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Social and Psychological Factors Determining Welfare and Life Values of a Modern Family (By the Example of Families in Gomel Region)


Objective: to study social and psychological factors determining welfare and life values of a modern family (by the example of families in Gomel region). Material and methods. The methodical basis of the study was selective single observation. 1100 respondents aged 18-60 and older (342 men, 758 women) took part in a sociological survey. To obtain scientifically proved results, the received data were subjected to the statistical analysis. Results. The study has revealed that every fifth family is incomplete. Almost half of the families have their own accommodation. More than half of the interviewed families have a median income level. In spite of the fact that almost all the families (86.6%) experience occasional conflict situations, most of them (60.1 %) observe a positive family atmosphere, which is most characteristic for spouses aged 32-45. More than half of the families (52.4 %) face marital discords and this problem is especially urgent for the age range of 46-59, which is characterized by growing contradictions, disagreements and conflicts. The main causes of the conflicts are household chores, running the house and solving financial problems. In most families (42.8 %) both the parents take part in up-bringing of children, whereas in every third family the mother and other relatives take the key role in this process. With age there are more fathers giving more attention to up-bringing of their children (from 1.4 % to 81.2 %). Among the dominant family values, health of family members takes the first place in the hierarchy, academic progress of children occupies the second place, diligence and discipline - the third place. Conclusion. The article describes the factors determining psychological welfare and health of a modern family.

About the Authors

L. G. Soboleva
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"

T. M. Sharshakova
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"

I. A. Atarik
State institution "Gomel Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health"

N. G. Novak
Educational institution “Gomel State University. F. Skaryna "

E. A. Shundikova
State institution "Gomel Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health"


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For citations:

Soboleva L.G., Sharshakova T.M., Atarik I.A., Novak N.G., Shundikova E.A. Social and Psychological Factors Determining Welfare and Life Values of a Modern Family (By the Example of Families in Gomel Region). Health and Ecology Issues. 2018;(4):71-75. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)