
Health and Ecology Issues

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No 2 (2005)
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7-14 223

The scientific materials in the field of information support for the population in the system of rehabilitational measures during liquidation of techogenic and ecological catastrophes designed by Belarusian and foreign authors are presented. Lack of information or abnormally sent information can result in stress and in the future conduce to some diseases. It is told about the necessity of information activities in the system of rehabilitational measures for the population during liquidation of Chernobyl catastrophe.

14-20 197

An assessment of valid internal irradiation doses of rural inhabitants from six settlements of Belarus Polesye have been conducted. Basing on diet preferences an income of each of the diet component to overall internal irradiation dose was stated. The groups of population from inside the settlements which have significant differences in internal doses were registered.

20-27 255

Combined influence of single or prolonged γ-irradiation 0,35 Gy (dose rate 1 Gy/h and 0,008 Gy/h) and urethan on the induction of chromosome aberrations (ChA) in bone marrow cells and micronucleus (MN) in peripheral blood polychromatic erythrocytes and also γ-irradiation, urethane, nitrogen dioxide on the induction of lung adenoma were studied. Correlation between the ratio of exchange type ChA and dose rate was of inverse direction. The lung adenoma frequency under combined action in the case of prolonged irradiation with low dose rate was increase that correlate with exchange type ChA.


27-31 240

We studied sera samples from 176 of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients with the use of ELISA method to detect antibodies to hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS5 protein (anti-NS5) and antibodies to HCV IgM (anti-HCV IgM) as possible predictors of response to interferon therapy. Anti-NS5 were revealed in 63,1% of patients, anti-HCV IgM - in 48,6%, their revealing correlated with increased ALT levels (p < 0,05). Virologic response to interferon therapy course was revealed significantly more frequently in those without anti-NS5 (62,5%, p = 0,038) and anti-HCV IgM (75,0%, p = 0,040). Both anti-NS5 and anti-HCV IgM showed predictive value of response to interferon therapy of CHC. The study of anti-HCV IgM during the interferon therapy can be useful for evaluation of treatment efficacy.

31-35 238

The extent and severity of morphological changes in liver specimens used for полуколичественной of an estimation of a stage of disease on V.V. Serov and L.О. Severgina (1996), was compared in 100 patients chronic hepatitis С (CHC). At comparison of frequency of detection and severity of various displays fibrosis at the men and women of authentic differences was not revealed. At the patients CHС is more senior than 40 years histological index of a stage of disease was authentically above, than at the patients till 20 years. Severity of various fibrosis displays in the patients of various ages authentically did not differ. Only at the patients with moderate activity CHС was registered fibrosis with formation of septs and false lobules.

35-43 228

The brief review of modern clinical and epidemiological features of salmonellosis in children is submitted. Results of studying of clinic and epidemiology of salmonellosis in early age children are presented. The clinical and epidemiological differences related with age of patients and serotype of microorganism are marked.

44-46 247

The etiological structure, clinical and laboratory features of salmonellosis in children under three years old are stated. Significant differences in duration, severity and expressiveness of the basic clinical symptoms in patients with salmonellosis caused by S.Typhimurium and S.Enteritidis are revealed. Salmonellosis caused by S.Typhimurium significantly more often had severe and undulating disease course with haemocolitis, atopic dermatitis, increase of ESR, repeated salmonella discharge in control stool specimens and revealing of conditional pathogens, also the disease duration and time of stool normalization were significantly increased.

47-52 300

The review of literature analyses clinical peculiarities, endocrinological, immunological, allergological disturbances in widespread forms of mycotic infection due to Trichophyton rubrum.

52-57 263

We investigated the histories of 50 women with placenta insufficiency. The control group consists of 30 pregnant women without placenta insufficiency. The leading parts of infectious factors were chronic vaginitis, associated with C.albicans 12 (24,0 ± 0,36%), acute respiratory viral infection during pregnancy 46 (92,0±0,06%), polyhydramnion 21 (42,0 ± 0,24%). It has led to formation of the placentary insufficiency. Histological alteration of placenta has of inflammatory quality. Determine high frequency infectious - caused complications of labors and postnatal period.

57-62 262

The article review the recent concepts conserning the role of immunologic system during the spontaneous abortion. There are also illustrated quantitative and qualitative changes occuring in the population of T-lymphocytes and connection of HLA system’s antigens with the spontaneous abortion. Autoimmune and alloimmune breaches appearing during the pregnancy are explained.

62-65 199

The growth of congenital abnormalities in Belarus is an urgent issue, especially on the background of a worse ecological situation and decreased birth rate. Monitoring systems are involved into investigation of reasons of growth and both temporal and geographic trends of a frequency of inborn abnormalities for timely prevention measures. An increased sensitivity of the monitoring system of the Republic of Belarus due to expansion of the group of prior analyzed abnormalities will reduce the time to evaluate the severity of the mutation process and the action of possible teratogens.

69-72 297

Pathology of digestive organs in children the increase of which has appears lately takes one of the first places in the structure of diseases. In the majority of the examined patients a compbined pathology of gastro-intestinal tract is identified, pathomorphosis of these diseases is marked. High widespread of the functional and chronic pathology of the digestive system in children, insufficient level of the diagnostics and efficiency of the performed treatment determine the urgency of this issue.

73-78 229

Functional disorders of the large intestine are common in children and often are the reason for consultation with a Pediatrist. The group of functional disorders of the large intestine includes chronic constipations, intestine irritation syndrome, and also diverticular disease which often arises on the background of these illnesses.

78-82 479

Lipid metabolism disorder, lipid infiltration results in lipoprotein deposition in intercellular space, and the concentration of cholesterol ethers, mediators of inflammation in walls of vessels, promotes their atherosclerotic affection and development of cardiac and cerebrovascular diseases. Research articles in this field are not numerous and sometimes contradictory. This paper represents the results of the investigation of the lipid spectrum of blood serum of patients with cerebral infarction. A reliable increase of several indicators of the lipid spectrum (cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins, triglycerides, and atherogenity coefficient) is detected as compared with the control data. The amount of high-density lipoproteins significantly did not differ from the control data.

82-86 216

The research findings of the disorders of the patients' cognitive functions in the early reconstruction period after brain infarction are presented in the work. It is established that cognitive functions of most patients which include memory, attention and thinking disorders have been restored after the treatment and medical rehabilitation.

87-89 247

The article highlights the problem of pelvic injuries which lately became more frequent, acute and numerous. The article reveals regularity of reasons and character of aggravations of pelvic injuries in developed countries.

89-92 242

The systematizing of defects of the lower lip following resection helps to choose the optimal choice of the cheiloplasty. We have analyzed the patients group including 144 reconstructions of lower lip. We have worked out the classification of the defects in the lower lip. It is adapted to the modern TNM-staging of malignant tumors. The defects following T1-tumor excision are corresponding to less than 1/3 of lip, the defects following T2-tumor excision are corresponding to 1/3-1/2 of lip, the defects following T1-tumor excision are corresponding to more then 1/2 of lip. There are included the location of defects, tissue conditions, time of reconstruction and defect advance.

93-97 210

The results of treatment of 36 patients with high external nongenerated intestinal fistulas were analysed. All patients were divided into 2 groups. The first group (19 persons) included patients with high nongenerated intestinal fistulas without nutritious fistulas. The second group (17 persons) were patients with high nongenerated intestinal fistulas with nutritious fistulas. A heavy degree of the nourishment infringements in the patients of the first group was caused by the presence of a high intestinal fistula, purulent flows into abdominal cavity, determining an additional intoxication. In the patients of the second group no hypothrofic attributes, system inflammatory reaction syndrome or other laboratory attributes of intoxication were detected.

98-100 208

Urgent state is one of the complicated problems in clinical medicine taking into account emergency help to patients and acceptance of correct management decisions on arrangement of such assistance to population. The work analyses statistical and morphological descriptions of observations over acute appendicitis and cholecystitis based on the example «Gomel City Clinical Emergency Hospital» in 1998-2002 including some tendencies on changing of urgent pathology character in nearest years.

100-105 260

Various techniques of the benign prostatic hypertrophy treatment are known: medication, physical factors, surgery. A modified, more simple method of transurethral hyperthermia (42,5-43°С) is suggested and recommended for use with patients of old and elderly age who have contraindication or limitations to other common treatment at benign prostatic hypertrophy.

105-110 195

The present paper analyses references data concerning the development of erectile dysfunction in men with benign hyperplasia of prostate. The article emphasizes insufficient knowledge of this issue which demands further investigation.

110-117 197

Influence of various factors (a sex, age, duration of surgery, visual pathological changes in an abdominal cavity, laboratory parameters) on development of purulent complications in the early postoperative period of patients with an acute cholecystitis after simultaneous operations is analysed. Two groups of patients with complicated (n = 10) and not complicated (n = 135) postoperative period are analysed and the tree of decisions is constructed and contraindications for performance of simultaneous operations are developed.


118-119 197

In article is given the estimation of a level of ecological knowledge among the population on iodine-deficiency problems and overcoming of their negative influence on health by use of iodinated salt by Mozyr area inhabitants.

119-122 233

Social risk factors of enterobiasis at children visiting preschool establishments of Gomel are investigated. The most significant factors increasing risk of pinworm infection are the age of the child of more than 2 years, quantity of children in family - 2 and more, living together of children in a children's room, and also factors of hygienic education: default of rules to use an individual towel, to wash hands before meal, and to use boiled drinking water.


122-126 245

The indications, main surgical principles of the performing operation for soft tissue augmentation in maxillo-facial region and postoperative follow-up are described in the article. In clinic 11 operations using сollagen-fascal allograft was carried out with positive aesthetical results.

126-130 219

In conformity with national standard, design of diagnostics and monitoring methods to qualifying control of virus hepatites С according to the basis of ELISA technology. Creation оf test manual documentation, techniques of tests are prepared, preliminary researches in ELISA test-systems for revealing antibodies to individual polypeptides HCV, and also standard national panels with various contents antibodies HCV.

130-132 205

The micromethod of rapid preparation of DNA samples from fungi genus Candida, Aspergillius , Pleurotus и Lentinus have been developed. Showed, that prepared samples of DNA have high quality of clearness and no visual degradation.

133-137 245

The purpose of this research was to study the efficiency of applying medicines on Bienum basic (complex ethylene ethers of polyunsaturated fatty acids by microbiological origin) in patients with oral mucosa erosive-ulcerous lesions. The efficacy of application medicines on Bienum basic (ointment «Reparaef-1» and «Reparaef-2») was defined on clinical examination of patients. There was determined that Bienum increases oral mucosa regeneration and decreases the term of healing oral mucosa erosive-ulcerous lesions (p < 0,05). Also medicines on Bienum basic possess the unti-inflammatory effect, painkiller acting.


138-142 236

The article describes the case of thrombotic endocarditis developed by the patient sick with the cancer of uterus cervix without cachexii. The abacterial thrombotic endocarditis may be clinical mask of malignant new formations. Thrombotic sediments on the valves mural thrombus are characteristic to this desease though the positive ino culture, fever, nephritis are absent.

142-145 299

The paper outlines the features of the main clinical signs and additional examination of combined systemic diseases of the connective tissue. The example is given of a combined systemic disease in a 14-year old girl.


145-150 188

The article is devoted to the problem of refugees from Poland to the BSSR in September of 1939 - June 1941.

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)