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6-minute walking test as loading assay At stress-echocardiography carrying out AMONG children with PROLAPSE OF mitral valve


In the article findings of investigation of 20 children surveyed in cardiological department apropos prolapse of mitral valve are presented. To patients loading assay in the form of the 6-minute walking test was spent at stress-echocardiography carrying out. It is established, that the 6-minute walking test can be used as loading assay at children with prolapse of mitral valve for the purpose of dynamics assessment prolapse and regurgitations in the conditions of an exercise stress. The given method allows to individualise exercise stresses in out-patient conditions and to define further tactics of conducting patients with prolapse of mitral valve.

About the Authors

N. A. Skuratova
Gomel Regional Children's Hospital

A. G. Izhakovskaja
Gomel Regional Children's Hospital

V. M. Slepakova
Gomel Regional Children's Hospital

N. L. Bilskaja
Gomel Regional Children's Hospital


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For citations:

Skuratova N.A., Izhakovskaja A.G., Slepakova V.M., Bilskaja N.L. 6-minute walking test as loading assay At stress-echocardiography carrying out AMONG children with PROLAPSE OF mitral valve. Health and Ecology Issues. 2009;(2):80-84. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)