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The aims of the present study were: to estimate the effect of per capita alcohol consumption on all-cause mortality in Belarus and to compare the alcohol effect for Belarus with that found for other countries. Annual data on male all-cause mortality and alcohol sale per capita for the period 1970-2005 were analysed using the Box-Jenkins technique. Female mortality was included as a control variable and regarded as a proxy for other causal factors. The outcomes suggest that a 1-litre increase in consumption was associated with an increase in male all-cause mortality of about 2,3 %. The present study strengthens the notion of alcohol consumption as an important determinant of population health , and thus the notion that alcohol control must be a key priority for Belorussian public health policy.

About the Authors

Y. E. Razvodovsky
Grodno State Medical University

T. . Norstrom
Swedish Institute for Social Research


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For citations:

Razvodovsky Y.E., Norstrom T. ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION AND ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY IN BELARUS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2010;(2):118-120. (In Russ.)

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