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A Method of Mobilization of the Lower Epigastric Artery for Bypass Penile Revascularization Surgery


The effectiveness of microsurgical revascularization performed according to indications ranges from 85.3% within the first three years of observation and up to 65.5 % during a five-year follow-up. These data are significant evidence of the necessity to rationalize both the indications for this kind of surgery and the surgical techniques. Five revascularization operations were performed using the Virag II and Michal II technique in the Sharlip modification with a satisfactory result. Two-stage combined revascularization, including angioplasty and stent placement in the common iliac artery as the first stage and open penile revascularization surgery as the second stage was performed in one patient. In all the cases, the lower epigastric artery (epigastrica inferior) was used as a donor artery for bypass epigastric-penile anastomosis. The article discusses issues of the mobilization of the above artery for its use as a donor shunt, as well as methods of prevention and diagnosis of arterial thrombosis in it in the postoperative period with the use of duplex ultrasound and angiography.

About the Authors

E. A. Povelitsa
State institution "Republican Scientific and Practical Center Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology "

A. M. Shesternya
State institution "Republican Scientific and Practical Center Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology "

E. E. Anashkina
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"

O. V. Parhomenko
State institution "Republican Scientific and Practical Center Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology "


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For citations:

Povelitsa E.A., Shesternya A.M., Anashkina E.E., Parhomenko O.V. A Method of Mobilization of the Lower Epigastric Artery for Bypass Penile Revascularization Surgery. Health and Ecology Issues. 2018;(4):93-98. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)