Study upon effective doses assessment in Gomel population due to the main sources of radiation, such as the Chernobyl contamination and medicine radiology, and its contribution to the whole dose had been conducted. There was stated that the medicine radiology and the Chernobyl had been appeared more important (significant) radiation affection human factors. The average doses, received while roentgen diagnostics studies, more than almost 10 times higher than such due to the Chernobyl contamination in Gomel. The contribution of medicine radiology to whole population dose is 67% in the rural population, but it is 92% for Gomel inhabitants.
The long-term, seasonal and random changes of the contents of isotopes of plutonium in near ground layer of air of the Gomel region was defined. Results will be used for calculation of inhalation doses fraction of human and animals organism.
The critical analysis of the evaluation of ecological risk problem in the conditions of the combined ionizing radiation effect with the non-radiation nature factors is given in the article. The uncertainties of the evaluation, caused by the variability of the sex, age, individual distinctions and by the radiation dose and capacity were analysed. The necessity of the making of the ecological risk integral index in the combined effects of the radiation with the non-radiation nature factors was expressed
Reduction of doze burdens on the population which live in territories contaminated as a result of Chernobyl accident remains the important task of rehabilitation. Measures aimed to decrease137Cs specific activity in cow milk in private and public sector can have a bigger effect to reduce the dozes. Electronic maps allow to present the information in an easily perceived form, and also to considerably speed up the process of research and to provide optimal solutions from a variety of possible measures.
The article dwells upon contemporary methods of treatment and medical rehabilitation of patients with benign prostate hyperplasia. Epidemiological data, peculiarities and advantages of different methods of treatment of patients with this pathology are shown. The author pays special attention to transurethral radio wave hypothermia indicated to patients with high operation risk at somatic pathology.
Calprotectin is a protein which is available in big amount in the cytoplasm of neutrophilic granulocytes, activated macrophages and, to a lesser degree, monocytes. Biological value of the calprotectin is not clear, there are evidences of its antimicrobial, calcium-binding and regulatory action. The main focus of researchers was division of functional and organic pathologies of the intestine. It is considered to be more precise indicator of the pathological process, first of all, inflammatory, than ESR and C-reactive protein and allows to exclude organic pathology of the intestine. In the references available there has been no data on the effectiveness of fecal calprotectin use to diagnose organic pathology of the stomach including tumor formation. We have investigated the efficiency of fecal calprotectin use in the screening diagnostics of gastric cancer in 43 patients with gastric cancer, 36 patients with gastroduodenal ulcers and 27 patients aged 17-80 with gastric dyspepsia (average age 45±6,82 years old). It was revealed that the level of fecal calprotectin is significantly higher at gastric cancer than at gastric dyspepsia, and does not differ from the same analysis at gastroduodenal ulcers. The analysis is highly specific, that makes it useful in the screening diagnostics of the gastric cancer.
The paper presents the experience of operations using laparoscopic technology from November, 1993 till December 2005 at 3836 patients with a acute surgical pathology of abdomenal cavity. The first group included 3604 patients by whom with the diagnostic and medical purpose it was used laparoscopic method. It is shown high informativity of laparoscopy in diagnostics of acute surgical diseases, however at 8,4% of patients at acute appendicitis, 37% at acute pancreatitis, 15% at perforated ulcer, 22% at abdominal trauma the opportunity of method is limited, and the diagnosis was put to indirect attributes. The second group was made by 252 patients at whom laparoscopic operations passed with connection of the hardware-software complex of remote control developed by authors (HSC). The given system which is introduced in 2005, is constructed on the basis of modern information technologies and unites in a uniform complex the diagnostic and operational equipment allowing operatively to receive a trustworthy information from operational rooms, of the device of registration and display of data, and also the computer technics representing an intellectual platform for construction of systems of a various level of complexity. Authors consider perspective application of new information technologies at laparoscopic operations. Use of the given method has allowed to increase volume of laparoscopic operations in urgent surgery from 28,6% in 2002 up to 54,8% in 2005 and сonsiderably to reduce intraoperation complications.
Up to 10% of a world's population suffers ulcer disease. Being based on it, some researchers have named it «illness of a century». In domestic conditions ulcer disease has no tendency to decrease, and the number of its complicated forms last years has increased. Taking into account that the stenosis is the most often indication to scheduled operation to duodenal ulcer, this pathology remains an actual problem of modern surgery.
The present article reviews the world references regarding the detection of the polytrauma severity degree, the developed systems of its definition, and also the concept of surgical assistance at combined and multiple injuries. Such a systematic review has been published for the first time in Russian language. The second part describes systems and concepts, which were made in USSR and Russia.
The paper presents the experience of treatment of 545 patients with heavy combined trauma for 5 years (2001-2005). At 207 patients from this group there was suspicion of injury of abdomenal organs. Diagnostical laparoscory was produced in 128 patients. It was shown high informativeness of laparoscopy at diagnosys of injuries of abdomenal organs and was proved expediency of producing of laparoscopical operation in early period of receipt of the patient irrespective of heavyness of trauma. However in 29 (22%) cases during laparoscopy the diagnosys was established on the basis of indirect attributes ( blood or exudate in lateral canals of abdomenal cavity, hematoma in omentum or circle ligamentum of hepar), without precise localization of injured organ. The second group was made by 9 patients at whom laparoscopic operations passed with connection of the hardware-software complex of remote control developed by authors (HSC). The given system which is introduced in 2005, is constructed on the basis of modern information technologies and unites in a uniform complex the diagnostic and operational equipment allowing operatively to receive a trustworthy information from operational rooms, of the device of registration and display of data, and also the computer technics representing an intellectual platform for construction of systems of a various level of complexity. Authors have shown that application of diagnostical laparoscopy in combination with new information technologies expands diagnostical opportunities of the method at heavy combined trauma.
Wide diabetes prevalence exclusively early disability of patients, their high death rate has provided the basis for WHO experts to define a situation with diabetes as noninfectious disease epidemic. Diabetic retinopathy (DР) is one of the heaviest diabetes complications. DР tends to increase in occurrence and is one of principal causes of irreversible blindness among the population of the developed countries of the world. At present stage there was formed the tendency to informative increase and maximal methods objectivizing of early diagnostics towards performance of treatment-and-prophylactic actions at the earliest stages of a disease. The development of this direction at present is connected with improvement of systems for obtaining of high-quality images of eye grounds and development of methods on quantitative assessment of retina status. Social value and problem urgency of diabetic retinopathy early diagnostics consists in prevention of physical disability and blindness at persons of the able-bodied age suffering from diabetes including their life quality improvement.
The craniocereberal trauma is one of the major aspects of research in forensic medicine that is caused by the big frequency, difficulties of diagnostics and weight of her current, is frequent with a lethal outcome. The craniocereberal trauma causes the general adaptable reaction shown in a complex pathophisiological, biochemical and morphological changes not only in a zone of direct mechanical damage, but also in nervous, endocrin, cardiovascular and other systems. The data of own researches of communication systems are submitted.
Aim of the work is to systematize separate data by special literature sources in order to appreciate correctly diseases, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, to determine effective complex treatment course of trigeminus. Classification contains three main groups of diseases of trigeminus system: I) neuralgia, II) neuritis, III) swelling of nerve trunk. Neuralgia diseases are systematized in accordance of aetiology, level of involvement, dysfunction. Neuritis are classified according to the aetiology factors and involvements localization. Swellings of trigeminus are presented as a separate group.
The purpose of work was studying features of clinical cardialgia syndrome caused by a cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, coronary heart disease, and also their combination. Difference cardialgia syndrome toms is proved at an osteochondrosis of a cervicothoracic department of a backbone, coronary heart disease and their combination in view of conditions of occurrence, duration, localization and character of a pain in the field of heart.
In present article the review of the most important publications on a problem intervention sonography is given. The basic stages of setting up of the given method are observed, the most significant for the formation of the modern concept intervention sonography works are allocated and the estimation of prospects of a method is given.
The present review highlights the historical development of a new drug-free method of treatment - ozone therapy. Its priority within the whole arsenal of medical achievements has been defined.
In article results of the carried out cytologic researches of smear-prints of wounds of patients are submitted by pyoinflammatory diseases of soft tissues during treatment with application in a complex of actions local ozonotherapy with the help of the modified device of a local darsonvalization «Блик». Object of observation were 174 patients with acute pyoinflammatory diseases of soft tissues and chronic purulent-necrotic defeats of soft tissues. All patients depending on the applied way of treatment in regular intervals divided into 4 groups with uniform distribution on a nosology, a sex and age. Cytologic researches are carried out by the patient on 1, 3, 5, 7 day the patient with acute and on 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 day - with chronic pyoinflammatory diseases of soft tissues. Researches have shown, that on a background local ozonotherapy the cytologic structure of smear-prints is characterized by acceleration of processes of clarification of a wound from purulent-necrotic masses, occurrence of granulations and cuticularizations wound defect.
The literature data about evaluation of manual therapy efficacy in treating neurological syndromes of lumbar degenerative disc disease have been analyzed. The experience of using the Roland-Morris questionnaire and pain rating scales has been described.
On utilised model of studying of respiratory activity of cells of a liver it is shown, that formaldehyde causes authentic activation of endogenic fabric respiration of cells of a liver, dibutyl phthalate (DBP) results in inhibition of respiration of mitochondrions, and styrene does not render significant influence on biopower processes of cells of a liver. In experiences in vitro it fixed, that formaldehyde and styrene in a combination causes activation of respiration of cells of a liver that is close to value of the specified index at isolated influence of formaldehyde. Entering of styrene and DBP causes activation of biopower processes of cells of a liver, and an admixture of formaldehyde and DBP - renders inhibiting influence on respiratory a chain of mitochondrions.
TB infection comes again into notice in Western Europe in connection with the problem of upgrowth of immigration and related risk factors as poverty, homelessness, drug addiction, AIDS. This research work analyses prevalence of TB infection among 214 subjects of marginal groups, in which reside above mentioned risk factors. Sample involves immigrants from various countries, Gipsies, drug addicts, HIV-affected, alcoholics, prisoners, people, living with TB-affected. We use a model of regression analysis to evaluate the degree of influence of various risk factors and positive Mantoux. Certain inequality is educed between immigrants constituting marginal groups and immigrants socially organized (Gypsies, Chinese, those, who have permanent residence) in prevalence of positive Mantoux.
The article deals with the study of evaluation by children and teenagers of their way of life; the degree of their knowledge about the problem of formation of the healthy way of life, sources of information; disclosing of the main needs connected with getting of information about the healthy way of life and strengthening of their health. The approaches to a solution of the problem of formation of the healthy way of life in the educational establishments.
In the article the literature about etiology, epidemiology, pathogeny, clinic, diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures of schistosome dermatitises is introduced.
The review is devoted to development of modern representations about functions of normal microflora, biological activity probiotic microorganisms, including bifidobacteria, ways of preventive maintenance and treatment of gastro-enteric diseases. The author considers mechanisms of influence probiotic microorganisms on restoration of microflora of the person, modern methods of diagnostics, and also problems of scientific cooperation concerning improvement of the population with use of products of a functional feed.
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)