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Organizational and Clinical Approaches to Delivering Health Care to Patients with Anophthalmos


On the basis of the analysis of the approaches to the organization of medical care to patients after ocular prosthetics existing in the Republic of Belarus and the study of the level of awareness of ophthalmologists about the problem of anophthalmos, organizational and clinical recommendations about delivery of health care to this category of patients have been offered. The model of the organization of such care has been developed and comprises a multidisciplinary approach and an algorithm of examination and dispensary observation of patients with anophthalmos for the ophthalmologist in out-patient conditions.

About the Authors

A. N. Barash
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"

T. M. Sharshakova
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"

G. F. Malinovskiy
State educational institution "Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education"


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For citations:

Barash A.N., Sharshakova T.M., Malinovskiy G.F. Organizational and Clinical Approaches to Delivering Health Care to Patients with Anophthalmos. Health and Ecology Issues. 2018;(4):67-71. (In Russ.)

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