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Malnutrition is common in chronic and acute gastrointestinal disease affecting both morbidity and mortality. Quality of life is generally low in benign gastrointestinal disease and is further reduced in patients who are classified as malnourished. There are a lot of difficulties for diagnosing and appropriate assessment of patients with this malnutrition. This article dedicated to the current issues such as: screening methods and ways of correction and care of this syndrome.

About the Authors

S. A. Vasilevskaya
Belarussian Medical Academy of Post-graduation Education

U. H. Marahovsky
Belarussian Medical Academy of Post-graduation Education

V. P. Kalachik
Belarussian Medical Academy of Post-graduation Education


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For citations:

Vasilevskaya S.A., Marahovsky U.H., Kalachik V.P. MALNUTRITION: VERIFICATION, LABORATORY AND ANTHROPOMETRIC METHODS OF ASSESMENT. Health and Ecology Issues. 2009;(2):66-74. (In Russ.)

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