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We researched factors of prognosis of the cancer of rectum 2-3 stadium after preoperative radiation therapy. Correlative dependencies between apart prognostic rates which characterize complications of the main disease (development of recidives, production of metastasis) were estimated. Prognostic importance in quality of factors, negatively influencing on the prognosis of the disease was revealed. Tumor size, kind of growth and invasive growth into intestinal wall, quantity of lymphatic nodes with metastasis, high level of Ki-67, p53 expression, stage of malignancy, conditions of tumor edge and intravascular invasion occurred to be the most important. The results, we got, can be used in evaluation of the stage of risk of postoperative complications development after carried preoperative radiation therapy.

About the Authors

S. L. Achinovich
Gomel Regional Clinical Oncologycal Dispancer

E. A. Nadierov
Gomel State Medical University

O. A. Golubev
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Achinovich S.L., Nadierov E.A., Golubev O.A. FACTORS OF PROGNOSIS OF THE CANCER OF RECTUM II-III STADIUM AFTER PREOPERATIVE RADIATION THERAPY. Health and Ecology Issues. 2007;(3):49-54. (In Russ.)

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