
Health and Ecology Issues

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At present time it is difficult to imagine ecology as a science which is possessed by the all or parts of signs which are characteristic for the science generally and which are would not coincide with a row of other sciences included in this field of activity, and that is necessary to treat as a specific common to all science approach to learn nature and society. A principal and specific purpose of hygiene as a science is to become acquainted with the laws and regularity of interaction of a healthy human, the healthy collectives, peopling, population with natural and changeable environment, and on this base to develop the methods and means for providing the preservation and strengthening human society as a whole. There is a problem before the hygiene science is to provide a monitoring of the health of population with influence of the factors of environment on the base of dynamic before illness observation and hygiene diagnostics for needs of clinic system. There is an urgent necessity to organize a Russian national medical-prophylactic institute instead of groundless liquidated the Leningrad’s sanitary-hygiene medical institute in term of collapse of the USSR in 90-teens of XX century, where side by side with the doctors of medical-prophylactic profiles should be trained the doctors of ecology.

About the Authors

M. P. Zakhartchenko
Institute of Ecology and Health

V. M. Zakhartchenko
Institute of Ecology and Health

M. M. Zakhartchenko
Institute of Ecology and Health


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For citations:

Zakhartchenko M.P., Zakhartchenko V.M., Zakhartchenko M.M. METHODOLOGY OF ECOLOGY AND HYGIENE AT CONTEMPORARY STAGE. Health and Ecology Issues. 2007;(3):140-146. (In Russ.)

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