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39 patients with open-angle glaucoma of I-III stages were recruited into the research aimed at the definition of neuroprotective effect of Cortecsin and Retinalamin preparations. The period the consisted of parabulbar injections of Retinalamin and intramuscular injections of Cortecsin. The time of observation was 6 months. The morphometric and electrophysiological methods have confirmed that the thickness of nerve fibers layer of retina, the area of neuroretinal zonule, the amplituden and latency of a- and b-waves of electroretinogram increase and the diameter of excavation decreases. The profile of effectiveness, safety and tolerance for the preparations allows assuming that they are right as means of the first row for various therapeutic modalities in patients with glaucoma.

About the Authors

Yu. I. Razhko
Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology, Gomel

L. N. Marchenko
Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology, Gomel

N. A. Rebenok
Belarussian State Medical University, Minsk

A. O. Krivun
Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology, Gomel

L. V. Dravitsa
Gomel State Medical University

Yu. L. Belkevich
Gomel State Medical University

T. V. Bobr
Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology, Gomel

Zh. I. Lenkova
Belarussian State Medical University, Minsk

D. P. Glushko
Belarussian State Medical University, Minsk


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For citations:

Razhko Yu.I., Marchenko L.N., Rebenok N.A., Krivun A.O., Dravitsa L.V., Belkevich Yu.L., Bobr T.V., Lenkova Zh.I., Glushko D.P. NEURORETINOPROTECTIVE EFFECT OF CORTECSIN AND RETINALAMIN TREATMENT OF OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA. Health and Ecology Issues. 2010;(3):50-55. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)