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ONCE Again to the issue of fluorosis in Belarus


A nidus of fluorosis was revealed in Mogilev region, the reason is high content of fluoride in local water ([F] = 5,5mg/l). The source of water lies 169m deep, the water supplies the system that has been serving one of the village streets for the last 29 years. All of the 12 teenagers living in the street since early childhood have teeth impacted with fluorosis, from mild (45,5%) to moderate (36,4%) to greater forms (18,2%). The prevalence of dental caries among the teenagers is significantly lower than among those living in fluoride deficit areas. Their day urine contains a very high level of F ([F] = 4,3mg/l), which should be interpreted as a marker of a high actual F intake. Changing the water source was suggested, as well as special activities to rehabilitate inhabitants’ health condition, and temporal limitation in use of F-containing caries prevention applications.

About the Authors

T. N. Popruzhenko
Belarusian State Medical University

T. V. Popruzhenko
Belarusian State Medical University


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For citations:

Popruzhenko T.N., Popruzhenko T.V. ONCE Again to the issue of fluorosis in Belarus. Health and Ecology Issues. 2008;(1):134-139. (In Russ.)

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