
Health and Ecology Issues

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No 3 (2007)
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7-12 278
The Aim of this analysis is systematization of trials different stents in patient with atherosclerotic coronary stenoses of coronary arteries and diabetes mellitus.
12-17 369
Etiology and pathogenesis of tracheoesophageal fistulas in 19 cases have been analyzed. It’s investigated the main role of endoscope’s methods of examination in diagnostic of tracheo-esophageal fistulas. It’s been analysed radical surgery results in 15 cases of tracheoesophageal fistulas. In 7 cases disconnection of fistulas through interposition of muscle flap between trachea and esophagus has been performed with complications in 71,4% of patients. In 8 cases disconnection of fistulas has been done by putting in machine stitches and performing thymoesophagotracheoplasty using the vascularized thymus flap with 50% reduction of complications.
17-21 279
This time some operative methods of treatment of ischemic heart disease such as surgical and endovascular myocardial revascularization are used. But myocardial revascularization doesn’t solve the problem of coronary atherosclerosis because one of fundamental factors of progression of atherosclerosis - dyslipidemia is remained. The results of use of medostatin for correction of lipid disturbances in patients after reconstructive operations on coronary arteries are represented in given article. Medostatin demonstrated good hypolipidemic effects and safety during treatment in given group of patients.
21-26 292
Coronary artery disease has been remaining a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in developed countries. Vasospastic angina indicates a form of angina caused by coronary artery spasm. Early diagnosis of variant angina is crucial to avoid major cardiac events (sudden death, myocardial infarction). Therapy with calcium-antagonists and nitrates is effective in the vast majority of patients. In refractory patients potential interventions include the newest generations of drugs and coronary stenting.
27-32 289
Main aim of the clinical study was estimate the clinical and laboratory factors purchase behaviour on to course the ischemic heart disease.
32-38 353
Inflammatory bowel diseases are characterised by chronic, relapsing intestinal inflammation. This article sets out the clinical features and diagnosis of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
39-45 233
Acute pancreatitis relates to the severe illnesses of gastrointestinal tract and in the frequency of appearance at present occupies the third place among acute surgical diseases after acute appendicitis and acute cholecystitis. Disseminated infected pancreatonecrosis remains the most severe form of acute pancreatitis. In the article our experience of the treatment of this category of patients is presented. Depending on the conducted nutritive support the patients were divided into two groups. The patients of the first group received parenteral nourishment, in the second group early enteral nourishment adapted. The results of inspection make it possible to assert that the including of enteral feed into the complex of treatment leads to reduction in lethality and number of complications in the postoperative period.
45-48 274
Estimated change of a blood-groove on the main head arteries in comparison with age rate and in aspect interhemispheric asymmetries at patients with chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency. It was shown decrease in high-speed parameters in blood-groove on the head main arteries in extra- and intracranial part with presence on forward and average brain arteries is revealed.
49-54 271
We researched factors of prognosis of the cancer of rectum 2-3 stadium after preoperative radiation therapy. Correlative dependencies between apart prognostic rates which characterize complications of the main disease (development of recidives, production of metastasis) were estimated. Prognostic importance in quality of factors, negatively influencing on the prognosis of the disease was revealed. Tumor size, kind of growth and invasive growth into intestinal wall, quantity of lymphatic nodes with metastasis, high level of Ki-67, p53 expression, stage of malignancy, conditions of tumor edge and intravascular invasion occurred to be the most important. The results, we got, can be used in evaluation of the stage of risk of postoperative complications development after carried preoperative radiation therapy.
54-60 306
The article represents the data of the original research devoted to study of social, somatic, obstetric and gynecologic anamnesis, status at clinical and immunological examination of HIV-infected women residing in the Gomel region.
60-66 277
Objective: to analyze course of pregnancy, delivery and puerperal period in patients from group of high perynatal risk. Design and subjects: a prospective study 176 pregnant women with polyhydramnion and 73 pregnant with normal amount of amniotic fluid. Results: there are an increase frequency of chronic placental insufficiency in 2,2 times, gestosis and powerless labor in 2,5 times, colpitis in 2,9 times, violations of detachment of placenta in 2,6 times and involution of uterus in 7,7 times.
66-71 255
In the review of the literature modern sights at development of placentary insufficiency are submitted. At pregnancy frequency of development of this pathology makes from 50 up to 77%, at gestosis - 32%, at extragenital pathologies - 25-45%. Opportunities of treatment of placentary insufficiency with the help bioregular preparations are discussed.
72-78 306
We have made a contemporary analysis of clinical presence, distinctive features of the pregnancy, delivery, post-delivery and earlier neonatal periods, morphological changes of afterbirth in 90 pregnant women examined for the presence of intrauterine infection markers. It was revealed that risk factors for the appearance and development of severe perinatal diseases of the newborns were placental insufficiency and intrauterine infection. Newborns who were born in medium and heavy asphyxia state should be examined for the presence of congenital dartrous and chlamidia infections the first hours of their lives to conduct an adequate therapy in postnatal period. Screening of women from the delivery reserve group for sexually transmitted infections, pre-gravidic preparation will allow to prevent complications of pregnancy, delivery, to reduce perinatal losses.
78-82 265
In the review of the literature the modern data about clinical and pathomorphological characteristics of infringements of an exchange are submitted at a diabetes. Are offered new perspective pathomorphological markers metabolism changes which use can bring in the essential contribution to specification of parts morphogenesis a diabetes.
83-88 264
In article hormonal status and its influence on physical development of the girls in the first phase of the period sexual maturations, prominent citizens of unfavorable ecologic areas of Gomel oblast were under investigation. Basing on correlations and cluster analyzes some connections between hormonal levels and anthropometric parameters were shown.
88-94 266
There was presented the in-depth analysis of compensation quality of type 1 diabetes at patients of Gomel Oblast reflecting in the parameters of average glycemia and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) There was established unsatisfactory compensation at all age groups caused by inadequate self-control with high frequency of hypoglycemic reactions, including hypoglycemias with loss of consciousness, lack of capability and motivation to manage the disease. There was revealed the maximum need in insulin at adolescents and HbA1c high parameters under availability of treatment means and self-control.
94-103 418
The most disseminated roentgenological measuring methods of scoliotic deformed spine arches in frontal plane - Ferguson, Cobb and Jentschura - are represented. The comparative mathematical analysis of the results of synchronous measurement of 98 scoliotic deformed spine arches using these methods was made. Comparison of the methods and their algorithms was carried out with the devised model of the deformity arch. Groundlessness of the Ferguson and Jentschura methods for using in clinical practice was mathematically proved. The validity and expediency of application of the Cobb`s method of measurement was objectively corroborated, because the essence of this method corresponds to orders of the classical geometry. Exactly the Cobb`s method is recommended to be used in clinical practice as a diagnostic standard of quantitative estimation of scoliotic deformed spine arches parameters in frontal plane.
103-111 286
The review aims at analyzing the investigations of the cellular mechanical properties by the modern AFM technologies.
111-116 288
Surface layers of peripheral blood lymphocytes which were adhered on glass plate and fixed with 1% glutaraldehyde were examined with atomic force microscopy methods. Qualitative and quantitative differences in fine structural organization of membrane and underlying layers of small and middle lymphocytes were revealed. Fractal analysis was used for quantitative evaluation of the structure differences.
116-122 323
The review is devoted to the problems of medical testing of function opportunities of the qualified sportsmen. In the work the description is given and the importance of known research methods which applied in the sports medicine is characterized. Application of the complex approach in the program of sportsmen testing is proved.
122-127 291
The anthropometric measurements of 410 girls at the age of 7 to 17 has been performed. Key measurements included body mass, chest circumference, shoulder and pelvis width dimension. The received data was statistically processed. Certain features of physical development, specific for Gomel region, were revealed.


128-134 352
The aim of an investigation was to study the diagnostic possibilities of various methods for revelation of hidden blood in faeces in an uninvasive cancer diagnostic of a gastrointestinal tract. The material and methods of the investigation: we have examined 43 patients diseased with a stomach cancer, 36 patients diseased with the gastro duodenal ulcers, 27 patients diseased with a stomach dyspepsia, 58 patients diseased with a colorectal cancer, 37 patients diseased with the bowels polyps, 57 patients diseased with a bowels stimulation syndrome and 26 healthy volunteers. Blood loss from a gastrointestinal tract determined by using the guaiac probe and immune marker test for hidden blood in faeces. The results of the investigation are: the immune marker test for hidden blood in faeces exceeds a hemoccult-test at a sensitiveness in revelation of the colorectal cancer (p < 0,05). It’s sensitiveness is quite high and makes up 93,8%. The hemoccult-test exceeds the immune marker test for hidden blood in faeces in revelation of the stomach cancer not only by the sensitiveness but a specific that is really important for the uninvasive test though in our investigation this tendency is not achieve a statistical meaning (p < 0,05). At that time according to our data the specific of the hemoccult-test in revelation of the stomach cancer is sufficiently high and makes 88,9%.
135-140 407
The researches data of capillary and wicking of traditional suture material and a modified suture material with polymer covering are published in the article. It was studied the influence of the various sterilization methods on surgical thread.


140-146 261
At present time it is difficult to imagine ecology as a science which is possessed by the all or parts of signs which are characteristic for the science generally and which are would not coincide with a row of other sciences included in this field of activity, and that is necessary to treat as a specific common to all science approach to learn nature and society. A principal and specific purpose of hygiene as a science is to become acquainted with the laws and regularity of interaction of a healthy human, the healthy collectives, peopling, population with natural and changeable environment, and on this base to develop the methods and means for providing the preservation and strengthening human society as a whole. There is a problem before the hygiene science is to provide a monitoring of the health of population with influence of the factors of environment on the base of dynamic before illness observation and hygiene diagnostics for needs of clinic system. There is an urgent necessity to organize a Russian national medical-prophylactic institute instead of groundless liquidated the Leningrad’s sanitary-hygiene medical institute in term of collapse of the USSR in 90-teens of XX century, where side by side with the doctors of medical-prophylactic profiles should be trained the doctors of ecology.
146-151 282
The survey results of combined influence of environmental and life conditions to health status of school aged children living in large industrial city are present to. The influence of negative ecological conditions intensified by defects of nutrition ration and meals order, combined with low physical activity and psycho-emotional pressure is a sum total of survey. As a result of such influence the physical evolution problems, increase of prevalence of diseases of respiratory, digestive, endocrine and genitourinary systems, diseases of the skin were found out.

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)