It was studied the early and long-term results of staged reconstruction with silicon T-tube of 37 patients with cicatricial trachtal stenosis. In 36 (97,3%) patients tracheal stenosis was iatrogenic after respiratory reanimation. Indications for staged tracheal reconstruction with silicon T-tube and techniques of the tracheoplasty with patients own rib cartilage are given. Complications of the tracheal reconstructions were granulations (37,8%), restenosis (24,3%) and wound infection (5,4%). Ninety two percent patients showed good and satisfactory long-term results.
About the Authors
A. A. TaturBelarus
S. I. Leonovich
V. V. Tchaykovsky
A. A. Goncharov
V. L. Tchecan
V. A. Stakhievich
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For citations:
Tatur A.A., Leonovich S.I., Tchaykovsky V.V., Goncharov A.A., Tchecan V.L., Stakhievich V.A. USE OF SILICONE T-TUBE IN THE SURGICAL TREATMENT OF CICATRIAL TRACHEAL STENOSIS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2007;(2):24-29. (In Russ.)