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Social and epidemiological correlates of parasuicide in Gomel region were investigated. Males and females age 18-29 belong to the risk group of parasuicide. Domestic conflict is the main trigger of parasuicide for males and females. Acute and chronic alcohol intoxication is a proximal risk factor for male parasuicide. These data can be useful for national strategy prevention of suicidal behavior.

About the Authors

Yu. E. Razvodovsky
Grodno Srate Medical University

O. L. Dukorskaya
Gomel Regional Psychiatric Hospital

V. V. Dukorsky
Mogilev State Forensic Expertise Service



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For citations:

Razvodovsky Yu.E., Dukorskaya O.L., Dukorsky V.V. SOCIAL AND PSYCHOPATOLOGICAL CORRELATES OF PARASUICIDE IN GOMEL REGION. Health and Ecology Issues. 2010;(3):137-143. (In Russ.)

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