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The aim of the investigation is to study determination of diagnostic possibilities of faecal faeces-protecting and various methods for revelation of hidden blood in faeces in an uninvasive diagnostic of stomach organic pathology. The material and methods of the investigation: we have examined 43 patients diseased with a stomach cancer (an average age of patients was 66,0 ± 9,9 years old), 36 patients diseased with the gastro duodenal ulcers (an average age of patients was 39,1 ± 14,9 years old) and 27 patients diseased with a stomach dyspepsia (an average age of patients was 28,9 ± 52,2 years old). The stomach cancer diagnostic was made with a help of fibrogastroscopy by taking biopsy. As a result of the investigation it was determined that the faecal faeces-protecting as an uninvasive marker of the stomach organic pathology possessed of big specificity which was 89,5% but by a sensitiveness exceeded both the hemoccult-test and immune chemical test for hidden blood in faeces though statistically significant these distinctions reach only in respect of an immune chemical test (p < 0,05). The immune chemical test for hidden blood in faeces is not aptitude for the diagnostic pathology of gastro duodenal zone because its low sensitiveness. A joint determination of the faecal faeces-protecting and hidden blood in faeces raises the sensitiveness but reduces the specificity test in revelation of stomach organic pathology in comparison with the faecal faeces-protecting though this tendency is not reaching the statistically significant (p < 0,05). The sensitiveness of the joint determination of two markers in revelation of stomach cancer exceeds the test sensitiveness in revelation of the gastro duodenal ulcers (p < 0,05) and mounts to 88,5%.

About the Authors

E. I. Michailova
Gomel State Medical University

S. I. Pimanov
Vitebsk State Medical University

E. V. Voropaev
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Michailova E.I., Pimanov S.I., Voropaev E.V. FAECES-PROTECTING AND HIDDEN BLOOD IN FAECES IN UNINVASIVE DIAGNOSTIC OF STOMACH ORGANIC PATHOLOGY. Health and Ecology Issues. 2008;(1):59-64. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)