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Comparative Anatomic Description of the Mucosal Folds of the Duodendrum in Newborns and Adults


Objective : to reveal distinctive features of the structure of the mucosal folds of each part of the duodenum in newborns and adults. Material and methods . We have performed a comparative anatomic and morphometric study of the folds of the duodenal mucosa of 40 newborns and 93 adults aged 31-75. Results . We have obtained new data on general signs and distinctive features of the structure of the folds of the duodenal mucosa in newborns and adults. Conclusion . Complicated relief of the mucous membrane in each part of the duodenum expressed in changes of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its folds should be considered as a morphological manifestation of adaptation to the type of food having changed in the conditions of extrauterine life. General signs of the macroscopical structure of the folds of the duodenal mucosa of newborns and adults are reflexion of the general plan of the structure of the relief of the human duodenal mucosa.

About the Authors

V. V. Kovalenko
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"

E. K. Shesterina
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"

A. I. Balako
Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University"


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For citations:

Kovalenko V.V., Shesterina E.K., Balako A.I. Comparative Anatomic Description of the Mucosal Folds of the Duodendrum in Newborns and Adults. Health and Ecology Issues. 2018;(4):42-47. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)