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Analysis of the Carcinogenic Potential of Helicobacter Pylori Based on Determination of the Degree of Phosphorylation of the Caga Protein Bacteria


The developed molecular and genetic method for analysis of the carcinogenic potential of Helicobacter pylori based on determining the degree of phosphorylation of the cytotoxin-associated protein of the bacterium (CagA) has been presented. The degree of phosphorylation of CagA protein of Helicobacter pylori is estimated by determining the number and type of so-called EPIYA (Glu-Pro-Ile-Tyr-Ala) motifs at the carboxyl end of the CagA protein region using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and sequencing of the CagA gene locus. The proposed method can be used to form groups of patients who need additional examination and follow-up observation for the purpose of early prediction of pathological conditions associated with the infectious process caused by Helicobacter pylori strains dominating in the Republic of Belarus. The determination of the number and type of EPIYA motifs can be used as an additional criterion for detection of risk groups for gastrointestinal diseases.

About the Authors

E. V. Voropaev
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"

O. V. Osipkina
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"

O. Yu. Baranov
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"

A. A. Zyatkov
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"

N. A. Bonda
State institution "Gomel Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health"

E. N. Platoshkin
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"

A. V. Voropaeva
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"

V. N. Belyakovsky
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"

S. L. Achinovich
“Gomel Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary”

A. S. Shaforost
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"

V. I. Zaitseva
"Gomel City Clinical Hospital № 2"


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For citations:

Voropaev E.V., Osipkina O.V., Baranov O.Yu., Zyatkov A.A., Bonda N.A., Platoshkin E.N., Voropaeva A.V., Belyakovsky V.N., Achinovich S.L., Shaforost A.S., Zaitseva V.I. Analysis of the Carcinogenic Potential of Helicobacter Pylori Based on Determination of the Degree of Phosphorylation of the Caga Protein Bacteria. Health and Ecology Issues. 2018;(4):86-93. (In Russ.)

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