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The article concerns the problems that arise from body contouring surgery: the right choice of surgical technique in the abdominal region, the choice of volume and borders for surgical correction of fat deposits deforming outer contour of the body (waist, lower lateral parts of the back, supragluteal area, upper part of the outer thigh). The method of objective individual planning of operations by means of computer modeling has been proposed. As it appears from comparison of the results of surgical correction after traditional planning «by sight» with the results of body contouring using designed method of computer modeling, the latter has proved its clinical effectiveness and may be recommended for practical use in aesthetic plastic surgery.

About the Author

M. F. Kurek
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Kurek M.F. BODY CONTOURING PLASTY USING COMPUTER MODELING. Health and Ecology Issues. 2010;(3):111-119. (In Russ.)

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