"Health and Ecology Issues" is a quarterly scientific and practical journal. Published since September 2004. The founder and publisher of the journal is the educational institution "Gomel State Medical University".
The journal publishes the results of original scientific research, review and problematic articles of the staff of the educational institution "Gomel State Medical University", the teaching staff of the leading universities, sectoral RSPCs of the Republic of Belarus, the near and far abroad of postgraduate students, undergraduates and practical doctors of healthcare institutions in priority areas in the field medical and biological problems, clinical medicine, exchange of experience.
The scientific medical journal is intended for specialists working in the field of medicine and biology, teachers, graduate students, undergraduates, students of universities of medical and biological profile.
The journal is included in the List of Scientific Publications of the Republic of Belarus for the publication of the results of dissertation research on the medical and biological branches of science (order of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus dated April 01, 2014, No. 94).
The magazine has a certificate of state registration of mass media No. 1241 dated 08.02.2010, issued by the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus.
Current issue
Giardiasis does not lose its relevance, despite the active development of such areas of medicine as diagnosis, treatment and prevention. There are 8 genetic groups of the protozoan Giardia lamblia from A to H. Genetic complexes A and B have long been associated with the occurrence of invasion in humans, when others - from C to H - were detected only in specific animal hosts. Recent data indicate that this distribution is conditional and the circulation of G. lamblia genetic assemblies is a more complex and multifactorial process. In turn, phenotypically indistinguishable groups A and B also have significant genetic differences and are divided into subgroups AI, AII and AIII, as well as BIII and BIV. In many scientific studies, the main method to establish the belonging of G. lamblia to a particular assembly, along with partial or full genome sequencing, is multilocus determination of restriction fragment length polymorphisms using «traditional» genes, such as beta-giardin (bg), triosephosphate isomerase (tpi) and glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh). Intensive searches are conducted to identify new targets suitable for identifying genetic groups.
Due to the lack of standardized approaches to molecular genotyping of the causative agent of giardiasis, the stage of accumulating knowledge about its genetic diversity continues. This information is important for understanding the relationships between genetic complexes of G. lamblia and clinical manifestations, as well as long-term consequences of the disease; pathogenesis and interaction between pathogens during co-infection with different genetic assemblies, and also assessment of the contribution of each of them to the infectious process, as well as the potential for the accumulation of genetic recombination mutations and their level of prevalence in age groups or territories. The review presents latest data on the current state of knowledge about the genetic diversity of the causative agent of giardiasis and its pathogenetic features, and also evaluates the prospects for improving genotyping of G. lamblia.
Priority research in the field of radiation biology and medicine remains the search for new effective anti-radiation substances, since the protection of the human population from radiation damage is one of the issues of state security. The first medicament preparations obtained from classes of aminothiols and indolylamines can reduce primary radical processes and are used as preventive agents. Natural polyphenol substances, which are used in the clinic to improve the recovery of patients after radiation therapy, were obtained to block the formation of secondary radicals of biological molecules in the body after irradiation. Subsequently, with the discovery of intercellular regulators – cytokines, it became possible to develop effective therapeutic regimens to stimulate critical systems of the body in the treatment of radiation sickness. In Russia, the first anti-radiation drug based on the recombinant cytokine interleukin-1 was recently developed. The required chemically stable and easy to use anti-radiation agent can be created on the basis of DNA. Laboratory studies have shown that the introduction of exogenous DNA into the body after irradiation increases its survival by creating conditions for proper DNA repair in cells of critical tissues. This allows us to consider the DNA substance very promising for the development on its basis of a new anti-radiation drug.
Objective. To assess the efficacy of immunogenicity of the Soberana Plus (FINLAY-FR-1A) vaccine in adults previously vaccinated against COVID-19.
Materials and methods. A total of 98 participants participated in the study. The immunogenicity of the Soberana Plus (FINLAY-FR-1A) vaccine was studied by measuring IgG concentration to SARS-CoV-2 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) at 4 study sites: day 0, in 42 days, 90 days and 180 days after the Soberana Plus (FINLAY-FR-1A) administration.
Results. Participants of the study were divided into groups based on their primary immunization: 1) Sputnik V (Gam-COVID-Vac) / Sputnik Light; 2) Sinopharm (BBIBP-CorV); 3) Sinopharm (BBIBP-CorV) + Sputnik V (Gam-COVIDVac) / Sputnik Light. The highest IgG level was observed in 90 days after administration of booster dose (p< 0,001). At the “90 day” point, IgG levels were higher in the previously vaccinated with Sputnik V (Gam-COVID-Vac) / Sputnik Light + Sinopharm (BBIBP-CorV), however, this group had higher IgG levels before the Soberana Plus (FINLAY-FR-1A) administration. In 42 days after vaccination, participants of the age group “45 plus” had the highest IgG level, and in 180 days participants of the age group “45 plus” had the highest IgG level compared to the age group “25-45 years old” (р=0,048).
Conclusion. Soberana Plus (FINLAY-FR-1A) vaccine is quite immunogenic. The highest level of IgG to SARS-CoV-2 marked on day 90 (р
Objective. To determine and establish the unity of some indices of antioxidant status before treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis and acute blood loss.
Materials and methods. The present study included 267 patients with liver cirrhosis and acute blood loss of varying severity, as well as 20 practically healthy volunteers. On the day of admission to the hospital, blood for the study of key indicators of the antioxidant system: nitrate (NO3 - ) and nitrite ions (NO2 - ), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (Cat) and glutathione reductase (GR) was collected from the patients before treatment.
Results. Depending on the severity of liver cirrhosis and acute blood loss, patients showed a decrease in the concentration of NO3 - , NO2 - , SOD, Cat, and increase in the concentration of GR, which is a redox adaptation, and indicates the development of oxidative stress and its manifestations: multiorgan failure syndrome.
Conclusion. Interpretation of the formative unity of antioxidant well-being criteria: NO3 - , NO2 - , SOD, Cat and GR is a key indicator in the complex assessment of the extent of pathophysiological reactions of oxidative stress initiation in patients with liver cirrhosis and acute blood loss.
Objective. To evaluate the possibility of using ultrasound elastography to detect early manifestations of sciatic nerve mononeuropathy.
Materials and methods. A comparison of ultrasound elastography data of the sciatic nerve of 30 patients aged 46.0 (23; 54) years with clinical manifestations of sciatic nerve mononeuropathy (experimental group) and 30 patients aged 36.5 (29; 48) years without lower back pain back (control group) was made to achieve this goal.
Results. Assessment results of the diagnostic utility of ultrasound elastography as a method for diagnosing mononeuropathy of the sciatic nerve were as follows (with an asymmetry between the stiffness indices of comparable segments of the symptomatic and asymptomatic sides of more than 22%): AUC - 0,88 (95% CI (0,55; 0,99)), р=0,003; Youden index - 0.87, sensitivity - 87% (95% CI (0,5; 0,99)), р=0,0001; 100% (95% CI (0,5; 0,99)), р=0,0001.
Conclusion. Ultrasound elastography makes it possible to detect changes in the structure of the sciatic nerve in cases where a standard B-mode study does not reveal changes. The presence of clinical signs suggesting mononeuropathy of the sciatic nerve, in the absence of structural changes in the B-mode, should be considered the basis for performing ultrasound elastography in order to detect perineural and intraneural edema, as well as structural changes in the sciatic nerve.
Objective. To study the dynamics of levels of complete blood cell count (CBC) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in donors with brain death.
Materials and methods. The prospective study included 106 organ and/or tissue donors with brain death, who received intensive care in the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Department of Mogilev Region from January 1, 2020 to November 1, 2023.
Results. In deceased donors, from days 1 to 4 of intensive therapy, there was a statistically significant increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein. The level of CRP in the 1st day was equal to 13.3 (3.86; 29.1) mg/l, 2nd day – 85 (45.4; 140.6) mg/l (p < 0.0001 vs 1d), 3rd day – 135 .3 (73.6; 238.2) mg/l (p < 0.0001 vs 2d),4th day – 219.7 (112.7; 326.4) mg/l (p < 0.0001 vs 3d). At 5-7 days the level of CRP did not change statistically significantly. Donors with pneumonia had a statistically significant increase in band neutrophils, ESR and temperature compared to patients without this infection. At the same time, the level of CRP did not differ in these groups of donors without and with pneumonia: 134.5 (56; 261.5) mg/l and 145.6 (95.4; 268) mg/l, respectively (p = 0.4).
Conclusion. C-reactive protein in brain-dead donors can be used as an additional quantitative measure of the extent of brain damage and the severity of the systemic inflammatory response.
Objectives. To determine the level of matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3), tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1), and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-3 (TIMP-3) in the plasma of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in stage C5, and in patients with anterior abdominal wall hernias.
Materials and methods. The object of the study were patients in the terminal stage of chronic kidney disease and patients with primary anterior abdominal wall hernias. MMP-3, TIMP-1 and TIMP-3 concentrations were determined in plasma by enzyme immunoassay.
Results. There was a statistically significant increase in the level of MMP-3, the median of which was 185,77 ng/ml, with the ratio with patients of other analysed groups – 45,09 ng/ml and 41,05 ng/ml (p˂0,001) in plasma of patients with CKD on dialysis replacement therapy. The plasma TIMP-1 level (158,85 ng/ml) was statistically significantly higher in patients with C5 stage CKD than in patients with anterior abdominal wall hernia – 33,16 ng/ml and comparison group – 73,46 ng/ml (p˂0.001). At the same time, the level of TIMP-1 was also statistically significantly higher in the comparison group than in patients with anterior abdominal wall hernias (p˂0,001). The median value of TIMP-3 – 35726,43 pg/ml in patients with anterior abdominal wall hernias and in patients with C5 stage CKD – 35313,70 pg/ml was statistically significantly higher in comparison with the control group – 17974,80 pg/ml (p˂0,001).
Conclusion. The obtained patterns may indicate pronounced inflammatory processes and connective tissue degradation in patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis replacement therapy.
Objective. To analyse of blood flow in the cerebral and main vessels of the neck in newborns whose mothers had no complications during pregnancy using Doppler ultrasound.
Materials and methods. 123 newborns were examined. The parameters included gender distribution, anthropometry, and health. Ultrasound examination included neurosonography with dopplerography of brain vessels and examination of the main vessels of the neck using microconvex and linear sensors.
Results. Neurosonography did not reveal any brain pathologies. Dopplerometry of cerebral vessels: in the anterior cerebral artery, the resistance index is 0.62±0.07, the pulsation index is 1.08±0.17; in the middle cerebral artery, the resistance index is 0.66 ± 0.09, the pulsation index is 1.14 ± 0.32. Ultrasound examination of the main vessels of the neck: in the common carotid artery, the resistance index is 0.64 ± 0.05 (left) and 0.66 ± 0.04 (right), the pulsation index is 1.34 ± 0.16 (left) and 1.37 ± 0.13 (right); in the internal carotid artery, the resistance index is 0.54 ± 0.04 (left) and 0.56 ± 0.05 (right), the pulsation index is 1.19 ± 0.11 (left) and 1.21 ± 0.12 (right); in the external carotid artery, the resistance index is 0.74 ± 0.04 (left) and 0.76 ± 0.05 (right), the pulsation index is 1.39 ± 0.09 (left) and 1.41 ± 0.12 (right). The values indicate good vascular elasticity and low resistance to blood flow; the differences between the left and right sides of the vessels are explained by anatomy and are insignificant.
Conclusion. The study emphasizes the importance of timely diagnosis of disorders and monitoring of the state of blood supply to the central nervous system in the neonatal period. The data can serve as a reference for further research and development of standards for the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies associated with impaired cerebral hemodynamics.
Objective. To conduct molecular genetic studies of patients with myocardial infarction (MI) for polymorphisms of genes associated with the metabolism of antithrombotic drugs, and to evaluate their relationship with clinical and laboratory parameters.
Materials and methods. The material for molecular genetic studies was venous blood of patients with acute MI who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stenting of the infarct-related artery. This data sample included 69 patients, of which 58 (84.1%) were male and 11 (15.9%) were female.
The technology based on competitive allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for genotyping. The analysis was performed for 26 polymorphisms of the genes CDC42BPA, RPS20P10, P2RY12, MED12L, PPM1K, LOC124900191, PACRG-AS1, LINC02854, SOCS5P1, ABCB1, PON1, NCOA2, CER1, LIPM, CYP2C18, CYP2C19, CYP2C9, CRTAC1, R3HCC1L, MICAL2, LOC105376637, CES1, ZFHX3-AS1 and WFDC1. The entire list of necessary clinical and laboratory tests was performed according to the protocols for examination and treatment of cardiovascular diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS v.20.0. The study design was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Cardiology” and the Bioethics Committee of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
Results. In the presence of the minor allele G for the rs35835168 polymorphism, the level of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) was lower than in the presence of the CC genotype - 33.29 U / L and 55.45 U / L, respectively (p=0.023); in the presence of the minor allele G for the rs12598219 polymorphism, the atherogenic coefficient (AC) was higher than in the presence of the AA genotype - 4.66 and 3.79, respectively (p=0.032); in the presence of the GG genotype for the rs12598219 polymorphism, the prothrombin time (PT) was higher than in the presence of the alternative genotype - 19.50 and 12.30, respectively (p=0.002); in the presence of the TT genotype for the rs7584466 polymorphism, the PT indicator was higher than in the presence of the minor allele - 12.98 and 11.87, respectively (p=0.026); in the presence of the AA genotype for the rs303500 polymorphism, the thrombin time (TT) indicator was higher than in the presence of the alternative genotype - 17.99 and 15.30, respectively (p=0.039); in the presence of the AA genotype for the rs7714373 polymorphism, the TT indicator was higher than in the presence of the AG / GG genotypes - 24.75 and 16.38, respectively (p=0.018); For polymorphisms rs1799853, rs7584466, rs7714373 and rs139496757 there was an association with the fibrinogen level; in the presence of the minor allele A for rs7714373, the ASPI value was 15.82, in the presence of the GG genotype - 29.66 (p=0.003); in the presence of the CC genotype, the ASPI value was 62.00, which significantly exceeds the ASPI value in the presence of the CT/TT genotype - 24.92 (p=0.012).
Conclusion. Therefore, we identified associations between clinical and laboratory parameters of patients with MI and a number of polymorphisms rs12248560, rs12598219, rs139496757, rs1799853, rs303500, rs35835168, rs55670713, rs71546150, rs7584466 and rs7714373.
Objective. To evaluate dynamic changes in the gastric microbiota against the background of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy in a patient with gastritis using the method of high-throughput sequencing based on the analysis of variable regions of the 16s rRNA gene.
Materials and methods. The patient (male, 57 years old) with chronic associated Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) moderately severe and moderately active gastritis of the antrum and body of the stomach without atrophy and metaplasia. There is no primary resistance of H. pylori to clarithromycin according to polymerase chain reaction results.
Next generation sequencing method based on the analysis of variable regions of the 16S rRNA gene was used to study the gastric microbiota. H. pylori eradication was performed according to the following scheme: amoxicillin, clarithromycin, omeprazole. The study included gastric mucosa (GM) biopsy samples obtained from unchanged tissue (N) and pathologically altered tissue (P) at different stages of treatment during 12 months. Taxonomic identification of reads was performed using the DRAGEN Metagenomics software package (Kraken2 algorithm).
Results. Negative dynamics of alpha-diversity of gastric microbiome (by 5.8 times) was noted in the patient without treatment when assessing the unchanged tissue of the stomach. When antibiotic therapy was used, an increase in alpha-diversity of the gastric microbiota by more than eight times was noted.
Conclusion. Analysis of the data of taxonomic diversity of gastric microbiota in morphologically different samples of the gastric microbiota at different stages of therapy indicates positive changes in the dynamic composition of the gastric microbiota in the course of treatment, which is confirmed by a decrease in the relative representation of H. pylori. When using therapy based only on proton pump inhibitors, the number of H. pylori is not significantly reduced. The dynamics of alpha-diversity of gastric microbiota is related to the morphological state of the tissue, and without the use of therapy has a significant and rather rapid tendency to a significant decrease (2-fold in less than two months). It is possible to achieve reduction of H. pylori to minimal amounts using standard first-line eradication therapy based on clarithromycin, but complete eradication does not occur.
Objective. To establish histological changes in lung tissue and the interrelationship of these changes with the properties of nanoscale blood particles in laboratory animals caused by local irradiation of their upper torso with X-rays.
Materials and methods. Local irradiation of Wistar rats was carried out using a X-RAD 320 Biological Irradiator (Precision X-Ray, USA) in doses of 0.1, 1, and 15 Gy. After a 3-week post-irradiation period, the activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase, sizes and zeta-potential of nanoparticles were measured in blood; a histological analysis of the lungs was carried out for rats non-irradiated and irradiated by various X-rays doses.
Results. A semi-quantitative assessment of the pulmonary fibrosis progression showed an increase in the fibrosis grade depending on the irradiation dose (rs = 0.5531, p˂0.0001). In the blood of irradiated animals, the size and zeta potential of nanoscale particles increased significantly after irradiation of rats with a dose of 0.1 Gy (p < 0.05). The activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase in the irradiated rat’s blood changed non-monotonically depending on the dose.
Conclusion. In the experimental animal model, significant changes in the body state were found after irradiation with a low dose (0.1 Gy) at different hierarchical levels. The changes are more pronounced in the blood antioxidant system and the system of nanoparticles of blood, less — at the level of composition and structure of the organ (lung). Further study of radiation and induced changes of blood nanoparticles is advisable not only to deepen the understanding of mechanisms of development of post-radiation pathological conditions but also to evaluate the efficacy of new radioprotective drugs in an experiment with a view to their subsequent introduction into clinical practice.
Objective. To characterize the development of healthcare in the BSSR in the 1920s-1930s based on the analysis of the main indicators of medical care for the population.
Materials and methods. The basis of the study was the analysis of materials of general and specialized medical statistics of the BSSR, current records management of healthcare authorities from archival collections using general scientific and special historical methods of analysis, as well as elements of the index method of mathematical analysis, within the use of which the absolute figures were converted into indicators per 10 thousand people.
Results. One of the main tasks of the interwar healthcare of the BSSR was to overcome the traditional lag in medical development of Belarusian lands in providing the population with hospital services and medical personnel. However, the intensive growth of medical network, due to the warfare of the Polish-Soviet war of 1919–1921 caused the possibility of military resources using to increase civilian healthcare opportunities, was replaced in the early 1920s by a period of significant reduction in the medical network has begun, caused by the need to save money in the context of the implementation of the New Economic Policy. Only with the beginning of a planned economy and the necessity of medical support for growing industry and agriculture as part of the policy of industrialization and collectivization the main indicators of medical care for the population began to increase rapidly, reaching a peak by the end of the studied period. Increased share from local and national budget allocations, as well as the expansion of the higher medical education system, which allowed in a short time to increase the number of graduated doctors to saturate the growing medical network.
Conclusion. The development of healthcare in the BSSR in the 1920s and 1930s is an example of a striking contrast in approaches and the practical results of the healthcare development. When the 1920s were a period of overcoming the consequences of massive cuts in medicine during the New Economic Policy period, accompanied by a decrease in the number of medical institutions and an extremely small increase in the number of doctors, in the 1930s the beginning of a planned economy became the main trigger for the accelerated growth of the main indicators of medical care to the population. As a result, by the end of the 1930s the BSSR not only restored, but also improved the pre-revolutionary indicators of healthcare development by more than 2 times, which is proof of the high efficiency of the Soviet healthcare system.
Objective. To scientifically substantiate methodological approaches to modeling of chronic exposure to chemicals with drinking water, taking into account the substitution of insignificant values of concentrations obtained in laboratory testing.
Materials and methods. Exposure calculation and health risk assessment for 6 variants of substitution of concentrations insignificant values were carried out, the specific contribution of substituted insignificant values to the formation of the final values of risk parameters was analyzed based on the results of laboratory tests of drinking water samples at 3 pilot water pipelines.
Results. Under different modeling variants, the contribution of surrogate values to the formation of the summation factor ranged from 8.5% to 89.3%, the hazard index ranged form 1.9% to 63.3%, the combined risk of chronic nonspecific toxic effects – from 1.9% to 59.5%, and the individual total carcinogenic risk – from 46.7% to 100%.
Conclusion. The sensitivity of research methods has a significant impact on the quality of assessments of public health risk from exposure to environmental risk factors. When assessing exposure to a complex of potential contaminants in drinking water, it is essential to use a differentiated approach to exposure modeling, taking into account 4 basic criteria for the substitution of insignificant values of concentrations: the sensitivity of the research method and the proportion of samples with quantitative determination, the risk profile of the contaminant (carcinogenic potential, ability to cumulate, remote effects) and its priority for the study area (based on the long-term profile of environmental risks and trends). Algorithm for the substitution of insignificant concentration values, taking into account the existing water use conditions in the country has been proposed and tested. Its application will rationally improve methodological approaches to chronic exposure assessment, avoid significant overestimation of exposure levels without reducing the quality and reliability of health risk assessments. Furthermore, it will allow us to concentrate measures to minimize health risks on the most priority aspects.
Objective. To study the legal and regulatory basis of the Republic of Belarus on work organization of institutions implementing preventive measures within suicide prevention.
Materials and methods. The legislative framework of the Republic of Belarus in the field of healthcare on issues of organizing the work of institutions implementing preventive measures in the context of suicide prevention was analyzed. The features of inter-institutional interaction of structures implementing preventive measures to reduce suicide risks were selected in laws and regulations.
Results. Inter-institutional level of responsible entities implementing preventive measures within suicide prevention is defined by the number of laws and regulations. The State Program “Public Health and Demographic Security” for 2021–2025, subprogram 3 “Prevention and Overcoming of Drunkenness and Alcoholism, Protection of Mental Health” which also includes suicide prevention activities, is specificated in the list of the State programmes of social and economic focus implemented in 2021–2025. Designated owner of the programme is the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
Conclusion. In order to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals for mental health, the goals of the WHO General Program of Work and the WHO Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013–2030, and subject to the basic principles of the Agenda for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the Republic of Belarus by 2030 (universality, interrelation, indivisibility, inclusiveness, partnership) it is necessary to organize the work of institutions implementing preventive measures within suicide prevention, setting the inter-institutional responsibility of agencies enshrined in law. For use of effective organizational approaches in the practices of state regional administrative bodies in order to implement a set of measures of the State Program “Public Health and Demographic Security” for 2021–2025, it is necessary to update the Modified Suicide Risk Scale: the factors “suicide attempts or treatment by a psychiatrist in past medical history”, “alcohol or other psychoactive substances abuse” should be assigned a value of 2.
This article presents a clinical case of primary cerebral lymphoma diagnosed in an HIV-infected patient. Clinical manifestations of the presented pathology, and the methods for its diagnostic were described. This case is of scientific interest to doctors of various specialities, as brain lesions in immunocompromised patients may manifest with a wide range of diseases of different etiologies, with a variety of clinical and pathomorphological features, moreover the most of pathological conditions do not have pathognomonic symptoms and may have variable clinical symptoms.
Objective. To provide a clinical assessment of the effectiveness of biospecific hemosorption using the sorbent “Hemoproteazosorb” in patients with severe acute pancreatitis; to substantiate the importance of this method in a comprehensive approach to the treatment of the disease.
Materials and methods. The analyses of clinical cases of 61 patients with acute pancreatitis over 2023, whose therapy was supplemented with biospecific hemosorption and other methods of extracorporeal detoxification, was conducted. Clinical aspects of the disease, the results of laboratory and instrumental research methods, as well as the survival, mortality indices and subsequent development of complications were compared.
Results. The analyses of obtained data demonstrated efficacy of the sorbtion method in initial stages of the disease treatment, patients’ survival growth and time shortening of stay in the anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care department, and a decrease in the percentage of development of purulent-septic complications in future.
Conclusion. Biospecific hemosorbtion with the sorbent «Hemoproteazosorb» in acute pancreatitis as a part of a comprehensive treatment approach has proven to be an effective therapy method that significantly improves patients’ chances of a favorable outcome.
A current problem of medicine is the preservation of the health of every newborn, every child, and the entire child population. The issues of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of childhood diseases come to the fore, starting from the moment of conception, intrauterine development, and the newborn period.
Thyroid hormones (thyroid gland) largely determine the normal intrauterine and postnatal development of a child, affecting the formation, differentiation, development of organs and systems, especially the central nervous system. Timely diagnosis and treatment of congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is an important social and medical problem worldwide. Introduction of population-based neonatal screening for CH has made it possible to avoid early irreversible brain damage, early mental retardation and to provide thousands of children with normal physical and mental development.
The article describes a clinical case of CH in a newborn with clinical symptoms of progressive multiorgan failure that required hospitalization in the intensive care unit, transfer to level 3 of respiratory support, and administration of cardiotonic drugs. The positive result of neonatal screening for CH (the result was obtained on the 17th day of life) allowed to make the correct diagnosis, prescribe hormone replacement therapy, thus controlling clinical symptoms and preventing irreversible brain changes, severe mental retardation, and disablement of the child.
This article provides key data on potential use of artificial intelligence in cataract surgery. The analysis is based on more than 150 sources published over the last 10 years, related to cataract surgery and the use of artificial intelligence in medicine, particularly in the surgery of aphakia. Scientific and medical databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Springer, and eLibrary.ru were used. A total of 25 articles were selected for in-depth study.
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)