbial-inflammatory diseases of kidneys among children are still an important topic not only for the clinical physicians but for the researchers as well. The urgency of the subject is caused by high prevalence and frequent relapsing of the given pathology. In this connexion timely diagnostics of an acute pyelonephritis and adequate treatment will allow to improve the forecast of disease and reduce the frequency of synchronisation process.
66-74 347
Malnutrition is common in chronic and acute gastrointestinal disease affecting both morbidity and mortality. Quality of life is generally low in benign gastrointestinal disease and is further reduced in patients who are classified as malnourished. There are a lot of difficulties for diagnosing and appropriate assessment of patients with this malnutrition. This article dedicated to the current issues such as: screening methods and ways of correction and care of this syndrome.
74-80 240
The purpose was estimate expenses and efficiency antisecretory therapies at acute poisoning with corrosive substances (APCS). The investigated group was made by 60 patients with APCS. Groups of patients with erosion and ulcer defeat of a gastroenteric path receiving Famotidini or Omeprasole have been allocated. Efficiency antisecretory pharmacotherapy at erosion and ulcer defeats of a gullet and a gastric depends on medical products: on 20 ± 0,6 days: Omeprasole - regeneration at all patients, Famotidini - at 87,4 and 93,7 % of patients accordingly (р < 0,05). At inclusion in the treatment scheme Omeprasole it is less than expense for efficiency unit, than at application Famotidini. Omeprasole promotes economy of financial assets at the expense of reduction of terms regeneration the erosion and ulcer defeats of the top departments of a gastroenteric path.
80-84 223
In the article findings of investigation of 20 children surveyed in cardiological department apropos prolapse of mitral valve are presented. To patients loading assay in the form of the 6-minute walking test was spent at stress-echocardiography carrying out. It is established, that the 6-minute walking test can be used as loading assay at children with prolapse of mitral valve for the purpose of dynamics assessment prolapse and regurgitations in the conditions of an exercise stress. The given method allows to individualise exercise stresses in out-patient conditions and to define further tactics of conducting patients with prolapse of mitral valve.
84-90 205
Chronic ischemia of the brain, as a result of pathogenous crimpiness of carotid arteries causes serious disorder of cognitive functions. Surgical restoration of adequate blood supply to the brain is accompanied with a considerable improvement of parameters which can serve as an objective criterion for effectiveness of patients’ rehabilitation after reconstructing operations at the carotid arteries.
90-96 222
The technique and computer system for heart and vascular diagnostics based on hydrodynamic model of blood flow and realized in computer diagnostic system has been proposed.
96-100 219
The serum levels of cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4 in 85 patients with chronic hepatitis C with various antibodies spectrum to hepatitis C virus (HCV) and in 42 with different morphological changes in liver tissue were studied. In patients with antiNS5 negative and also antiHCV IgM and antiNS5 HCV both negative, IL-1β levels were significantly higher vs. those patients with these antibodies positive. The cytokines levels increased with raise of histological activity. In patients with sclerosis signs in liver bioptates the levels of investigated cytokines were higher than in healthy blood donors. Significant differences of IL-1β from donors were revealed in patients with various degree of sclerosis. Also the levels of IL-1β, IL-2 and TNF-α were higher in patients with heavy sclerosis degree. The prognostic value for early virologic response of cytokine TNF-α before the beginning of treatment was shown.
100-105 220
The probability of a lethal outcome within 12 months in 331 HIV-infected of the patients accepting antiretroviral therapy (ART) is defined. With the help of regression model were chosen five parameters which influence on risk of a lethal outcome is proved: sex, disease stage, CD4 cells level, haemoglobin level, presence of the diagnosed tuberculosis. According to the developed model probabilities of death in 3, 6, 9 and 12 months from the beginning of ART have been defined.
105-110 226
We studied the genotypes of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and viral load HCV in 54 of patients with chronic hepatitis C, and the levels of CD3+/CD4+, CD3+/CD8+, CD3-/CD16+, CD3-/CD19+, CD3+/HLA-DR+, CD4/CD8 ratio in 20 patients. There was no difference in HCV viral load in persons with genotype 1 vs. non-1 (p = 0,093). Interferon therapy as well as recombinant interleukin-2 (Roncoleukin) therapy declines viral load. The chance of response to interferon therapy is 3.75 fold higher in patients with genotype 3 HCV vs. those with genotype 1. There was a trend to increase of CD3+/CD8+ and CD3+/HLA-DR+ cells and decrease of CD3-/CD19+ cells and CD4/CD8 ratio. We found no significant differences in cellular immunity parameters in patients depending on their sex and age. Also there was no correlation between HCV viral load, HCV genotype and cellular immunity parameters (р > 0,10).
111-113 233
In this article were generalized facts of autopsies died from HIV-infection in AIDS for period from 1st January 2006 to 1st September 2008 year in Gomel region. The manifestation and forms of tuberculosis and opportunistic infections were analyzed.
113-117 240
There is growing evidence of relationship between dental diseases and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to assess the dental status of patients with ischemic heart diseases (IHD) and its relationship with laboratory dates. The patients with IHD had statistically insignificant poorer level of oral health. In patients group with periodontal diseases increased level of laboratory dates such us fibrinogen, cholesterol and glucose. This work has demonstrated a relationship between dental diseases and IHD and needed in preventive program for patients with IHD.
118-123 213
In this research work the results of monitoring spectrum and resistance of mycobiota of fungal rhinosinusitis are given. The main pathogens on mycotic sinusitis are - Aspergillus, Penicillium (85,3 %). Remedy choice for treatment fungal rhinosinusitis are itraconazol, amphotericin B.
123-128 240
The work is dedicated to the actual and poorly examined problem which is spreading of Lime-borrelioz in our country. Wide spreading of the given pathology and absence of methods of specific preventive measures determine undeniable importance of deep study of this disease
129-132 229
Functional State Indices of football players from various age groups were computed, based on measurements performed with the «Omega-S» testing equipment. The majority were rated as «excellent» and «good». The proportion of «excellent» and «good» indices was highest in 16-25 age old group. High vegetative nervous system indices indicate greater capacity for emotional adjustment in more experienced football players.


132-135 222
In the acute experiments carried out on white not purebred male rats it was revealed that the characteristic features of ethylene glуcole intoxication are: neutrophilic leukocytosis, decreasing of hemoglobin amount, polychromatophilia and poikilocytosis.
135-138 233
The simulation of the pseudocyst is made by using local cold influence on the pancreas of white rat, with the help of cryosurgical complex KCH 3A/B. Cooling -100 during 60 seconds was carried out intraoperatively by the direct contact of the cryosurgical tip with the tissue of the pancreas. Morphological data are obtained and the analysis of dynamics of their changes is conducted. The stage of fast transformation is established, during this transformation from the 14th till the 21st day there is an authentic increase of the diameter, ascending of the wall thickness and the dilating of the inner cavity of the pseudocyst. From the 21st till the 90th day of the experiment the stage of sluggish transformation is watched which can be characterized by the relative stability of investigated parameters.


138-143 197
The present article discusses methodological issues and methodic principles of efficiency assessment of morbidity primary prevention in population. Reasons of inappropriate attention to the effectiveness of health care, both in Belarus and abroad, are analyzed. The main principles of highly effective morbidity prevention are regarded considering social, medical and economic effect.
143-147 223
In present paper the social and economic correlates of suicide in Choiniky region has been discussed. According to the results of this study the suicide in the region is tremendously high. The outcomes of present work suggest that among the social and economic correlates of suicide are: male’s sex, yang and middle age, absence of family and work, alcohol abuse.


147-151 249
Here we present the case of favourable outcome of the right kidney carbuncle which was observed in dynamics by a method of ultrasonic diagnostics and confirmed by a method of X-ray computed tomography.

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)