
Health and Ecology Issues

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No 1 (2009)
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7-14 294
In the article the modern pathogenetically proved technologies in treatment for varicose veins of the lower extremities, both classical, and innovative are generalised. Advantages and disadvantages of each method are specified. Also results of treatment of patients with varicose veins of the lower extremities in the Center low-invasive and reconstructive surgery on the basis of the Gomel central city hospital are presented. It is shown, that introduction of innovative technologies in surgery for varicose veins of the lower extremities is of great importance as in the medical and social plan.
14-20 248
The object of the investigation were patients of the Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital. Totally, investigation covered 137 patients with various forms of the chronic cholecystitis who had been treated in the named hospital within 2006-2007.
20-23 323
The problem of symptomatic hypertensions at primary hiperaldosteronism continues to be urgent and becomes more and more important for the clinicians. Present-day data on the clinical picture, differential diagnostics and treatment methods of the disease are presented in the article.
24-29 271
Present the analysis of revealing of psychological, social and medical aspects quality of life at patients with Type 1 Diabetes. There has been shown the dependence quality of life standards, reflecting the subjective estimation of health status as a result of treatment or disease influence, from disease severity, influence of remedial measures and social factors.
29-34 367
The article describes the causes of secondary immune deficiencies appearance and common approaches of clinical and laboratory diagnostic. The special accent is given of administration and reading of results depending on variant of immune deficiencies.
35-42 271
The conclusive medicine base of hyperbaric oxygenation use in The case of acute cardiology pathology was introduce in this review.
42-45 317
We assed the Hyperbaric Oxygenation neuroprotection effect of treatment in patient with primary open-angle glaucoma. Аge range (45-75 years) patients with primary open-angle glaucoma with normal intraocular pressure were treated with Hyperbaric Oxygenation as monotherapy. Complete ophthalmologic examination, including visual acuity, tonometry, electronic tonography, kinetic perimetry, campimetry, analysis of blood flow was performed. As a results of dynamic functional inspection of patient with primary open-angle glaucoma with normal intraocular pressure marks improvement of basic parameters reflecting a ganglion cells condition that testifies to good efficiency of a Hyperbaric Oxygenation in neuroprotection therapy glaucoma neuropathy. Hyperbaric Oxygenation can be recommended for out - patient treatment.
46-51 412
Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell.
51-55 278
In course of research a retrospective analysis of 73 cases of child stomach ulcer and its peculiarities at the modern stage has been conducted. It was ascertained that stomach ulcer was diagnosed more often among city boys than among girls. The morbidity peak falls at the adolescent age. Relapse of stomach ulcer is characteristic to 1/3 of patients. High frequency of combined pathology of a gastrointestinal tract was revealed.
55-58 233
We have studied the influence of cholesterol-decreasing drug, liprimar, of statin group which blocks synthesis of low and very low lipoprotein, in patients suffering from sensorineural deafness associated with atherosclerosis. Results of the study showed that liprimar application in the dose of 20 mg b. d. for two months had resulted in steady decrease of cholesterol in blood serum and stabilization of hearing function of patients.
58-61 278
Expression of E-cadherin was investigated with immunohistochemical method in 65 cases of primary ovarian carcinoma. E-cadherin levels depended on cell differentiation, FIGO stage, pre-sence of metastases and five-year survival.
62-65 277
Review contains information about the quantity, clinico-funtional methods of examinations, modern principles of treatment and rehabilitation for patients with mentioned above diseases. So, we could conclude that is necessary to make further study of acupuncture application included in complex of treatment and rehabilitation procedures using its bases for elaboration of new tests for appreciation of treatment effectiveness when treating patients with traumatic neuritis of facial nerve.
65-69 251
The literary review of data that shows the role of the genetic markers in medical researches at the predict development of certain pathology, is presented in the article.
69-73 276
The data about on display relapse-dangerous clinical situations (depressions and others) of the alcohol depended patients in the first 6 months remission time (F10.200) are presented in this articles. The recommendations are formulated on early diagnostics and address therapy of the patients with alcoholic dependence during treatment and rehabilitation.
74-78 256
The estimation of changes of metabolism parameters and its regulation in blood serum of persons with a various degree of an alcoholic intoxication is performed. It is not revealed changes of cortisol and triiodothyronine concentration. The increase of the predecessor of insulin concentration - proinsulin and C-peptide concentration is established, that can be used as criterion of damage of pancreas function at an alcoholic intoxication hepatocytes cytolysis attributes are revealed at a high degree of an alcoholic intoxication.
78-83 303
Purpose: reveale role: lactoferrin, interferon-ά, interferon-γ, interleukin-1β, receptor antagonist interleukin-1β at premature rupture amniotic membranes. Material and method: ELISA detected concentration of lactoferrin, interferon-ά, interferon-γ, interleukin-1β, receptor antagonist interleukin-1β in peripheral blood, umbilical blood, amniotic fluid. Statistica: Mann-Whitney Т & U-test, Spearman rank, calculation median, odds ratio and confidence interval. Results: аt premature rupture amniotic membranes lactoferrin in peripheral blood is lower (р < 0,005), and IL-1β - is higher (р < 0,02), than at duly. At duly rupture RA-IL-1β concentration in amniotic fluid is increased in comparison with umbilical (р < 0,001) and mather’s blood (р < 0,001). The increase in duration waterless interval raises ά-IF (р = 0,05) level and is reduced lactoferrin (р = 0,02) in umbilical blood.
83-89 331
In article the review of modern representations about an intrauterine growth retardation syndrome. The comparative estimation of classifications and unification of a terminological designation of the pathology connected to slowed down development and insufficiency of a fetus, by change weight and growth parameters infants is resulted. Aspects of pathogenesis of placental insufficiency and intrauterine growth retardation are submitted.
89-93 271
This article provides the review of the modern literature, denoted to the problems of ethiology and pathogenesis of vulvovaginal candidiasis in pregnant women. Pathogenesis is considered in aspect of the particularities of immune and hormone status in pregnancy.
93-96 255
There was estimated infecting of Gomel Region population with Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) and Cytomegalovirus (CMV). There was determined frequency of reactivation of above-mentioned infections during the calendar year. Determination of serum markers to HSV and CMV was carried out by means of quantitative method of hard-phase Immuno-Enzyme-Analysis (IEA) on test-systems of «Equipar-SRL-Diagnostici» firm. Blood serums of 551 people were subjected to one-moment analysis. 106 donors of blood plasma at the age of 20-49 years old were taken for the observation to determine HSV and CMV infection. In the process of the investigation there was determined that the level of HSV and CMV infecting appeared to be 96,4 and 92,4 % relatively. 30,2 % of the examined people were in the state of active HSV infection, 16,5 % - in the state of active CMV infection. Frequent HSV infection reactivation during the year was revealed in 73,6 ± 4,3 % people; CMV infection - in 32,1 ± 4,5 %. There was determined the seasonal relapse of herpetic infection with prevalence of infectious process activation during winter-spring time.
97-100 261
In original research it is shown that impedance properties hypodermic fat the first days postmortem period dynamically change and are in direct dependence on duration postmortem period.
100-106 239
Distinctions in concentration of blood serum hormones in postmortem blood and persons are established at various concentration of ethyl alcohol. The revealed changes can be caused by the processes occurring in the postmortal period (raised cytolysis, damages of the receptors, increased protein catabolism, change of water and cells of blood ratio, etc.). The most stable molecules are steroid structures (cortisol). For definition of pancreas function it is recommended to determine a level of C-peptide and proinsulin as more stable protein molecules.
107-110 258
Manifestations of pain syndrome, rates of personal and reactive anxiety at patients with rheumatoid arthritis have been appraised according to the visual and similar scale and Mc-Gill’s and Spielberger’s questionnaires. A great amount of correlated interconnections in received findings have been fond out and this confirms the interference of chronical pain syndrome and anxious row disorder at patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
110-113 267
In article the case of early diagnostics of pulmonary miliar tuberculosis in HIV-infected female patient by means of linear discrimination functions calculation method, confirmed by computer tomography of thorax is presented.


113-117 273
Surgical methods of modeling of cysts of the acute and chronic pancreases are generalized, the critical estimation is given. The original traumatic way of reproduction of the experimental pancreas, where the basis is the local cold influence on the pancreas of white rat with the help of cryosurgical complex KCH 3A/B is offered. The work was done with the observance of the rules stipulated by the European Commission on supervision of carrying out laboratory and other experiments with participation of experimental animals of different kinds. Cooling was carried out intraoperatively, by the direct contact of the cryosurgical tip with the tissue of the pancreas. The features of morphological changes, depending on the cooling temperature are established. The offered traumatic model of acute and chronic pancreas gives an opportunity to study mechanisms of the origin of the pathology and to approve the ways of the treatment.
117-122 281
Though red blood cells contain no apoptotic organelles like nuclei and mitochondria, under the action of various factors these cells are characterized by many features peculiar to apoptotic cells. In the paper we show that «apoptosis-like» cell death program is triggered by peroxynitrite and is accompanied by the increase in passive ionic flux through red blood cell membrane mainly due to opening the cationic channels including ATP-sensitive K+ channels and membrane defect formation, as well as by the changes in membrane skeleton structure.
122-126 262
Aim is to study clinical and functional changes under traumatic neuritis of inferior alveolar nerves in experiment. Experimental model was made on the 24 rabbits. Threshold of perioral reflex demonstration (TPRD), coefficient of asymmetry for threshold of its demonstration (Cas) were fixed for all animals. According to the received results we can conclude the following: trauma of inferior alveolar nerve of the experimental animal involves afferents part of the perioral reflex malfunction in 75% of cases what has clinical manifestation in defect of upper lip mucous tunic appearance which corresponds to the traumatic ulcer during the chronic mechanism of trauma; when forming the experimental model of the traumatic neuritis of the inferior alveolar nerve, maximum indices of TPRD and Cas, are fixed by the 7 day of examination. First signs of the nerve functions restoration are evident after the 14 day regardless of the level of the nerve trunk damage. Authentic normalization of the functional indices was not achieved during 28 days.


126-130 311
This article contains the research information on Byelorussian inhabitants hair element structure. Some elements concentration in Byelorussian inhabitants hair is same as in European countries and other World continents. This fact take place in respect of such elements as Na, Zn, Fe, Ag, Cr and La. Concentrations of As, Mg, Sm, and W in Byelorussian inhabitants hair are within published average World levels. It is necessity of additional epidemiological investigation to account for high concentrations of Pb and Mn at hair of inhabitants of Narovlia town.
130-133 253
Consideration of questions related to the hygienic regulation of accidentally dangerous substances is very important not only from the point of view of the real possibility of development of technogenic catastrophes at the chemical industries enterprises with potential possibility to contaminate the sources of logistic and drinking water supply or drinking water storage, but from the scientific point of view also due to uncertainty of methodology problem of study toxic influence of such substances on human body. To solve the questions on methodological justification of approaches, criteria and principles of hygienic regulations of accidentally dangerous substances at the present stage of development of hygiene as a science is possible in the framework of tasks of scientific technical programmes.


133-136 263
Increase of information transferred to students as well as significant contradictions between theoretical and practical training observed in young specialists cause wide applying the pedagogical inventions. One of most spread know-how in this field is play-training methods. New technique for knowledge control is proposed in the article. Play-training is elaborated for mastering evaluation of ENT clinical anatomy. The method provides skill development to describe ENT endoscopic picture. Proposed play-training forms the condition when students can themselves observe their knowledge without tutor’s intervention. Play situation involves elements of competition and unpredictability that increases the interests of students and adjusts studied materials to future profession.
136-141 261
The virologic response evaluating in patients with chronic hepatitis C with various histologic index of a stage of chronisation, detection of antibodies to hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS5 protein and antibodies to HCV of IgM class, cytokines IL-2, IL-4, IL-1β, TNF-α levels in blood was carried out in various terms of interferon therapy. The prognostic value of moderate degree of fibrosis, absence of anti-NS5 and anti-HCV IgM, high levels of proinflammatory cytokine IFN-α for an interferon therapy efficiency estimation was shown.
141-144 252
At present an actual problem for the surgeon is the choice of suture material. Due to the absence of own manufacturing of suture material in Belarus in the iatrotechnics market the big variety of surgical threads both of popular and little-known manufacturers has been presented. In this connection the performance of research and the analysis of physical properties of suture material have been quite actual. We carried out the comparative analysis of capillarity, as one of the properties of suture material, surgical threads presented in the market of iatrotechnics in Belarus and threads modified by polyparaxilelen covering.
144-149 298
Nanotechnology as the science began to be formed in the end of the twentieth century, that first of all has been connected with basic works of Norio Taniguchi and Richard Fejnman and the invention in 1981 of a scanning tunnel microscope by Gerd Binnig and Henry Rorer from Zurich laboratories IBM (Switzerland). Rapid development nanotechnology has begun in the beginning of the twenty first century and is connected with the statement and financing of national programs of development of this branch of a science in the USA, Japan and China. For today nanotechnology as branch of a science greater perspective directions in development of information technologies and electronics, methods of reception of materials and open their processings, preservation of the environment and power, biology and medicine, an agriculture, aircraft and the space industry. In clause the basic historical and basic moments of development nanotechnology as sciences are stated. It is emphasized on already existing and actively developed opportunities nanotechnology as sciences in medical branch. Clause is of interest as in general educational and scientific sense.

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)